Big Data Analytics: A Preliminary Study of Open Source Platforms
Jorge Nereu
, Ana Almeida
and Jorge Bernardino
Computer Engineering Department (DEI), ISEP, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
ISEC-CISUC, Polytechnic of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal
Keywords: Big Data Analytics, BI, Open Source Big Data Platforms.
Abstract: Nowadays organizations look for Big Data as an opportunity to manage and explore their data with the
objective to support decisions within its different operational areas. Therefore, it is necessary to analyse
several concepts about Big Data Analytics, including definitions, features, advantages and disadvantages.
By investigating today's big data platforms, current industrial practices and related trends in the research
world, it is possible to understand the impact of Big Data Analytics on smaller organizations. This paper
analyses the following five open source platforms for Big Data Analytics: Apache Hadoop, Cloudera,
Spark, Hortonworks, and HPCC.
Nowadays we observe huge volumes of data in
constant growth, due to the evolution of technology
together with the massive exchange of information.
Therefore it is essential to make use of sophisticated
platforms to deal with this massive quantity of data.
There are two types of platforms available for
handling Big Data - Open Source and Proprietary
Software - which are used by organizations to
manage their information. However, many of the
organizations do not know the benefits, advantages,
and disadvantages that these platforms offer in cost,
operation, and information management.
In recent times all types of organizations are
present on the Internet, and this channel has a great
impact on their business, taking care of what
customers want and also serving as a guide for new
products and what is offered. This process also
highlights the huge deal of information on what has
to do with products and services for sale.
This is the main reason why this research work is
carried out to analyse in particular the Open Source
platforms for analytics that best fit in Small and
Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Non-
governmental organizations (NGO).
Currently, organizations and companies have
opted for the adoption of open source and
proprietary software platforms oriented to Big Data
to solve problems of handling, management, storage,
and analysis of information.
In order to justify this work, an analysis will be
carried out between the open source platforms that
can be adopted by SMEs and that cannot or do not
wish to acquire proprietary platforms.The objective
is to discover what kind of platforms and tools
would be most suitable for their environment.
This paper analyses the following open source
platforms for Big Data Analytics: Apache Hadoop,
Cloudera, Spark, Hortonworks, and HPCC.
The rest of this paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents the related work, and section 3
describes Big Data and Analytics. In section 4 we
describe the analysed platforms for Big Data
Analytics. Section 5 presents a comparision of the
main features of the analysed platforms. Finally,
conclusions and future work are summarized in
Section 6.
Multiple research works have been done to compare
and evaluate existing Big Data platforms with some
research focused on a specific capability, technology
or purpose (Lapa et al., 2014), (Bernardino, 2011/
2015), (Neves and Bernardino, 2015).
Almeida and Bernardino (2015) focus on the
capability of mining data, and in a mix of technical
parameters and features that are suitable for Small
and Medium Enterprise environments.
Nereu, J., Almeida, A. and Bernardino, J.
Big Data Analytics: A Preliminary Study of Open Source Platforms .
DOI: 10.5220/0006470104350440
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Software Technologies (ICSOFT 2017), pages 435-440
ISBN: 978-989-758-262-2
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
On the other hand, Morshed et al. (2016) focused
their work on platforms addressing distributed real-
time data analytics and concluded that the platforms
analysed do not cover all the features that are
required for distributed computation in real-time.
Miller et al. (2016) works on platforms written in
SCALA programming language that supports both
the object-oriented and functional programming
paradigms built on top of JAVA.
Landset et al. (2015) presented a comprehensive
survey of open source tools for machine learning
with big data in the Hadoop ecosystem to
researchers or professionals in machine learning but
is inexperienced with big data.
(Sagiroglu and Sinanc (2013) provides an
overview of big data such as samples, methods,
advantages and challenges. They compare Hadoop
and HPCC by their architectures, primary languages,
and indexes in a Distributed File System, data
warehouse abilities and performance tests where
HPCC shows the best results.
Another recent paper describes an experiment
with 40-node using Hadoop Platforms
(Hortonworks, Cloudera or Apache), Spark for
streaming data processing, HBase and OpenTSDB to
store time series sensor data. The authors present the
characteristics, requirements, and configurations of
Hadoop platforms (Liu et al., 2016).
