ical methods (A. Ochsner, 2014), using the pose (po-
sition and orientation) as a given goal, (V. Kumar and
Shome, 2015), (S. Tejomurtula, 1999), (J.M.Porta,
2005). They are usually designed for a very spe-
cific task, and remain very limited for the higher DOF
robots. They do not guarantee closed form solutions,
and they are entirely sensible to the starting point and
singular configuration problem.
Taking into account the dynamic of motion, the
Jacobians method can also be used to resolve the IK
problem, but it has been pointed out that it does not
provide all credible solutions. Additionally, these
traditional solution methods may have a prohibitive
computational cost because of the high complexity of
the geometric structure of the robotic manipulators.
To summarize, the application of the classical IK
methods for the human body, besides its complexity,
remains just viable mathematically, do not take into
account the physiological feasibility and biofidelity of
human posture, and suffer from numerical problems
(K.Abdel-Malek, 2004) .
Optimization based approaches can be suitable ways
to overcome the above mentionned problems. It refers
to predict the realistic posture of human limb in its
feasible workspace. As any optimization problem, for
the posture prediction problem, the joint angles of the
human leg are considered as the design variables, the
constraints are considered according to physiological
feasibility and motion precision, and for the objective
function, the human performance measures are used.
There are many forms used in the literature to de-
fine the human performance measure, such as phys-
ical fatigue defined as reduction of physical capac-
ity. It is mainly the result of three reasons: magni-
tude of the external load, duration and frequency of
the external load, and vibration (Chen, 0004). How-
ever, for the movements required low speed such as
rehabilitation exercises, the physical fatigue is not so
significant. Indeed, the required movements can lead
to some human discomfort (K.Abdel-Malek, 2004),
where its evaluation may vary from person to person,
such as potential energy (Z. Mi, 2009), torque joints,
muscle fatigue, or perturbation from a neutral position
(W. M. Spong and Vidyasagar, 2006).
This study seeks to introduce a general
optimization-based formulation for posture pre-
diction of human lower limb exclusively in all
sagittal, transverse, and frontal planes with seven
degrees of freedom. Refering to the published
studies, the proposed kinematic analysis is the
first one developed in 3D plane. A new objective
function incorporating three factors that contribute to
musculoskeletal discomfort is developed as human
performance measure.
To better illustrate these aspects, the remainder of
the paper is organized as follows: In section II, the
human leg modeling will be presented. The forward
kinematics has been developed in the three planes
where motions of the human lower limb occur with
seven degrees of freedom. According to that, in sec-
tion III, the feasible workspace have been established.
In section IV, the new optimal posture prediction has
been described and thereby applied on the human
lower limb for the provided motion configuration. To
check the effectiveness of the proposed approach, in
section V, a simulation model has been developed us-
ing Matlab package. To sum up, the results of the
study are outlined in section VI.
1.1 Human Lower Limb Description
The human body is a complex system, its biomechani-
cal modeling represents a simplification of its real op-
erating. The introduction of assumptions is necessary
in this order, which are selected according to the de-
sired performances.
The model adopted for the lower limb represents a
system of articulated links connected by joints, based
on three segments to model its anatomical structure:
thigh, shank and foot considered as the length be-
tween ankle and metatarsal.
The connection of all three segments is ensured
naturally by ligaments and muscles, and should be
kinematically redundant to ensure biofidelity of the
human leg motion (S. Tejomurtula, 2005).
For a static analysis, the human leg is modeled
by a kinematic chain of rigid bodies, interconnected
by kinematic joints, which can be either simple or
complex according to required physiological behav-
ior, and thus the degree of freedom associated with
the possible joints. The principal joints are hip, knee,
and ankle (H. Faqihi and Kabbaj, 2016).
According to the special rehabilitation use, we
are interested in this study, to the human leg
motion provided in three planes of the space,
where the motion of the human leg is provided
for sevens degree-of-freedom, defined as: 3 DOF
hip (extension-flexion degree-of-freedom, abduction-
adduction degree-of-freedom, and inversion-eversion
degree-of-freedom), 1 DOF knee (extension-flexion
degree-of-freedom), 3 DOF ankle (extension-flexion
degree-of-freedom, abduction-adduction degree-of-
freedom, and inversion-eversion degree-of-freedom),
as depicted in figure 1.
ICINCO 2017 - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics