Yawning Recognition based on
Dynamic Analysis and Simple Measure
Michał Ochocki and Dariusz Sawicki
Warsaw University of Technology, Institute of Theory of Electrical Engineering,
Measurements and Information Systems, Warsaw, Poland
Keywords: Worker Fatigue, Yawning Detection, Facial Landmarks.
Abstract: Nowadays drivers fatigue is amongst significant causes of traffic accidents. There exist many academic and
industrial publications, where fatigue detection is presented. Yawning is one of the most detectable and
indicative symptoms in such situation. However, yawning identification approaches which have been
developed to date are limited by the fact that they detect a wide open mouth. And the detection of open
mouth can also mean talking, singing and smiling, what is not always a sign of fatigue. The research aims
was to investigate the different situations when the mouth is open and distinguish situation when really
yawning occurred. In this paper we use an algorithm for localization of the facial landmarks and we propose
a simple and effective system for yawning detection which is based on changes of mouth geometric
features. The accuracy of presented method was verified using 80 videos collected from three databases: we
have used 20 films of yawning expression, 30 films of smiling and 30 films with singing examples. The
experimental results show high accuracy of proposed method on the level of 93%. The obtained results have
been compared with the methods described in the literature – the achieved accuracy puts proposed method
among the best solutions of recent years.
1.1 Motivation
Fatigue and sleep symptoms are today very
important factors for psychology of work and safety
determination. The National Sleep Foundation
(National Sleep Foundation, 2017) has been
conducting research in this field for many years.
Fatigue and falling asleep are not only a simple
work-related problem. In many situations; for many
professions they lead to accidents causing deaths
(Osh in figures, 2011). Driver is one of such
profession, where fatigue consequences could be
Today many types of cars are equipped with
fatigue sensors (Bosch at CES, 2017). Fatigue tests
are carried out using many different fields of driver
activity (Friedrichs and Bin Yang, 2010). The most
popular are eye movements, eye blinking (especially
frequency of closing state) and yawning. In some
systems physical activity is also analyzed. In many
systems the yawning analysis is associated
effectively with the eye tracking (Weiwei, et al.,
2010) or with eye blinking analysis (Rodzik and
Sawicki, 2015). It is physiologically natural. There
exist many publications, where the surveys of
techniques for fatigue recognition we can find
(Friedrichs and Bin Yang, 2010, Coetzerm and
Hanckem, 2009, Sigari, et al., 2014). The industrial
publications (Bosch at CES, 2017, Fatigue Risk
Assessment, 2017) can be also treated as interesting
reviews of discussed problem. These documents
show how quickly the technology of employee
security is being developed and implemented.
Many systems for fatigue recognition are based
on yawning detection. It is commonly believed that
identification of yawning is very simple. After all, it
is just detection of a wide open mouth. But people
open their mouths also while talking, laughing, and
especially while singing. We are not sure whether
considering a driver singing at work is an
exaggeration. But the question is important: does
every mouth opening for a long time means
yawning? How to distinguish yawning from singing
or laughing in simple way?
Ochocki M. and Sawicki D.
Yawning Recognition based on Dynamic Analysis and Simple Measure.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497701110117
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 111-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
1.2 The Aim of the Article
The aim of this study was to develop a simple and
effective system for yawning detection. We have
tried to analyze different situation when the mouth is
open (for different purposes) and distinguish
situation when yawning is really occurred. Many
advanced methods used to recognize yawning are
known from the literature of the subject. Our goal
was to try to find a simple geometric measure that
would give comparable results.
In almost all systems, where the yawning is detected
as the fatigue symptom, the recognition methods are
built in similar way. The camera (one or sometimes
two) registers head/face image. Using image
analysis the mouth is recognized and its state (close
or open) is detected. In case of open state of mouth
we have to decide if it is yawning.
Alioua, Amine and Rziza in paper (Alioua, et al.,
2014) have applied support vector machine (SVM)
for face extraction and circular Hough transform
(CHT) for mouth detection. Then, using CHT they
identified yawning. The advantage of this solution is
that such system does not require any training data.
Wang and Shi in (Wang and Shi, 2005) have used
Kalman filter at the state of face region tracking. In
this algorithm mouth is extracted from proper
region. It is simple and effective solution.
Saradadevi and Bajaj in paper (Saradadevi and
Bajaj, 2008) used Support Vector Machine in
analysis of face/mouth image. After training SVM
allowed distinguishing between “Normal Mouth”
and “Yawning Mouth”. Ibrahim at al. in paper
(Ibrahim, et al., 2015) implemented local binary
pattern based on color differences. Algorithm
measures the mouth opening and identifies yawning.
