value of 0.392 using the RecCF algorithm. However,
for general applicability to large DSN, the efficiency
of the approach needs to be improved. A potential
avenue for future work is thus to investigate the po-
tential for using some form of parallel processing, for
example using the well known Massage Pass Inter-
face (MPI) or Hadoop/MapReduce. One of the advan-
tages offered by the “Shape” based approach to min-
ing MPs, as proposed in this paper, is that it lends it-
self to parallelisation, potentially each possible shape
can be processed using a separate processing unit.
The authors would like to thank the China University
of Science and Technology, and the School of Statis-
tics at the Renmin University of China Statistical Cen-
tre, for providing the jiayuan.com dataset used for
evaluation purposes in this paper. Also, the first au-
thor would like to thank the Iraqi Ministry of Higher
Education and Scientific Research, and University of
Al-Qadisiyah, for funding this research.
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