Improving Document Clustering Performance: The Use of an
Automatically Generated Ontology to Augment Document
Stephen Bradshaw
, Colm O’Riordan
and Daragh Bradshaw
Information Technology, National University Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland
Department of Psychology, National University Limerick, Ireland
Document Clustering, Graph Theory, WordNet, Classification, Word Sense Disambiguation, Data Mining.
Clustering documents is a common task in a range of information retrieval systems and applications. Many
approaches for improving the clustering process have been proposed. One approach is the use of an ontology
to better inform the classifier of word context, by expanding the items to be clustered. Wordnet is commonly
cited as an appropriate source from which to draw the additional terms; however, it may not be sufficient to
achieve strong performance. We have two aims in this paper: first, we show that the use of Wordnet may
lead to suboptimal performance. This problem may be accentuated when a document set has been drawn
from comments made in social forums; due to the unstructured nature of online conversations compared to
standard document sets. Second, we propose a novel method which involves constructing a bespoke ontology
that facilitates better clustering. We present a study of clustering applied to a sample of threads from a social
forum and investigate the effectiveness of the application of these methods.
Social media has become ubiquitous in our society
and there are many examples of it being the cata-
lyst for huge social change (Shirky, 2011). Exam-
ples of the use of social media as a social influence
can be found in the use of twitter during the Arab
Spring (Lotan et al., 2011); the Green Movement in
Iran (Golkar, 2011); and generally in political elec-
tions, most notably in American presidential elections
(Bennett, 2012).
We use data collected from Reddit to conduct our
experiments. Reddit is the self titled front page of
the internet because it represents posts that people
have seen online and deem worthy of others’ attention
(Singer et al., 2014). Reddit has seen huge growth as
a social platform since its creation in 2005, and the
number and diversity of the posts has equally seen
exponential growth (Singer et al., 2014). We expand
more on the structure of Reddit in Section 2.
Clustering is the act of grouping documents of a
similar nature together. It can be done in either over-
lapping or disjointed means. Overlapping allows for
documents to occur in different clusters while dis-
jointed allows for the allocation of one instance of
a document per cluster. Clustering is an example of
unsupervised learning as the clustering agent has no
a priori knowledge of category labels. K-means is
an approach to partitioning where a document is al-
located to one of a fixed number of predetermined
clusters. It is an iterative process which reassigns the
documents to the cluster which are most similar to it-
self. The process continues until a predetermined ter-
mination point or when there is no more reassigning
of documents to be done (Shah and Mahajan, 2012).
K-means is an established method that has been
used since its creation in 1955. The longevity of
K-means as well as the plethora of clustering ap-
proaches that have stemmed from it are a testament to
its robustness. Like many clustering approaches how-
ever, there are a number of issues with using it: how
one represents the documents being clustered, how
to combat noise as a result of the high dimensional
nature of documents and the need to know a priori
how many clusters are required (Shah and Mahajan,
2012). More concretely, the presence of synonymy
and polysemy in words means that a direct mapping
of document to document may not accurately return
documents of similar nature which use different terms
to capture a concept. This phenomenon is noted by
(Deerwester et al., 1990) who use statistical methods
to improve recall in document queries. One proposed
solution to reduce the noise associated with text docu-
ments is the use of an ontology to clarify the intended
use of each word. Building on the principle of quanti-
fying the intended meaning of a word through the use
Bradshaw S., O’Riordan C. and Bradshaw D.
Improving Document Clustering Performance: The Use of an Automatically Generated Ontology to Augment Document Representations.
DOI: 10.5220/0006500202150223
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 215-223
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
Table 1: List of all threads and sizes after processing.
Thread A Thread B Thread A Size Thread B Size Total Comments
Rugbyunion Quadcopters 926 672 1598
LearnPython Worldnews 904 513 1417
Movies Politics 422 963 1385
Music Boardgames 448 942 1390
England Ireland 743 935 1678
of an external ontology, we propose the construction
of a bespoke lexicon.
