The Knowledge Managment Capability of High-Technology
Evgeniya Gorlacheva
, Alexander Gudkov
, Dmitrij Koznov
and Irina Omelchenko
Industrial Logistics Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
2-nd Baumanskaya,5, 105005, Moscow, Russia
Instrument Technologies Department, Bauman Moscow State Technical University,
2-nd Baumanskaya,5, 105005, Moscow, Russia
Software Engineering Department, Saint Petersburg State University,
Bibliotechnaya sq., 2, 199034, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: Knowledge Management Capability, High-Technology Engineering Enterprises, Competitive Advantage.
Abstract: Improving the knowledge management (KM) capability in order to gain sustainable competitive advantages
has emerged as an important strategy for addressing recurring problems in a new product development such
a long time-to-market, riskiness and high development costs. Synthesizing prior theoretical research in
innovation management, competitive advantages, KM and practical activities of high-technology
engineering enterprises it is posited that innovation, engineering processes and organizational culture are
important antecedents of KM capability. However, it is vague whether the KM capability as a mediator
affects competitive advantages. The aim of the paper is to explore the impact of the KM capability in high-
technology engineering enterprises. To achieve this aim we have contributed an empiric research in which
50 high-technology engineering enterprises of Russia were involved. The regression analysis is applied to
analyze the obtained empiric data. Among the three selected antecedents the engineering processes have the
most impact on the KM capability. The research hasn’t proved the mediating role between the KM
capability and competitive advantages because of relative novelty of this phenomenon to Russian high-
technology enterprises.
In order to survive in a business environment high-
technology engineering enterprises have to gain and
support sustainable competitive advantages. There is
a large variety of ways to be competitive: by means
of product innovation (Pisano, 1997), by various
organizational technologies (Crossan, et al., 1999),
by sophisticated IT-infrastructure (Sabherwal,
2005), etc.
It should be noted that the relatively essentiality
of the high-technology engineering enterprises
competitive factors have remarkably changed.
Knowledge has become the core element that takes
an important place and considers as the main mode
of competition (Eisenhardt, Santos, 2002). If in prior
literature the problem of competitive advantages is
considered in framework of resource-based view,
nowadays there has been a paradigm shift to
knowledge-based perspective (Alavi, Leidner,
According to knowledge-based view the high-
technology engineering enterprise can be seen as a
knowledge-integration institution which integrates
individual or group. The core of knowledge-based
view lies in its attempt “to understand the
organizational capabilities through which the
enterprises access and utilized the knowledge
possessed by their employees” (Grant, 1996).
Academics and practitioners have recognized the
importance of the Knowledge Management (KM)
capability for an enterprise’s competitive advantages
(Daneels, 2000). Empirically the KM capability has
been found to improve competitive advantages.
Reviewed empiric research (Frishamar et al., 2012)
on the KM capability has largely established the
relationship between various enterprise domains
(intellectual capital, organizational culture,
innovation) and enterprise’s competitive advantages.
Gorlacheva E., Gudkov A., Koznov D. and Omelchenko I.
The Knowledge Managment Capability of High-Technology Enterprises.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497101310138
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 131-138
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
However this stream of research has not covered
such core domains as innovation, engineering
processes and organizational culture, and hasn’t
considered a mediating role of the KM capability.
There is also a lack of empiric data that confirm the
relationship between innovation, engineering
processes, organizational culture and the KM
capability namely in high-technology engineering
This paper aims to examine and empirically test
the relationship between the aforementioned
antecedents’ impact on the KM capability and a
mediating role of the KM capability. For that
purpose the survey of 50 high-technology
enterprises has been conducted. The investigated
enterprises were mainly from machine building
complex, IT-sphere and biotechnology. The
procedure of the research has based on the following
parameters: innovation, engineering processes and
organizational culture, the KM capability,
competitive advantages, their evaluation and
statistical analysis. The regression analysis has been
used while analysing given results. The
interpretation of results has discovered the major
impact of engineering processes to the KM
capability. Our expectations about KM capability as
a mediator haven’t been statistically proved.
