A Multi-agent Approach to Smart Home Sensors for the Elderly based on
an Open Hardware Architecture: A Model for Participatory Evaluation
Katsumi Wasaki
, Masaaki Niimura
and Nobuhiro Shimoi
Faculty of Engineering, Shinshu University, Nagano, 380-8553, Japan
Faculty of Systems Science and Technology, Akita Prefectural University, Akita, 015-0055, Japan
In-home Sensor Agent, Solitary Elderly Monitoring, Open Hardware Architecture, Anomaly Pattern Detec-
tion, Aging Society Design.
In this position paper, we present the design and implementation of an in-home sensor agent as an Internet of
Things (IoT) smart device system based on an open hardware architecture. This sensor agent is designed to
be connected to a wireless network in the target individual’s home where it collects trigger information from
various switches, motion detection sensors in the room, along with the pillow and bed. We began our study by
conducting a complete requirement analysis to determine the functions required for the home sensors. Next,
we examined the proposed system terms of its hardware and software requirements and fabricated working
prototypes. Here, it should be noted that the hardware and software were designed to aggregate connections
with various composite sensor devices in order to allow trigger collection and processing. Finally, we reviewed
visualization techniques for displaying the analytical results of the monitoring under normal conditions and
emergency situations.
Numerous application domains exist that involve
tracking and monitoring tools for the elderly. One
such domain, in which the main purpose is to guar-
antee the safety of elderly individuals when they
are alone at home, is home monitoring (Jian et al.,
2010)(Gaddam et al., 2011)(Yan et al., 2010). Other
proposals focus on a specific part of the house, such
as the bedroom (Schikhof and Mulder, 2008) or bath-
room (Chen et al., 2005). However, unsurprisingly,
there are numerous privacy issues involved in using
active sensors such as cameras or microphones. Alter-
natively, applications have also been developed with
a focus on monitoring the health conditions of elderly
individuals, such as in (Wtorek et al., 2010)(Coro-
nato et al., 2010)(Arcelus et al., 2007), which evaluate
physiological and/or physical activities. These obser-
vation methods have a high level of accuracy in terms
of detecting various behaviors of the target individual
via the use of indirect sensors, even though there is
still the possibility of more invasive watch-over capa-
bilities when other sensors detect high levels of stress.
Key points for watch-over activities include the
early awareness of something unusual happeningwith
the target individual, automatically contacting spe-
cialized institutions, and appropriately handling such
situations. Unfortunately, in the case of solitary el-
derly persons, it can be difficult to quickly notice the
occurrence of something unusual (such as a porch
light remaining on during the daytime, newspapers
piling up in a newspaper box, or the person not show-
ing up to meetings) via indirect observations alone.
Therefore, it is necessary to construct an automated
mechanism that will make it possible to observe the
inside of a residence regardless of the time of day or
night with a high level of accuracy through a gradual
reduction of psychological barriers.
Solitary elderly are typically unemployed persons
that spend most of their time at home, often with little
communication with the outside world. Despite this,
since the daily pattern of everyday lives normally re-
main constant, it is possible to monitor situations and
ascertain the condition of a target individual at home
via the operation of his or her electrical appliances
and home equipment, and, in doing so, maintain an
awareness of possible hazards to the individual.
For example, an elderly individual might habit-
ually wake up at approximately six in the morning,
open and close the refrigerator at various times dur-
ing the day to prepare breakfast, lunch, and dinner,
spend the evening watching television, and go to bed
Wasaki, K., Niimura, M. and Shimoi, N.
A Multi-agent Approach to Smart Home Sensors for the Elderly based on an Open Hardware Architecture: A Model for Participatory Evaluation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006479103860391
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications (SIMULTECH 2017), pages 386-391
ISBN: 978-989-758-265-3
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Figure 1: Overview of our elderly monitoring network,
which uses multi-fusion sensors and an in-home agent.
at ten at night. He or she might also habitually partic-
ipate in group activities on Friday afternoons. These
examples present typical patterns of a normal lifestyle
that many elderly individuals share.
In our present study, we seek to enable the auto-
matic detection of abnormal changes of a target in-
dividual at an early stage using a non-invasive col-
lection of triggers that originate from life patterns or
cyclic events, while simultaneously considering re-
duced psychological barriers, by installing sensors in
the individual’s home. To achieve this, as illustrated
in Figure 1, our study proposes the “Solitary Senior
Citizens Life Support System of Depopulated Region
Area”, which requires the installation of sensor agents
in an individual’s home in order to ascertain normal
life patterns and gather information on event triggers.
