BotWheels: A Petri Net based Chatbot for Recommending Tires
Francesco Colace
, Massimo De Santo
, Francesco Pascale
, Saverio Lemma
and Marco Lombardi
DIIn, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy
SIMASLab, University of Salerno, Fisciano (SA), Italy
Keywords: Chatbot, Petri Net, Recommender Systems.
Abstract: Technological progress seems unstoppable: large companies are ready to implement more and more
sophisticate solution to improve their productivity. The near future may be represented by so-called Chatbot,
already present in the instant messaging platforms and destined to become more and more popular. This paper
presents the realization of a prototype of a conversational workflow for a Chatbot in tires domain. The initial
purpose has focused on the design of the specific model to manage communication and propose the most
suitable tires for users. For this aim, it has been used the Petri Net. Finally, after the implementation of the
designed model, experimental campaign was conducted in order to demonstrate its enforceability and
Make a Chatbot that can be as close and similar to a
human being, today is a very important challenge,
both as regards its possible applications, especially
web and social, both for its use in the research scope.
One of the biggest problems is to try to make it look
like the Bot as close as possible to a human being.
There is the propensity of persons to give more
listening to a person rather than to a robot: it is
because in some way, since the people used to talk to
each other, it is difficult to interact with an automaton,
both because a robot does not always behave during
a natural dialogue as we expect. In research fields, the
issue of Chatbot and Bot in general has been
discussed for many years, although it has seen an
increasingly gradual slowdown in recent years. This
is due in part to the inherent difficulty of the same,
both since it is very difficult to appropriately describe
the evolution of a discussion, without making the
appropriate considerations and upstream reflections.
In fact, the amount of investment by companies in
trying to create a Bot as similar to an operator is
growing (Casillo et al., 2016). Indeed all the major
social platforms have now integrated this service and
offer the ability to customize and then to map the
conversations between a bot and a user. This happens
because the company generally considers it.
Currently the technology limits, however, prevent
existing Chatbot to have good performance since the
bottleneck is that generally a user during a
conversation is unpredictable. As seen from the
Turing test to be able to assume that a machine can be
like a man, it is important that this more than five
minutes of talk time. This means that the
conversational flow plays an important role in to the
project of a Chatbot. To create and manage the
workflow of a Bot appears to be today one of the main
objectives, because the existing systems are not
always responsive given a user input, and often fail in
the recognition and processing of user-written
sentences. The main aim of this paper is to describe a
software module prototype, called workflow
manager, who is responsible for the management of
the flow of conversation between a Chatbot and a
user, applied at a real case. Our case study concerns a
Chatbot, called BotWheels, which will serve for help
the choice of tires to buy. After an analysis on the
state of art, we have realized the general pattern of
operation of the bot and then using the Petri Nets, we
have realized the workflow model. Finally, it was
conducted the experimental phase that has
highlighted the strengths and weaknesses points of
the Bot. In the next section, the related works are
One of the biggest problems on Bots always has been
to be able to understand, in a sentence uttered by a
Colace, F., Santo, M., Pascale, F., Lemma, S. and Lombardi, M.
BotWheels: a Petri Net based Chatbot for Recommending Tires.
DOI: 10.5220/0006491903500358
In Proceedings of the 6th Inter national Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2017), pages 350-358
ISBN: 978-989-758-255-4
Copyright © 2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
person, his/her intent, that is what our user is asking
the automaton. The usually used approach is to create
an ontology of reference, in which inside there is
mapped throughout the domain of knowledge.
Already from this observation, you can understand
how the definition of the correct reference ontology
is fundamental to the proper functioning of Bot. From
this, it is possible to extrapolate the object of which
you are speaking with Latent Semantic Analysis
(LSA) algorithm. To observe how very similar thing
was done, it is possible using LSA, the conversational
skills of an agent has been improved. It is therefore
possible to identify in this way the topic of the
conversation and structure a dialogue flow (Pilato et
al., 2007). Another important work shown how is
possible implement a dialogue management
mechanism through formalisms and finite state
machines. It shows how now one of the issues of
greatest interest and critical problem has been to
develop a model of the discussion flow between
human and robot (Kronlid and Lager, 2007).
