culation. Hence, it is highly likely that a person
will have a recommendation based on its require-
ment. This paper is organized as follows: Section
II presents Related Work; Section III describes The
Proposed Approach; Section IV explains the Method-
ology; Section V highlights Experimental Results and
Section V outlines Conclusions and Future Work.
In the literature, similar work in this domain is car-
ried out by (Kontopoulos et al., 2013) where the
researchers applied ontology-based sentiment analy-
sis methodology on twitter data. They worked on
semi-automatic ontology generation based on twitter
posts about different mobile phones and their associ-
ated features. Separate Datasets comprising of Users’
reviews were used for ontology creation and senti-
ment analysis. In their work the sentiment scores
were computed using a webservice named Open-
Dover. However, the idea of application of senti-
ment analysis on an ontology-based knowledge do-
main was originally proposed by (Yaakub et al., 2012)
which was further analyzed and extended by (Haider,
2012) to include feature-based sentiment analysis of
customers’ reviews on smartphones having enhanced
product feature set. Both of them classified the sen-
timent polarity on a 7-point scale ranging from 3 to
-3. They also asserted that the feature level sentiment
scores help in the calculation of the overall sentiment
score for the object. In a similar context, feature level
opinion mining is performed by (Freitas and Vieira,
2013) for Portuguese movie reviews, by making use
of already available movie ontology. Another notice-
able work by (Sam and Chatwin, 2015) suggested that
the polarity of the sentiment word heavily depends on
the context in which it is being used. They, there-
fore, developed two different ontologies. One is emo-
tion ontology for storing emotion words of customers
towards different electronic products with associated
polarities, the other is the ontology for electronic
product domain. (Thakor and Sasi, 2015) applied sen-
timent analysis on negative tweets for a postal service
to figuring out the reason for customer dissatisfaction.
In his research, he practiced sentimental analysis us-
ing SentiStrength tool and data was retrieved using
Prot´eg´e SPARQL from ontology.(Alkadri and ElKo-
rany, 2016) used NLP techniques like tokenization,
De-noise, Stemming and POS-Tagging for data pre-
processing and combined three (3) different Arabic
polarity lexicons to form a large-scale Arabic opinion
lexicon (ArOpL) to identify Polarity in Arabic lan-
guage. As mentioned by (Binali et al., 2009), opin-
ion mining research comprises of both feature-level
opinion mining and its related sentiment classifica-
tion. Therefore, two similar objects can be compared
based on their overall sentiment scores. Likewise,
feature level comparison may also be made between
two objects based on their corresponding feature level
sentiment scores.
In the current state-of-the-art, ontology is being
employed for sentiment analysis but the work is not
being extended to frame a recommendation system.
Hence we claim in this research that our effort is
different from similar work already done in this do-
main as we store the calculated sentiment scores in
the same ontology on corresponding hierarchical lev-
els(i.e. class level and object level) for making rec-
ommendations. In this way, we can avoid recalcula-
tion of sentiment scores each time the user submits
a query. However, it requires ontology modification
after its formal conceptualization. It is assumed that
the proposed system may also be applied to different
domains after careful modifications in ontology and
sentiment lexicon. Table 1 presents a detailed com-
parison of the related work already done in the do-
main with our work.
In our proposed approach the ontology is engineered
using user comments. We have deliberately selected
a specific group where people share their feedback re-
garding different schools. It helped us in simplifying
the task of subjectivity classification. After extract-
ing reviews regarding target school branches in a file,
sentiment analysis is performed and the resulting sen-
timent scores are stored back into the ontology. Later
on, the user can seek a recommendation from the sys-
tem through a user interface where he/she can find
the best school based on his/her requirements(like lo-
cation, gender-wise orientation).The back-end of the
interface translates user request into a query to get
the branch level/school level scores from the ontol-
ogy and gives a recommendation after comparison of
sentiment scores.
Figure 1 depicts the proposed approach to our re-
search problem having the sequence below.
1. A school domain ontology is manually created
after reviewing Facebook posts/comments using
Prot´eg´e modeling environment.
2. Using ontology created in previous step, respec-
tive objects/classes are extracted which are targets
for our sentiment analysis.
3. Opinionated comments/posts are extracted from