Consequently, there exist few works which do an
evaluation based on specific capability, technology
or purpose. Our work contributes to the
identification of the Big Data platforms for analytics
that may be suitable for SMEs in their operations.
Organizations find it difficult to perform a detailed
analysis and provide new advantages and
opportunities to their stakeholders. Some collected
data which ranges from customers’ names,
addresses, available products, purchases as well as
the employees recruited, has become very important
for daily operations (“Ventana Research,” 2014).
With this data, it is even more evident that
technology is imperative in data storage and its
recovery. Technological developments contribute to
an increase in capabilities to store more data as well
as more methods of collecting this data.
Additionally, huge amounts of data have been made
easily accessible (Inoubli et al., 2016).
Presently, organizations explore large data
volumes that are highly detailed to discover the facts
that they were not aware of initially.
Big Data provides government and business
organizations new ways to combine miscellaneous
digital data sets and after that, use statistics and
other data mining techniques to extract from them
both occult information and astonishing correlations
(Rubinstein, 2012). In short, Big Data is described as
an enormous volume of structured, semi-structured
and unstructured data that is so big that it is difficult
or impossible to process using traditional database
systems and software techniques.
3.1 Big Data Analytics
Big Data Analytics is becoming a trending practice
that many companies are adopting to build valuable
information (Sivarajah et al., 2017). The main
objective of Big Data Analytics is to become an
asset for making business decisions as well as for
data scientists and other analytics professionals to
analyse enormous volumes of transaction data.
Platforms oriented to Big Data Analytics are the
greatest promoters of the paradigm shift of Big Data.
These platforms manage large volumes of data and
also work as an application of various analytical
techniques for large volumes of data (Miller et al.,
2016). To extract useful information from large data
volume tools, it is appropriate to collect, store and
process data from various analytical perspectives
(Prasad and Agarwal, 2016).
3.2 Big Data Ecosystems
The ecosystem of big data includes several aspects
such as data, the lifecycle models of big data, and
finally the infrastructure that is used for support
(Murthy and Bowman, 2014).The maturity of big
data and predictive analysis leads to more open
source contributors to the technologies used to
empower the solutions. Presently, all types and sizes
of vendors are making use of open sources for big
data processing and the predictive analytics process
(Pääkkönen and Pakkala, 2015). In some cases, the
cloud, as well as open sources for storage and
computing, are the technological catapults that
enable start-ups and the emergence of small
companies to compete with the more established
ones (Sen et al., 2016). Big Data open source
platforms are divided into several categories, which
are data storage and access, development tools, and
platforms for analytics and reporting (Miller et al.,
In the next section, we will analyse five of the
most popular open source big data platforms.
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
A Big Data platform should be a solution that is
specifically designed to meet the needs of one
organization (Chandrasekhar et al., 2013).
The next section describes the characteristics of
five most popular platforms for Big Data (Landset et
al., 2015): Apache Hadoop, Cloudera, Spark,
Hortonworks, and HPCC.
4.1 Apache Hadoop
The Apache Hadoop is a free software project of the
Apache foundation that implements the MapReduce
paradigm and the Hadoop Distributed File System
(HDFS). This open source platform allows
distributed processing of large data sets across
clusters of servers using simple programming
models, where one cluster is designated as the
master node and other as a slave node (Prasad and
Agarwal, 2016). This platform has been projected to
scale from one server to thousands of servers where
each has its own local processing and storage
Hadoop®,” 2016).
The two most important functions that
characterize the platform are MapReduce and
HDFS, where MapReduce supports analysis of data
and HDFS supports storage of data (Saraladevi et
al., 2015). HDFS is at the base of the architecture as
shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Hadoop Architecture (Saraladevi et al., 2015).
MapReduce main advantage is the accomplish-
ment of parallelization and failover by splitting the
work into multiple units (Chandrasekhar et al., 2013;
Miller et al., 2016). Another significant advantage of
Hadoop MapReduce pointed by authors is that it
permits non-expert users an easy way to run
analytical jobs over Big Data.
The platform uses Hadoop Distributed File
System (HDFS), which is based on the distributed
Google File System – GFS. It supports a scalable
distributed file system that stores huge files in
various and distributed machines in a reliable and
efficient way (Inoubli et al., 2016).