In the last times, there have been some interesting
works that worth mentioning. An important work
presents how the interaction between man and some
Chatbot present on the internet in order to make a
classification and to verify the actual efficiency
(Gianvecchio et al., 2011). This was done analyzing
the conversation log between Bot and users through
log-based classification, that unlike Turing test, it
differs for the duration and for the comparative
metrics of the discussion (e.g. length of sentence and
delay between question and answer). A case study,
where the relations are between users and their
messages, was shown in another work (Gligorijevic
et al., 2012). One of the first prototypes of Chatbot for
social networks was developed in last recent times.
The critical point remains, as noted earlier, the
workflow management. In this case, an algorithmic
approach is used and it provides for a very flexible
management of the conversation (Rodrigo et al.,
2012). Last times was improved a tool to describe a
Chatbot conversational model, which extrapolating
certain keywords from texts on Wikipedia and it is
able to take on a particular conversational lexicon
based on training (Haller and Rebedea, 2013). In
recent times, the greatest efforts have focused on
trying to create a robot that could be as much as
possible like a human: the dialog flow plays a
fundamental role in the modeling of a Chatbot. For
describe a model that helps the Bot to maintain
conversations with people through the development
of natural language, was improved a software tool
(Ravichandran et al., 2015). All this was achieved
through a conversational Flow Chart, which describes
the operation that occurs through the activation of
appropriate responses based on input. Another
example is a self-learning Chatbot model, through
user-entered phrases. This system carries out the
matching of new constructs: a POS-tagged tokens
system performs the matching of phrases, then makes
an assessment of the correct answers and finally all
mated sentences are been analyzed (Bang et al.,
2015). An improved version of AluxBot software was
developed, which is a Chatbot developed in Visual
Basic with integration of speech recognition of OS
Windows (Peniche-Avilés et al., 2016). AluxBot is
focused on promoting the care of the environment and
sustainable development for school children, in order
to provide an alternative use of new technologies. It
can be possible observe a particular architecture of a
Chatbot prototype used without a server platform, in
which all the necessary features are implemented on
the inside, without the need to request external
services (Yan et al., 2016). Another example is a Bot
to Bot system that it can write controlled applications
by voice using the natural language processing and
robotic control in order to make the voice command
of a user and translate it into a structured intent for the
robot (Fischer et al., 2016). Furthermore, it is possible
to instruct the robot via a Chatbot, which is
responsible for providing input the desired command.
Another usefully study is on the usefulness of
ontology-based Chatbot technology to the design of
intelligent agents for medical diagnosis (Edwards et
al., 2016). It is apparent from this study the need for
a technology to support the diagnosis, which can not
be separated from the use of medical information of
the patient, such as his/her clinical record and his/her
medical history, which will be needed for a higher
quality for interaction with the Chatbot. The system
also should be regularly trained to stay updated. A
very interesting case of study present a teaching
Chatbot assistance, named CS 221, for students,
where the system classifies any question under three
aspects: Policy, Assignment and Conceptual
(Chopram et al., 2016). The union of the classification
of the three types provides the answer to make on
output. Finally, another important work is a Chatbot
model created by IBM and named Curious Cat: it is a
crowdsourcing model that guides the user to provide
information of interest, using a base of existing
knowledge, and helps him/her in the process
acquisition, requesting coherent questions and
checking the answers (Bradeško et al., 2016).
