economical situation or individual’s values. QL can
be viewed as availability of options, from which an
individual can pick during filling his life.
The QL evaluation is a difficult thing and exist a lot
opinions and approaches. QL is evaluated by the
using of indicators. Individual indicators then form a
set of indicators or the whole methodology for
evaluating the QL. As examples of methodologies
(approaches) of QL evaluation we can quote: Active
Ageing Index (AAI, 2015); Economist Intelligence
Unit Limited (EIU, 2015); Eurofound (EF, 2015);
Better Life Index (OECD,2015).
The Eurostat official methodology was selected
for the created model. This methodology comprised
nine areas for QL evaluation and for evaluation were
selected indicators in years 2007, 2011, 2015. These
years have been selected due to the availability of
data and the trend of evaluation of the individual
countries. In this paper and in this model will be
evaluated countries, that have become members of
the EU in 2004 - Czech Republic, Estonia, Cyprus,
Latvia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Poland, Slovenia
and Slovakia with compared to the EU-wide
The created model will then be applicable to
other states or other selections. Unfortunately, only
27 pointers from seven areas were available for
evaluation, so this model will work with this
number. In the case of availability of data for
multiple indicators, the model could be expanded
(more indicators and areas). List of indicators is
described by Eurostat (2017): area of indicators
(area): indicators (unit) - sign.
Material living conditions (area A): indicator
Mean and median income (unit Euro) - K1, At-
risk-of-poverty rate (% of total population) - K2,
S80/S20 income quintile share ratio (quotient) -
K3, Actual individual consumption per capita
(Nominal expenditure per inhabitant in Euro) -
K4, Severely materially deprived people (% of
total population) - K5, (In)ability to make ends
meet (% of total population) - K6, Share of total
population living in a dwelling with a leaking
roof, damp walls, floors or foundation, or rot in
window frames of floor (% of total population) -
K7, Overcrowding rate (% of total population) -
K8, Share of people living in under-occupied
dwellings (% of total population) - K9,
Productive or main activity (area B):
Unemployment rate (%) - K10, People living in
households with very low work intensity (% of
total population aged less than 60) - K11,
Average number of usual weekly hours of work
in main job by economic activity (hour) - K12,
Population in employment working during
unsocial hours - nights (%) - K13, Temporary
contracts (%) - K14,
Health (area C): Self-perceived health, good and
very good (%) - K15, Self-reported unmet needs
for medical examination, too expensive or too far
to travel or waiting list (%) - K16,
Education (area D): Education attainment,
tertiary education (% of total population) - K17,
Early leavers from education and training (% of
the population aged 18-24 with at most lower
secondary education and not in further education
or training) - K18, Individuals' level of Internet
skills (% of Individuals who completed at least 2
of the 6 internet-related activities) - K19, People
that participated in education or training in the
four preceding weeks (%) - K20,
Economic and physical safety (area E):
Population unable to face unexpected financial
expenses (% of total population) - K21,
Population in arrears, debt (% of total
population) - K22, Crime, violence or vandalism
in the area (% of total population) - K23,
Governance and basic rights (area F): Gender
employment gap (difference between the
employment rates of men/ women aged 20-64) -
K24, Gender pay gap in Industry, construction
and services, except public administration,
defense, compulsory social security (average
gross hourly earnings of male/female paid
employees as a % of average gross hourly
earnings of male paid employees) - K25,
Natural and living environment (area G):
Pollution, grime or other environmental
problems (% of total population) - K26, Noise
from neighbours or from the street (% of total
population) - K27.
As described in the previous section, 27 indicators
from seven areas of the Eurostat official
methodology from 2007, 2011 and 2015 were
selected for the QL evaluation.