strategy to reflect the needs of customers who want to
use multiple channels simultaneously (Rigby, 2012).
Scholars commonly agree that 'Omni channel is the
way for customers to move all channels of the
enterprise freely and seamlessly'. In other words, the
omni channel strategy is an optimized way to
maximize the customer experience, creating
synergies by combining the channel’s advantages.
The purpose of this study is to apply IoT - based omni
channel to the gallery in order to maximize the
customer experience by creating synergy effect
between channels by integrating online and offline
channels of retailer. Previous research suggests that
retailers are benefiting from the synergy between
channels by building an omni channel. The benefits
are as follows. It will improve the customer
experience, create a unique brand image, increase
sales, enhance the ability of e-commerce, and gain a
competitive edge (Piotrowicz and Cuthbertson,
2014). Another benefits of the previous study are
increased customer value, improved customer
experience and convenience, increased customer
loyalty and efficiency by channel synergy, customer
flexibility, increased database knowledge of
customers, economies of scale, differentiated
services, reduced channel conflicts, price
consistency, improved communication within the
company, enhanced relationships with customers and
companies, and increased quality of service
(Zettelmeyer, 2000). Information systems play an
important role in implementing omni channels.
Retailers have tried to use various technologies to
implement omni channel. Recently, NFC and
iBeacon are used among IoT technologies because
they are relatively inexpensive and can be easily
attached and detached. Especially, the beacon module
provides uuid, major, minor, and the received signal
strength indication (RSSI) which is the power level of
the signal when it reaches the receiver, so that it is
possible to estimates proximity. The IoT technologies
can facilitate the forming of the omni channels
between offline business providers and customers,
thereby creating a new consumer behavior pattern.
Specially, NFC technology has been applied
increasingly more in tours and expositions (Expos),
as can be seen in the Museum of London in the UK,
Centre Pompidou’s Teen Galley in Paris, France, and
STRP Festival in Europe. It has also been actively
applied in Korea in museums and Expos as a form of
smart tourism since 2011 (Han et al , 2016). In other
case, IoT-based services to the hospital have been
established to improve the quality of medical services
and improve work efficiency (Park et al,
2017). Piotrowicz et al (2014) identified issues
related to omni channel and IT as follows (Piotrowicz
and Cuthbertson, 2014). There are ‘channel
integration, mobile solution, role of social media,
changing role of the physical store, diverse customer
requirements, personalization vs privacy, supply
chain redesign’. In this paper, we use IoT technology
to integrate channels, define the role of social media
and mobile solution, and find out which technology is
the most suitable.
Action research differs from case study in that the
action researcher is directly involved in planned
organizational change. The action researcher
intervenes by creating organizational change and
simultaneously studies the impact of this change
(Babüroglu and Ravn, 1992.). Baskerville et al (2016)
suggested that action research was ideal as systems
development methodology for information systems
research (
Baskerville and Wood-Harper, 2016).
Conducting organizational action research enables an
organization to solve its problems and become
‘‘better’’ in terms of some of the primary issues such
as productivity, the quality of their products and/or
services, and working conditions. We adopted afour
phase. At the diagnosing phase, we identified the
primary problems that are the underlying causes of
the gallery’s desire for change. At the action planning
phase, we specified gallery’s actions that should
relieve or improve these primary problems. At the
action taking phase, we collaborated in active
intervention with stakeholders. At the evaluation
phase, the collaborative researchers and practitioners
determinated whether the theoretical effects of the
action were realized.
Fine art gallery operates online channels for
marketing purposes and off-line channels for sales,
but does not yet have an omni- channel to provide
seamless and unified customer experience. This study
conducted a longitudinal study from 2015.04 to
2016.12 in order to build and test an omni channel
system based on various kinds of IoT technologies, to
analyze the effect of each technology.