BotWheels: a Petri Net based Chatbot for Recommending Tires
In order to model and formalize the flow of execution
of a Chatbot on more possible contexts (Colace et al.,
2016), evaluating what today is present in research, it
was analyzed the point of view of the individual
conversation atom between human and the
automaton. In fact, a conversation can be seen as a
succession of user's questions/answers and
questions/answers of the automaton. It has been
mapped the single interaction in order to determine
what are the topic in question, at a particular time, and
what are the attributes of the argument on which the
automaton will have to ask a question or give an
answer. It allows to be able to model in a general way
a possible operation of Chatbot, regardless of its
actual realization, and to formalize the problem
Through the analysis of the sentence obtained from a
semantic engine, which extrapolates the intent (e.g.
tire change) and its associated attributes (e.g. height,
width, diameter), it is possible to think about
modeling, starting from a predetermined context (e.g.
tires), any sentence during a conversation with two
fundamental information:
TOPIC: what we are talking (1 word)
TAG: the topic attributes (N words)
This pair of information then constitute the current
ITEM of information concerning the sentence
considered. Then it can be defined the two bounded
A: finite set of topics
B: finite set of tag
T is defined as a Cartesian product of A and B: T = A
x B. C is a subset of A x B, that is defined as all
possible items of possible conversation, in a given
context and intent.
⊆ ∀ +  (1)
where Co is the context and I is the intent.
It is possible to have multiple tags for topic but no
more topic for tag. This means that the topic must
always be one.
This helps to define a priori, in current context and
with a specific intent, all the inputs of all interactions
that Chatbot can capture and can give an answer or
question depending on the requirement. Therefore is
possible to use a logic model to be able to describe
the dynamic operation for the single interaction.
It is possible to treat the finite state machine model,
in particular the Mealy machine, that is a sextuple, {S,
S0, Σ, Λ, T, G}:
finite set of state (S)
an initial state S0, that is an element of (S)
a finite set called the input alphabet ( Σ )
a finite set called the output alphabet ( Λ )
a transition function (T : S × Σ S)
an output function (G : S × Σ Λ)
In general, the Mealy machine is a finite state
automaton whose output values are determined by the
current state and input; unlike the Moore machine,
that works only in the current state function. An
example of Mealy Machine model is reported in the
figure 1.
Figure 1: Example of Mealy Machine.
Through this model, it can be possible obtain the
logical model of human-robot interaction.
Considering the single interaction, there are two
states: Si state, where the user provides in input a
proper conversation item, and Si+1 state, where the
available information will update and the automaton
will provide a response or an answer. The outputs are
calculated according to the inputs and the previous
state. The inputs are the items of the current
conversation (user's response or answer); the outputs
will be the actions to be taken. Into the state the item
of conversation will be preserved in the previous
Figure 2: General Model of Finite State Machine for two
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point so that they can process the correct next action.
The outputs depend on the current input and the
previous state, which means that for each item of the
current conversation, and since the previous state, it
must map the appropriate output (answer/question) to
be provided.
Remembering that at every item of conversation can
have only one topic, which must have a finished
number N of tags, is important to consider two things:
a topic change involves a change of information
(tags) to be requested, and it can not have two items
in the same topic. In fact, at every step of the
conversation, the automaton must update the
information on the current state (TOPIC + TAGS)
and then, according to these, gives the appropriate
Defined K as the number of finished levels of
interaction for which, given topic of interest, it is
possible to produce a final output of conversation and
describe the operation of the machine in this way:
where S is the current state, Σ is the set of the input
alphabet Σ = C ⊆A x B, Λ is the set of output
alphabet. This means that it can be defined the level
of items according to their specific weight within our
workflow. According to this concept, this definition
can be extended by a finite state machine with Sn
states that represent the current state with respect to
the user and Sm state that represent the current state
with respect to the automaton. A general model of
Finite State Machine for N state is reported in the
figure 3.
Figure 3: General Model of Finite State Machine for N
The design of BotWheels’s Workflow Manager was
divided in two phases: in the first place, it is provided
to define a model able to explicitly describe and
represent the considered knowledge domain (tires). In
the second place, the purpose was to define a
workflow module that was able to navigate the
reference model realized in the first step, in order to
maintain a logical discourse with the user and to
generate a flow of operations that would allow to
identify the most appropriate output. Therefore, the
first aim has been to build an ontology, shown in
figure 4, to describe the reference taxonomy. The
advantage of this approach is to be able to represent
concepts, properties, attributes and constraints of the
one part and of the other part a reference model for
the workflow. The general data structure of a
common ontology is a directed graph whose nodes
represent concepts and its links represent the relations
between these. The root may have several
descendants: in this work, it can be considered the
child pneumatic concept. It has several children
including the vehicle node, whose descendants are the
cars and motorcycles node, and the node size. Each of
these nodes presents, in turn, determined descendants.