2.1 The KM Capability in KM
From knowledge management framework high-
technology engineering enterprises should possess a
set of organizational capabilities that allows
achieving the desired outcomes (Lager and Hoerte,
2002). The KM capability is among them as the
most crucial one.
The research conducted by (Gold et al., 2001) the
link between organizational effectiveness and the
KM capability has been found. Our aim is to test
empirically whether KM capability impacts directly
on competitive advantages in high-technology
engineering enterprises.
2.2 Key Antecedents of the KM
2.2.1 Innovation
The main activity of high-technology engineering
enterprises is a new product development. This
activity is associated with risks and uncertainty. The
literature review (Gudkov, 2016) shows that there
are four types of a new product:
Totally new product (innovation);
Modified existing product (modification);
Enlargement of a product (differentiation);
Spread of a trade mark (diversification).
It is also highlighted that a new product
development process involves the acquisition,
dissemination and use of new and existing
knowledge. Thus we could recapitulate that
innovation contributes to the KM capability. A new
product development often requires new or modified
engineering processes.
2.2.2 Engineering Processes
The sophistication of engineering processes leads to
elaborate them well-tuned and regulated (Gudkov,
2016). Engineering processes should be supported
both corresponding management, e.g. product
management in software companies (Maglyas et al.,
2012), and design-oriented methods such as
ontology engineering, system analysis and enterprise
architecture management (Gavrilova et al., 2010).
Engineering processes can’t exist without
appropriate communication and information
systems. Taking into consideration that engineering
processes generate a lot of data on its every phase,
we could suppose that engineering processes
enhance the KM capability.
2.2.3 Organizational Culture
Organizational culture is another antecedent that
enhances the KM capability. In (Pearce C. and
Ensley M., 2004) it is highlighted that employee
empowerment, team creativity and a shared vision
are necessary while elaborating a new product
(Popov et al., 2016).
In order to increase the KM capability employees
must be given the opportunity to develop and create
ideas together. Thus we consider organizational
culture as an antecedent factor of the KM capability.
2.3 Mediating Role of the KM
The KM capability depends on three core
antecedents’ relatedness. These arguments suggest
that the KM capability mediates the relationship
between core antecedents and competitive
Thus we expect that the KM capability will
function as a mediator of the relationship between
the core antecedents and competitive advantages.
2.4 Regression Analysis
Undoubtedly there is a huge variety of measurement
models that can be used by a researcher. Some of
them are more reliable, some ones are easier in use.
The regression analysis allows including or
excluding predictors (independent variables) until
the model would be adequate for research purpose.
The embedded method of the partial least square
constructs a regression equation in terms of small
sample data.
Regression analysis (Drayper, Smith, 2003)
reveals the interrelations between dependent and
independent variables in statistical research. An
independent variable means a variable that is chosen
initially to test its impact on a dependent variable. In
turn a dependent variable is a variable that is under
Table 1 and 2 presents the description of
evaluation parameters that are commonly used in the
regression analysis.
Table 1: Regression analysis’ parameters: statistical
Parameter Possible value range Meaning
Cronbach α 0,5>α>1 Internal
consistency of
β-coefficient 5<β<7% Error of
p-value 0,5<p>0,5 Statistical
value of calculations
depends on sample size
The correctness
of null
Table 2: Regression analysis’ parameters: statistical
Parameter Possible value range Meaning
>1 Interaction
detection of
model variables
Depend on calculations Confirmation of
0d4 Confirmation of
The choice of the best regression model can be
conducted by four different methods: 1) method of
all possible regression equations; 2) method of the
best regression equations; 3) method of exclusion; 4)
stepwise regression (Drayper, Smith, 2003).
The latter is more optimal as it allows using
resources thrifty.
The KM capability is surveyed in different works
and from different aspects. In (Pfeffer and Souton,
1999) it is pointed out that enterprises tend to pay
more attention to knowledge creation and less
attention toward utilizing available knowledge.
The other paper (Hsu and Sabherwal, 2011) is
considered the KM capability in terms of intellectual
capital issues. The main aim of this paper is to
provide insights into the mediating roles of
knowledge enhancement and knowledge utilization
in the relationship between intellectual capital and
One more paper (Freeze and Kulkarki, 2013) has
suggested a KM capability assessment instrument to
measure knowledge assets.
