East (Feet)
× 10
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
North (feet)
× 10
Msl Alt kft=10 ,Tgt Alt kft=10 ,T(g)=0
Figure 13: Rmax variation with speed.
Identification of mission critical parameters is very
imperative to meet user requirements. The utility of
automated tools based on the system mathematical
behaviour is necessary to meet iterative design pro-
cesses. By incorporating operational scenarios, these
evaluation models becomes more efficient. Techni-
cal challenges associated with finalizing system spec-
ification can be overcome by utilizing remedial tac-
tics. Missile system is being evaluated through devel-
oping kinematic model against highly agile targets.
Missile seeker, propulsion and structural loading or
control power are the key sub-systems to be evalu-
ated. Individual impact of each sub-system is care-
fully examined in an operational environment. Iden-
tification of mission critical parameters are proposed
through relative frequency distributions. Sub-system
design limitations are overcome through highlighting
missile launch strategies. It is concluded that missile
seeker track track rate greatly influence close combat
situations. Long range combat advantage is possible
through improved propulsion and seeker look angle
In future, adversary’s missile dynamics can be in-
cluded in friendly missile kinematic model, to high
light those parameters that can provide situational ad-
vantage in one-to-one air combat scenarios.
This research was supported by the National Science
Foundation of China under Grants 61502391.
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Research on the Mission Critical Parameters Identification by using Kinematic Boundaries