A choice of this type has been effected because,
generally, to find a specific pneumatic, must be
indicated in detail the characteristics of the vehicle or
the size of the eraser.
Then, the ontology allows to achieve a knowledge
and the links between concepts (for example, we can
see that we have various types of vehicles or that the
concept of car is made up of the attributes of the
brand, model, version and year).
Figure 4: Reference Ontology.
The next goal was to provide a reasoner that can
access in a reference ontology and that it was able to
generate and follow a consistent and efficient
workflow, defined by a sequence of steps. The
conversational module then must be able to navigate
autonomously the ontology, moving through the
concepts relationships.
The selected model is the Petri Net (figure 5 and
figure 6), because it lends well for this kind of
applications. This model is composed of a set of basic
BotWheels: a Petri Net based Chatbot for Recommending Tires
objects: places, transactions and arcs, graphically
represented by circles, rectangles and oriented lines.
The first aspect relates to the identification of the
user's intents by BotWheels: it is necessary in practice
to understand what he/she is interested. Various
options are considered, including changing tires, the
workshop nearest search and request for information.
In particular, the conversation begins through
the activation of the transition "start
conversation", then the system asks the intent
(“ask intent” transition) as long as it is not
understood; below, after obtaining the intent
(“get intent” transition), through “ask vehicle”
transition, system will be asked to user the
vehicle (car, motorcycle, etc...).
Assuming it has been identified the intent of
wanting to change the car tires, it can begin the
process of tires recommendation for car: the
system will randomly ask general information
on the car or the tire size, activating the “ask car”
or “ask tire” transition. Obtained an answer, “get
response for cars” or “get response for tire size”
transition is activated.
If it is aware of the brand and model, “get car”
transition is activated, and then it can be
possible to ask later the car version and year; as
well as if it is aware of the width, height and
diameter, the transition “get size” is activated,
requiring later load and speed.
Finally, “get tire from car data” or “get tire from
tire data” transition is activated only when the
system will have obtained all the information
(brand, model, version and year) or the context
of the tire (width, height, diameter, load and
speed). Obtained result will be represented from
one or more tires that correspond at the research
done, based on the data provided.
The result obtained can then be further filtered
based on optional parameters, such as the
season, in order to activate “recommend tire”
final transition.
The transition ends the conversation is activated
and the conversation ends.
The most delicate initial aspects to consider are as
1. Controls relating to the information that the user
2. The next question that the system will has to
3. Any flow of communication changes.
For this purpose, the monitor places were used, which
are a control structure of the system evolution:
recording some events, commanding the other
eligible events and by disabling other.
1. In detail, monitor places related to car context
(brand mp, car_model mp, version mp, year mp)
and to the dimension context of tire (width mp,
height mp, diameter mp, load mp, speed mp)
have been defined: they tell what information of
the context the system knows.
For example, in the case where the system has
requested information on the car and the user
has provided the brand (brand monitor place
fills with a token), “get car” transition could not
enabled, having the need to know also model;
information that the system will require.
Obtained this information (model monitor place
fills with a token), the transition is activated and
the system will prompt version and year. Also
received these information, “get tire from car
data” transition is activated.
The monitor places may be filled by direct
method and indirect method. In the first case, a
determined monitor place is filled directly
following an explicit user response, for example
relative to the car model. A monitor place can be
filled indirectly also, if for example, the user
provides the model and can be traced back to the
brand in that, in the ontology of reference, there
is a single association: in this case, also brand
monitor place will be filled.
For example, the user provides Panda model,
can be traced back to FIAT brand.
2. To determine which question the bot will ask the
user, we have considered the monitor places in
a denied context, graphically defined by an
underline name. For example, for car denied
context, a token in MODEL MP indicates that
the system does not know the car model.
