same number of task. Thereby, the system is behav-
ing as if single, dual or quad-core systems were used.
The remaining cores were not used by the run-time
system. The execution time on every core was mea-
sured. The results are shown in Table 2. The overall
performance defined by the maximum possible con-
trol frequency increases with every additional core.
Looking at the total execution time reveals that a cer-
tain overhead is generated by the parallelization. This
was expected due to the necessary communication be-
tween the cores. Comparing the highest CPU Time
of all cores with the estimated costs reveals that the
cost estimate is only slightly optimistic. Most impor-
tantly, the generated solution allows real-time execu-
tion of the collision avoidance algorithm for complex
production processes.
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tion of control algorithms using ACO-based optimiza-
tion is presented. The goal of this parallelization is to
enable ICSs to benefit from increasing hardware per-
formance to be used for new algorithms. A collision-
avoidance-algorithm was used as a test case for par-
allelization of machine tooling algorithms. It was
shown that the approach successfully parallelizes the
algorithm and enables ICSs to benefit from multi-core
While the presented research focuses on proving
the applicability of ACO for the parallelization prob-
lem, optimizing ACO for the specific problem will be
the focus in the future. Furthermore, the approach
will be extended for systems utilizing dedicated hard-
ware accelerators based on FPGAs. It is intended
to implement the parallelized collision avoidance al-
gorithm into an industrial real-time hardware-in-the-
loop simulation environment for ICSs development.
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