Improvement of Interactions in Interactive Environments and
Knowledge Management from the Distributed Cognition Approach
Carmen Rearte
, Hernan Castillo
and Mabel Sosa
Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Tecnologías, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero, Av. Belgrano (s) 1912,
Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Instituto de Investigaciones en Informática y Sistemas de Información, Universidad Nacional de Santiago del Estero,
Av. Belgrano (s) 1912, Santiago del Estero, Argentina
Keywords: Distributed Cognition Approach, Interactions, Knowledge Management.
Abstract: In the field of Computer Supported Collaborative Work and Knowledge Management supported by
computer, the cognitive and sociological dimensions can not be neglected in the accessing analysis of their
designs. The material and social environment models the cognitive processes since the vast majority of them
are mediated by interaction with other agents and other artefacts. Following these premises, in this work, a
methodological framework for the analysis of the interaction between agents in a socio-technical system is
applied, based on the approach of distributed cognition, oriented to the knowledge management, in an
academic context at the upper university level. In particular, the analysis focuses on the interactions of
cognitive agents, that occur during the cycle of knowledge management (activities of using, creating,
distributing and sharing knowledge), and on how coordination, communication and collaboration is
affected, which are key aspects of group work. From the problems detected in the interactions, changes are
proposed in the design of the interface of the artefacts, where the interactions between agents in the
cognitive system are reflected.
The collaborative contexts in the domain of CSCW
(Computer supported Collaborative Work) and
Computer-supported Knowledge Management have
cognitive and sociological dimensions that cannot be
neglected in the evaluative analysis of their designs.
The physical and social environment models the
cognitive processes since the vast majority of them
are mediated by interaction with other agents and
other artifacts. Computers connected through the
Internet are becoming key elements of these
interactions. Human beings generate cognitive
potential by creating and actively modifying the
environment in which cognitive operations are
performed (Feltrero Oreja, 2003). If it is admitted
that the user interface, as a key element of a
computer, is part of this cognitive environment, then
the user interface presents very relevant cognitive
characteristics that will determine the type of
activities and social relations mediated and enabled
by technologies.
Within the field of psychology, the Distributed
Cognition (CD) theory offers a framework for
analysis to describe human work systems or socio-
technical systems, in computational and information
terms, and is useful for the design of technology as
mediator of collaborative social activity. For this
reason the distributed cognition constitutes an
important theory for the field of Man-Computer
Interaction, and in particular for person-computer-
person interaction in the field of CSCW (Horsky,
The aspects of human cognition inherent to the
context of distributed work with active social agents
and tools are generally not taken into account when
designing and developing information technologies.
In this work we aim at the proposition of applying a
Framework for Analysis of Interactions between
Agents called MAIA, proposed by (Ferruzca
Navarro, 2008) for the evaluation of the usability of
a distributed work system, ReSU (Lescano et al,
2011), under the theoretical framework of the theory
of distributed cognition. This analysis would lead to
the redefinition of the components of the ReSU
Rearte C., Castillo H. and Sosa M.
Improvement of Interactions in Interactive Environments and Knowledge Management from the Distributed Cognition Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006497901460150
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 146-150
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
system, based on the foundations of distributed
cognition in the applied analysis framework. This
analysis will focus on detecting the inconsistencies
that may exist during the interactions occurring in
the process of knowledge management (use,
creation, distribution) and on discovering the nature
of these interactions through the application of an
adapted distributed cognition model. The aim is to
improve the technological tool in order to achieve a
better cognitive distribution that favors the inter-
actions involved in the management of knowledge
when the partakers work in a collaborative group.
This work is part of a larger research that tries to
determine the way in which the physical and social
environment models the cognitive processes of
people, when they work with artifacts or with other
agents in technology mediated environments. It
specially aims at enlightening the aspects of
distributed cognition and their incidence in contexts
of computer-mediated collaborative work and
knowledge management.
Taking into account this vision and
interdisciplinarity, we will pinpoint some proposals
that are more related to the treated topic.
In (Feltrero Oreja, 2003), a global perspective of
philosophical and cognitive type is developed for the
evaluation of the interfaces in the IHC field. It is
here considered that people create cognitive
potential through a dynamic transformation of the
environment in which cognitive operations are
performed. If the user interface is part of the
cognitive environment, the ability to autonomously
and actively configure the interface and to exploit all
its possibilities is revealed as a basic cognitive tool.
In this sense in (Feltrero Oreja, 2003), general
philosophical and axiological criteria are proposed
so that the design of the interfaces in the field of
human-computer interaction considers mechanisms
such as referential multimodality and dynamic
configuration, according to their own needs and
skills. It provides general value principles that guide
the design of interfaces.
Another analytical framework is the one
developed by (Hussain y De Brujin, 2010), based on
the CD approach to guide the evaluation of a
collaborative design task around an interactive table.