For example, when the user has already
provided the brand of his/her car, BRAND MP
will be filled and “ask brand” transition will not
be active. Instead, BRAND MP of the car
context will be filled and consequently “ask
model” transition will be active. Obtained brand
and model, “get car” transition is enabled;
VERSION MP and YEAR MP are filled and
subsequent transitions to enable will be “ask
version” and “ask year”.
3. When the weighted sum of the missing
information on the total of a context is smaller
than the current value, there is a change context.
Suppose the user after providing the car brand,
gives information about the height, width and
diameter tire; there is a change of context from
the current context C (drive) to another context
N (size) because the weighted sum of the
missing tokens of N on total - the product of the
KomIS 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery meets Information Systems: Applications of Big Data Analytics and BI -
methodologies, techniques and tools
weighted sum of monitor places null for the
number of monitor places null divided by the
total number of monitor places in N- is less than
the weighted sum of the missing tokens of C.
When this condition occurs, the monitor place
of context switch is enabled, in the specific case,
Context_Dimension MP: it allows to transfer the
tokens by brand / model / version / year in height
/ width / diameter / load / speed allowing the
change of the communication flow for the new
context. In this case, the monitor places related
to the height, width and diameter will be
occupied by its token: “get size” transition can
be turned on and the system will have to ask the
load and speed. When user has provided this
information, “get tire from tire data” transition
is enabled.
Analytically, it must check the following
where MPN N and MPN C are the monitor
places null of N and C; MP N and MP C are the
monitor places total of N and C; α and β
represent the weight associated to a specific
question of monitor place null, of N and C.
A context switch can also occur due to a situation of
context stall, when the tokens of a place in that
context and the related monitor places are equal to
Following a context stall, there is a change of
context or a reactivation of context.
If all contexts are stalled, the system does not
have minimum information to produce a result.
Following the resolution of the listed problems, the
goal was to handle situations such as those in which a
value is unknown or in any case is not provided, and
the cases in which the user updates the values of the
current context.
For this purpose, we inserted a maximum (equal to 1)
to the number of tokens that may be present in brand,
model, version and year places, as well as diameter,
width, height, load and speed places. This allows the
system, in normal situations, to request a question for
the user only once.
In special situations, it can be possible a context
reactivation current that allows to "recharge" the
tokens present in the places indicated.
In particular, to have a context reactivation (first
level) of current context if occurrence a deadlock, (1)
the current context has more tokens of the context to
the previous state, or (2) is identical to the previous
context but we have a greater number of tokens in the
optional context, containing the monitor places for
the information considered optional, as the season or
rubber speed.
For example, initially the user provided
information about the car brand. Later, when the
system asks the model, he/she returns the car
information. In this case, we will have a deadlock
since model monitor place and model place are
null. The current context (2) it has more tokens of
the context to the previous state (1), we will have
a context reactivation (first level) that will allow
to recharge tokens of brand / model / version /
year, allowing the system to request the model at
the user.
A similar situation is in the case of the question on
the model, the user responds by providing
optional information, additional to those already
The design approach enables to set a limit to the
number of times in which the system will ask certain
questions, thus avoiding loops in situations of
information not provided and / or unknown.
It is possible to have a context reactivation of second
level: it occurs when, starting from a change of value
of one or more information, the number of tokens in
that context is less or equal to the number of tokens
in the same context to the previous state.
Suppose that the user has provided brand and
model of car, FIAT and Panda respectively. The
system asks about the year of the car and user
answers TOYOTA.
Every monitor place is correlate at data JSON object
representing the context, we are aware that there has
been a value change of two information. The number
of tokens in the current context (equal to 1) is less
than the number of tokens in the same context to the
previous state (equal to 2): we have, therefore, a
context reactivation of second level. It follows that,
since the only occupied monitor place is the brand,
the system will ask model.
Finally, it was analyzed the case in which information
is not mandatory for the purposes of obtaining a
result. An example is “select season” transaction. It is
activated with enabling of “get tire from car data” or
“get tire from tire data” transaction: a particular
choice allows to enable “recommender tire”
transaction and then further filter the results
previously obtained, while a lack of response from the
user does not affect what has already been obtained.
