The main contribution of this paper is to explicate
the derivation of a Software Centric Innovative
Methodology (SCIM) for ontology development.
Both philosophical and engineering aspects of the
proposed methodology have been defined inline with
the existing approaches. The proposed methodology
is hybrid in nature in terms of its underpinning
philosophy. The components of hybrid model have
been extended from well proven software engineering
process models/methodologies. In Section 2, we
describe necessity of a novel methodology for
ontology development. The engineering aspects,
background and overview of the proposed
methodology are discussed in Section 3. Section 4
discusses the defined ontology development life cycle
with the stages, workflows, activities and techniques.
The final section concludes the paper and highlights
some future research directions.
A methodology in ontology engineering is composed
of methods, techniques, processes and activities and
may follow several approaches for the development
of ontology. It has been observed from the literatures
that, most of the methodologies proposed in ontology
engineering in the past, lacking the details of
techniques and activities employed in them with
appropriate mapping of underpinning philosophy and
approaches (Fernández-López and Gómez-Pérez,
2002) (N.Foy, 2001) Few of the available
methodologies are influenced by software
engineering (SE) methodologies but failed to map
fully with SE. Since 1995, methodologies such as
KEM, TOVE etc. were proposed by practitioners for
ontology development. However, they are focused
more on the problem or the domain concerned. Unlike
the predecessors, a methodology called
METHONTOLOGY was proposed by Foundation
for Intelligent Physical Agents (FIPA) with the
inclusion of activities and techniques to build domain
ontologies from scratch (Fernandez, 1997). However,
this methodology does not propose any techniques to
carry out the activities in a formal manner.
A software engineering approach, Unified Process for
Ontology (UPON) (De Nicola, Missikoff and
Navigli, 2009) has been proposed for ontology
development based on a rich set of resemblances
between software engineering and ontology
engineering. One of the weaknesses of the UPON
methodology is that it does not target the
development of generic ontologies. It focuses on
ontologies that serve its specific consumers and
automated systems. Moreover, UPON fails to provide
comprehensive details for collaborative ontology
construction aspect (Iqbal et al., 2013). eXtreme
Programming of Knowledge-based systems (XP.K)
(An Agile Development Methodology for
Knowledge-Based Systems Including a Java
Framework for Knowledge Modeling and
Appropriate Tool Support, 2002) has been proposed
as a lightweight agile methodology for the
development of knowledge base systems extended
from Extreme Programming (XP). It follows the
values of XP but generalises the value of
communication to community. Collaborative
ontology development has been highly encouraged by
this methodology as its emphasizes humility. Few of
the additional practices applied to XP.K are Joint
ontology design and pair modeling, round trip-
engineering, testing and constraint testing XP.K is
suitable for the development of ontologies for
knowledge base systems as the additional practices
supports collaborative ontology development.
However, a defined ontology development life cycle
is missing in XP.K. The summary of a review among
major existing ontology development methodologies
based on relevant criterion is presented in Table 1.
The first four parameters used for the review are
reflecting the higher level aspects of concerned
methodology whereas the last four parameters are
specific and technical ones.
Based on the analysis, it has been observed that
most of the existing methodologies failed to provide
adequate details for the techniques employed in them
with a defined ontology development life cycle
(ODLC). Notion of reusability is limited to few
development methodologies. Since ontology
development faces higher learning curve as one of the
obstacles against its growth, we see the scope of an
innovative software centric approach which assists
software practitioners for ontology development can
make a significant difference in large scale ontology
development. The ODLC of proposed methodology
has been defined in such a way to reduce the learning
curve significantly to software practitioners.
Therefore we propose a hybrid methodology
extended from well proven software engineering
process models with a defined ODLC. The proposed
methodology is inclusive of a complete coverage of
employed methods and activities.