Then, in cases involving changes that deviate widely
from these patterns (i.e., anomalies), our system can
rapidly detect these variations and immediately report
them to a predefined individual in charge of the obser-
vation network.
The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-
lows. First, we review and analyze the requirements
for our system in conjunction with the bed monitor
and pillow sensors. Then, based on results of an over-
all requirement analysis, we consider the functions
necessary for sensors in the home. Next, we place
our sensor agent, MaMoRu-Kun which means “to de-
fend and save” in Japanese, within the home as an em-
bedded system, after which we examine its require-
ments in terms of hardware and software specifica-
tions. Here, it should be noted that the hardware and
software were designed to aggregate connections with
various composite sensor devices in order to collect
and process trigger data. We then examine the speci-
fications in terms of the sending protocol and format
for all data collection servers connected using a wide-
area long-term evolution (LTE) wireless network. Fi-
nally, we review visualization techniques for display-
ing the analytical results of the monitoring under nor-
mal conditions and during an emergency situation.
The most important point for watch-over activities is
alerting to abnormalities regarding the target individ-
ual as early as possible. Here, it is necessary to iden-
tify a threshold level that requires an urgent response
via a combination of exterior and interior observa-
tions. An increased observationperiod makes it possi-
ble to collect and judge information with higher levels
of accuracy, even though there are concerns that the
psychological barriers and/or stress related to watch-
over systems will be heightened, and that the target
individuals could be exposed to privacy invasion risks
via the system.
Given these constraints, we performed a detailed
requirement analysis regarding an actual implemen-
tation of the selected watch-over network observation
items, as well as the feasibility of urgent response ac-
tions. Each of these areas are described below and
labeled [A] and [B], respectively.
[A] Observation items: This area governs the abil-
ity to observe a target individual’s behavior and living
conditions under certain situations. Specifically, the
equipment must be completely non-invasive. Individ-
ual observation items are as follows: (A1) Going to
bed as opposed to getting up. (A2) Being at home as
opposed to being away from home. (A3) The opera-
tion and usage of television(s), air conditioner(s), and
other appliances. (A4) The frequency of movements
within the home. (A5) Ongoing confirmation that the
individual is not bedridden. (A6) The presence or ab-
sence of urgent notifications.
[B] Urgent response items: This area governs the
setting and detection of threshold values regarding
whether the present conditions are within or deviating
widely from the normal range, as compared with the
ordinary life patterns exhibited by the target individ-
ual. Urgent response items are as follows: (B1) Data
collection and learning during normal situations. (B2)
Providing a warning. (B3) Automatically notifying
urgent responders (such as relatives, social welfare
workers, administrative officers, and retirement home
managers). (B4) Real-time alert dispatch to the target
individual in the case of an emergency. (B5) The pri-
ority of an urgent response. (B6) Using anonymized
gathered data, in practice, as big data.
A Multi-agent Approach to Smart Home Sensors for the Elderly based on an Open Hardware Architecture: A Model for Participatory
Research is currently underway by Shimoi and
Madokoro at Akita Prefectural University regarding
bed monitoring and pillow sensors designed to watch
over solitary elderly persons while they are sleeping
(Shimoi and Madokoro, 2013). Their efforts have fo-
cused on detecting situations in which the target indi-
vidual is sleeping and then changes his or her position
when waking up. Such detections are accomplished
via a piezo load sensor. Furthermore, as shown in
(Madokoro et al., 2013), Madokoro et al. investi-
gate the possibility of making multiple observations
of a sleeping individual by installing a three-axis ac-
celerometer within a urethane pillow.
After the system is emplaced and operating, in-
dividually observed data are transmitted to a moni-
tor terminal via a ZigBee wireless serial line, which
makes it possible to directly gather and store both sen-
sor load and acceleration sensor values in real time.
In this monitoring system, which has already been
set up in nursing facilities and similar facilities, it
is assumed that a manager located within the same
building can visually observe the target individuals.
Since the radio wave signals within reach of the tar-
get individual’sbedroommust be transmitted to a cen-
tral ZigBee receiver, the transmission range is roughly
limited to within a residence. This factor makes it dif-
ficult to obtain observation data from outside the in-
dividual’s home or current location (such as a nursing
Technically, it is easy to consolidate observation
data of an individual directly in the server in re-
mote locations via a Wi-Fi wireless local area net-
work (WLAN) or wide-area LTE wireless network.
However, from the standpoint of psychological bar-
riers and privacy protection, we must avoid directly
recordingand sending the target individual’s real-time
behavior to remote places while he or she is sleeping.
This raises a conflicting issue, because emergency re-
ports using the pillow sensors and other such devices
around the bed require high levels of real-time infor-
mation to be useful.
