the typology of the data collected from the pa-
tients environment based on a scenario-based ap-
• To evaluate the security requirements according to
time is thoroughly studied. The importance of our
scenario can be used to implement context-aware
techniques in WBSN-based healthcare solutions.
Therefore this paper is organized as follows. Af-
ter the introduction, we give and specify in Section 2
a new healthcare architecture for the patient monitor-
ing system. In Section 3, we present a scenario of a
diabetic patient in which we identify the security re-
quirements. Finally, we provide concluding remarks
and future prospects in Section 4.
From the literature (Al-Fuqaha et al., 2015), (Islam
et al., 2015) we can distinguish that a general archi-
tecture IoT can basically consist of three layers, per-
ception layer, network layer, and application layer.
In this sense, our main contribution in revising
the literature is to present a new healthcare archi-
tecture for IoT, which describes how a patient can
collect enormous of vital sign and activity. We ex-
plain also how doctors can remotely use the patient
monitoring system to the remote. For that, we can
find a lot of possibilities to improve the security for
IoT Architectures in health context such as (Valera
et al., 2010), (Hassanalieragh et al., 2015), (Catarin-
ucci et al., 2015), and (Horn et al., 2016). However,
most of the proposed architecture are over to focus
in only one building blocks in WBSN, Gateway, or
cloud. The challenge is to propose a new architecture,
for IoT vulnerability following in each step.
Therefore, our healthcare system architecture as
shown in Figure 1 consists of three building blocks.
• A perception layer: to collect a physiological state
and movement context, by using Wireless Body
Sensor Network (WBSN).
• Network layer: to transmit data to the remote cen-
ter, by using Smart Health Gateway.
• Application layer: to explain a good decision or
to monitoring information. While data mining
(Chun-Wei Tsai and Yang, 2014) and machine
learning (Abu Alsheikh et al., 2014) can be used
to provide smart services IoT, this lies outside the
scope of this paper.
The goal of the research is to design the embedded
security framework for IoT and to model the jamming
attack and design the defensive technique for Wire-
less Sensor Network (WSN)-based IoT. Our contribu-
tion is inspired us to propose a scenario to collect and
monitor the workout routines measurement according
to diabetes disease patient up at 7:00 in a section be-
In this section, we focus on describing the scenario a
healthcare application IoT, in which a patients health
profile and vital signs are captured sensor attached to
his or her body as shown in Figure 2.
The sensor will also be used to collect somatic
data as the reference to monitor their conditions such
as eating and others risk factors, such as Weight
measuring, Blood glucose (sugar), Electrocardiogram
(ECG), and Heartbeat rate.
It is important at this level to mention that, dia-
betes is a metabolic disease in which patient have a
high blood glucose (sugar) level over prolonged pe-
riod. In a normal subject, the fasting blood glucose
level is about 1g/l.
Moreover, we assume that a person needs to move
from one context to others. Different means of trans-
portation are generally available to include walking,
public transport, and vehicle transport.
Our contribution is twofold. We provide a match-
ing between the situation of the patient (i.e., step in
the scenario) and the relevant data from the monitor-
ing point of view. Second, we associate a set of secu-
rity requirements to each of the data a set too.
The result is very important from the adaptive se-
curity prospection since we provide a set of require-
ments on which dynamic security techniques can be
built to while taking into consideration the variation
of the security requirements.
3.1 Narrative Scenario Remote Diabetic
Patient Monitoring
In this section, we develop a scenario of patient
monitoring medical data to remote healthcare cen-
ter, a find to implement the context-aware technique
in WBSN based healthcare solutions. According to,
(Viswanathan et al., 2012), and (Islam et al., 2015) )
less research challenge over context-aware has been
developed. And our challenge is inspired us to ex-
plain a good decision to devise healthcare solution
into three generic level:
Scenario-based Vulnerability Analysis in IoT-based Patient Monitoring System