Accurate Continuous and Non-intrusive User Authentication with
Multivariate Keystroke Streaming
Abdullah Alshehri, Frans Coenen and Danushka Bollegala
Department of Computer Science, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.
Keystroke Time Series, Continuous Authentication, Keystroke Streams, Behavioral Biometric.
In this paper, we demonstrate a novel mechanism for continuous authentication of computer users using
keystroke dynamics. The mechanism models keystroke timing features, Flight time (the time between con-
secutive keys) and Hold time (the duration of a key press), as a multivariate time series which serves to
dynamically capture typing patterns in real/continuous time. The proposed method differs from previous ap-
proaches for continuous authentication using keystroke dynamics, founded on feature vector representations,
which limited real-time analysis due to the computationally expensive processing of the vectors, and which
also yielded poor authentication accuracy. The proposed mechanism is compared to a feature vector based ap-
proach, taken from the literature, over two datasets. The results indicate superior performance of the proposed
multivariate time series mechanisms for continuous authentication using keystroke dynamics.
Distance learning (eLearning) and Massive Open On-
line Courses (MOOCs) have witnessed a rapid growth
over the last decade (Clark and Mayer, 2016). Con-
sequently, an increasing number of people are taking
online assessments and exams remotely. As a result,
user authentication has become an issue; is the person
taking the assessment the person who they say they
are? Traditional one-off validation, such as the util-
isation of passwords and usernames (also known as
static authentication (Bours, 2012)) is clearly not suf-
ficient. The challenge is not just how to ensure that the
person is who they say they are at the beginning of the
assessment but throughout the assessment. What is
required is real time continuous authentication rather
than static authentication.
Keystroke dynamics (typing patterns) are a
promising biometric recognition mechanism that can
provide the desired continuous authentication (Bours,
2012). They offer the advantage that no special equip-
ment is required such as in the case of continuous
iris or fingerprint recognition. The idea is motivated
by the observation that keyboard behaviour (typing
rhythm and style) varies between individuals (Gaines
et al., 1980). Keyboard behaviour can be expressed
in the form of patterns made up of keystroke tim-
ing attribute-values (keystroke dynamics) describing
the timing information associated with key-hold times
(K H
) and flight times (F
) (Gaines et al., 1980).
The first is the duration of holding down a key; the
second is the time from the first key press to the
last key release of n-graphs. An n-graph in this con-
text is a sequence of keyboard characters; if we have
one character this is called a monograph, two charac-
ters a digraph, three characters a trigraph, and so on
(Gunetti and Ruffo, 1999; Ahmed and Traore, 2014).
Much previous work directed at user (keyboard)
authentication using keystroke dynamics has focussed
on Keystroke Static Authentication (KSA) where typ-
ing patterns are extracted from short predefined texts,
for example, passwords or pin numbers, to strengthen
user credentials (Joyce and Gupta, 1990; Monrose
et al., 2002; Killourhy and Maxion, 2009; Syed et al.,
2014). The authentication process utilises keystroke
dynamics to create a feature vector (often referred
to as a typing profile), for example, made up of the
mean and standard deviation of digraph flight times.
Then, given a previously unseen profile, allegedly be-
longing to a certain user, this can be authenticated by
comparing it to a stored profile for the indicated user,
by computing the similarity between the two feature
vectors. The idea of using keystroke dynamic feature
vectors for free text, Keystroke Continuous Authen-
tication (KCA), has also been proposed (Shepherd,
1995; Dowland and Furnell, 2004; Gunetti and Pi-
cardi, 2005; Ahmed and Traore, 2014). This is typ-
ically conducted in the context of specific n-graphs
Alshehri A., Coenen F. and Bollegala D.
Accurate Continuous and Non-intrusive User Authentication with Multivariate Keystroke Streaming.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497200610070
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 61-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(such as “th”, “ing”, “tion” and so on). The generation
of the desired feature vector (profile), and the conse-
quent authentication, is typically carried out once the
subject has finished typing.
