eficial over the given landscapes. The contribution is
to develop an insight into the ability of various small
population GAs to adapt and optimise changing land-
scapes by comparing their performance over specifi-
cally designed landscapes. Initial results indicate that
the use of particular diversity maintenance techniques
in small population GAs, proves beneficial over the
chosen landscapes. The paper is laid out as follows:
Section 2 examines the background literature. Sec-
tion 3 outlines the GAs and the test suite used in the
experiments. Section 4 describes the findings, Section
5 concludes and Section 6 outlines future work.
In relation to population diversity and convergence,
De Jong (DeJong, 1975) set a threshold value of
95% similarity between loci alleles to indicate con-
vergence. By examining fluctuations in online per-
formance we can get a indication of the level of con-
vergence within the population. Work carried out by
Mahfoud (Mahfoud, 1995) defined convergence as
occurring when the average population fitness value
for the previous 4 generations is greater than the av-
erage fitness value for the present generation. Allen
et al. (Allen and Karjalainen, 1999) used a simple ap-
proach to measure convergence and defined that if no
progress has been made after 25 generations then the
GA has converged. The approach used is this research
is Allen’s method because of its simplicity; further-
more this method give the GA a better opportunity of
avoiding getting caught in local optima in the land-
scapes used in this research.
GA theory would suggest that larger GA popula-
tions should maintain an element of diversity within
the population for a longer period when compared
to small population GAs (Leung et al., 1997) (Gold-
berg and Deb, 1991). If diversity can be maintained,
the additional genetic material or building blocks
should assist in the adaptability of the GA. How-
ever, this comes at a cost of time and complexity as
the larger population takes longer to search through
(Ahn and Ramakrishna, 2002) there exists a trade
off between the advantages of having a large popu-
lation in terms of searching a search space and the
associated additional overhead. Research by Gref-
fenstette (Grefenstette, 1986) and also by Whitley
(Whitely, 1989), found that smaller population sizes
with slightly higher crossover and mutation rates to be
just as affective when searching a landscape. The mu-
tation operator plays a role in introducing diversity by
allowing a population which has converged on a par-
ticular solution, to open up the landscape to further
exploration. However, there is a limit to it’s ability to
introduce diversity, before it becomes a random walk.
In this paper we compare the performance and adapt-
ability of GAs using small populations over changing
landscapes. We contrast the results of a simple GA
(SGA) (Holland, 1992) to four GA variations: GA
with Elitism (GAE), Immigration GA (GAI), Micro
GA (MGA) and Diploid GA (DGA). The GA with
elitism (GAE) (Goldberg, 1989) retains the fittest
chromosomesfrom generation to generation. As there
is no guarantee of a chromosome surviving selec-
tion, with a standard GA, elitism guarantees that the
fittest individual will be maintained in the population.
The immigration GA (GAI), implemented as outlined
by (Yang, 2008), results in the best solution being
maintained in the population, while the worst indi-
vidual is replaced by a random immigrant. The Mi-
cro GA (MGA) (Krishnakumar and Bailey, 1990) re-
tains the best individual from generation to genera-
tion and once convergence is detected, the remainder
of the population is randomly initialised. Finally, the
Diploid GA (DGA) used in this research is as outlined
in (Goldberg and Smith, 1987).
3.1 Test Suite
De Jong(DeJong, 1975) used the Sphere function and
Shekel’s function in his paper and these functions
were used to test a number of parameters at differ-
ent values. Population size, crossover and mutation
rates were examined at different levels and the results
produced from these experiments lay the foundation
parameters which are still in use today on these func-
tions. The Sphere function is used to test the general
efficiency of a GA and Shekel’s function is used to
test the GAs ability to avoid getting caught in the 25
local optima or foxholes that are present in that land-
scape. DeJong found that the GA was able to optimise
both landscapes and the that the values of mutation
population and crossover values play an important in
how efficiently a GA optimises a landscape. Other re-
searchers such as Digalakis et al. (Digalakis and Mar-
garitis, 2002) carried out these experiments and were
able to optimise the Sphere and Shekel’s function by
using DeJong parameter values.
3.1.1 Sphere Function
According to DeJong (DeJong, 1975) the sphere func-
tion is a unimodallow-dimensionalquadratic function