Towards Software Experts for Knowledge Discovery
A Process Model for Knowledge Consolidation
Lauri Tuovinen
Biomimetics and Intelligent Systems Group, University of Oulu,
P.O. Box 4500, FI-90014, Oulu, Finland
Knowledge Discovery in Data, Process Model, Metadata, Knowledge Representation, Artificial Intelligence.
The process of knowledge discovery in databases (KDD) is traditionally driven by human experts with in-
depth knowledge of the technology used and the domain in which it is being applied. The role of technology
in this process is to passively execute the computations specified by the experts, and the role of non-expert
humans is limited to a few narrowly defined special cases. However, there are many scenarios where ordinary
individuals would benefit from applying KDD to their own personal data, if only they had the means to do
so. Meanwhile, KDD experts are looking for more advanced tools and methods capable of coping with the
challenges posed by big data. Both these needs would be addressed by autonomous software experts capable
of taking on some of the responsibilities of human KDD experts, but there are several obstacles that need to
be cleared before the implementation of such experts is feasible. One of these is that while there is a widely
accepted process model for knowledge discovery, there is not one for knowledge consolidation: the process
of integrating a KDD result with established domain knowledge. This paper explores the requirements of the
knowledge consolidation process and outlines a process model based on how the concept of knowledge is
understood in KDD. Furthermore, it evaluates the state of the art and attempts to estimate how far away we are
from achieving the necessary technology level to implement at least one major step of the process in software.
Finally, the options available for making significant advances in the near future are discussed.
In 1996, knowledge discovery in databases (KDD)
was defined as “the nontrivial process of identifying
valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately under-
standable patterns in data” (Fayyad et al., 1996). The
seminal KDD process model, presented in the same
paper, consists of five major steps: data selection, pre-
processing, transformation, data mining, and interpre-
tation/evaluation. In the past 20 years, research in the
field of KDD has advanced greatly, but arguably both
the definition and the process model are still essen-
tially correct and useful.
A very interesting and challenging area of KDD
research now is automating the planning of the KDD
process and the interpretation of the results, which are
tasks that currently require human experts. The poten-
tial impact of new results in this area is high, but to
achieve them, we need to gain a better understanding
of this aspect of the process. Until now, the inability
to delegate these tasks to a computer may not have
been a very significant problem, but in recent years
there has been an explosion in the quantity and diver-
sity of digital data available for KDD. As a result of
this, our ability to actualize the potential value of data
depends on the ability of computers to assist us in a
more intelligent and comprehensive manner. Intelli-
gent KDD tools are also a necessity for individuals
who want to extract useful knowledge from their per-
sonal data but lack the required technology expertise.
The focus of this paper is on the interpreta-
tion/evaluation step of the KDD process, which is
such a vast and complex one that it would be more
accurate to represent it as a process in its own right. It
is as the outcome of this process that the result of the
data mining step is established as “valid, novel, po-
tentially useful, and ultimately understandable”, mak-
ing it justifiable to call it knowledge. In a word, the
objective of the process is to consolidate the newly
discovered knowledge, so we shall refer to it as the
knowledge consolidation process.
The purpose of the paper is to take some initial
steps toward the eventual automation of the knowl-
edge consolidation process by exploring its theoreti-
cal foundations and requirements. More specifically,
the paper will: 1. analyze the definition of knowledge
Tuovinen L.
Towards Software Experts for Knowledge Discovery - A Process Model for Knowledge Consolidation.
DOI: 10.5220/0006500502240232
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 224-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
in KDD to clarify the meaning of the various condi-
tions to be satisfied; 2. outline the steps that need to be
taken in order to satisfy the conditions once the data
mining task of the KDD process has been completed;
and 3. define a set of new capacities of KDD soft-
ware that need to be developed in order to automate
the execution of the steps.