A notable feature of Reddit is that there are many
sub-domains similar in nature. This paper proposes
using identified related domains as a source of evi-
dence, and using graph principles to construct a be-
spoke ontology that can be used to better augment
comments leading to more precise clustering of the
original collection. Our graph approach allows for
the creation of clusters that are not reliant on directly
mapping terms with terms in documents, but instead
will allow for concepts to be represented by a number
of closely related terms. Our results show that such
an approach considerably improves performance. Us-
ing a bespoke ontology is beneficial over a relatively
general and static ontology such as Wordnet as better
expansion candidate are provided. Upon clustering
user comments, using a graph representation of the
ontology reduces the ambiguity in the original com-
ments through polysemy resolution. These two fac-
tors; a better ontology and a graph model, benefit the
clustering through better document representation.
The paper outline is as follows: in the next sec-
tion, we discuss Reddit, the source of data for our
clustering experiments. In section 3, we outline our
methodology before discussing related work in the
subsequent section.
The original authors of Wordnet (Hotho et al., 2003)
show that document clusters can be improved with
the addition of background material. They use syn-
onyms and hypernyms to augment their document
vectors (Hotho et al., 2003). They investigated three
approaches; firstly All Concepts which involves tak-
ing all of the related terms and using these to augment
the document. Secondly, First Concept which entails
replacing the term in the document with the identified
related term. Finally they used a Disambiguation by
Context Approach, which involved using the defini-
tion of the term in question and measuring the simi-
larity with the words found in the document.
There have been many subsequent papers that
have shown how Wordnet can be used to improve
clusters. Baghel et al (Baghel and Dhir, 2010) pro-
pose an algorithm (Frequent Concept Based Doc-
ument Clustering (FCBDC)) which identifies fre-
quently occurring concepts. They define concepts as
words that have the same meaning and use WordNet
to identify when words have a similar meaning. They
subsequently appoint each concept as a kernel and
cluster the documents around them. Their approach
involves using first concept so the initial words are
replaced with their synonyms.
Weng et al. (Wang and Hodges, 2006) investigate
if the use of semantic relatedness can be used to clus-
ter using Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD) princi-
ples. They define semantic relatedness as a criterion
to scale the relatedness of two senses in a semantic
network (Wang and Hodges, 2006). They used a Part
of Speech Tagger (POS) to identify the grammatical
use of each word. Each document was converted this
way so that the words in the vector space model were
converted into tuples of the term and the POS of the
term. The POS were then used as the intended context
of the word. They applied this approach to a corpus
of 1600 abstracts of 200 words each. These abstracts
were further divided into 8 different categories. They
found that through this approach they were able to
improve upon results however, the small scale of their
experiment meant that results were hindered through
lack of sufficient distinguishing features for each cat-
Mahjan et al. (Mahajan and Shah, 2016) use an
approach similar in nature to the work of Wang et al.
(Wang and Hodges, 2006). They investigate ways in
which one can improve upon cluster results. They
investigate changing the number of clusters, the use
and stop word removal and lemmatisation. In addi-
tion, they engaged with Wordnet to augment the doc-
ument vectors with their respective synonyms. Using
a POS tagger to identify if a word is a noun, verb, ad-
jective they augmented the the vectors with the most
closely identified one. Their approach was applied to
a Reuters document corpus and they achieved an im-
provement of 11% for purity and 29 % for entropy
in the 20 news group and additionally they got an
improvement of 18% and 38% respectively on the
Reuters corpus.
Another approach which utilises Wordnet to im-
prove upon traditional clustering is the work of Hung
et al. (Hung et al., 2004). They endeavour to bet-
ter classify news articles as found in the Reuters text
corpus. They take 200,000 articles with over 50 clas-
sifications. They use the Wordnet to identify if a
hypernymy exists for a given word. They use a re-
place policy to reduce dimensionality (First Con-
cept), whereby the hyponym will be replaced with its
hypernym. Their approach allows for multiple clas-
sifications. Similar to how Latent Dirchlet Allocation
(LDA) works they count the words in the document as
well as per topic (Blei et al., 2002). As documents al-
low for multiple topics, words can be used to indicate
the presence of different topics. As well as hosting
hypernyms and synonyms, Wordnet contains a defini-
tion of each potential meaning of the target word as
well as an example of usage. This is similar to the
approach Disambiguation by Context Approach used
by the original authors to disambiguate the intended
meaning for the word used (Hotho et al., 2003).
The premise of the approach of Zheng et al.
