There is still no experience feedback techniques used
in eco-design. Each company try to answer norms and
rules by using own techniques. The aim of our work
is to enhance learning between these company using
their experience feedback. Keeping track of
experience using REX sheet and memory is proposed
in this paper. REX sheet types are defined related to
different phases of eco-design: analysis, design,
manufacturing, test, usage and recycling. Eco-design
criteria are also extracted from documents analysis
that help to index REX sheets and give a cognitive
access to these experience traces. REX Sheets can be
integrated in eco-design tools as argumentation and
notes of each decision making and propositions.
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application in order to validate and complete their
descriptions. These sheets and criteria will be
integrated in eco-design environments like
“ECODESIGN STUDIO”. First tests can be done by
our students in their eco-design projects. Finally, tests
with students will be done, in order to analysis REX
sheet writing and use possibilities. Finally, REX
sheets can then be compared and classified in order to
identify lessons from experiences as it is used for
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