A core concept that the paper examines is that of
a software KDD expert, an intelligent KDD software
tool or agent capable of planning and executing KDD
tasks without the supervision of a human expert. This
capability enables a software expert to assist humans
in setting up and running KDD workflows, substan-
tially increasing the potential value of KDD technol-
ogy in the hands of both experts and non-experts. By
studying the knowledge consolidation process and its
requirements, the paper aims to develop an under-
standing of how software KDD experts can be trans-
formed from a theoretical concept to reality.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows: First, a review of related work is given in Sec-
tion 2. This is then followed by an examination of the
definition of knowledge in Section 3. Section 4 out-
lines a process model for the task of interpreting and
evaluating a data mining result such that it satisfies
the conditions prescribed by the definition. Section
5 describes the major capacities that a software KDD
expert needs to have in order to carry out knowledge
consolidation, and also identifies the principal techni-
cal requirements of the capacities and compares them
with the state of the art. Section 6 discusses the find-
ings, and Section 7 concludes the paper.
There are two major ongoing trends that make re-
thinking the KDD process necessary. One of these
is what has been referred to as the data deluge: the
seemingly boundless increase of the quantity of dig-
ital data available for collection and analysis. It has
been estimated that a total of 1.8 zettabytes of data
were generated worldwide in the year 2011 (Federal
Big Data Commission, 2012), and there is no rea-
son to assume that the rate of data generation has not
continued to increase since then. Our current capac-
ity to collect this data surpasses our capacity to ex-
tract value from it, and this will not change unless we
can develop more intelligent KDD tools capable of
shouldering some of the responsibilities traditionally
reserved for human KDD experts.
The other trend we need to consider is the appli-
cation of KDD technology by non-expert individuals.
Concepts such as lifelogging and the quantified self
(Fawcett, 2016) have so far had relatively little im-
pact outside of academic discourse, but there is now a
growing market for inexpensive wearable physiologi-
cal sensor devices and associated software capable of
generating reasonably accurate and meaningful feed-
back on aspects of well-being such as physical activ-
ity and sleep; an evaluation of a number of currently
available devices and apps is provided in (Wen et al.,
2017). Using such software does not require any par-
ticular expertise, but this comes at the cost of strict
limits on its functionality. If, however, the software
could help the user find solutions to more complex
problems using more varied inputs, there would be
potential here for fundamental societal change in, for
instance, how healthcare is organized.
From the perspective of the KDD process, the es-
sential question here is the division of labor between
human and machine in the process. The seminal KDD
process model of (Fayyad et al., 1996) does not, in
fact, explicitly address the question of who is re-
sponsible for carrying out the tasks prescribed by the
model, but among the models proposed later by other
authors there are some that provide a more detailed
account of the role of human actors in the process.
These include the models presented in (Brachman and
Anand, 1996), (B
uchner et al., 1999) and (Moyle and
Jorge, 2001), and also the standard process model
CRISP-DM (Wirth and Hipp, 2000). However, a
KDD process model that treats technology as an actor
rather than a passive tool was first proposed in (Tuovi-
nen, 2014) and then expanded upon in (Tuovinen,
2016). This model also offers some tentative ideas
on the nature of knowledge in KDD and how knowl-
edge should be represented in order to enable KDD
software to process it in more advanced ways. Still, it
appears that currently there is no model of the KDD
process that provides a detailed account of how the
evaluation/interpretation phase should be executed.
Other work on knowledge representation in the
KDD process is also of interest here; particularly on
the representation and application of domain knowl-
edge in KDD there is a substantial body of previous
research (Cao, 2010; Aslam et al., 2014; Dou et al.,
2015). In more theoretical research, the formal con-
cept and concept lattice formalisms associated with
formal concept analysis have attracted considerable
attention (Kuznetsov and Poelmans, 2013; Poelmans
et al., 2013a; Poelmans et al., 2013b). Semantic
Web technologies can also be applied in the context
of KDD (Ristoski and Paulheim, 2016). Processing
domain knowledge is usually seen as a way of im-
proving the quality of KDD results, but it is argued in
this paper that the relevance of knowledge representa-
tion to KDD is not limited to this; instead, any effort
to automate the evaluation and interpretation tasks of
the KDD process must be founded on an appropriate
knowledge representation scheme.