The HDFS automatically replicates data across
various nodes for fault tolerance (Inukollu et al.,
2014). There are two types of nodes in a cluster. The
first is the name-node (master) and the second is the
data-node (slave). The name-node manages files,
blocks, and mapping in a formation of the data-
nodes, the data-node is responsible for storing data
from a block unit into a number of locations
separately. HDFS files are also replicated in
multiples in order to provide parallel processing of
large amounts of data (Khan et al., 2014).
4.2 Cloudera
Cloudera is the most well-known platform based on
Apache Hadoop, which offers an effective platform
that empowers organizations to gain insights from
all their data (structured or unstructured)
(Chandrasekhar et al., 2013). Cloudera is on the
front line of the data management. Furthermore,
Cloudera is the most innovative and contributes
most for the open source Apache Hadoop platform
(Sabapathi and Yadav, 2016). Cloudera is the leader
in Hadoop-based platforms (Chandrasekhar et al.,
2013) and has the same methods, functions, and
main properties present in Hadoop, but it includes
other efficient tools for social media (Murthy and
Bowman, 2014). Cloudera maximizes the
capabilities of Hadoop in storage, retrieval, and
analysis (Murthy and Bowman, 2014) and enables
enterprises to take advantage of its features of SQL
tools to achieve real-time analytics (Prasad and
Agarwal, 2016).
Where this platform stands out from the original
Hadoop system is that it offers big data processing at
faster speeds (Prasad and Agarwal, 2016), and with
its user-friendly interface with many features and
useful tools like Cloudera Impala. We can see the
Cloudera Impala status in the Hadoop Stack in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Cloudera Impala Status in Hadoop Stack
analytics (Prasad and Agarwal, 2016).
Big Data Analytics: A Preliminary Study of Open Source Platforms
Impala is a real-time, parallelized processing
engine with an SQL-based interface that queries the
storage (HDFS and HBASE). Impala is seen as the
fastest querying engine present in the Hadoop-based
platforms. Moreover, is not just the Impala that
stands out from the other platforms; the Cloudera
Manager is more stable and complete in features
than the Ambari (HDP) and resource manager
(Hadoop) (Azarmi, 2015).
4.3 Spark
Spark is an open source framework that was
originally developed at UC Berkley in 2009 (Inoubli
et al., 2016). This platform stands out for running
programs faster than Hadoop MapReduce on disk or
memory. Spark API supports Java, Scala, Python
and R to develop applications quickly, and can be
integrated to work with other platforms or
standalone (“Apache Spark
,” 2016).
Apache Spark is particularly appropriate and
efficient for the analytics of heterogeneous data
(Inoubli et al., 2016) and for stateful computations
when precisely a delivery is useful indifferent
whether it takes too long or not. Spark supports real-
time distributed features, and integrates a complete
SQL interface (Spark-SQL). It uses Hive for
standard query languages, and also Domain Specific
Language – DSL for query structured data (Morshed
et al., 2016). It is similar to Impala in features and
performance (Azarmi, 2015).
Spark uses a resilient distributed dataset (RDD)
as a basic abstraction for a distributed dataset. The
core operations (map, reduce and groupByKey) can
be accomplished on the elements of the RDD and
any one of those operations is evaluated lazily
(transformations) or eagerly (actions). The distinct
property of RDD is that they are unchangeable;
operations on the RDDs create new RDDs (Miller et
al., 2016).
Apache Spark is best suitable for near real-time
data processing, and not for real-time processing
because Spark uses mini batches that are not suitable
for event level processing. The attractive feature of
Spark is the capability to manage Machine Learning
(ML) efficiently, due to its memory caching capacity
that is impressive. Almost all of the popular
streaming data sources can be easily integrated into
the Spark API (Morshed et al., 2016).
4.4 Hortonworks
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is based on
Apache Hadoop. It offers its free and open source
version of Hadoop along with services and training
(Dinsmore, 2016). HDP agglutinates the stable
components instead of distributing the latest version
of the Hadoop project (Azarmi, 2015). Contrasting
with Cloudera, HDP is 100% open source and totally
free. It is an excellent choice for organizations that
need the capability and cost-effectiveness of Apache
Hadoop, with ready business tools (Chandrasekhar
et al., 2013; “HDP,” 2016).
Figure 3: Hortonworks distribution (Azarmi, 2015).
As seen in Figure 3, HDP contains an integrated
solution comprised of open source solutions such as
Hadoop, Pig, Hive, Yarn, etc. (Khalifa et al., 2016).
