An Approach to Designing Software Engineering Thesis Papers
D. Koznov and M. Nemeshev
Software Engineering Department, Saint Petersburg State University, Saint Petersburg, Russia
Keywords: E-learning, Writing Theses, Mind Maps, Software Engineering.
Abstract: Thesis development proves most complicated for students, as it implies more than one final work product and
involves facing deadlines. One of the most challenging aspects here is writing the thesis paper. Software
engineering is marked by specific difficulties, since students focus on the software development and neglect
other aspects, first of all, the thesis paper writing. Hence thesis paper writing demands significant support
from the university. This paper presents a method of managing the thesis paper writing process for software
engineering undergraduates. Mind mapping is used for the early design, fast feedback, and a wide discussion
of the thesis paper plans. The method is implemented as a one semester course for last year undergraduates.
The evaluation conducted indicates a significant increase in the quality of thesis papers.
Preparing a thesis is no less challenging a task for
students, than for organizations who instruct and tutor
thesis writing at higher education institutions (Rapp,
Kruse, 2016). Following (Davis, Parker, 1979), the
thesis writing process takes one third of the total time
allocated to obtaining the degree; and although these
authors were discussing the doctoral thesis, the
statement is also relevant for other types of theses.
Most students, however, tend to underestimate the
effort that a thesis demands (LaCourse, Rock, 2002).
Hence, they need a considerable educational,
resource and management support to write their
theses properly (Aghaeea, Keller, 2016). Providing
such support for undergraduates is especially
challenging for a number of reasons. Firstly,
undergraduates have fewer professional and
academic skills than other kind of students, and most
of them are working on the first thesis in their life.
Secondly, they by far outnumber graduate and
postgraduate students, so it is quite difficult to
provide high quality one-to-one individual support.
Software engineering involves an additional
difficulty, while students have a lot of software
development to do, and neglect preparing other work
products, mainly thesis papers.
At our department, every year 30 to 40
undergraduates face the task of preparing a thesis.
Besides individual supervision, we provide an
additional kind of centralized support. Managing
writing thesis proves to be one of the most significant
parts of student work that needs to be supported.
There is a number of approaches to providing
good quality thesis papers (Rapp, Kruse, 2016),
(LaCourse, Rock, 2002), (Aghaeea, Keller, 2016),
etc. However, there is a lack of approaches which
would work in conjunction with the actual thesis
development. Also, some additional techniques need
to be used in the thesis development process to ensure
collaboration and to encourage students.
Mind mapping (Buzan, 1995) is a widely known
technique to structure and manage any kind of
information. It is actively used in education, solving
a wide range of tasks: supporting collaboration,
stimulating critical thinking, improving memory
power, etc. (Fun, Maskat, 2010), (Noonan, 2013),
(Papushina, et al., 2017). However, this technique has
not been used so far for the management of thesis
writing at the department level.
The present paper describes a method for the
management of thesis writing for software
engineering undergraduates. The aim of the method
is to support thesis design, to provide collaboration
between the author, the supervisor and other
department staff, to ensure fast feedback at an early
stage of writing. The method is based on the mind
mapping technique and the Comapping toolset
(Comapping, 2017). It is implemented as a course for
last year undergraduates. During the course, students
develop plans of their thesis papers through following
suggested patterns and guidelines. Students discuss
Koznov D. and Nemeshev M.
An Approach to Designing Software Engineering Thesis Papers.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497301390145
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 139-145
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
these plans with their supervisors and the course
lecturer, and substantially modify them. Finally,
every student prepares two or three drafts of his/her
thesis paper, following the plan developed before. By
teaching this course, the department closely monitors
students’ progress at an early stage of thesis writing.
Further work is managed by student supervisors
alone. The department staff then check the final
versions of the theses. Our paper describes the
method and course structure, and also presents some
evaluation data.