The feature vector representation when used in the
context of KCA, as described above, has a number of
disadvantages (Ahmed and Traore, 2014). The most
significant is the resource required to generate the fea-
ture vectors, which is why authentication is typically
conducted on typing completion rather than in real
time as would be desirable in the context of online
assessment. The reason for this is that a great many
n-graphs need to be considered so as to acquire an
effective typing profile. By increasing the number
of n-graphs to, for example, all digraphs, real time
KCA (while the subject is typing) becomes intractable
given the size of the feature vectors that need to be
generated and compared.
In this paper, a new approach to KCA is proposed
that takes into consideration all keystroke features,
rather than those associated with specific digraphs,
by considering typing behaviour in terms of a mul-
tivariate time (keystroke) series. More formally, each
keystroke is considered to be a multivariate discrete
(indexed) temporal event (p
) forming a sequence of
multidimensional events {p
, p
,...} where each p
represents the timing information of flight F
key-holds K H
timings. The idea is to conduct real
time authentication by continuously extracting subse-
quences of a keyboard usage multivariate time series,
that are representative of typing behaviour and which
can consequently be used for real time KCA. In the
proposed method, the subsequences are extracted us-
ing a non-overlapping sliding window (of length ω).
The real time authentication is conducted by com-
paring the most recent subsequence with the previ-
ous subsequence extracted during the typing session.
Of course, on start up, the subject’s identity needs to
be initially confirmed in a “traditional” manner with
reference to a stored typing pattern. Time series sim-
ilarity was calculated using Dynamic Time Warping
(DTW) (Berndt and Clifford, 1994) which it results
in a warping distance which can, in turn, be used as a
similarity measure.
The main contributions of the work presented in
this paper are as follows. A process for real time KCA
founded on the concept of multivariate time series, as
opposed to the feature vector-based approaches pro-
posed to date, that is independent of keyboard lay-
out. The mechanism is also privacy preserving in that
knowledge of which keys are actually being pressed
is not required. The proposed mechanism, although
intended for use with respect to online assessment,
has general applicability. For example, it may equally
well be used to detect certain human conditions, such
as Parkinson’s disease, as described in (Giancardo
et al., 2016) or to detect keyboard user emotions as
described in (Raja and Sigg, 2016). A further contri-
bution is the novel manner in which typing behaviour
is captured in the form of a multivariate time series
representation. Note also that in the proposed mecha-
nism, other than on start up, there is no requirement to
compare to a “bank”
of user profiles for the claimed
The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Sec-
tion 2 reviews the background and the related work
concerning KCA feature representation. Section 3
presents some definitions, and some preliminaries,
concerning the keystroke multivariate time series rep-
resentation. The proposed KCA process is then in-
troduced in Section 4. The evaluation of the proposed
approach is reported on in Section 5. Finally, the work
is concluded in Section 6.
As noted in Section 1, most previous work directed
at KCA, although limited, has been founded on the
use of statistical measurements to define features from
predefined sets of n-graphs (see for example (Dow-
land and Furnell, 2004; Gunetti and Picardi, 2005;
Ahmed and Traore, 2014)).
One of the earliest examples of this approach can
be found in (Dowland and Furnell, 2004) where the
focus was on the most frequent occurring digraphs.
In this case, the created typing profiles comprised the
mean and standard deviation of the flight time for dif-
ferent digraphs. These profiles could then be used for
authentication purposes. The limitation of this mech-
anism was that to obtain an accurate performance, a
substantial number of digraphs (for each user) was re-
quired. The authors stated that, in their experiments,
an average of 6,390 digraphs were required to con-
struct a reliable typing profile. In (Gunetti and Pi-
cardi, 2005) the average flight time for shared di-
graphs and trigraphs (between two typing samples)
was used to create typing profiles that were stored
in arrays. Given a new profile, this was compared
to existing profiles by comparing the array order-
ing of the new profile with existing profiles using
the R measure
. Thus, authenticating a new sample
required comparison with all stored sample profiles
A repository holding a collection of relevant typing
An idea inspired by Spearman’s rank correlation coef-
(reference profiles), a computationally expensive pro-
cess. In the reported evaluation, 600 reference pro-
files were considered (generated from 40 users, each
with 15 samples); the time taken for a single match,
in this case, was 140 seconds (using a Pentium IV,
2.5 GHz). However, for most KCA applications, the
current sample need only be compared against the
claimed user’s reference profile.