(Zheng et al., 2009) is that documents are made up
of concepts and that different terms are often used to
describe a concept. By resolving the various terms to
their concepts one can improve upon information re-
trieval. The authors focus on noun phrases and the se-
mantic patterns inherent in documents. Stemming and
stopword removal are important preprocessing steps
in achieving this end. They define a noun phrase as
a grammatical category (or phrase) which normally
contains a noun as its head and which can be modi-
fied in many ways (Zheng et al., 2009). The authors
propose using syntactical analysis to identify the noun
phrases. Partial parsing is used, which means that the
appropriate noun phrases are analysed rather than the
document as a whole. They analyse noun phrases by
considering the synonyms of the adjective. Then the
relationship between the noun phrases are explored.
Synsets are a useful tool here as the first synset is the
most common for of the term. Additionally Word-
Net is used to identify the hypernyms, hyponyms,
meronyms and holonyms which are resolved to one
representative concept. The authors find the use of
hypernyms to be most effective; they speculated that
the use of hypernyms is most effective because doc-
ument categorization tends to more naturally on the
more-general terms rather than more-specific terms
(Zheng et al., 2009).
The approach of this paper of mapping semantic
similarity by considering re-occurring proximity of
terms is similar in nature to the approach proposed by
Lund and Burgess (Lund and Burgess, 1996). They
construct a dataset from Usenet and map the strength
of the proximity of terms. They use a sliding win-
dow of 10 and store the terms in a matrix. The pro-
ceeding terms are stored row-wise and the preced-
ing terms as stored in a column-wise fashion. They
use multi-dimensional scaling to draw inferences on
the associations of the target terms. They conduct
three experiments and make the following conclu-
sions. First, the euclidean distance of the associative
matrices of terms show that proximity is related to
the frequent co-occurrence of terms. Second, Cate-
gorical relationships can be ascertained through this
approach. More concretely they show that hyponym
terms can be grouped with their corresponding hyper-
nyms. Third, that automatically determined semantic
distance between terms are comparable with human
judgment of the same.
Other work that embodies the Hyperspace Ana-
logue to Language (HAL) approach is that of Song
and Bruza (Bruza and Song, 2001). They aim to
model the information flow that is created when two
terms are located adjacent to one another. The con-
cept those two terms represent is the sum of their as-
sociate terms. Applying HAL, they create a matrix
of associative terms. Each concept they propose is
the sum of those associative terms. They normailise
those matrices values by taking the strength of the re-
occurring terms and dividing it by all the terms, after
the terms that have fallen below a quality threshold
have been removed. w
. To find the
strength of the common terms between two concepts
they apply the formula w
= l
, where
represents a weight that reflects that this particular
concept is more dominant than the second concept.
They make no statistical evaluation of their approach
other than to discuss the relatedness of the vectors
produced by this process.
To conduct our investigation, data from Reddit was
utilised. Social platforms like Reddit are forums
where users create and curate the comments found
at the site. The quality of the content is appraised
through a voting system. Reddit has been described
as a Web-democracy because everyone has a voice
and can express their opinion (Weninger et al., 2013).
Social media platforms mark a divergence from tradi-
tional media outlets where there are a handful of cu-
rators who dictate the conversation. Instead, everyone
is free to suggest a topic and the impact of that sug-
gestion is felt in the number of people who engage
with the narrative. The hierarchical structure of the
conversation threads allows for divergences in topics.
The structure of Reddit is as follows:
Subreddits: These are sub domains of a com-
mon theme. They comprise users who have an
interest in that theme. Related topics to that gen-
eral theme are submitted by users and people then
engage with those topics through making com-
ments on the original posts. All subreddits have at
least one moderator who ensures that the rules of
that thread are upheld and that relevance is main-
Posts: are the initial comment submissions made
in a subreddit. It can be in the form of text, image
or links. It is an invitation to other users to engage
in a discourse or express their opinion on an issue
through up-voting or down-voting.
Comments: are user submissions to an initial
post. They can be new comments (referred be-
low as parent comments) which mark a new per-
spective on the post or they can be comments on
existing comment threads (child comments), this
indicates that the point is related to that branch of
Parent Comments: refers to the original com-
ment made to a post. Child comments are all of
the subsequent comments posted to that comment
thread. One post can have many parent comments
and each parent comment can have a number of
children comments.
