Figure 13: Experimental results to test the robustness of
the proposed algorithm, the top row, from left to right: The
original image, corrupted images with additive Gaussian
noise of variances 1, 2, 3 respectively, the bottom row,
from left to right: The corresponding results,
superimposed closed contours with the real defects inside
the original images.
3.3 Phase-3: Robustness Test and
Computing Burden
To test the robustness of the proposed algorithm, we
added Gaussian noise to the X-ray images with three
levels of variance and repeated the experiments.
Figure 13 illustrates a sample of such test results, in
which the original image and its corrupted versions
with variances of 1, 2 and 3 are shown from left to
right on the top row, and the results are shown in the
bottom rows. As seen, the proposed algorithm is
able to produce acceptable detection results with a
noisy environment until the variance level is
increased to 3. This result illustrates a high level of
robustness achieved by the proposed algorithm,
although, for the case of noisy environment with
variance of 3, the proposed algorithm failed to
achieve right detection of the closed contours. This
is reasonable due to the fact that, under this
circumstance, it is difficult to see the real defect
even with our naked eyes as shown in the right-most
column. It should also be noted that, during the
entire experiments, no extra de-noise technique has
been applied to the proposed algorithm.
On a PC with Intel Core i7-2600 3.4GHz CPU
and 8GB RAM, the average processing time of our
method in MATLAB implementation is around 0.45
seconds per image. The image resolution is 140*140
In this paper, we described a structural model based
approach for closed contour detection, which is
prompted by our recent research on developing
image-based algorithms for casting defect detection.
In comparison with the existing techniques, the
proposed algorithm has the following features: (i)
closed contour detection and extraction is carried out
in terms of structural models rather than individual
pixels; (ii) removal of non-closed contour candidates
is guided via likelihood analysis. Extensive
experiments were carried out to evaluate the
proposed algorithm, and all the results show that the
proposed algorithm is capable of achieving excellent
results for closed contour detections, providing a
robust tool for casting defect detection in practical
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