An issue with the work presented in both (Dow-
land and Furnell, 2004) and (Gunetti and Picardi,
2005) was the size of feature vectors used to repre-
sent typing profiles which required a substantial re-
source to collect, hence authentication was conducted
on typing completion. To address this disadvantage,
the idea presented in (Ahmed and Traore, 2014) was
to collect only a small number of features (average
hold time for monograms and average flight time for
frequently occurring digraphs) and predict the values
for missing features to complete a new typing pro-
file. Once completed this could be compared with the
appropriate reference profiles (the stored profiles for
the person the new user claimed to be). A neural net-
work based classifier was trained to predict the miss-
ing values. The proposed mechanism worked well un-
der controlled experimental conditions, although ide-
ally, we would like to undertake the evaluation in an
uncontrolled setting (as in the case of (Dowland and
Furnell, 2004) and (Gunetti and Picardi, 2005)).
There has been very little previous work directed
at time series analysis in the context of user authen-
tication using keyboard dynamics. In (Richardson
et al., 2014) a streaming algorithm was proposed
for which a potential suggested application domain
was real time KCA, although no further investigation
was ever conducted. In (Alshehri et al., 2016a) and
(Alshehri et al., 2016b) the concept of using single-
variate time series with respect to keystroke dynamics
was considered, but only in the context of static au-
thentication. Therefore, the work presented in this pa-
per is directed at continuous authentication using mul-
tivariate time series. The first hypothesis investigated
in this paper is the idea that when incorporating more
than one keystroke timing feature, in a keyboard time
series representation, the quality of the user authen-
tication can be improved significantly. The second
hypothesis is that the computational complexity of
the proposed mechanism, although clearly exceeding
the complexity associated with single-variate analy-
sis, will be such that real time user authentication will
be viable. To the best knowledge of the authors, real
time KCA using multivariate time series has not been
considered previously in the literature.
The generic concept of time series is well described
in the literature (see for example (Wang et al., 2013)).
This section presents the application of the concept
to keystroke multivariate time series starting with
a formal description of what a keystroke time series is.
Definition 1: A keystroke time series K
is an
ordering of keyboard events {p
, p
,... , p
} where
n N is the length of the series.
Definition 2: A dimensional keyboard event
(keystroke) p
is parametrised as a tuple of the
form ht
i, where t
is an identifying index and k
a collection of multivariate keystroke timing features.
The keystroke timing features used in the proposed
representation are flight time F
and and key-hold
. That is, each event p
can be given as:
i | t = [0,n),k = {F
,K H
} (1)
such that a keystroke time series can be for-
mulated as a multivariate series of the form
,K H
,K H
i,... }.
The fundamental idea is then to extract short
keystroke time series subsequence, using a moving
window of size ω, and use these for real time KCA by
comparing the current subsequence with earlier sub-
sequences so as to confirm that the subject remains
who they say they are and has not been replaced by
another subject. For the implementation presented
later in this paper, Dynamic Time Warping (DTW),
as described in (Berndt and Clifford, 1994), was used
to determine the similarity between multivariate sub-
sequences. DTW was used because, unlike other sim-
ilarity devices such as Euclidean distance, it has the
ability to capture shape offsets (Lines et al., 2012).
In other words, it supports non-linear similarity deter-
mination. For completeness the process of DTW is
briefly described in Sub-section 3.1 below.