In this section, we describe MaMoRu-Kun, a sensor
agent for the home. In brief, this agent is a system
Figure 2: Multi-fusion sensors and detection function using
an in-home agent.
embedded with a communication function in such a
way that it can operate in cooperation with various
sensors installed in the home of the watched-over tar-
get individual.
As shown in Figure 2, the most important func-
tion of the in-home agent its ability to detect trig-
ger information from various composite sensors, in-
cluding physical switches, infrared motion sensors,
remote control sensors, and radio frequency identifi-
cation (RFID) key tags (MIFARE, 2001), as well as
the bed monitor and pillow sensors mentioned above.
The detected trigger information is then transmitted
to a local server installed separately within the home
that gathers and stores information on the target indi-
vidual’s normal life patterns.
During the day, when the target individual is not in
bed, the system is obviously unable to perform behav-
ioral observations with only the bed-based sensors.
Therefore, we incorporated the combined use of in-
frared motion detection sensors, consumer electronics
remote control sensors, and other similar sensors to
make it possible to observe other behavioral patterns
throughout the day (e.g., opening and closing doors,
refrigerator access frequency, and household electric
appliance use). Furthermore, the system determines
whether the target individual is at home by identify-
ing whenever an RFID key tag is detected on a tag
interface connected with the agent. More specifically,
the system automatically determines that the target in-
dividual is not at home when this RFID key tag is not
detected within the home for a given length of time.
As part of an entire watch-over network, the sen-
sor agent functions to send life-pattern data under nor-
mal conditionsand emergencyalert notifications to all
data-gathering and monitoring servers for use on ex-
ternal networks.
The above functions make it possible to imple-
ment requirements (A2), (A3), and (A4) for observa-
tion [A] items of the watch-over network. They also
make it possible to implement requirements (B1) and
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 3: Concept diagram for our in-home agent:
MaMoRu-Kuns base station.
(B2) for the [B items] via the combined use of the
server in the home. In addition, it is possible to im-
plement requirement (B4) via the emergency report-
ing transmission function noted above.
We designed and implemented our home sensor
agent using peripheral hardware composed of vari-
ous physical switches, firmware on a microprocessor-
embedded Arduino, an interface connected via Blue-
tooth to the 1Sheeld App (1Sheeld, 2017) multipur-
pose connection application installed on an Android
terminal, and the N2TTS text-to-speech voice synthe-
sis application.
Our system comprises the following components:
(1) A base station (new). (2) An Android terminal for
communication (existing). (3) A server to gather data
within the home (new). (4) An LTE wireless router
(existing). Here, component (1) is described in the
subsections below, while detailed specifications for
components (2), (3), and (4) are omitted due to space
Figure 3 shows a concept diagram for our in-home
agent: MaMoRu-Kuns base station. Figure 4 shows
the hardware and software composition of each func-
tional module of the base station.
5.1 Hardware Design and
(H1) Two physical switches and each passive-infrared
(PIR) motion sensor, an RFID-RC522 tag module, an
infrared remote-control receiver module, and a mo-
tion sensor LED are arranged on a peripheral external
board. These devicesare connected using the Arduino
GB:(=,&='" HIC 4JK0
745,,6#(!LLM =$LL'">(!LL=M
Figure 4: Functional block diagram of our in-home agent,
(ATMega328) microprocessor via the SPI/PIO inter-
(H2) After processed by the firmware (as de-
scribed below), trigger information on the processor
is transferred to the Bluetooth-connected 1Sheeld app
via the UART serial bus.
(H3) After being transferred, trigger information
is further transmitted to the Bluetooth paired An-
droid terminal of the other party. The information
is designed to be forwarded to the network via the
HTTP/TCP/IP stack of the Android terminal.
5.2 Software Design and
(S1) The Arduino processor firmware, which uses
multiple finite state machines (FSMs), was designed
and implemented in a way that permits it to format
edge triggers via high/low level detection from vari-
ous sensors and RFID tag modules, as well as con-
duct tag detection and remote judgment. Two phys-
ical switches transmit “Manual Absent mode” and
“Manual Home mode” at the right and left, respec-
The PIR motion sensor conducts accumulation
counts of approaches and departures, transmitting
count values when the trigger disconnects from the
sensor. The RFID tag module detects approaches and
departures of the Mifare tag given to the key (bunch),
and after the module remains in a specific state for
more than a specific time period, transmits “Manual
Absent mode” and “Manual Home mode”, respec-
For the infrared remote-control data received, the
encoding maker code results and a portion of the 32-
bit data are transmitted in the data communication.