There are a large number of books and papers on
academic writing, e.g. (Annesley, 2010), (Swales,
Feak, 2004), (Canagarajah, 2013). In (Stojmenovic,
2010) specific guidelines for writing papers on
software engineering and computer science are
There exists significant literature on development
software documentation: see (Barker, 2002) for
survey tools and methods. There is also a variety of
approaches to writing user documentation (Weiss,
1991) and a vast literature on technical writing
(Williams, 2000), (Wright, 2010).
However, academic and technical writing courses
can help students in preparing their thesis papers only
when their general writing skills are already high
enough, which, in fact, does not prove to be the case
even after taking these courses (LaCourse, Rock,
2002). Hence a special form of thesis development
support is required.
There are a number approaches, techniques, and
tools to support thesis development.
The problem of interaction between students and
supervisors during thesis writing is considered in
(Hansen, Hansson, 2015). The authors analyze web-
discussions between students and supervisors, and
reveal that one of the main topics of collaboration was
«How to write».
Peer reviews to improve the quality of thesis
papers are considered in (Aghaeea, Keller, 2016),
(Aghaee, Hansson, 2013). The findings show a
considerable investment of the approach to increasing
thesis paper quality. Also, some limitations of the
approach are reported: the motivation of students to
write reviews, student review skills, the quality of
papers to be reviewed. To apply the approach
efficiently, thesis papers should appear as readable
and well-understandable drafts quite early. However,
our experience shows that working on the thesis paper
is often the last thing that undergraduates do in their
thesis projects, which leaves very little time to review
and discuss the texts.
The necessity of a special course that is directly
connected with the actual thesis project is argued in
(LaCourse, Rock, 2002). An early 1-credit course for
graduate students is offered. The course includes the
following topics: time management, scientific
method, thesis statement, justification and
background, the structure of the thesis paper, and
some other issues. The course aims to support the
student’s transition to an independent researcher.
However, the course addresses to graduate students,
who need to master individual research skills.
Meanwhile software engineering undergraduates are
less mature and academically oriented and focus more
on acquiring basic professional skills.
A number of special software systems are
developed to support thesis development: Thesis
Writer (Rapp, Kruse, 2016), SciPro system (Aghaeea,
Keller, 2016). These systems provide thesis
guidelines, support collaboration between students
and supervisors, provide facilities for peer-reviews,
and allow to collect various statistics to improve the
process. Such kind of software is useful for managing
thesis development, yet it cannot fully replace special
courses. Moreover, additional techniques need to be
employed to encourage students to put more effort
into writing and to facilitate thesis development
A promising technique for structuring and
analyzing information that is actively applied in
education is mind mapping (Buzan, 1995).
Teacher-centered and student-centered mind
mapping modes are explored in (Fun, Maskat, 2010).
The authors found that the active involvement of
students in mind mapping is far more efficient than
presenting them with high quality maps constructed
by teachers.
Educational modules within the technical
secondary school essentially using mind mapping are
presented in (Tee, Yunos, 2012). Students use mind
mapping for reading literature, revising, note-taking,
etc. The study found the technique improves students’
learning achievements.
There exists numerous evidence on using mind
mapping in health education. In (Edwards, Cooper,
2010) mind mapping is considered as a teaching
resource in clinical education. It is explained how to
use this technique for preparing and reviewing
lectures, and for examinations. To address the issues
of poor paper quality, a faculty program is offered in
(Bickes, Schim, 2010). The program includes a
writing workshop, a revision of the grading rubric,
and a system of blind review for grading student
papers. However, the program is provided mostly
prior to rather than in conjunction with the actual
thesis development. An interesting survey of mind
mapping in health education is presented in (Noonan,
2013). 11 papers were analyzed, and some of them
reported unsuccessful results of mind mapping. It
seems that one of the crucial points for successful
mind mapping is the students’ openness and
willingness to try new techniques. Otherwise, it is
quite difficult to shift the situation.