3.1 Multivariate Similarity Checking
using DTW
The concept of multivariate time series, although not
new (Vlachos et al., 2003), has attracted much recent
attention in the literature (Hu et al., 2013; Cao and
Liu, 2016). There have been many approaches pro-
posed to determine the similarity between multivari-
ate time series; in this paper, because we are interested
in the effectiveness of the multivariate keystroke time
series representation in the context of KCA, a multi-
variate time series is considered in terms of its com-
ponent single time series. Thus in our case similarity
is expressed in terms of two warping path distances,
determined using the technique presented (Vlachos
et al., 2003), from which an average distance is ob-
Thus, given two multivariate keystroke time series
= {(a
),... ,(a
= {(b
),... ,(b
where ω is the subsequence (window) length, and the
set {x, y} is the coordinate set, y F
or y K H
The DTW commences with the creation of a matrix X
of size ω×ω holding the absolute Euclidean distances
d between each point a
and all points b
such that:
) =
) + (a
The warping path is then the path from location h0,0i
to location hω, ωi in the matrix X
X, that features the
lowest Euclidean distance values in the matrix. The
warping path distance (w) associated with this path
is the sum of the individual Euclidean distances nor-
malised by the distance associated with the path that
features the maximum Euclidean distance values in
the matrix X
X. If w = 0 the subsequences K
and K
are identical, otherwise they are different by some de-
gree. Thus w is a measure of similarity. The principle
of DTW is illustrated in Figure 1. The Figure shows
the optimal warping path with respect to two scenar-
ios: Figure 1(a) shows an example of the warping
path that results when comparing two keystroke time
series from the same user, but typing different texts;
whereas Figure 1(b) shows an example of the warping
path that results when comparing two keystroke time
series for different users typing the same text. In both
cases ω = 100. From the figures, it can be noted that
the warping path is shorter with respect to the same
user than in the different user case.
To decide whether two subsequences can be con-
sidered to be similar or not, a threshold value σ was
employed. In the context of the proposed real time
KCA, the value of σ was derived dynamically; how
this is achieved is discussed in Sub-section 4.2 be-
low. Note that the length of both keystroke time series
and K
) does not have to be equal, the reason
they are equal in the above explanation is simply be-
cause this was the case with respect to the proposed
real time KCA approach which uses a fixed window
size ω.
The proposed real time KCA process is presented in
this section. As established above, the process com-
prises the comparison of time series subsequences
collected, using a sliding window of size ω, whilst the
subject is typing. As already noted the keystroke dy-
namics used were flight time (F
) and key-hold time
(K H
). An issue with fight time is that the value can
be large, for example when the subject pauses during
their typing or as a result of an “away from keyboard”
event. For each collected time series it was thus nec-
essary to address this issue, before commencing any
further KCA authentication. How this was achieved is
presented in Sub-section 4.1. Whatever the case, on
“start-up”, it was first necessary to authenticate the
user with respect to a set of stored profiles for the
claimed user. At the same time, we need to establish a
value for σ. How this is achieved is presented in Sub-
section 4.2. Once we have authenticated the user we
can commence the monitoring process as described in
Sub-section 4.3.
4.1 Noise Reduction for Flight Time
In the foregoing, it was noted that a given flight time
value F
might be greater than normal because the
subject has paused during his/her typing. Essentially
such high values introduce noise into the real time
KCA process. To address this issue, a limit was
placed on the F
values in a given time series K
ing a second threshold value ϕ. In other words, given
a specific F
value in access of ϕ, the value was re-
duced to ϕ. In the evaluation presented later in this
paper a range of values for ϕ were considered, rang-
ing from 0.75 to 2.00 seconds, increasing in steps of
0.25 seconds ({0.75,1.00,1.25,1.50, 1.75, 2.00}).
4.2 User Authentication on Start-up
At the beginning of the process, it will be first neces-
sary to confirm that the user is who(s)he says (s)he
is. This is done by comparing the first extracted
subsequence, S
, with a collection of reference sub-
sequences (of the same length ω) extracted from a
sample typing profile K
, known to belong to the
claimed subject and obtained previously. Note that
in this case, K
needs to be substantially greater
than the maximum anticipated value for ω, so that
(a) (b)
Figure 1: The application of DTW: (a) warping path for the same user typing different texts, and (b) warping path for different
users typing the same text.
a number of subsequences can be extracted. S
then compared, using DTW, with the reference sub-
sequences set, and an average warping path distance
¯w obtained. The required value for σ is obtained by
comparing all the profile subsequences pair combina-
tions in K
and obtaining a set of warping path values
W = {w
,... }. The average value of W is then
calculated and used as the value of σ which is com-
pared with ¯w to determine whether the user is who
they say they are. Note that the σ value derived in this
manner is used throughout the rest of the real time
KCA process for the current typing session. Note also
that the window size ω, is user defined. For the exper-
iments reported on later in this paper a range of ω
values were considered from 25 to 150 increasing in
steps of 25 ({25,50,75,100, 125,150}).