Voting: allows for each user to express their opin-
ion on a post or comment. It is in the form of an
upvote or a downvote. There is an algorithm that
ranks the votes which informs where that post is
placed in the thread hierarchy. A particular pop-
ular post can make it to the front page of Red-
dit which is not topic specific and will garner in-
creased attention through increased visibility.
Karma: represents the overall feedback that a
user has on the user’s collective posts. Each up-
vote is an additional karma point and each down-
vote takes from the users overall accrued karma
A user has the option to subscribe to a thread. Typi-
cally a user will be subscribed to a number of different
threads, and the most popular posts in these are shown
on the user’s personal wall. In addition there is a uni-
versal wall which displays the most commented upon
or upvoted posts and can come from any thread.
Table 2: List of all threads and and their related thread.
Thread Related Thread
Rugbyunion NRL
LearnPython Python
Movies Fullmoviesonyoutube
Music popheads
England London
Quadcopters Quadcopter
Worldnews News
Politics ukpolitics
Boardgames Risk
Ireland Dublin
4.1 Introduction
To perform our experiments in improving clustering
of documents from social media forums and improv-
ing performance of said clustering, we first created
a document collection. We selected 10 threads for
the purpose of running our experiments and a further
10 threads for the creation of relevant ontologies; the
threads used are listed in Table 2. As a baseline ex-
periment, we apply K-means clustering to the content
of the 10 threads. We then re-apply that clustering
approach on the same documents using augmented
versions of the documents. We analyse a number
of document expansion techniques from the literature
and finally our own approach. We now discuss how
the dataset was constructed and processed, the base-
line approach, how WordNet was used to augment the
document set, and finally, we describe in detail our
own proposed approach.
Figure 1: Steps taken for standard approach.
4.2 Baseline Approach
First we tokenise the text; this involves removing
stopwords, lemmatising and vectorising. We use a K-
means as implemented in Sklearn (Pedregosa et al.,
2011) to cluster the documents. For the basic ap-
proach we clustered the document set in it’s vec-
torised form, and recorded the results. See Figure 1
for a graphical representation of the process.
Table 1 contains the names and sizes of each of
our threads. To test the robustness of our approach
we took each thread in Thread A and combined it
with each of the threads found in the Thread B col-
umn. This produced a result set of 25 collections; we
then attempt to cluster the documents back into the
two original clusters. The results of this are discussed
in the results section. We selected threads that were
similar in nature, because we were attempting to cap-
ture the nuanced speech associated with a thread. We
felt that if we could single out threads that would have
common members, we would better be able to model
the language used. All approaches discussed below
were evaluated in the same manner. Each document
representation was augmented in a different way ac-
cording to the approach being investigated.
Figure 2: Steps taken for augmented approach.
4.3 Wordnet Approach
To measure the impact of including synonyms and
hypernyms, Wordnet was used. Figure 2 shows the
process. The initial steps are the same as the base-
line. Each document is represented as a vector. Stop-
word removal and lemmatisation was then applied.
Each document is augmented with related hypernyms.
We took the corpus and checked if a word had a hy-
pernym, and if so, that hypernym was added to the
document vector. Wordnet is represented by the data
source titles Auxiliary Source in Figure 2. So for each
term t in a document d if the term has a hypernym, we
retrieved it and added it to the document representa-
tion. So our documents now contain each term and its
hypernym d =< t
, . . .t
, h
, h
, . . .h
) >. We then
applied K-means to the document sets and recorded
the results. The same procedure was performed on
the synonym dataset. However rather than adding hy-
pernyms, synonyms were instead included in the doc-
4.4 Graph Approach
For each of our main threads, we identified a thread
dealing with a similar topic that would hopefully use
the same, or similar, terminology. This is important
for constructing a related ontology, e.g the thread rug-
byunion is seen to be a related thread to Australian
Rugby League (NRL). Table 2 contains a list of the
initial threads and the related threads from which we
constructed our ontology. Our external ontology is
represented by the data source titles Auxiliary Source
in Figure 2.
Figure 3: Recording the connection between terms.
