Towards Framework for Choosing 360-degree Video SDK
Antti Luoto
Pervasive Computing, Tampere University of Technology, Korkeakoulunkatu 10, FI-33101 Tampere, Finland
360-degree Video, SDK, Software Development Kit.
360-degree videos are gaining popularity among consumers. Still, software developers are early adopters
of technology so it is important to map their needs for 360-degree video development. They use software
development kits that help creating software on the 360-degree video software domain. We want to find out
which factors developers need to take into account when choosing these software development kits. In this
position paper we describe a preliminary 360-degree video SDK choosing criteria, based on literature and our
own experiences, which we plan to evaluate with a survey.
360-degree videos, also known as spherical videos,
are getting more popular (Alface et al., 2011). Ap-
plications for 360-degree videos can be found for
example from entertainment, industry, surveillance,
and robotics. One of the reasons for popularity is
that head mounted displays (HMD) supporting 360-
degree video and virtual reality (VR) have become
easily available for consumers. HMD is a wearable
display device which consists of an optical system in
a helmet with displays located in front of user’s eyes
creating an illusion of depth (Shibata, 2002). They are
applicable for presenting interactive spatial informa-
tion such as 360-degree videos or VR worlds. HMDs
include dedicated display devices like Oculus Rift and
HTC Vive in addition to mobile phone devices at-
tached to headsets like Google Cardboard/Daydream
and Gear VR. 360-degree videos are also getting
more popular in web applications. For example both
Youtube and Facebook support 360-degree videos.
360-degree video domain often requires reading
the sensors of HMDs and calculating sphere math-
ematics. Luckily, there are Software Development
Kits (SDK) that help developers with such tasks. We
define SDK by using the definition by (Palme et al.,
2010): ”The SDK is as a set of development tools
that allows a developer to create applications for a cer-
tain software package and hardware platform. SDKs
differ in terms of their programming code languages,
their libraries and API support. Thus, 360-degree
video SDK is an SDK that allows developing 360-
degree video applications. A 360-degree video SDK
can, for example, offer an API that helps creating a
video player which can detect the head movements in
spherical videos both in monoscopic or stereoscopic
mode. Examples of 360-degree video SDKs include
Google VR SDK, OZO player SDK and KRPano.
Comparing those SDKs and finding the best one for
development work can require a considerable amount
of time.
360-degree video SDKs offer many useful fea-
tures but naturally they have different specifications
and features, and they cannot offer everything for ev-
erybody. For example, our experience is that some
360-degree video SDKs for mobile devices do not al-
low easy development of user interface (UI) elements
such as user interaction points. However, some of
those 360-degree video SDKs can be integrated with
a popular game engine called Unity 3D. With the help
of Unity 3D or similar game engines, UI elements can
be added more easily on top of 360-degree videos.
Still, using complex tools such as Unity 3D can re-
quire more resources. For example, (Linowes and
Schoen, 2016) state that an empty Unity 3D scene
for Android requires a much bigger application pack-
age than a simple native code application, which has
an increasing effect on memory and battery consump-
The motivation for the work is that we have use
cases for 360-degree videos so we need to choose a
convenient SDK to work with. Further, we noticed
that there seems to be relatively few scientific publi-
cations about choosing 360-degree video SDKs. The
study aims to gain knowledge about the growing field,
and the topic is significant for developers who need
Luoto, A.
Towards Framework for Choosing 360-degree Video SDK.
DOI: 10.5220/0006470600810086
In Proceedings of the 14th International Joint Conference on e-Business and Telecommunications (ICETE 2017) - Volume 5: SIGMAP, pages 81-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-260-8
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
a scientifically structured criteria for choosing 360-
degree video SDKs, for example for inspecting devel-
opment tools.
Our research questions are:
Which criteria is important when software devel-
opers choose SDKs for 360-degree video applica-
tion development?
What features software developers hope for 360-
degree video SDKs to have?