4.3 Continuous User Authentication
Once the initial authentication had been completed,
and a value for σ obtained, the real time KCA can
be commenced. The pseudo code for the process is
presented in Algorithm 1. The inputs are: (i) the de-
sired window size ω and (ii) the similarity threshold
σ (derived as described above) and the desired ϕ limit
value for F
. The process loops continuously until
the keyboard session is terminated (the subject com-
pletes the assessment, times out or logs-out); on each
iteration, the flight time F
and K H
values are si-
multaneously recorded. Each F
value is checked to
ensure that it is within the limit (ϕ). This is done us-
ing the function checkLimit (line 8) which returns the
value if it is less than ϕ, and ϕ otherwise (as de-
scribed above). F
and K H
are then appended to the
keystroke time series K
so far. Note that K
is built
up as the process progresses. The counter is moni-
tored and subsequences are extracted whenever
Algorithm 1: Multivariate KCA process.
Input: ω, σ, ϕ.
Output: Authentication commentary.
1: counter = 0
2: K
3: loop
4: if end of session signal received then
5: break
6: end if
7: F
= current keystroke dynamic (flight time)
8: F
= checkLimit(F
,ϕ) Noise reduction.
9: K
= K
10: counter + +
11: if REM(counter/ω) == 0 then
12: S
= subsequence {K
13: if counter = ω then
14: Start-up: authenticate S
w.r.t reference
profiles and σ
15: else
16: Authenticate S
w.r.t. S
and σ
17: end if
18: end if
19: end loop
the number of keystrokes reaches ω. For the first col-
lected subsequence (S
) this is the start-up sit-
uation and consequently S
is processed as described
above in Sub-section 4.2 and a report returned. Other-
wise the subsequence S
is compared to the previous
subsequence S
(i > 1), using the DTW process as
described in Sub-section 3.1.
The evaluation of the proposed multivariate time
series-based approach to continuous/real time
keystroke authentication is presented in this section.
For the evaluation two data sets were used; these are
thus first discussed in Sub-section 5.1. Experiments
were conducted to: (i) evaluate the processing time
required to generate user profiles, (ii) determine how
well the proposed approach performed in terms of
the detection of impersonators, (iii) compare the
operation of the proposed multivariate keystroke
time series with the use of univariate keystroke time
series for KCA (when we only use the F
feature as
proposed in the previous study presented in (Alshehri
et al., 2016b)) and (iv) compare the operation of the
proposed approach with the traditional feature vector
representation based approach when applied to KCA.
The results obtained with respect to these objectives
are discussed in further detail in Sub-sections 5.2,
5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 respectively. The metrics used for the
evaluation were: (i) authentication accuracy (Acc.),
(ii) the False Acceptance Rate (FAR), (iii) the False
Rejection Rate (FRR) and (iv) Runtime (seconds).
Note that FAR and FRR are the traditional metrics
used to measure the performance of biometric au-
thentication systems (Polemi, 1997). Two-fold cross
validation was conducted, hence results presented
below are average results from two cross validations.
5.1 Datasets and Experimental Setting
The experiments reported on in this section were con-
ducted using two datasets: (i) ACB, collected by the
authors, and (ii) VHHS obtained from (Vural et al.,
2014) (the identifying acronyms are made up of the
relevant author initials). Note that each dataset com-
prised keystroke dynamics from free text sessions ob-
tained from volunteer keyboard users, however each
featured differing characteristics, thus different: (i)
number of subjects, (ii) lengths of typed samples, (iii)
subject matter (specified or unspecified) and (iv) en-
vironments in which the samples were collected (lab-
oratory or otherwise). Each is discussed in some fur-
ther detail below. Table 1 provides some statistics
concerning both datasets.
For the evaluation, the record associated with each
subject was split into two so that one-half could be
used as the reference profile and the other to simulate
a typing stream. Recall that for the proposed real time
KCA, the reference profiles were used to: (i) derive a
value for σ and (ii) for “start-up authentication”.