This paper is the first one where Authors also
analyzed situation, when the yawning mouth is
covered by hand for a period of time. In the solution
presented in paper (Li, et al., 2009) two different
cameras have been used: Camera A records the
driver's head according to face position. Image from
Camera B is used for detection of driver’s mouth
using Haar-like features.
The Viola-Jones algorithm (Viola and Jones,
2001) is very popular in extraction of the face
region. It detects face correctly, when the face is
tilted up/down to about ±15 degrees and left/right to
about ±45 degrees (Azim et al., 2009). Authors of
paper (Abtahi, at al., 2013) have implemented the
Viola-Jones algorithm for face and mouth detection,
they have used the back projection theory for
measuring the rate of mouth changes in yawning
detection. This idea have been developed and
presented, by practically the same team of Authors,
in paper (Omidyeganeh et al., 2016). The region of
mouth is found by Viola-Jones algorithm. Then the
mouth region is segmented by k-means clustering
method. Manu in paper (Manu, 2016) presented
system where the Feature Vector containing states of
left eye, right eye and mouth was used in training
and classification. Papers (Omidyeganeh et al.,
2016) and (Manu, 2016) are the latest published
conference documents concerning the yawning
recognition, which we found during our work.
Yawning detection is not so simple task.
Especially if we try to compare yawning to singing,
smiling and other states when the mouth is open.
The simplest solution used in algorithms for fatigue
recognition is to analyze the height of opened
mouth. In the work (Kumar and Barwar, 2014) the
contour of open mouth is analyzed, Y coordinate
values greater than a certain threshold, informs
about yawning. The Authors of the paper (Alioua, et
al., 2014) propose a distinction between slightly
open mouth and widely open mouth using circular
Hough transform (CHT). Although very elegant, it is
a time consuming solution. Area analysis of the open
mouth can give good result. It is so convenient that
after detection of opening, we can mark the visible
interior of the mouth on the basis of the difference in
color. Such solution is proposed by the Authors of
the work (Omidyeganeh et al., 2016). After
highlighting the area of mouth, the Authors specify
the number of pixels in the image of mouth opening.
If it is greater than proper threshold, the yawning
state is detected. Similar method is used in (Li, et al.,
2009) but additionally Authors of this paper
analyzed the ratio between height and width of the
area recognized as the mouth opening.
In frequently used methods to identify yawning (and
blinking as well), this phenomenon is analyzed
"holistically" – taking into account the features of
the entire face. It is important in this situation to
accurately distinguish the relevant elements (mouth
or eyes and mouth) in the properly identified face.
Hence, in such algorithms there is an independent
condition that the face is recognized in a
"reasonable" way (Li, et al., 2009).
A typical problem in this task is to analyze the
image of face that is tilted and / or rotated. The
Author of paper (Manu, 2016) pointed out that his
system does not always work properly, when head
was tilted left or right. Authors often pay attention to
this problem by proposing additional algorithms for
the normalization of the position associated with the
"compensation" of deviation from the horizontal line
(Wang and Shi, 2005, Hasan et al., 2014). The
Authors of the paper (Wang and Pendeli, 2005)
examine the degree of mouth openness by
considering the trigonometric function (cos)
dependent on the rotation of the mouth. Similarly,
the height of the mouth opening and the angle of
deviation from the horizontal line are taken into
account in (Azim et al., 2009).
In order to separate the problems of analysis as
well as to improve efficiency and accuracy of
yawning identification, we propose a two-stage
recognition algorithm.
Facial Identification and Separation of the
Mouth Shape. The aim of this stage is to
obtain the shape of the mouth from an image
of head. In addition, the resulting shape of the
mouth is normalized regardless of lighting
conditions, and regardless of the head position
(tilting up - down and left - right). But of
course, in a certain range of correct work, i.e.
when the entire mouth is recorded despite the
Yawning Detection. The aim of this stage is
to identify yawning with particular regard to
the differences for other states of mouth
3.1 Facial Identification and
Separation of the Mouth Shape
In the face recognition and analysis an algorithm for
localization of the facial landmarks was applied
(Ochocki and Sawicki, 2016). This algorithm was
originally prepared for emotion recognition,
however can be used for any analysis of the face
geometry. On the other hand, the original aim
(landmarks detection) guarantees a high recognition
accuracy of face features. In the algorithm
preliminary analysis has been used. In this part the
set of proper regions of interest (ROI) is identified.
It is based, mainly, on analysis of features in color
space which corresponds to each region.