The theoretical approach is useful to understand how
people collaborate around the table by analyzing the
relationship between actors, artifacts and the
contexts in which interactions occur. It is possible to
identify the representations that flow through the
functional systems as objects of analysis, which
allow the researcher to reason about the design and
cognitive artifacts within the same conceptual
framework. This analytical framework provides a
deep understanding of how representations were
created, and how this framework contributes to
problem solving in a collaborative design
environment, ultimately identifying the design
features that best support collaborative activities. It
is also useful for defining the limits of the unit of
analysis and for guiding the analysis of the data.
In contrast to the particular-oriented approach,
that is generally used for the application of
distributed cognition, in (Nobarany et al, 2012)
AnalyticStream is proposed as a system to perform a
high-level analysis of the project situation and
identify the cognitive processes that can be
distributed through people to facilitate collaboration.
Based on the ideas of distributed cognition, a
process is designed to facilitate the recommendation
of relevant elements of analysis, as well as a
mechanism for the attention management that allows
users to have greater control over their flows of
shared activities. A study of the AnalyticStream
mixed methods shows that the suggestion of relevant
artifacts facilitates the discovery and consequently
the feasibility of reusing them, and provides
awareness of relevant aspects of the context on the
activities of other analysts.
More recently, in (Moran et al, 2011) they apply
the DCog (Distributed Cognition) approach to study
the interaction between agents (human beings or
artifacts) in a system, in the same way as the
collaboration that can be distributed during air traffic
control. The intention is to extract tacit knowledge
from observations of the cognitive system, which
can be derived from identification of trajectories and
the grouping of agent information actions/activities
into specific abstract processes. From this
perspective they analyze how information is
transferred through a system and identify specific
areas in which pervasive technology can be
introduced. However, they found difficulties related
to the contextualization, systematization and
excessive time that is taken in the analysis, and thus
realized the need for a tool to support this type of
analysis, guide the researcher, and reduce the
amount of time spent on analysis. They proposed a
prototype software, TITAN, designed to support
DCog analysis. This tool can be used to support the
identification and introduction of new pervasive
technologies to improve system information
Finally, the methodological framework DiCoT
(distributed cognition for teamwork) based on
distributed cognition is presented by (Vasiliou,
2015), to explain interactions and interdependencies
during collaborative learning activities in an ecology
of artifacts. They broaden the framework and
validate its applicability by understanding how
groups of students interact and collaborate, and
indicate aspects of redesigning to enhance a learning
environment supported by a physical and digital
artifact ecology.
Although CD theory has been frequently used to
study activities in various work scenarios,
(Edmondson y Russell, 2008) (Horsky, 2008)
(Mansour, 2009) (Nilsson et al, 2012) (Rajkomar
and Blandford, 2011) there are few applications
related to collaborative work and knowledge
management environments supported by computer
in the academic training.
This section explains the steps taken to apply the
Framework of Analysis of Interactions between
Agents in the analysis of the interactions that are
created during a process of knowledge management
(use, construction, distribution), based on the
perspective of distributed cognition.
A case of analysis is presented, where students
of a higher level solve problems in a group work and
collaborative way, mediated by ReSu, a tool oriented
to knowledge management. Different stages are
carried out in which the following results have been
First stage: Representation of the ReSU system
from a cognitive approach
At this stage, ReSU is displayed as a cognitive
system in which structural agents (subjects, artifacts,
product, organization and environment) and
articulation agents (objectives and tasks) are
identified. By means of this identification procedure,
concepts of distributed cognition are implemented in
a structured way, and a conceptual and graphical
representation of the cognitive architecture of the
system is achieved.
Second Stage: Cognitive analysis unit’s
Based on the agents that were identified in the
first stage, the aimed aspects to by studied, mainly
the interactions which occur in the process of
knowledge management are defined. Therefore, the
agents and the interactions between them (student-
pupil, student-teacher and pupil-artifact) are selected
as units of cognitive analysis, and is evaluated with
the aid of the use of the system
artifacts (forum,
Chat, wiki) if the interactions between agents
contribute to the construction, distribution and use of
The selection of agents as a cognitive unit is
consistent with the cognition distribution approach
centered on the subject, based on the observation of
the use of sign systems (semiotic mediation), the
evolution of the intersubjectivity processes
(construction of shared meanings), the role of
experience in human development, the coordination
between the internal structure (mind) and the
material structure (artifacts, environment), and
finally, the use of other human agents as cognitive
resources in the development of activities presented
as units of analysis (idea linked to the “proximal
development zone”).
Third stage: Data collection
To collect data on interactions, two
questionnaires one for the student and the other for
the teacher are designed. The purpose is to get
answers that help detect if the resources
implemented as knowledge management strategies
by ReSU are adequate to promote communication
and academic exchange between agents, i.e., if the
distribution of cognition on the system is favored.