To answer these questions we present a prelim-
inary criteria for choosing an SDK from the devel-
oper’s viewpoint. Our study can be seen as a contri-
bution to developer experience studies.
The structure of the paper is as follows. Section 2
presents the scientific background for our work. Sec-
tion 3 describes the identified criteria for choosing a
360-degree video SDK. Section 4 analyses the criteria
and planned survey from a critical point of view. Sec-
tion 5 concludes the paper and describes our on-going
and planned research.
Our work can be seen as a part of developer experi-
ence studies. According to (Fagerholm and M
2012) developer experience ”consists of experiences
relating to all kinds of artifacts and activities that a
developer may encounter as part of their involvement
in software development. They define three devel-
oper experience categories: development infrastruc-
ture, feelings about work and the value of one’s own
contribution. Our study relates mostly to the first one
since SDKs are a part of development infrastructure.
Since 360-degree video software development has
similarities to VR software development, (Bierbaum
and Just, 1998) offers the most related background for
our work. According to them, the primary require-
ments for VR development environment include per-
formance, flexibility, and ease of use. On a more de-
tailed level they list required capabilities and factors
such as cross-platform development, support for VR
hardware, high-level and low-level interfaces, pro-
gramming languages, user interaction, minimal lim-
itations, and choosing between commercial and open
solutions, all of which we also included in our crite-
ria. They discuss about the whole development envi-
ronment where as we concentrate more on choosing
only the SDK. The following background describes
research about how developers choose their SDKs on
other domains (than 360-degree video domain) and
what they need to consider when doing that.
(Palme et al., 2010) propose a six-dimension
benchmark (security, individual and organization
buyer choice, market growth, ease of implementation
and net revenue) for choosing a smart phone operat-
ing system (OS) for mobile application development.
The dimensions are based on their own opinion about
the most critical ones. They take SDK related view-
points into account for example by saying that the
OS SDK for Android is related to ease of develop-
ment and market availability. They also note that the
license of an SDK can have an effect on the usage
decision. We did not include security in our criteria
because we think that security is not among of the
most essential characteristics for a 360-degree video
SDK. If there are security related requirements, the
other software components should offer the solution
for most of them.
(Nykaza et al., 2002) interviewed developers
about their needs for SDK documentation. They stud-
ied one particular documentation and give a detailed
analysis of useful documentation features such as nec-
essary content, taking into account the target audience
and prerequisite knowledge, etc. Though documenta-
tion is an important part of using an SDK, we are not
interested only about documentations. Documenta-
tion is however related to ”ease of implementation”
found in our criteria.
(Dalmasso et al., 2013) acknowledge the problem
of the variety of different platforms and SDKs. They
formed a classification and a comparison for differ-
ent cross platform development tools for mobile plat-
forms. The classification is based on general desirable
requirements identified by themselves. The criteria
they use has some similar aspects to our work. For
example, they included the SDK’s ability to be used
for multiple platform development (also mentioned in
our interview) as a part of their criteria. Additionally,
they discuss performance in terms of CPU, memory
and power usage, which we approach from the low
resource consumption point of view.
(Argyriou et al., 2016) discuss about the chal-
lenges of designing UI in mixed 360-video and game
environment using Google VR SDK and Unity 3D.
Though they do not concentrate on creating choosing
criteria of different SDKs, they are interested about
user interaction which is also taken into account in
our criteria.
We present a criteria about the factors software devel-
opers need to concider when choosing a 360-degree
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
video SDK. The criteria is based on scientific lit-
erature, an interview with a 360-degree video ap-
plication developer from industry (with seven years
of 360-degree video application development experi-
ence), our own experiences (six months with Google
VR SDK for Android, Nokia OZO SDK and Unity
3D). The interview with an expert was helpful espe-
cially from the web development perspective. Ad-
ditional background for the criteria comes from our
discussions with industry partners that have made us
interested in some particular use cases such as user
logging and user interaction.