In (Dawson, 2000) the KM capability is defined
as the effectiveness of an organization to perform
knowledge processes using resources of intellectual
capital and key information inputs.
In (Gold, Malhotra and Segars, 2001) the KM
capability is considered in two key aspects: a
knowledge process capability and a knowledge
infrastructure capability.
Organizational culture and the KM capability are
depicted in various works related to organizational
climate (Song, Wang, 2016) or organizational
citizenship behaviour (Podsakoff, 2016).
However there is a lack of empiric research that
investigates the mediating role of the KM capability
between innovation, engineering processes,
organizational culture and competitive advantages in
high-technology engineering enterprises.
The study of the KM capability bumps into a set of
difficulties due to its multidimensionality (Hsu and
Sabherwal, 2011) and qualitative nature (Malhotra et
al., 2006).
The papers that study the KM capability one
could divide into two large groups: these that
propose the elaboration of conceptual frameworks
(Frishamar et al., 2012) and those that propose
empiric research (Zheng et al., 2010). The latter
group is more numerous.
One more difficulty is the choice of robust
measurement instruments.
The methodology of this particular research is
coincided with the standard procedure, described in
(Tokarev, 2013). It comprises the following stages:
determination of initial conditions; purpose
statement of the research; choice of research type
(an empiric or a desk one); choice of research
method (a sample size determination, a
questionnaire elaboration, a measurement model and
its reliability test); analysis of results and findings.
The whole scheme is presented on fig.1. The brief
description of each stage is presented below.
Figure 1: Scheme of the present research.
The analysis of initial conditions allows
determining the environment where an enterprise
functions and performs its business activities.
Purpose statement is the most important stage of the
whole research. It determines the configuration of
the further work.
The choice of research type strongly depends on
time and budget. Despite the fact that desk research
is more budgetary, only empiric research gives
original information about the real state of art.
However empiric research requires taking in
mind many important factors: the determination of
sample size; time to answer the questionnaire; the
respondents’ willingness to answer; the readiness of
interviewers to explain “bottle necks”, etc.
The elaboration of the questionnaire requires the
critical examination of the selected field and the
deliberate preparation of all questions. The typical
structure of the questionnaire comprises four main
parts: introduction, respondent profile, main part and
detector questions (Tokarev, 2013; Golubkov,
The most appropriate statistical approach in
determining sample size is the calculation on the
confidence interval (Golubkov, 2008).
Findings of the research present the
interpretation of the given results and its impact on
the purpose statement.
This analysis has allowed elaborating the
questionnaire. The whole questionnaire comprises
20 questions that have been adopted from interviews
with senior executives and added from existing
studies (Frishamar, 2012; Casselman, 2011).
There are four parts included in the
questionnaire. Part A mentions about the attitude to
innovation and engineering processes organization.
Part B deals with the knowledge management and
IT-infrastructure elements. Part C presents questions
concerning organization culture and procedures of
KM whether they are settled in enterprises or not.
Part D concerns the profiles of enterprises, its
geographic characteristics and respondents’ position
in an engineering enterprise.
In this particular paper only four questions are
presented. We have used a five-point Likert-type
scale which ranges from “strongly disagree” (1) to
“strongly agree” (5).
Our regression model is based on the five
independent and two dependent variables. Each of
the independent variable contains at least four items.
The items were codified in order to use constructs in
SPSS Statistics 22.0 toolset (SPSS Statistics, 2017).
Thus, a variable “Innovation” (V1) comprises four
innovation (IN1…5);
modification (MOD1…5);
differentiation (DIF1…5);
diversification (DIV1…5).
A variable “Engineering processes” (V2)
totally regulated (TReg1…5);
possible changes to employee’s initiative
regulated procedures in “control points”
dependence on project specification
A variable “Organizational culture” (V3)
knowledge diffusion among employees
improvement of rationalization (ImpRat1…5);
increase of trust among employees
cultivation of “learning organization” values
All these variables are considered as predictors.