(Somers, et al., 2014) and (Papushina, et al., 2017)
report about applying mind mapping in business
education. The former paper presents the results of an
experiment, where undergraduate and MBA students,
and faculty staff developed mind map models for the
same complex topics. This revealed some interesting
facts concerning students’ abilities to integrate and
apply knowledge. For example, the students
represented their knowledge as a set of poorly
connected «islands»; in contrast, the faculty staff
developed densely connected models for the same
topics. The latter paper discusses mind mapping
software tools for education needs, and also presents
the results of using mind mapping as a part of a
Master’s program in marketing. The students use
mind mapping in outclass reading and to present the
results of their research tasks, their mind maps being
then discussed and evaluated in class.
Computer-supported collaborative mind mapping
in software engineering education is considered in
(Koznov, Pliskin, 2008), (Koznov, 2012). Mind
mapping is used as an exam technique for the final
software engineering course and for designing term
papers and theses.
(Kokotovich, 2008) considers non-hierarchical
mind mapping in industrial design. The author offers
this technique for students and novice designers in the
early phases of the problem-solving process. Non-
hierarchical mind map means a network data
Summarizing, there is no research on applying
mind mapping for thesis development in the context
of a special course. This idea is discussed briefly in
(Koznov, 2012), but no integrated method has been
offered so far.
Mind mapping was suggested by Tony Buzan in the
1970s to work more efficiently with any kind of
information (Buzan, 1995). The idea is to use a simple
diagramming notation: the primary (central) object is
put in the middle, secondary objects, which clarify the
meaning of the central one, are drawn around it and
connected with it, etc. (Fig. 1).
Figure 1: An example of a mind map.
This approach is suitable for analyzing and
understanding any kind of information, especially in
case of large volumes. The approach is widely used
in education, business, psychology, and other
domains. There are also a number of software tools
implementing the approach. Further details can be
found in (Koznov, Pliskin, 2008), (Koznov, 2012),
(Papushina, et al., 2017).
Comapping (Comapping, 2017) is a collaborative
online mind mapping tool. It supports features such
as easy drag and drop, smooth animation, large maps
with smart auto-focusing features, etc. A tree-like
notation (left-to-right mind mapping) is better for the
computer-based support when combined with a
layout algorithm, as it is easier to read and understand
than the centre-based one. An example of a mind map
in Comapping is shown in Fig. 2.
The tool allows sharing maps among any number
of users, as well as notifying them about map
changes. These changes are highlighted on the map
with detailed information, and other users can review
the changes and leave comments, making Comapping
a suitable tool for professors to monitor student work.
The main idea of the method is to use mind mapping
for the early design of student thesis papers. It enables
collaboration between department staff, thesis
supervisors and students to develop a mature thesis
plans following the patterns and guidelines
recommended by the department. Our experience
shows that students find it extremely difficult to make
serious corrections to the paper when the bulk of it is
already written. On the other hand, reading and
correcting a poorly written text is far too laborious for
the supervisor and the department staff. The goal can
be achieved more efficiently at the paper design
phase. Just as visual models in software engineering
(UML, SysML, etc.), and in business modeling
(BPMN, EPC, SADT, etc.), mind mapping is able to
provide easy information exchange and fast feedback.
Figure 2: Example of a mind map diagram in Comapping.
The first steps of the method are defining thesis
goals, specifying the results, and creating paper
backbone (see fig. 3). The result of these steps is the
mind map of a student’s thesis paper. Then the
introduction is planned and written, and the first two
or three drafts of the paper are developed. Let us
consider every step in more detail.
Figure 3: Method schema.
Defining thesis goals aims to reconsider and
renew the goals of the thesis. Our method is applied
when the practical part of the thesis project is done,
and the student starts to write the thesis paper. As our
experience shows, at this stage he/she very often fails
to give a clear explanation of the thesis goals, with
only the supervisor being able to explain the choice
of the topic, the use of particular technologies, etc.
Undergraduates tend to view the thesis statement as a
set of requirements to fulfill, instead of an issue to
contemplate and discuss. The first step is thus
intended to raise their awareness of the thesis goals.
When they start writing their text seems the most
suitable time to reconsider this information. We
recommend compiling a list of thesis goals.