3.1 Platforms, Domains and SDKs
As Table 1 presents, there are multiple platform al-
ternatives for 360-degree video applications. Every
SDK can not support every platform but for example
web browser applications can be run in different kind
of environments and Cardboard/Daydream applica-
tions can be run on different mobile devices (Android
and iOS). There are also many fields for 360-degree
video applications such as education, entertainment,
industry, and research, which can have an effect on
the desired characteristics of an SDK. Further, Table
2 lists different 360-degree video SDKs. We might be
missing some SDKs but the list works as an example
of different alternatives and it reflects the difficulty
of choosing the best one for development work from
many options.
Table 1: Example platforms for 360-video applications.
Web browser
HTC Vive
Gear VR
Oculus Rift
3.2 Features and Characteristics of
The combination of different features and character-
istics of SDK can be the most important reason for
choosing one. Table 3 lists the features and charac-
teristic that are based on our own development expe-
rience, knowledge gained from an interview with an
expert from industry and aspects found from the re-
search literature. There are naturally other features
and characteristics as well but either we have experi-
ence or we have found scientific background for the
chosen ones. The features and characteristics in the
list are elaborated in the following paragraphs.
User interaction. For immersive experience, a
convenient way to implement user interaction, for ex-
ample by adding an embedded UI on top of 360-
degree video, can be an important factor. Probably
the development of UI requires some kind of graphi-
cal API. However, not every SDK offers a possibility
to add user interaction points easily.
Minimal limitations. The usage of an SDK should
not be restricted only to the ready-made features. A
skillful programmer should be able to extend the func-
tionality if needed.
Performance. While even modern mobile devices
are powerful enough for showing 360-degree videos,
the performance requirements can increase for high
resolution videos with a high refresh rate including
other computation. An SDK should provide suffi-
cient performance for comfortable immersive expe-
rience. Some SDKs include performance monitors
but it is probably not the most essential feature for
a 360-degree video SDK if the development environ-
ment otherwise includes a performance monitor.
VR hardware support. HMDs can be integrated to
different kinds of devices that help for example with
navigation and user interaction. For example Google
Daydream supports a decicated controller that can be
used for pointing and clicking.
Low-level API. In addition to high-level interface,
an SDK can offer a low-level interface. With low-
level source code the developers can make applica-
tions that perform faster or use less resources. For
example, Google VR SDK for Android comes with
a native developer kit (NDK) that is less restricted
than the Java SDK but requires knowledge about C
and C++. On the other hand, development work’s ab-
straction level can be even increased for example with
Unity 3D integration.
Programming language. The programming lan-
guage of an SDK can have an effect on the usage de-
cision. Some programmers are more familliar with
some languages or the platform can require a certain
language. For example a high-level language can sup-
port cross-platform development better or Javascript
can be needed for web development.
Multiple platforms. Often creating a application
for a single platform is not enough but it the imple-
mentation is needed for other platforms as well. An
example of multiple platform support is Google VR
environment that is provided for Android and iOS
in addition to integration with Unity 3D and Unreal
game engines and support for web applications.
Low resource usage. Playing 360-degree videos
Towards Framework for Choosing 360-degree Video SDK
Table 2: Example 360-degree video SDKs.
SDK Developer Platform
Google VR SDK Google Android, iOS, Unity 3D, Unreal, Web
OZO player SDK Nokia Android, iOS, Oculus Mobile, SteamVR
OpenVR SDK/SteamVR SDK Valve Multiple vendors
OSVR SDK Open source Open Source VR headset
VR One SDK Zeiss VR One
krpano krpano Web
Pano2VR Garden Gnome Software Web, Cardboard
Marzipano Open source Web
Oculus SDKs Oculus VR Rift, Gear VR, Unity 3D, Unreal, Web, PC
Table 3: Different characteristics or features of 360-degree
video SDKs with background.