5.1.1 ACB Dataset
The ACB dataset was collected anonymously using
undergraduates, postgraduates and staff at the au-
thors’ university; the total number of subjects par-
ticipating was 30. Some additional information re-
garding the gender and/or age were deliberately ig-
nored for two reasons: (i) to minimise the resource
required by subjects providing the data, and (ii) so
as to focus only on comparing user typing patterns
for user authentication, not on drawing any conclu-
sions about the nature of keyboard usage behaviour
in the context of (say) age or gender. Furthermore,
the subjects were asked to provide answers to gen-
eral questions to simulate the way that online assess-
ments might be run. Thus, the subjects were al-
lowed to undertake the exercise in their own time us-
ing whatever keyboard, operating system and browser
they had at hand. The website interface from where
the ACB dataset was collected can be found at:
5.1.2 VHHS Dataset
The VHHS dataset was generated by the authors of
(Vural et al., 2014) and comprised both fixed and free
text samples. For the evaluation reported here, only
the free text samples were considered so that mean-
ingful comparisons could be made with the results
obtained using the ACB dataset. Note also that the
VHHS dataset was collected under laboratory condi-
tions, not the case with respect to the ACB dataset. A
total of 39 subjects were recruited.
5.2 Typing Profile Generation
Table 2 shows the run-time values (seconds) taken to
generate the reference profiles, required on start-up of
the proposed real time KCA process, using different
ω values. The “per subject” values were obtained by
dividing the total run time with the number of records
in the dataset from Table 1. The experiment was run
twice, each time with a different half of the data (two-
fold cross-validation), the results presented in the ta-
ble are thus average values. From the table, it can be
clearly seen that, regardless of the dataset, process-
ing time increased with ω. This was to be expected
because the computation time required by the DTW
would increase as the size of the subsequence con-
sidered increased (even though there might be less
of them). There are well known solutions in the lit-
erature to mitigate against the complexity of DTW
(Itakura, 1975; Sakoe and Chiba, 1978), no such mit-
igation was applied with respect to the experiments
reported here. Nevertheless, we obtained much bet-
ter efficiency compared with the feature vector ap-
proach as stated in (Gunetti and Picardi, 2005) where
the time taken to construct typing profile was 140 sec-
onds. Thus, we have a worst case runtime ratio 1 : 23;
using ω = 100 (the best performing value for ω as
demonstrated later in this section) we have a ratio of
1 : 29, which is a significant “speed-up”.
Table 1: Summary of Evaluation Datasets.
Dataset # Subject. Environment. Language used. Average size Standard Deviation (SD)
ACB 30 Free English 4625 1207
VHHS 39 Lab. English 4853 1021
Table 2: The time taken (in seconds) to construct subject
reference profiles.
Entire Dataset Per Subject
25 1.007 1.180 0.034 0.030
50 1.969 1.570 0.066 0.040
75 2.980 3.523 0.099 0.090
100 5.095 6.244 0.170 0.160
125 7.940 9.742 0.265 0.250
150 12.000 14.130 0.400 0.362
5.3 User KCA Performance
For each dataset, the continuous typing process was
simulated by presenting the keystroke dynamics for
each subject in the form of a data stream. In each
case, the data stream was appended with a randomly
selected second data stream from another user. The
idea being to simulate one subject being imperson-
ated by another half way through a typing session.
For every comparison of a subsequence S
with a sub-
sequence S
(line 17 in Algorithm 1) we recorded
whether this was a True Positive (TP), False Posi-
tive (FP), False Negative (FN) or True Negative (TN).
In this manner a confusion matrix was built up from
which accuracy (Acc.), FAR and FRR could be calcu-
lated (using Equations 3, 4 and 5).
Acc =
T P + T N
T P + FP + FN + T N
FP + T N
FN + T P
Table 3 presents the accuracy results ob-
tained, with respect to both datasets, us-
ing ω = 25,50, 75,100,125, 125 and ϕ =
0.750,1.00,1.25,1.50, 1.75, 2.00. Recall that in
each case, the experiment was run twice each time
with a different half of the data; the results presented
are therefore averages. From the table, it can be
observed that ω and ϕ values of 100 and 1.50
respectively tended to produce best results for all
datasets (the best accuracy result recorded for ACB
was 98.39%, whereas the best result for VHHS was
97.32%). Note also that the selection of ϕ does not
seem to have as much impact as the selection of ω,
and that the performance tends to decrease if the
selected ω value is too big or too small.
