detection using supervised machine learning
techniques have proven to be highly
effective (Watson et al., 2016). For example, a
training set with negative labels for strings containing
ill-formatted strings could report a SQL injection as
an invalid request. Another possibility is to avoid the
verification and directly transform the input into a
‘safe’ one through the string analysis. In this case, the
request can be sanitized in order to be consistent
(Alkhalaf, 2014).
Checking the C2 Property. In order to avoid the
DoS attacks, many approaches have been proposed as
well (Zargar et al., 2013). Depending on the type of
an application that processes the request, different
approaches have been proven to be effective. In our
studies, the majority of virtualization platform
orchestrators are implemented in any form of a web
service or web application. For that reason, such
platforms are susceptible to a number of DoS
including the attacks that exploit slow
request/response or fragmentation attacks. One
possibility to avoid these threats is to make use of
anomaly detection methods applied to the users’
We note that the properties of types A-C
described above form just a small subset of the issues
that can appear in user requests. However, the
scalable solutions discussed above can be applied to
other types of inconsistencies.
In this paper, we addressed the problem of the
verification and validation of user requests for
systems providing network services.
We discussed the possibilities of checking three
types of request issues, namely functional/logical
issues, resource allocation or parameter dependency
issues, and finally security issues. We also proposed
a number of scalable techniques for solving the
problems listed above and illustrated these techniques
by a number of examples of user requests.
As for the future work, we first plan to implement
the proposed request-validator solution and then
perform experimental evaluation in order to prove its
effectiveness. As one of existing platforms providing
virtual networks and service function chains has been
developed in our previous works, we plan to use it as
a case study.
Finally, we plan to study other non-functional
issues that can be added to the verification/validation
process of the user request.
The results in this work were partially funded by the
Celtic-Plus European project SENDATE, ID
C2015/3-1; French National project CARP (FUI 19);
Bilateral contracts with Orange Labs; Russian
Science Foundation (RSF), project № 16-49-03012.
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