The components of Hadoop core stack are
represented in blue, the components of the Hadoop
Ecosystem project are in grey, and the specific
component from HDP is represented in green
(Azarmi, 2015). To deal with the performance
issues, the HDP promotes Apache Tez as a
performance optimizer (Dinsmore, 2016). This
platform does not view the Hadoop as an alternative
to traditional data management platforms and thus
focuses on offering integration components for
traditional data management platforms (“HDP,”
2016). HDP looks for Hadoop as a tool to
complement the existing data platforms, a similar
vision with the Proprietary Software vendors.
4.5 HPPC System
The High-Performance Computing Cluster (HPCC)
Systems Big Data is an open source framework that
is used for manipulating, querying, transforming, as
well as data warehousing. This framework is
typically used as a choice instead of the Hadoop-
based platforms, and there are two versions of the
platform, one paid and one free (Chandrasekhar et
al., 2013).
The HPCC uses the Linux operating system to
support the layers of custom-built middleware
components, thus providing an environment for
running and supporting the distributed file system
for data-intensive computing. It makes use of Thor
ICSOFT 2017 - 12th International Conference on Software Technologies
data refinery that is identical to the Hadoop-
MapReduce combination, with its functions and
capabilities, however, with similar configurations, it
offers a much better performance (Furht and
Villanustre, 2016). The HPPC data delivery engine
Rapid Online XML Inquiry Engine (Roxie) as the
name suggests is an online high performance
structured query and analysis tool that supports
parallel data access processing requests per node per
second with sub-seconds response times (Furht and
Villanustre, 2016) and the ECL – Enterprise Control
Language. This Easy-to-learn and consistent
programming language (ECL) was designed
specifically for big data processing. There is another
version called the community edition, which is a free
HPCC version and is also supported by active
developers and enthusiasts’ community through
online forums of discussion. The HPCC Systems
platform has the same core technology that
LexisNexis has used for years to analyse enormous
data sets for its customers in industry, law
enforcement, government, and science (“HPCC
Systems Platform,” 2016).
Due to the high-performance and cost-
effectiveness of its implementation, the HPCC has
been adopted by several government agencies,
companies and research laboratories (Furht and
Villanustre, 2016).
This work aimed at analysing five of the most
popular open source big data platforms describing
some of the more significant qualities, characteris-
tics, capabilities, and functionalities of each
platform. Table 1 shows a succinct description and
the key features, contributing to the identification of
the Big Data platforms for analytics that may be
suitable for SMEs in their day-to-day business
Big Data and Big Data Analytics have a direct
relationship with the generation of knowledge since
it is a fundamental and necessary element for
decision-making within an organization, where
information has been acquired.
In the open source platforms analysed Hadoop is
the most used and serves as base for some other
platforms. We suggest that the Cloudera is better
suited for all contexts, particularly when users intend
to deal and interact with large data sets in real-time.
However, for integration with existing traditional
data management systems we propose Hortonworks
Data Platform because it has its own data integration
modules that allows better support for other systems
in an approach in terms of processes, analysis, and
manipulation of various data sources.
As future work we propose to test in more detail
the platforms characteristics, capabilities and
functionalities in Big Data Analytics. We intend to
experiment and explore the platforms in a real
business environment.
Table 1: Big Data Platforms – comparative table.
Description Strong Points
The most popular platform
that implements the
MapReduce paradigm and
uses the HDFS.
-Largest community
The most well-known
Hadoop-based platform.
Same methods, functions,
main properties as Hadoop,
but more efficient in storage,
retrieval, and analysis.
-Efficient tools for
social media
-SQL tools for real-
time analytics
-Training & Support
Apache Spark
This platform runs programs
faster than MapReduce on
disk or memory and can be
integrated to work with
others platforms.
-Supports several
-Integration with
other platforms
-Efficient analytics
-Memory caching
-Complete SQL
This platform is also
Hadoop-based but only uses
the stable components.
Promotes the Apache Tez to
deal with performance issues
and the Apache Ambari as
the cluster manager.
-Training & Support
-Ready business
-Low complexity for
integration into an
IT infrastructure
-Windows support
Typically chosen as
alternative to Hadoop-based
platforms, uses Thor data
refinery as a distributed file
system and for processing
data across several nodes.
language (ECL)
-Robust solution
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