Examples of optional information are the season
or the tire data. The relevant questions are asked
when it does not know the answers (and then
observing the optional context denied).
Finally, some experimental are discussed in the next
BotWheels: a Petri Net based Chatbot for Recommending Tires
Figure 5: Petri Net of BotWheel’s Workflow Manager (Part I).
For evaluating the performance of the proposed
system an experimental campaign has been
developed. In particular, the aim of the
experimentation has been the evaluation of the system
effectiveness in the recognition of the users’ requests.
In addition, the usability of the system has been
evaluated. An implementation of the Chatbot has
been developed and inserted in a Web Site of a tires
seller. At the end of the chat session, an email with
the suggested model tires has been sent to the
potential customer. The email, showed in the store,
guaranteeing a 5% discount on tires’ price. In this
way, it was possible to check whether the tires
suggested by the system were right for the car and the
needs of the customer. In two months about five
hundreds potential customers (identified with the
email address) used the Chatbot and 173 of them
showed the email in the store and bought tires. The
experimental analysis has been conducted about these
173 customers. First of all the performance of the
Chatbot in providing the correct suggestions to the
user has been evaluated. In particular, three different
situations has been considered:
• Chatbot furnishes a correct suggestion
Chatbot furnishes a correct suggestion, but it
does not fit with the real needs of the customer
Chatbot furnishes a wrong suggestion
The obtained results are the following Chatbot
furnished the following results:
A) Correct Suggestion: 113 - 65,32%
B) Correct Suggestion, but not suitable for the
needs of the customer: 24 - 13,87%
C) Wrong Suggestion: 36 - 20,81%
Analyzing the Wrong Suggestion case, we noticed
that the system fails when customer talks about a
model that have various versions because it proposes
tires of different dimensions. Another critical aspect
occurs when the system does not understand what
kind of vehicle the customer is considering. It
happens, for example, when it is not clear if we are
considering a car or a motorcycle produced by an
automotive group. In the case of Correct Suggestion,
but not suitable for the needs of the customer the main
problem is in the identification of the real user needs.
For example, when the customer says that works in a
snowing city but lives in city on the sea the system
fails to identify the correct tires. From the point of
view of the usability a questionnaire about his/her
interaction with the Chatbot was submitted to each
customer. In general, they find the Chatbot easy to use
and user friendly. Comparing it with other Chatbot
(for example Telegram Chatbot or similar) customers
says that BotWheels is more simple and effective.
KomIS 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery meets Information Systems: Applications of Big Data Analytics and BI -
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Figure 6: Petri Net of BotWheel’s Workflow Manager (Part II).
In this paper, an original approach to a Chatbot has
been introduced. In particular, the proposed system is
based on the Petri Net formalism. A real case has been
investigated developing a Chatbot, BotWheels, for a
tires’ seller. The results obtained by the experimental
campaign are satisfying and show the good
perspective of this kind of approach. Further
developments involve the application of the proposed
approach in various contexts and an improvement of
the recommender approach.
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Volume 13, Issue 6, November 2016.
M. Yan, P. Castro, P. Cheng and V. Ishakian, “Building a
Chatbot with Serverless Computing”, Proceedings of
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M. Fischer, S. Menon and O. Khatib, “From Bot to Bot:
Using a Chat Bot to Synthesize Robot Motion,” The
AAAI Fall Symposium Series: Artificial Intelligence for
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B. Edwards, I. Muniru and A. Cheok, “Robots to the
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S. Chopram, R. Gianforte and J. Sholar, “Meet Percy: The
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Transactions on Graphics, Vol. 1, No. 1, Article 1,
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L, Bradeško, J, Starc, D, Mladenic, M, Grobelnik, and M.
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F. Colace, L. Greco, S. Lemma, M. Lombardi, D. Yung, and
S.K. Chang, “An Adaptive Contextual Recommender
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KomIS 2017 - Special Session on Knowledge Discovery meets Information Systems: Applications of Big Data Analytics and BI -
methodologies, techniques and tools