Prior research (e.g. Axelrod, 1976; Huff, 1990)
has confirmed that cognitive maps affect decision
making. Therefore, we recommend that managers
should be aware of their cognitions, personally as
well as understanding that cognitions may often
differ, for example between team or board members
in a company, or between different network partners.
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result also in changes in managers´, or other related
persons´ cognitive maps, as an outcome of
information sharing and mutual sense-making. Since
IOL has proofed to be an important source of
competitive advantages (Spekman, Spear and
Kamauff, 2002), managers should consider in which
position IOL emerge in their cognitive maps of
company performance and if there is room for
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importance has an influence on the type of learning
that exists in managers´ cognitions. Strategic
importance can also reflect dependence between the
customer and the suppliers. Thus, future research
could investigate the effects of dependence on
managers´ cognitions concerning IOL. Moreover, it
would be interesting to compare cognitions of
managers in matcher dyadic and triadic network
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