Feature or characteristic
User interaction (Argyriou et al., 2016)
Minimal limitations (Bierbaum and Just, 1998)
Performance (Bierbaum and Just, 1998)
VR hardware support(Bierbaum and Just, 1998)
Low-level API (Bierbaum and Just, 1998)
Programming language (Bierbaum and Just, 1998)
Multiple platforms (Dalmasso et al., 2013)
Low resource usage (Dalmasso et al., 2013)
Content management (Interview)
Web support (Interview)
Access to sensor data (LaValle et al., 2014)
Viewport tracking (LaValle et al., 2014)
Multiple 360 video formats (Own experience)
360 video format detection (Own experience)
DRM protection support (Own experience)
Free / Open source license (Palme et al., 2010)
Ease of implementation (Palme et al., 2010)
Market situation (Palme et al., 2010)
can require relatively much computing power for mo-
bile devices. With low resource usage we mean the
SDK’s ability to keep CPU, memory and power us-
age on minimal level for example for saving battery
Content management. Some 360-degree video use
cases are related to content management. For ex-
ample a 360-degree video can be a part of an edu-
cational web page managed with a content manage-
ment system. Thus, SDKs could support embedding
360-degree videos in varying content environments.
On the other hand, content management inside 360-
degree videos can be important as well. For exam-
ple, sometimes it would be useful to add text on top a
video or highlight a part of the it according to associ-
ated metadata.
Web support. While many 360-degree video ap-
plications are made for mobile devices, a support for
web applications can be more important in the fu-
ture when 360-degree videos become more popular
in web.
Access to sensor data. An SDK can support dif-
ferent ways to access sensor data for head tracking.
For example, the the head orientation can be retrieved
in many formats such as euler angles, quaternions or
matrix data. In addition, accessing accelerometer can
be needed.
Viewport tracking. With viewport tracking we
mean the video player’s ability to automatically adapt
to user’s head orientation. For HMD usage this is ba-
sically a required ability but for web applications it
can be preferable to navigate with mouse dragging.
Multiple 360 video formats. 360-degree videos
come in multiple formats so an SDK should sup-
port as many as possible. They can be monoscopic
(each frame is monocular equirectangular panorama)
or stereoscopic (two vertically-stacked equirectangu-
lar panoramas) or the video be can stream, MPEG-4,
webm etc.
360 video format detection. In addition to be able
to play different 360-degree videos, it would be help-
ful for an SDK to detect the video format. For ex-
ample, when using the class VRVideoView of Google
VR SDK for Android, it is required to set the video
format (monoscopic or steroscopic) in the program
code because the player can not detect the video for-
mat by itself.
DRM protection support. As traditional videos,
360-degree videos can be protected with digital rights
management (DRM) techniques. Not all SDKs offer
playback for DRM protected videos.
Free / Open source license. The license of an SDK
can affect the usage decision. For example, an in-
dividual developer getting familiar with field might
want to start with a completely free SDK while a com-
pany might want to pay for non-restricted usage.
Ease of implementation. When choosing tools for
software development work, the ease of implementa-
tion can be an important aspect. Ease of implemen-
tation includes things such as good documentation,
familliar technologies, the quality of an API, etc. We
SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications
include the easiness of integration with other compo-
nents such as OS’s and game engines under this cate-
Market situation. Market situation can have an ef-
fect on the SDK usage decision. For example new
devices can have new features that have the charm of
novelty. In addition, the organization’s strategy can
determine the used platform.
When starting to work with 360-degree video devel-
opment, we realized that choosing an SDK for 360-
degree video application development is not an easy
task. Additionally, we could not find a proper scien-
tific criteria for choosing an SDK. Since 360-degree
videos are a growing phenomena, a criteria for choos-
ing the tools for the development work is beneficial
for multiple parties.
To evaluate our criteria, we plan to conduct a sur-
vey. We chose the method because it is inexpensive,
we hope to reach a large respondent group and the re-
sponses are anonymous. Disadvantages in using sur-
veys include the inflexibility of the survey form and
the lack of human interaction. Piloting the survey be-
forehand is important.