Table 4 shows the best results obtained in terms
of FAR and FRR (to give a clear comparison, the
best accuracy values from Table 3, written in bold
font, have been included in the table). The average
recorded results for FAR and FRR are 0.036% and
1.971% respectively; an indicator that the proposed
method gives promising results, and furthermore that
it can be usefully employed as a behavioural biomet-
ric based approach for continuous user authentication.
5.4 Comparison with Univariate
Keystroke Time Series
This subsection presents evaluation results obtained
when the operation of the proposed mechanism was
compared with univariate time series keystroke rep-
resentation as introduced in (Alshehri et al., 2016b).
More specifically univariate time series used for
the experimentation were generated using the F
keystroke dynamic. The results are presented in Table
5. From the table, it can be observed clearly that the
univariate representation produced worse results, in
term of accuracy, than the proposed multivariate ap-
proach. Best recorded results for ACB were 96.48%
(with ω = 100 and ϕ = 1.25), and for VHHS it was
96.54% (with ω = 100 and ϕ = 1.00) compared with
98.39% and 97.32% respectively when using the mul-
tivariate approach (see Table 3). However, the run
time results (not shown) indicate that the efficiency of
constructing typing profiles during the start-up stage
was slightly increased when using univariate time se-
ries compared with the use of multivariate time se-
ries. This was to be expected because the computa-
tional expensive of applying DTW univariate time se-
ries less than when applied to multivariate time series.
Figure 2 shows a comparison of run time versus
ω. Inspection of the figure indicates that, as to be
expected, the use of univariate time series is more ef-
ficient than the use of multivariate time series. In con-
clusion, it can thus be observed that the multivariate
representation gives better accuracy results than the
univariate representation, but at a small efficiency ex-
pense. In other words, incorporating more keystroke
dynamics produces a better KCA performance. Note
that the limitation of the multivariate time series rep-
resentation for KCA is a topic for future work.
Table 3: Accuracy recorded for Keystroke Multivariate Time Series realtime KCA (best results in bold font).
0.750 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.750 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
25 83.21 88.34 89.27 96.13 94.79 91.77 91.28 93.03 94.59 95.25 92.67 93.52
50 87.81 87.93 90.87 97.61 96.39 92.37 91.40 90.64 95.20 92.87 94.28 91.13
75 86.81 87.94 92.87 96.40 98.17 93.36 90.96 92.71 94.27 97.15 94.35 93.20
100 92.25 91.37 93.31 98.39 94.83 90.81 93.45 95.09 96.65 97.32 95.73 95.11
125 92.42 92.55 94.48 98.34 96.10 96.98 92.02 93.77 95.33 95.99 95.41 94.26
150 94.46 96.59 95.12 97.40 97.57 95.13 92.44 94.19 95.75 96.42 95.83 94.68
Table 4: Best Average Acc., FAR and FRR values obtained
using the proposed real time KCA method (ω = 100 and
ϕ = 1.50 ).
Dataset FAR (%) FRR (%) Accuracy (%)
ACB 0.045 1.922 98.39
VHHS 0.027 1.950 97.32
Average 0.036 1.936 97.86
Univariate Representation.
Multivariate Representation.
Univariate Representation.
Multivariate Representation.
Figure 2: Efficiency performance comparison for keystroke
univariate time series and keystroke multivariate time se-
ries: (a) ACB dataset, (b) VHHS dataset.
5.5 Comparison with Feature Vector
This subsection reports on the results obtained when
the operation of the proposed real time KCA method
is compared with the Feature Vector Representa-
tion (FVR) approach frequently encounter in previ-
ous work. As noted in Section 2, there are a num-
ber of reports where the feature vector approach has
been applied to KCA although not in real time; the
authentication is conducted on typing completion. Of
these, the approach described in (Gunetti and Picardi,
2005) was selected for the comparison reported here
because: (i) the study obtained, to the best knowl-
edge of the authors, the best FAR and FRR results
to date; and (ii) the approach was well explained in
the literature, therefore it was easy to reproduce. The
data for each subject, as before, was divided into two.