To construct the ontology, we processed the related
threads. As above, lemmatisation and stopword re-
moval was applied to the document vectors. Next we
constructed a graph where each word is represented
as a node and the weight on the edge represents the
number of times two words occurred in close prox-
imity. We used a window size parameter to define
the notion of proximity. In this work we use a win-
dow size of two, i.e., the nearest two preceding and
proceeding words for each word are considered as
occurring in close proximity and their correspond-
ing nodes are linked. Figure 3 illustrates how two
words can be connected. Our ontology comprises of
the term t and all of the occurrences of the surround-
ing terms t
and their frequency, t = {tr
: score,tr
: score
}. Next, we augmented the vec-
tors representing the original document by augment-
ing the document vector with its highest correlated
word. The resulting documents were stored as fol-
lows: d =< t
>. We applied the
K-means clustering algorithm to the resulting corpus
and recorded the results.
4.5 Process
Ten social media conversation threads were ran-
domly selected from the social media platform Red-
dit. Threads were allocated into two groups of 5
threads called Thread A and Thread B (see Table 1).
Threads from the first group were then paired with
threads from the second group using a round-robin
approach. This resulted in the creation of 25 docu-
ment sets containing two separate threads each. In
order to measure prediction performance, documents
were subjected to four independent prediction pro-
cesses: Standard which serves as the baseline (stan-
dard clustering), Synonym (document augmentation
with synonyms), Hypernym (augmentation with Hy-
pernyms), and finally Graph, our approach which
augments the documents with the strongest correlates
according to our graph measure over the bespoke on-
tology. Prediction performance was measured by the
number of errors in identification of separate threads
within a document. Lower levels indicated greater
prediction performance.
Figure 4: Combined error rate over all tests.
Table 3 presents the results from each individual clus-
tering task. It contains the name of the two threads
being investigated; the number of documents being
clustered in that case, and the number of errors for
each approach. We used precision as a metric for
evaluating the success of each approach. We found
that adding synonyms and hypernyms improves upon
the baseline case. Echoing findings in previous work,
we found that hypernyms are more effective than syn-
onyms. Finally, we note that using our graph ap-
proach is six times more effective than using any of
the other approaches. The combination of using a
bespoke ontology and a graph mechanism to identify
correlates for expansion works extremely well.
5.1 Statistical Analysis
A non-parametric Kruskil-Walis (Cohen, 1988) test
was conducted to explore whether using a Graph
analysis approach would improve prediction perfor-
mance of the presence of separate threads in a body
of text when compared with three commonly used ap-
proaches. This paper makes the hypothesis that using
the graph approach will result in lower prediction er-
rors. No hypothesis is made between prediction levels
of the three commonly used techniques when com-
pared to each other. Analysis was conducted using
the computer software package SPSS.
Results indicate that Graph approach reported
fewer errors in identification (M =4.72, SD = 9.14)
to Approach Standard (M =35.97, SD = 38.48), Ap-
proach Synonym (M =34.58, SD = 36.90) and Ap-
proach Hypernym (M =32.91, SD = 35.94).
A Kuskal-Wallis test revealed a statistical differ-
ence in prediction performance across the four pre-
diction approaches H(3) = 95.19, p < .001. Pairwise
comparisons with adjusted p values showed there was
a significant difference between the graph approach
and the standard approach (p < .001, r = .4) the syn-
onym approach, (p < .001, r = .4) the hypernym
approach, (p < .001, r = .4), indicating medium to
strong effect sizes. The standard, synonym and hy-
pernym approaches did not differ significantly from
each other (P > .05)
Figure 5: Break down of comment lengths.
Figure 6: Break down of comment lengths from misclassi-
fied comments.
Table 3: Results for each algorithm or each combination of threads from the first and second group respectively.
