With companies that depend on cloud computing to
sustain their business it is critical to have a
benchmark that can help the decision makers
evaluate if the cloud provider they are choosing can
meet their requirements.
In this paper, we have presented a variety of
benchmarks and the metrics they use when
evaluating the cloud. We can conclude from our
study that the existing benchmarks for cloud
computing focus on measuring performance and
availability comparing the results with the monetary
cost and do not have strong metrics to measure all of
the dependability characteristics.
Most of the benchmarks lack fault simulation or
injection because they do not possess a fault load or
metrics to do so, which would allow to measure
maintainability. Integrity is also not measured by
benchmarks as they focus on measuring I/O disk
operations and database interactions per second and
lack a metric to measure data integrity.
Although TPCx-V provides integrity by
enforcing ACID transactions and integrity rules.
Safety is not contemplated at all by the benchmarks
as it is not yet an important characteristic to be
considered in cloud environments as the cloud’s
malfunction does not have a serious impact on the
environment or user.
As future work, we propose to integrate a fault
load and new metrics so that dependability becomes
a part of the new generation of benchmarks for cloud
systems to help providers and consumers evaluate
the impact of possible failures.
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