Let’s consider dependent variables, which are
used in our regression model. The KM capability has
been viewed as a dependent variable (V4) and
described by following items:
formalization of management processes
diffusion of best practices among employees
creation of experts’ list (ExpLs1…5);
time decrease of business processes
Due to a mediating role of the KM capability, its
variable has been also viewed as a predictor of the
dependent variable – variable “Competitive
advantages” (V5). The last one was described by the
following items:
custom retention (CusR1…5);
sales growth (SalGr1...5);
financial performance (FinPr1…5);
reputation (Rep1…5).
In (Frishamar, 2012) these items are described
more detailed.
The next procedure is the determination of the
sample size. The sample size was calculated and
should be about 50 enterprises. Confidence figure is
evaluated at 85 %, as the KM capability is quite new
within the high-technology engineering enterprises
in Russia. 70 % of returned questionnaires is quite
appropriate according to (Golubkov, 2008).
We used multi regression model to evaluate the
variables and find out whether our suppositions
concerning the mediating role of the KM capability
could be proved by reality.
5.1 Informant and Company Profiles
The present research uses empiric data. According to
described methodology, we have studied the initial
conditions to clarify whether the notion of the KM
capability is familiar for high-technology
We selected 50 high-technology engineering
enterprises dealing with RandD as a main filed. In
December 2016 we received 35 usable
questionnaires (70 % of response) from senior
executives (31 %) and senior engineering staff
(69 %). The respondents had an average 5 years of
work experience in these current enterprises. The
majority of the respondents are from machine
building complex (see fig. 3).
The enterprises of machine building complex
contribute substantially to gross domestic product.
The age and the size (number of employees) of these
enterprises can be considered as established ones.
More than half (57,1 %) have been founded more
than 50 years ago and 62,8 % have more than 1000
employees (see fig. 4 and fig. 5).
Figure 2: Industrial affiliation of the responded
Figure 3: The age of the responded enterprises.
Figure 4: The number of employees (enterprise size).
Concerning the ownership of the informants the
majority of the enterprises belong to public joint
stock company (28,7 %), 20 % are joint stock
company and 20 % are considered as federal state
unitary enterprise (see fig. 6).
In coincidence with Russian Civil Code (Garant,
2017) these enterprises possess features of state
budgetary supported enterprises from the one side
and from the other they have possibility to raise
capital through mechanism of stock exchanges.
Figure 5: Ownership characteristics of informants.
5.2 Analysis Stage
The first part of the regression analysis dealt with
the antecedents’ impact on the KM capability, where
KM capability was the dependent variable (V4) and
innovation (V1), engineering processes (V2),
organizational culture (V3) were independent ones.
Due to limitation of the paper size there are
presented only final results of the regression model
(Table 3). Firstly, the variable 1 has been included
and tested its impact on the KM capability. Then, the
variable 2 has been added. The predictors
(independent variables) have been included in the
analysis successively.
Table 3: Results of the regression analysis.
(Ind. and Dep.)
β t DW coeff.
V1 (In.) 0,5 21,2 0,42 2,59
V2 (Eng.Pr.) 0,7 6,59 0,51 3,1 2,1
V3 (Org.Cult.) was excluded during the machine calculations
V4 (KM Cap.)
The second part of the regression analysis
V4 (KM Cap.) 0,2 4,7 0,4 2,1 2,07
V5 (Com.adv.)
According to the given results shown in Table 3
the variable 1 – innovation – has the impact to the
KM capability. It is proved by the meaning of R
and F-value. R
= 0,5 and F = 21,2. The variable 2 –
engineering process – has more impact to the KM
capability. R
= 0,7 and F = 6,59. Therefore, we
could postulate that innovation and engineering
processes impact positively the KM capability.
As to organizational culture it has been excluded
during the machine calculations. Therefore this
antecedent hasn’t been statistically significant. β
coefficient, as a parameter providing statistical
reliability, equals 5,1% for engineering processes
and 4,2% for innovation respectively. It confirms the
greater impact of engineering processes to the KM
The lack of correlation (multicollinearity)
between two predictors – innovation and
engineering processes is proved by DW coefficient.
The meaning of which is 2,1; it is proved that
deviations are occasional and the regression model is
statistically significant.
The second part of the model deals with the
mediating effect of the KM capability on
competitive advantages.