One-half to be used to create a typing profile, and the
other half as the test data. The features used were the
values for all shared digraph, trigraphs and quad-
graphs in each corresponding sample. A typing pro-
file was thus constructed for each user and compar-
isons conducted as described in (Gunetti and Picardi,
2005) (again see also Section 2). The results are pre-
sented in Table 6. For a comparison purpose, the table
includes the accuracy (Acc.), FAR and FRR results
presented earlier with respect to the proposed multi-
variate approach and comparator univariate approach.
From the Table, it can be observed that the proposed
multivariate time series-based approach to KCA ob-
tained a better performance than the other two meth-
ods considered with respect to both datasets. Thus,
confirming the hypothesis posed in the introduction
to this paper that a multivariate time series represen-
tation would serve to better encapsulate keystroke dy-
namics than the univariate and feature vector based
approach that has typically been used to date. For
completeness, Figure 3 presents the best accuracy re-
sults in a graphical form.
In this paper, a novel mechanism for real time
Keystroke Continuous Authentication (KCA) has
been presented. The idea is to use sequences of
keystroke dynamics in the form of multivariate time
series, incorporating flight time F
and key-hold time
Table 5: Accuracy recorded for Keystroke Univariate Time Series.
0.750 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00 0.750 1.00 1.25 1.50 1.75 2.00
25 72.14 75.35 80.14 85.65 85.01 86.24 80.58 79.76 82.96 83.20 82.00 81.92
50 86.00 83.20 88.64 80.00 80.54 81.00 80.13 82.14 85.46 86.14 85.00 84.00
75 92.12 94.78 95.19 92.00 93.37 94.00 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33 83.33
100 93.24 96.20 96.48 94.79 96.10 95.24 95.61 96.54 96.29 95.35 93.99 94.88
125 95.10 94.00 96.12 95.79 95.81 95.57 94.35 96.34 94.73 95.39 94.28 93.49
150 96.14 94.35 95.37 95.62 96.13 95.12 93.33 95.31 93.67 94.98 94.87 94.96
Table 6: Comparison of KCA using: (i) Multivariate Time Series, (ii) Univariate Time Series and (iii) a Feature Vector based
representation (best results in bold font).
Multivariate Time Univariate Time Feature Vector-
Series Based KCA Series Based KCA Based KCA
ACB 0.045 1.922 98.39 0.05 1.961 96.20 8.60 11.10 80.82
VHHS 0.027 1.950 97.32 0.03 1.970 94.83 9.09 7.13 89.15
Average 0.036 1.936 97.86 0.04 1.965 95.51 8.75 5.93 83.71
Figure 3: The accuracy obtained for multivariate time se-
ries representation, univariate time series representation and
feature vector representation with respect to KCA applica-
, and to monitor such multivariate time series
for the purpose of real time KCA. More specifically
to periodically extract, from this data stream, subse-
quences that can be used for authentication purposes.
In the proposed process, on start-up, the first sub-
sequence (window) extracted for the subject will be
compared to a reference profile (time series); sub-
sequence S
will then be compared to the immedi-
ate predecessor subsequence S
, and so on. In this
manner continuous, real time, user authentication can
take place. The advantage offered is first that the time
series approach is much more efficient than the fea-
ture vector based approach used in earlier work. The
presented evaluation indicated a speed up of approx-
imately 1 : 29 using ω = 100, consequently real time
authentication becomes a realistic option.
The second advantage, again as demonstrated in
the paper, is that the approach is more effective; a
best overall accuracy of 97.86% was recorded with re-
spect to the proposed mechanism as opposed to a best
overall average accuracy of 95.51% using a univari-
ate approach and 83.71% when an established feature
vector technique was used (based on that presented
in (Gunetti and Picardi, 2005)). For future work, the
authors intend to investigate the use different time se-
ries representation methods, such as the Fourier trans-
form, to determine the effectiveness of such different
representation methods for real time KCA. Further-
more, the time complexity of DTW, in the context of
keystroke multivariate time series similarity, remains
an open topic for future work. We wish to optimise
the operation of DTW with respect to such keystroke
multivariate time series.
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