Specifying the results. It is not very easy for
undergraduates to identify the results of their work.
What exactly has been done? An algorithm, software
architecture, software, experiments? It does not mean
the student has produced nothing. Often it means they
need help to identify various work products.
Sometimes, some of these products require additional
work, such as appropriate testing and evaluation of
the software developed. All these work products will
be thesis results, and it takes some effort and time to
specify them. Ideally, thesis results should be
presented as a list, with each item of the list having a
brief description of the corresponding work product.
We normally recommend our students to include this
list in the conclusions section. It is also important that
the goals correlate to the results.
Creating paper backbone. The main purpose of
the thesis paper is to present and describe the results
of the thesis project. At the previous steps, the student
defines the goals and specifies the results of the
thesis. We recommend to map every result (thesis
work product) to a separate chapter of the thesis
paper. The set of chapters and their subsections are
specified on the thesis mind map. Additional chapters
are Background and Related Work, which are also
specified on the mind map. In case of industrial
theses, Related Work means a description of existing
software solutions similar to the one developed by the
student in the thesis project.
Planning and writing the introduction. This is
important as a special step because the introduction
commonly poses a serious challenge to many
students, as it has to include a brief description of
thesis contexts and involved fields, and a clear setting
of the goals. The plan of introduction is developed in
the mind map for an easier discussion with the course
Writing & discussing first paper drafts. It is
important to transfer the mind map correctly into the
first draft of the thesis paper. This has to be assisted
because this is a stage when many errors are spotted
and corrected, and misunderstandings are clarified.
Moreover, students sometimes start writing their
thesis papers neglecting the plan they developed
before. Writing the first drafts helps to avoid this, the
draft serving as a guarantee that the students will
continue their work by following initial developed
The method is implemented as a semester course. The
course is mandatory for all last year undergraduates
of our department. It is held in the last semester when
our students work on their theses. The flowchart of
the course is presented in Fig. 4. Let us now consider
the course in more detail.
text writing (2-3)
Th esis paper
Collaborative work
Figure 4: Flowchart of the course.
Lectures about text writing. These lectures ensure
that students understand the role of text in thesis
development and become familiar with the
recommended patterns and guidelines.
Lecture about mind mapping. Students learn
about mind mapping and other types of information
visualization techniques (Kudryavtsev, Gavrilova,
Leshcheva, 2013), about knowledge management
(Gavrilova, 2010) and the features of mind mapping.
Comapping demonstration. Since this software is
simple and ergonomic, a demonstration of its main
features is sufficient for the students to learn to use it.
Collaboration process establishment. The process
of collaboration is explained and agreed on with the
students. They are also given access to Comapping.
The next steps are conducted as one-to-one
sessions of the course lecturer and the course student.
One or two members of the department staff help the
course lecturer. It should be noted that mind mapping
allows to spend 10-15 minutes per student to verify
and discuss the current version of the thesis plan.
Often the lecturer and his/her assistants verify mind
maps before class to save time.
Brief explanation of thesis. The course
lecturer/assistant is not supposed to go deeply into the
details of each thesis because it would take too much
effort and time. However, he/she needs to have a clear
idea of each thesis in order to be able to provide
appropriate recommendations. With most theses, it
does not pose much difficulty as they are supervised
by the department’s industrial partners or by the
department staff, so the course lecturer is already
familiar with the topic areas. There can be a few
theses on topics from new industrial companies or
from staff from other university departments, in that
case understanding their ideas may be less easy for
the course lecturer.
Mind map development. Every course student
creates a plan for his/her paper under the course
lecturer’s/assistant’s supervision. It usually takes 2 to
5 iterations, depending on how intensively the student
works. Ideally, after the first iteration, the student
discusses the plan with his/her supervisor and then
corrects it.
