Figure 2 shows the number of anomalies detected
regarding each type (i.e. redundancy anomaly, con-
flict of fraction permissions and conflict of modal-
ities). The number of anomalies increases with the
policy size. The obtained results can be explained by
the fact that with the increase of the police size, the
probability of having anomalies increases.
Figure 2: The number of detected anomalies.
Figure 3 shows the time gained from using clus-
tering step as a function of policy size. To compute
this metric, we run our approach without clustering.
This means that the detection step is run once on the
whole set of rules. Then, we compute the difference
in running time between the two versions of our ap-
proach (i.e., with/without clustering). As shown in
this figure, the time gained increases with the number
of policy rules.
Figure 3: Time gained from clustering step.
An XACML policy for distributed applications might
be aggregated from multiple stakeholders and could
be managed by several administrators. Therefore, it
may contain several anomalies, which may lead to
high implementation complexity. In this direction,
we have proposed an approach which is based on
decomposing the policy into clusters before search-
ing anomalies within each cluster. The evaluation re-
sults demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed ap-
proach to detect different types of anomalies. Direc-
tions for future work include the detection of other
type of anomalies, such as inconsistency and similar-
ity anomalies between two aggregated policies. As
well as the resolution of the detected anomalies.
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