In order to separate the mouth area the properties
of CIE-Lab space is used. CIE-Lab is a standardized
color space Lab by the International Commission on
Illumination. Lab color model is designed to
illustrate the difference between the colors seen
through the human eye. The color is represented by
three coordinates L, a and b. Component L
represents the luminance, a determines the color
from green to magenta, b color from blue to yellow.
In the algorithm the a and b components of Lab
color model is used for mouth segmentation.
The whole algorithm can locate basic 21
landmarks of the face (Figure 1) with a very good
average accuracy of 95.62% (Ochocki and Sawicki,
2016). This is comparable to the results of the best
algorithms of this type, which were published
between 2005 and 2015.
Figure 1: The facial landmarks analyzed in the algorithm
for localization. The free face chart from (Want a free mua
face chart? 2010).
In the used algorithm, landmarks identification is
divided into four independent groups - the facial
region (oval), the eye region, the mouth region and
the region of the nose. For the purposes of yawning
analysis, we modified the algorithm so that it only
identifies the landmarks of the mouth. The modified
algorithm achieved an average accuracy of 95.2%.
The result of the algorithm's operation in the form of
a normalized image of the mouth is shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Landmarks of the mouth identified by the
modified algorithm for face analysis.
3.2 Yawning Detection
To develop an effective detector, the set of analyzed
features should be extracted. For this purpose, the
selection of features was performed, i.e. the process
of identifying the appropriate set of geometric
changes in the shape of mouth.
In the yawning detection algorithm, we use the
coordinates of the landmarks obtained from facial
analysis (Figure 2.). We have introduced D
(1) as a
simple measure of the mouth opening. The value of
the D
measure is the ratio of the height of mouth to
their width in a given frame of video, determined
using coordinates of landmarks. The width of mouth
is calculated as a simple distance between proper X
coordinates (points 3 and 4). Height is calculated as
a simple distance between proper Y coordinates
(points 1 and 2).
– the measure of opening, Y
– the height of
mouth (distance between points 1 and 2 – in
Figure 2.), X
– the width of mouth (distance
between points 3 and 4 – in Figure 2.).
The graph of the dynamic changes of the D
value in normalized time values by the min-max
method is presented in Figure 3. This is a graph for
the three cases of opening the mouth. The X axis
indicates the normalized elapsed time from the
beginning (0) to the end (1) of action (facial event).
This approach allows comparing actions of different
(real) duration of times.
From the analysis of the graph shown in
Figure 3, it can be concluded that the cases of
opening mouths can be easily distinguished on the
basis of the maximum D
value. Therefore, at the
stage of classification, feature d expressed by
formula (2) was extracted from the sets of measure's
changes D
d – the dynamic measure of opening, D
– the
measure of opening.
Figure 3: An example of a graph which represents change
of D
measure for the three different discussed types of
opening the mouth.
We have conducted experiments using three
independent databases:
Smiling. In the study of smile expressions we
have used UvA-NEMO Smile Database
(Dibeklioglu et al., 2012). This database was
created to analyze the dynamics of genuine
(sincere) and false (posed) smile as part of the
Live Science program. UvA-NEMO Smile
Database consists of 1240 color videos at
resolution of 1920x1080px in controlled,
unified lighting environment. It contains 597
videos of genuine (sincere) smile and 643
videos of false (posed) smile, recorded from
400 people (185 women and 215 men).
Genuine and posed smile of each subject was
selected from approximately five minutes of
recordings There were people of different
races, genders and ages. Only the videos of
genuine smile were used in our research.
Yawning. A colorful video from YouTube
(The Yawn-O-Meter, 2015) at resolution of
1280x720px was used to analyze the yawning
phenomenon. This videos contains
expressions of yawning recorded in unified
lighting conditions. The videos was divided
into fragments - each fragment contains
yawning expression of another person. The
database contains 20 yawning videos from
people of different races, genders and ages.
Singing. We have used the Ryerson Audio-
Visual Database of Emotional Speech and
Song (RAVDESS) (Livingstone, 2012).
RAVDESS was created to analyze singing and
speaking in 8 different emotions – neutral,
calm, happy, sad, angry, and anxious. The
database contains more than 7,000 color
videos from 24 actors (12 women and 12
Changes of the value of d parameter depending on
discussed cases are presented in Figure 4 in the form
of boxplot graph. This approach allows determining
the characteristic of the d distribution for each case.
The analysis was carried out using:
20 films of yawning expression;
30 films of smiling expression;
30 films with singing examples.
The graph of d distribution contains three areas
of high separability. Therefore, this attribute has
been subjected to a final assessment of suitability by
maximization of the classification efficiency. For
this purpose, a simple classification method was
chosen. The distinguishing feature d was compared
with threshold value based on the data collected
during the training phase.
