pedaling load to be 200 N would be large enough for
rehabilitation. The part of load generation is planned
to be rebuilt in the near future.
To further verify the practicability of the
asymmetric pealing machine, we plan to test various
normal subjects for the comparison of individual
differences (males and females). Then we will
analysis the collected data and try to find a way to
carry out the control of medical rehabilitation. The
performance indexes used in (Smak et al., 1999;
Carpes et al., 2010) will be integrated to evaluate the
left-right-asymmetry and the effectiveness of
pedaling for rehabilitation.
The authors would like to thank Dr. Wangyong He
and Mr. Qi Shi for their contribution in this study.
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Promotion of Science (JSPS) KAKENHI under
Grants 26350673 and 16H02883, by the National
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants
61473313 and 61210011, by the Hubei Provincial
Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant
2015CFA010, and by the 111 Project, China under
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