Thus as the value of R
is quite low (0,208), we
can’t say that the KM capability influences
competitive advantages in high-technology
engineering enterprises. DW coefficient equals 2,07,
proving the lack of multicollinearity. β coefficient
equals 4,5%. This meaning coincides with the β
coefficient for innovation and explains the
insignificant effect of the KM capability to
competitive advantages.
5.3 Findings of the Research
The paper has searched the relationship between
innovation, engineering processes, organizational
culture and KM capability. The conducted research
included the 35 questionnaires with high-technology
enterprises. The given results are following: among
three chosen antecedents the engineering processes
has mostly impacted the KM capability (R
= 0,7).
We could explain it that for high-technology
enterprises engineering processes are key activities.
Organizational culture hasn’t had a great impact
in high-technology engineering enterprises as the
new product development very often is a chaotic
process. The survey has found out that innovation
has had less impact to the KM capability as high-
technology enterprises deal mostly with the
modification of a new product. Innovation is not
popular among the answers.
The KM capability is paid less attention in high
technology engineering enterprises – that’s why the
mediating role of KM and competitive advantages
hasn’t been proved and hasn’t coincided with the
results of literature review. The more evident
explanation is that in Russia knowledge
management as an organization technology is
relatively new.
5.4 Limitations of the Research
It is important to acknowledge this study’s
First, due to relative novelty of KM as an
organization technology, it was quite difficult to
gather valuable data as informants sometimes
needed to have explanations about this or that
question. It is also worth to mention that the research
sample is relatively small. Hence, the research
initially contains occasional statistical errors.
Second, due to our focus on a parsimonious
model, several potentially important factors may
have been excluded in our research as is common in
organization science models.
Third, although the regression analysis is widely
accepted as a robust instrument of organizational
factors’ evaluation, perhaps a system of
simultaneous equations would give other results.
Thus, this issue should be tested in future research.
Nevertheless, the statistical quality of the
investigated model is proved by DW coefficients
and the lack of multicollinearity. Therefore we could
postulate that the model has right to exist.
As for economic interpretation of the given
results it is obvious the engineering processes are the
key antecedent and should be properly supported.
The lack of the KM capability mediating role can be
explained by the relative novelty of this
phenomenon and shortcomings of the questionnaire.
The present paper examines these relations taking
into consideration knowledge-based view.
A common theme running through KM literature
is that the KM capability is an important ability of
an enterprises’ competitiveness. Although much
theorizing about this has taken place in subsequent
literature there is a lack of empiric research how
innovation, engineering processes and the KM
capability affect competitive advantages. This paper
tried to close this gap.
First, the empirical research provides initial
support that this comprehensive theoretical platform
incorporating both antecedents and the KM
capability might provide a valuable alternative to
prior separate focus on innovation, engineering
processes and the KM capability.
Second, this study provides insight into the KM
literature by including innovation, engineering
processes in the research.
Third, the failure to find positive effect of the
organizational culture on the KM capability may
imply that for high-technology engineering
enterprises it plays not significant role in comparison
with innovation and engineering processes.
This study implicitly assumes that the
investigated relationships are stable across various
organizations, industrial and county contexts.
Further research can build on this study by
developing an extension that sees the relationship as
depending upon specific context.
This paper also has several implications for
business practice. Enterprises should enhance the
KM capability for developing inimitable competitive
The insignificance of the organizational culture
on the KM capability may cause the following
explanation: the enterprises need information
support and tangible benefits while increasing level
of organizational culture.
The statistically non-proved mediating role of the
KM capability may show that knowledge
management as organization technology is not
spread and well-accepted among high-technology
engineering enterprises. Thus, the information
support about KM is needed.
Finally, economic interpretation of the given
results has revealed the necessity of supporting
engineering processes; the expansion of knowledge
management ideas and further research of the KM
capability impact.
Thus, this study provides a few directions for
future research. Firstly, impact of the KM capability
on organizational performance (mainly financial
results) may be explored. Secondly, moderating
effects of external factors and the KM capability can
be examined. Thirdly, other statistical measurement
instruments such as simultaneous equations should
be used in order to compare given results.
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