Motion sensor LEDs blink when physically switched
off and when the PIR sensor and RFID tag detect ap-
(S2) The multipurpose connection application,
A Multi-agent Approach to Smart Home Sensors for the Elderly based on an Open Hardware Architecture: A Model for Participatory
i.e., 1Sheeld, implemented on an Android terminal,
receives trigger information sent from the Arduino
firmware and executes processing according to the
base station’s functional differences (such as logger,
clock, terminal, HTTP, and TTS).
(S3) Trigger information was implemented in
such a way that it is sent to the network via Wi-Fi us-
ing the HTTP/TCP/IP stack. When shifting to home
or absent mode manually or automatically, the utter-
ance is implemented via the text-to-speech synthesis
application N2TTS for feedback to the target individ-
6.1 Prototyping and Load Testing
We produced a prototype based on the above design
and specifications. As of September 5, 2016, we had
manufactured a total of nine prototype devices rang-
ing from the breadboard to mass production models.
The production costs consisting of a newly developed
base station were less than $100 USD, while the An-
droid terminal, LTE router, and local server (all of
which were commercial off-the-shelf products) were
purchased for approximately $900 USD. Thus, each
set cost a total of approximately $1,000 USD. We in-
vested approximately 40 person-days into the devel-
opment of the hardware and firmware, with the size
of the firmware being slightly less than 500 lines of
code (LOC).
To evaluate the system’s actual data-collection
abilities, we set up the mass production model in a
small-scale test model room at Shinshu University.
Figure 5 shows the installation of the tester in the
model room, which consisted of a mockup living
room and a bedroom of a target individual’s home.
The model room was furnished with a collapsible cot,
an infrared remote control, and various other furniture
and fixtures (e.g., a refrigerator, electric pot, desk,
chair, and telephone).
The continuous operational test period started on
May 18, 2016 for all produced testers (i.e., from the
breadboard model to the mass production model),
with all testers gathering trigger information from
various sensors in the course of normal operations.
At one point during the testing, an error occurred in
which a library or function involving the key-waiting
portion of the RFID tag module stopped working due
to noise (i.e., an erroneous stop). Therefore, we de-
vised a method to automatically recover from such
Figure 5: Model room demonstration setup.
a firmware stop by monitoring for malfunctions via
a watch dog timer (WDT) inserted into the loop-
processing portion of the firmware.
6.2 Collection and Analysis of
Multi-fusion Sensors and Trigger
We then attempted to apply visualization to each de-
vice using a D3.js visualization engine. Figure 6
shows examples visually displayed with the same
equipment ID and various parts of the daily trigger in-
formation. The displayed examples were obtained by
plotting trigger information (i.e., SW1, SW2, KEY,
PIR, and RMO) from a home agent with a certain ID
between the hours of 6:00 and 20:00 for five consecu-
tive days. When the PIR motion sensor was detected
continuously, it was judged that the target individual
was actually at home, watching television, or moving
around the house. In addition, the RMO, which is a
receiver for the infrared remote control system, pro-
vided evidence to help determine the target individ-
ual’s wellness state, because it switches the television
on or off as well as changes the channel. At one point
in the data, when the KEY and SW triggers, as well as
the PIR and RMO triggers, were missing for as long
as two days, it was determined that the target individ-
ual was not at home during this time period.
In this paper, we described our home sensor agent,
MaMoRu-Kun, which was developed under the “Re-
search and development of the regional/solitary el-
derly life support system using multi-fusion sensors”
project. Our intent was to construct a network to
watch over elderly persons living alone. The hard-
ware and software were designed to establish con-
SIMULTECH 2017 - 7th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications
Figure 6: Example trial of device-specific visualization (de-
vice ID = 1000),
nections with various composite sensor devices in or-
der to achieve trigger collection and processing. The
items added for additional review included visualiz-
ing analytical results of the monitoring system under
usual conditions, as well as emergency reporting un-
der abnormal circumstances.
With the aim of evaluating the advantages of our
proposed system configuration, we created a mockup
of a house’s living room and bedroom, and config-
ured the system to collect actual data by performing a
small-scale demonstration experiment. More specifi-
cally, the trigger information for various switches and
motion detection sensors was collected by actually ac-
tivating prototype sensors in our long-term study.
This research was conducted with the support of
The Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications
(MIC), Strategic Information and Communications
R&D Promotion Programme (SCOPE 152302001) in
Japan. We are grateful to Prof. Hirokazu Madokoro
at Akita Prefectural University, and Assoc. Prof.
Kazuhisa Nakasho at Osaka University for their help-
ful discussions.
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A Multi-agent Approach to Smart Home Sensors for the Elderly based on an Open Hardware Architecture: A Model for Participatory