On the other hand, we try find out the perception
they have about the effectiveness and efficiency with
which they have worked, and the ease and
satisfaction of using the artifacts. This information
will serve to identify the problems of usability of the
system. (Rearte et al, 2014)
In order to design the questions, constructs
(concepts, dimensions, factors or variables) are
taken into account from which it is expected to
obtain information. From the answers in the
questionnaires, we need to extract meaning units,
namely, fragments of text that represent indications
of some problem that occurred during the
interactions. Each meaning unit is categorized
according to the type of interaction involved
(student-pupil, student-teacher and student-artifact).
Fourth stage: Analysis of the units of
Units of significance are illustrative and serve as
a guide to interpret problems or failures occurring
during interactions. Each unit of significance, which
represents some detected inconsistency or failure, is
represented by a causal diagram, representing the
probable issues and its causes. As an example, two
causal diagrams are presented, one obtained from
the answers given by the student and another from
the answer given by the teacher:
"Difficulty editing wiki pages"
Cause Because "the toolbar has few
editing options."
Cause Because "the wiki uses a
marked language (Wiki text),
for editing the pages."
To provide a solution to this problem, ReSU is
included in an "Improved tool bar" to edit wiki in a
simpler way. New features are added that facilitate
users to build pages and enrich them including
images, tables, lists, in a simple way, without the
need to use the proper marked language of the wiki.
Improving these aspects has as a result the
improvement of the usability of the tool, and
therefore it facilitates the student work.
"Lack of online evaluation
mechanisms in wiki
Cause: Because "It is not possible to
track the progress of the work
from the application."
Cause: Because "The tool does not
allow the teacher to give
feedback to the work group."
In this case is proposed to make changes in the
interface and to include some functionalities in the
system. In order to solve the detected problem, an
"Online monitoring" tool is included in the system,
which enables the teacher to follow up the process
while the groups are working. Using the tool, the
teacher visualizes the evolution of the work, and can
make recommendations or observations, which can
be taken into account by the group. This
improvement of the tool constitutes a scaffolding for
the activity of the group of students, allowing the
intervention of the teacher as mediator and
facilitator in the construction of knowledge. Under
the metaphor of scaffolds, the function of mediation
does not derive strictly from the technological stuff,
but from the support it offers to the teacher to
mediate the collaborative construction of knowledge
through scaffolds in space that is created as a
"proximal development zone".
Other modifications that have been made in the
tool, are related to the incorporation of a chat
included in the wiki, since many students considered
it uncomfortable to move out from the work
environment to communicate through the forum
with the other members of the group. A conflict
management mechanism is also implemented when
working simultaneously on a wiki.
At last, aspects of safety in the access to the area
of each group are considered.
From these changes, the verification of the
improved tool is proposed by replicating the
collaborative group work experiments, to check if
these new resources contribute favorably in the
cognition distribution of the system.
In this first part of the process, the framework of
analysis of interactions between agents has
facilitated the structured application of the main
concepts of distributed cognition in a system for the
formation of collaborative type and oriented to
knowledge management. Regarding the distributed
cognition approach, its usefulness has been proven
since it brings you towards a detailed level of
analysis, which can offer clues on how to change the
design of an technological artifact. As a pending
work, this should continue with the design of new
collaborative group work experiences to solve
problems, to check if it contributes to the cognitive
distribution in knowledge management cycles,
taking into account the new artifacts incorporated
into the system.
In carrying out this work, it has aroused different
concerns, which are considered as future works. We
would like first to deepen the determination, scope
and implications of the models of distributed
cognition in the collaborative and knowledge
management systems; emphasizing the aspects of
platform, proximal development zone, semiotics, as
aspects of interest for Distributed Cognition.
Secondly, to delineate a more systematized
prescriptive and proscriptive framework, to guide
the analysis, from the first stages (formulation of
guiding questions, selection of aspects and factors to
be analyzed) to the discovery of problems and their
causes, which will lead us to decisions for the
improvement and redesign of both cognitive and
physical artifacts. Thus to incorporate mechanisms
that facilitate the logical linkage of the data with the
criteria to interpret the results.
Finally, to generate automated tools that support
the analysis of the inherent aspects of distributed
cognition, in order to make the analysis more
accurate, to register the representational states that
are happening as the cognitive processes are
distributed. Ultimately, a way to reflect a cognitive
architecture and determine if it favors or
not the way
to distribute the cognition in environments supported
by technologies.
This work was partially supported by the Scientific
and Technological Research Council (CICyT)
Incorporated the Scientific Research and
Development Project to the Incentives Program of
the Secretariat for University Policies of the
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of
the Republic of Argentina, Period 2016-2019.
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