Figure 4: The graph of d distribution for three discussed
For the optimal classification threshold of 0.54
(Figure 4), all samples with expressing yawning (20
out of 20) were correctly classified. Three of 30
smile samples and two of 30 singing samples were
also classified as yawning. In this way, the overall
result of the classification was 93.75%.
We have compared the result achieved in our
solution with the results known from the publication.
The set of results is presented in Table 1. It is worth
emphasizing the fact that we used the typical,
standard video databases. Databases that are
Table 1: Results of tests – comparison to the previous works.
Number of
1. Saradadevi, M. and Bajaj, P.
(Saradadevi and Bajaj, 2008) 337 81% - 86%
2. Li, L., Chen, Y., Li, Z.
(Li, et al., 2009) 4 95%
3. Abtahi, S., Shirmohammadi, S., Hariri, B., Laroche, D., Martel ,L.
(Abtahi, et al., 2013) 20 60%
4. Alioua, N., Amine, A., Rziza, M.
(Alioua, et al., 2014) 6 98%
5. Hasan, M., Hossain, F., Thakur, J.M., Podder, P.
(Hasan, et al., 2014) 150 95%
6. Omidyeganeh, M., Shirmohammadi, S., Abtahi, S., Khurshid, A.,
Farhan, M., Scharcanski, J., Hariri, B., Laroche, D., Martel, L.
(Omidyeganeh, at al., 2016) 107 65% - 75%
7. Manu, B.N.
(Manu, 2016) 4 94%
Proposed method in this paper
80 93.75%
commonly used to test the facial image analysis.
Because we considered three independent cases
(yawning, smiling, singing), so we used three similar
(numerically comparable) data groups - 20 videos of
yawning, 30 videos of smiling and 30 videos of
singing. Perhaps 80 videos are not the basis for
generalizing the results. But we can show the
published methods that are tested on 4, 6 or 10 cases
(videos or participants) only (see Table 1). In this
context, our experiments confirm the correctness of
the proposed method.
By analyzing of previous publications, it can be
concluded that high accuracy (94% or higher) was
achieved primarily for experiments in very small
groups: 4 - 6 videos / participants. If the groups were
larger (20 videos / participants or more) then the
accuracy was on the level of 60% - 86%. The paper
(Hasan, et al., 2014) is an exception: 150 tests were
conducted to give 95% as the value of accuracy.
However, in this solution two independent cameras
and advanced, complicated algorithm have been
used. In this context it can be concluded that our
method achieves very good results, which exceeded
the known solutions.
The yawning detection algorithm has been presented
in the paper. The algorithm recognizes the yawning
and distinguishes it from singing and smiling. The
introduced method is based on a two-step
recognition procedure. In the first step there is
segmentation of the mouth area in order to obtain 6
facial landmarks which describing the shape of the
mouth. The purpose of the second stage is to detect
yawning with particular regard to differences for
other states of mouth opening.
The proposed solution simplifies the detection
procedure of yawning considerably. The effect of
the first stage is the normalized image of the mouth.
So there is neither problem with geometric
distortions nor a deviation from the horizontal line,
which have always been a problem in solutions
known from publications. On the other hand, the use
of ROI and facial landmarks gives the possibility of
proposing a simple measure of the mouth opening.
The classification of mouth stage (and thus yawning
detection) by analyzing the value of proposed
measure is more effective than calculating the sum
of pixels of the mouth opening - often used in
known solutions. On the other hand, the size of the
mouth is a strictly individual feature and additionally
depends on videos resolution. Thus, there may be
problems in yawning identification based on the size
of the opened mouth. This problem does not occur at
all if we use facial landmarks and our measure.
The aim of the work has been achieved. We have
managed to propose a geometric measure that allows
distinguishing yawning from other mouth openings
(smiles and singing). This measure takes into
account the dynamics of changes in the shape of the
mouth and in addition is simple and effective.
The introduced method has given very good
results. This has been confirmed experimentally.
Effectiveness of the presented algorithm was
verified using 80 videos collected from three
independent databases. The developed method
achieved value of accuracy on the level of 93.75%.
Comparison of the obtained results with the methods
described in the literature has been also carried out.
The achieved accuracy of 93.75% for 80 video
samples puts proposed method among the best
solutions of recent years.
This paper has been based on the results of a
research task carried out within the scope of the
fourth stage of the National Programme
"Improvement of safety and working conditions"
partly supported in 2017–2019 --- within the scope
of research and development --- by the Ministry of
Labour and Social Policy. The Central Institute for
Labour Protection -- National Research Institute is
the Programme's main coordinator.
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