The table contains results over 15 independent
runs of the GA in the form of “mean/STD”. We have
also estimated the statistical significance of
differences in the results (Table 5). We use the
following notations: the sign “=” is used when the
difference is not significant, the sign “>” is used when
the GPHH best-found selection provides significantly
better results, and the sign “<” when the GPHH best-
found selection provides significantly worse results.
As we can see, the synthesized selection operator
performs better with 3 of the 5 problems. The linear
ranking performs better on f15 and f20, but the
difference is significant only with the f15 problem.
The proposed selection operator always outperforms
the proportional selection and it is better or equal to
the exponential ranking.
The synthesized selection operator outperforms
the average of three standard selection operators on
the whole range of test problems. Thus, we can
recommend it for black-box optimization problems.
In this study, we have proposed a hyper-heuristic
approach based on genetic programming which is
used for the automated synthesis of selection
operators in genetic algorithms. The approach
implements the generalization conception taken from
the machine-learning field. A selection operator is
designed in order to maximize the average
performance of a GA with a given set of training
instances of black-box optimization problems.
As numerical experiments have shown, the
approach can deal with the problem of automated
synthesis. Moreover, the synthesized selection
operator provides statistically significant better
performance or at least performance not worse than
standard operators do. It also performs well on a test
set with new, previously unseen instances of
optimization problems, and thus, the generalization
feature of the proposed GPHH is proved.
In our further works, we will extend training and
test sets and will perform more numerical
experiments. We will also try to apply the approach
to the problem of the automated synthesis of other
genetic operators such as crossover and mutation. The
standard GP algorithm can be substituted with
Grammatical Evolution in order to better control the
syntax of synthesized operators.
This research is supported by the Ministry of
Education and Science of Russian Federation within
State Assignment № 2.1676.2017/ПЧ.
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