index Name Size Standard Synonym Hypernym Graph
0 rugbyunion quadcopter 1598.0 215.0 215.0 226.0 43.0
1 rugbyunion Worldnews 1439.0 373.0 201.0 123.0 22.0
2 rugbyunion politics 1889.0 372.0 438.0 414.0 1.0
3 rugbyunion boardgames 1868.0 283.0 289.0 253.0 48.0
4 rugbyunion Ireland 1861.0 337.0 329.0 333.0 31.0
5 learnpython quadcopter 1576.0 105.0 100.0 109.0 23.0
6 learnpython Worldnews 1417.0 178.0 124.0 114.0 4.0
7 learnpython politics 1867.0 373.0 446.0 411.0 0.0
8 learnpython boardgames 1846.0 220.0 219.0 201.0 19.0
9 learnpython Ireland 1839.0 235.0 219.0 211.0 19.0
10 Movies quadcopter 1094.0 126.0 122.0 132.0 39.0
11 Movies Worldnews 935.0 376.0 131.0 127.0 23.0
12 Movies politics 1385.0 454.0 527.0 515.0 20.0
13 Movies boardgames 1364.0 258.0 262.0 231.0 21.0
14 Movies Ireland 1357.0 153.0 151.0 150.0 32.0
15 music quadcopter 1120.0 156.0 138.0 132.0 51.0
16 music Worldnews 961.0 153.0 134.0 124.0 27.0
17 music politics 1411.0 445.0 521.0 503.0 2.0
18 music boardgames 1390.0 109.0 103.0 91.0 16.0
19 music Ireland 1383.0 154.0 136.0 133.0 39.0
20 England quadcopter 1415.0 320.0 251.0 219.0 84.0
21 England Worldnews 1256.0 378.0 380.0 378.0 81.0
22 England politics 1706.0 426.0 491.0 470.0 2.0
23 England boardgames 1685.0 294.0 286.0 283.0 67.0
24 England Ireland 1678.0 666.0 668.0 667.0 226.0
Table 4: Data Facts.
Standard Synonym Hypernym Graph
count 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0
mean 286.36 275.24 262.0 37.6
std 136.05 159.65 157.88 45.52
min 105.0 100.0 91.0 0.0
max 666.0 668.0 667.0 226.0
To gain a better insight into why our approach
achieves better results, we analysed some of the char-
acteristics of the thread data and how the methods ap-
plied affected the clusters. In Figure 5, we show the
thread Rugbyunion as an example; we first plotted the
distribution of the sizes of each of the threads. From
this it is clear to see that a large number of the com-
ments are between 0 and 500 words in length. Fig-
ure 6 is a break down of the sizes of the comments
that were misclassified. We can tell from this that the
highest level of misclassification comes from docu-
ments that are 30 words or less in length. This makes
intuitive sense when one considers that the less ev-
idence the classifying agent has, the poorer the end
result will be. Our graph approach helps to offset
this issue, by incorporating words that are more in-
dicative of the document class thus producing signif-
icantly more accurate classifications. The sum to-
tal of words added for each method were Synonym
- 285,321; Hypernym - 220,935 and Graph 304, 997.
Of these additional words the number of unique words
added were 9435, 3584 and 4023 respectively. While
the Hypernym had the least number of unique terms it
also had markedly less terms added compared to the
other two approaches. The Synonym approach had a
large number of additional terms, although there were
a little less than the Graph approach which had the
most terms added, but a relatively low unique word
count. This leads us to conclude that the terms re-
turned were more closely correlated in this approach,
which resulted in the higher precision counts.
Figure 7 offers some more insight into perfor-
mance of the various algorithms across the different
clustering cases. The graph approach is clearly supe-
rior to the other approaches with a much lower me-
dian number of errors but also a much smaller de-
viation. The orange line represents the median line,
and interestingly it is higher in the standard approach.
This means that in over half of the clusters, the hy-
pernym and synonym approach are superior. The
whiskers are higher in both of these approaches sug-
gesting that there is a large variation in a small num-
ber of results. This suggests that while the addition of
hypernym and synonym did, on average, improve the
results, there are a minority of instances where they
added noise to the dataset and skewed some of the re-
sults. This phenomenon is not witnessed in the graph
approach which only improved upon results.
Figure 7: A box plot of all of the errors.
This paper discusses the investigation of the use of
external ontologies to improve performance of a clus-
tering algorithm through meaningful augmentation of
documents. A standard package Wordnet was used to
identify if the use of hypernyms and synonyms can
improve performance. Additionally a bespoke ontol-
ogy was constructed that represents relationships be-
tween terms based on co-occurrence, to see if the use
of context can improve results. Our dataset is not a
standard document collection so it poses additional
challenges that limit the effectiveness of traditional
clustering approaches. The best results were shown
to be achieved when context was used.
In this work, we manually identified related
threads from which to construct our ontology. Future
work will see the automatic identification of related
reddit threads. This can be achieved through measur-
ing syntactical similarity between threads. The future
aim of our work is to enhance this context construc-
tion and applying it to identifying different points of
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