Thesis paper development. Two or three iterations
are optimal for the purpose. The first iteration
normally reveals certain problems (for example, the
plan turns out to be inadequate and the student has to
go a step back to improve it). The following one or
two iterations give the students a chance to correct the
found errors. This step is the most labor intensive for
the course lecturer and assistants, because they need
to read a large number of papers. However, it should
be noted that these papers contain only the
introduction (with thesis goals), conclusions (with
results), and the thesis contents page. Thus, it is quite
easy to read them. It is a challenge, though, to
organize the course work, i.e. to avoid the situation
when most students submit their papers at the same
time at the end of the course, which causes the course
lecturer and assistants to overwork.
We have delivered this course for the past 7 years,
with more than 300 students having taken it so far.
We have studied the department’s thesis papers of the
last 10 years and witnessed a considerable
improvement in their quality. We believe that the
course presented here made a significant contribution
to this progress.
In addition, we conducted an evaluation of the
method and the course. We prepared a sample
selection of papers, developed both with and without
the course assistance. We then asked several
independent experts, who did not know about the
course, to estimate the quality of the papers. Our
hypothesis was that the course assisted papers would
be found by the experts to be of a higher quality.
Below we describe the evaluation in more detail.
We selected 4 papers which had been assisted by
the course and another 4 papers which had been
written without the course assistance. For every paper
we removed all the information about the author and
the supervisor.
We developed a questionnaire for experts to
evaluate paper quality. The questionnaire contains the
following questions:
1. What is your level of competence in the
subject area?
2. How would you characterize the degree of
the paper’s complexity?
3. Is the topic easy to understand?
4. Can the thesis goals be easily understood?
5. Are the motivation and relevance of the paper
6. Is it easy to see what exactly has been done
by the student (i.e. the results)?
7. Is it possible to judge how profound the
results are?
8. How comprehensive is the description of the
9. What degree of text integrity does the paper
10. Is the paper free from unnecessary details?
11. Does the structure of the paper help to gain
an insight into the matter?
12. Is it written in good Russian/English?
13. Is text formatting good enough?
14. How appropriate is the use of special
15. Would you recommend this text to anyone?
We used a five-point Likert-type scale which
ranges from “excellent” to “very bad”.
We found 10 external experts to read and evaluate
the papers. Six experts had an industrial background
(managers and software developers), while four had
an academic background. The results of the survey
are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Evaluation results.
Course assisted course unassisted
4,8 3,3
4,7 3,6
4,6 3,8
4,7 4,1
4,7 3,7
The first column contains the total scores for
thesis papers that had been assisted by the course. The
second column contains the total scores for the
unassisted papers. For every paper, the total score was
calculated as the average of scores for each question
(except the first two). The bottom row of the table
shows the average scores for course assisted and
course unassisted papers.
The data in Table 1 confirms our hypothesis:
course assisted papers scored the average of 4.7,
while course unassisted papers – only 3.7.
It should be noted that the industrial background
experts tended to generally like or dislike the papers
rather than to be scrupulous, and evaluated the papers
accordingly. This resulted in a wide scatter in the
grades they gave. The representatives of the academia
were more precise and rigorous in the assessment. A
more extensive evaluation remains a task for the
The current paper presents a method for the
management of thesis writing for software
engineering undergraduates. The method is based on
mind mapping for the early design and discussion of
the thesis paper plan. It is implemented as a one
semester course for last year undergraduates. The
evaluation conducted indicates a significant increase
in the quality of thesis papers.
One aspect for further research could be the use of
thesis mind maps for peer student reviews or other
kinds of reviews. It can prove beneficial as thesis
mind maps appear much earlier than papers. Also,
mind maps are easier to review, and corrections can
be done faster.
It should be noted that the method and the course
are suitable for both undergraduate and graduate
students, and can be applied not only in software
engineering, but also in many other education fields.
The method can be modified depending on the
particular requirements. Graduate students, for
example, need a more academic, research-based
focus. Other education fields may offer various other
thesis paper templates. What is important is that the
core of the method suits any student specialization.
Some preliminary steps to adapt the method to
courses in design and business education fields have
already been taken.
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