The Challenge of using Map-reduce to Query Open Data

Mauro Pelucchi, Giuseppe Psaila, Maurizio Toccu



For transparency and democracy reasons, a few years ago Public Administrations started publishing data sets concerning public services and territories. These data sets are called open, because they are publicly available through many web sites. Due to the rapid growth of open data corpora, both in terms of number of corpora and in terms of open data sets available in each single corpus, the need for a centralized query engine arises, able to select single data items from within a mess of heterogeneous open data sets. We gave a first answer to this need in (Pelucchi et al., 2017), where we defined a technique for blindly querying a corpus of open data. In this paper, we face the challenge of implementing this technique on top of the Map-Reduce approach, the most famous solution to parallelize computational tasks in the Big Data world.


Paper Citation

in Harvard Style

Pelucchi M., Psaila G. and Toccu M. (2017). The Challenge of using Map-reduce to Query Open Data . In - KomIS, ISBN , pages 0-0. DOI: 10.5220/0006487803310342

in Bibtex Style

author={Mauro Pelucchi and Giuseppe Psaila and Maurizio Toccu},
title={The Challenge of using Map-reduce to Query Open Data},
booktitle={ - KomIS,},

in EndNote Style

JO - - KomIS,
TI - The Challenge of using Map-reduce to Query Open Data
SN -
AU - Pelucchi M.
AU - Psaila G.
AU - Toccu M.
PY - 2017
SP - 0
EP - 0
DO - 10.5220/0006487803310342