polarity of tweets by analyzing their texts. The main
idea is to determine whether words of a tweet has
negative, positive or neutral implications for the
entity in question.
The main contributions of this papers are a) the
extraction of a lexicon from the corpus, which is
useful to classify texts; b) the entity-based classifier
using lexicon for opinion mining from Spanish
tweets; and c) the experimentation carried out
confirms that entity-based opinion mining can
provide promising clues to determine the entity's
In this paper, we focus on Support Vector
Machine algorithm to classify tweets, which
performance the best results for the “Yamaha”
entity, achieving an approximate 76% effectiveness
of the classifier algorithm to determine the polarity
It is important to emphasize that this paper has
made a relevant contribution to the problem of lack
of linguistic approaches in Spanish texts since our
technique uses texts extracted from Twitter in
Spanish. In addition, opinion mining approach is
provided as a tool to make possible the analysis of
reputational polarity for entities in Spanish.
As a future work, experimentation can be
realized with other semantic models of
representation, such as word embedding or
distributional models of semantic representation. In
addition, the evaluated approach for opinion mining
can help to monitor online reputation of interest
This work was partly supported by SEP-PRODEP.
The authors would like to thank the Autonomous
Metropolitan University Azcapotzalco and SNI-
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