We plan to make an online survey with Google
Forms. Primarily, we will call for participants from
an association called Virtual Reality Finland that sup-
ports the development of the VR and AR ecosystem
in Finland. The survey is planned to be lightweighted
and not requiring much time to answer (10-15 min-
utes). According to plan, the survey has 10 questions
divided to four sections: five multiple choise ques-
tions, four open field questions and one grid question
with a 5-step answer scale. We aim to keep the ques-
tions short and simple.
A good survey should be clear, easy to follow, and
provide enough information for respondents. There
is a danger that some respondents do not understand
what we mean with the questions. Answering to the
open text questions can be more difficult for some
respondents, so is it possible that they will leave
the open field empty, even though open text answers
could give the most interesting insight for us.
Our own development experience was limited to
working with Google VR SDK for Android, Nokia
OZO SDK and Unity 3D with simple applications.
For that reason, we wanted to interview experts from
the industry. However, we only managed to conduct
one interview because it turned out to be difficult to
get interviews from industry experts. That is one of
the reasons we try to reach for a larger respondent
group with an online survey.
The group of survey respondents can be expected
to be quite exclusive since only developers with expe-
rience about 360-degree video SDKs are able to an-
swer. Not any software developer can give proper in-
sight on the topic. Therefore, getting a large enough
response set for making meaningful research is not an
easy task.
The answers will be analyzed statistically. Open
answers naturally require more preparation for analy-
sis but at first we intend to categorize them for further
quantitative analysis. We also hope to get enough ma-
terial for qualitative analysis.
Our criteria reflects our own interests to some ex-
tent. We are most interested in some particular use
cases (like user logging and user interaction). How-
ever, we did not want to restrict the criteria only to
those topics but we wanted to gain more wide view
on the field, and we found support from the litera-
ture for many aspects. On the other hand, we assume
that some interesting and important aspects were not
included. Therefore, we hope that the planned open
questions in the survey will give insight on those fac-
While the criteria and the survey is not the main
goal of our research project, it is an important first
step to gain knowledge about the field. We real-
ize that there is a gap in current research not pro-
viding enough knowledge about developer experience
in 360-degree video development. Studying software
developers is important because, for example, (Yucel
and Edgell, 2015) state that software developers in-
vent uses for devices popular in future and they act as
early adopters of technology, so their preferences can
have effects on early market advantages.
In this position paper we presented a preliminary cri-
teria for choosing a 360-degree video SDK. The cri-
teria is based on research literature, our own experi-
ences and an interview with an expert on the domain.
To evaluate our criteria, we plan to conduct an online
survey for software developers working in the field
of 360-degree videos. Our eventual goal is to find
out on which criteria software developers choose 360-
degree video SDKs and what features are expected
from them.
The motivation for the work comes from the need
to sort out the field for further development of 360-
degree video applications. We need to choose a
proper SDK for our use cases which include user in-
teraction and user logging. In addition we hope that
Towards Framework for Choosing 360-degree Video SDK
we can identify functionality gaps in the current
The upcoming survey will be significant because
360-degree videos are gaining popularity among con-
sumers, the developers are early adopters of technol-
ogy and there are relatively few scientific publications
about choosing 360-degree video SDKs.
This work is an initial study for a research project
called 360 Video Intelligence. The purpose of the
project is to create a 360-degree video platform which
provides an easy way to run different kinds of analy-
sis, for example object detection algorithms, on 360-
degree videos. The videos with added metadata will
be then played on 360-degree video player applica-
tion. However, the player will not only play the video
with visualized metadata but it will also gather user
log for further analysis. Practical use cases for user
logging include view port prediction that can be used
for example on providing better video resolution only
to the field of view similarly to work presented in
(Ochi et al., 2014). We will also need some kind of UI
elements for visualizing the added metadata on 360-
degree videos. With the knowledge gained from de-
veloping our criteria and the following survey, we can
have a better understanding about developing such ap-
This study was made in a research project called 360
Video Intelligence. We would like to thank TEKES
for funding the project.
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SIGMAP 2017 - 14th International Conference on Signal Processing and Multimedia Applications