An even more interesting research topic is the rep-
resentation of knowledge concerning the KDD pro-
cess itself. The results of this work are particularly
relevant because they can, at least in theory, be used
to (partially) automate the generation of KDD work-
flows. Research in this area has been done since at
least as early as 2005 (Bernstein et al., 2005), but the
topic has begun to attract more attention during the
current decade. Besides proposals aimed specifically
at automation of workflow generation such as those
presented in (
a et al., 2011) and (Keet et al.,
2015), there have also been more theoretical efforts
seeking to create a comprehensive ontology of KDD
concepts, the OntoDM ontology (Panov et al., 2014)
being perhaps the most prominent among these.
A 2013 survey (Serban et al., 2013) reviews re-
search on what the authors call intelligent discovery
assistants (IDA), by which they mean essentially the
same thing as what in this paper are referred to as soft-
ware KDD experts. As one would expect, the review
shows a clear correlation between the number of data
analysis tasks an IDA supports and the level of exper-
tise it requires from its user: IDAs suitable for inexpe-
rienced users are limited to a relatively small number
of tasks, whereas those that provide comprehensive
support for the construction of KDD workflows can
only be used effectively by an expert user. While there
have been some notable efforts in the few years that
have passed since the survey, (Nguyen et al., 2014)
and (Kietz et al., 2014) being two examples, the situa-
tion has not changed radically. However, the next ma-
jor advance may come in the not-too-distant future;
the remainder of the paper explores the question of
what the next steps are and how they can be achieved.
At this point, let us remind ourselves once more what
it is that KDD searches for: patterns in data that are
valid, novel, potentially useful, and ultimately under-
standable. The Fayyad et al. definition thus gives us
five individual terms that characterize knowledge as
the concept is understood in KDD. Below, we exam-
ine each of these terms in turn in order to see what
their contribution to the definition of knowledge is.
Patterns in Data: This is the most fundamental of the
five characterizations: it specifies the type of knowl-
edge KDD searches for. First, the knowledge origi-
nates from data, that is, observations of the real world,
and the way these observations are made and recorded
affects every subsequent step of the KDD process.
For instance, any issues with the quality of the ob-
servations will be carried through the process and af-
fect the quality of the resulting knowledge, unless de-
tected and actively dealt with at a sufficiently early
stage. Second, the knowledge comes in the form of
patterns, that is, regularities in the distribution of the
data that can be used to generalize the observations.
Ultimately, the objective is to derive from the reg-
ularities a model that accurately represents the phe-
nomenon being studied also in those parts of the input
space that are not covered by the data.
Valid: This property specifies that the patterns
discovered should represent an actual phenomenon
rather than, for instance, random noise or observa-
tion error. In other words, the apparent regularities
present in the input dataset should also be present in
the real world such that if more data is collected from
the same source, the same patterns will continue to
show. If the patterns only pertain to a specific dataset,
they are only marginally more interesting than the in-
dividual observations that comprise the dataset; in or-
der to be candidates for new knowledge, the patterns
need to be generalizable beyond the original data in
which they were found. If, for example, the objective
is to use the patterns to predict future observations
as it typically is the predictions will not be reliable if
they are based on patterns that generally do not occur
but just happen to be present in the input dataset.
Novel: This property specifies that the patterns
should provide us with new information about the
phenomenon that generated the input data. To judge
the novelty of the patterns, some contextual informa-
tion is necessary. The KDD process begins with the
formulation of a problem, and the exploration of the
input dataset by means of data mining is expected to
yield a solution to that problem. When designing an
approach to the problem, a number of factors can be
varied: the specific input variables used, the data min-
ing algorithms applied and the values chosen for the
parameters of the algorithms. If this overall config-
uration is one that is not known to have been tried
before, then the information learned by running it on
the input dataset will be novel.
Useful: This property is often referred to as the ac-
tionability of knowledge acquired via KDD: the tech-
nology is generally not applied out of sheer curios-
ity, but to learn something that can be used as a ba-
sis for making informed decisions. The utility of the
patterns discovered obviously depends on their valid-
ity, but validity alone is not enough: patterns that are
valid are not useful unless they satisfy the particular
requirements of the application for which they are in-
tended. For example, if a predictive model is discov-
ered that is clearly rooted in a real phenomenon but
not sufficiently accurate for the specific application in
which it is meant to be used, then it is, in a certain
sense, valid but not useful. Furthermore, the utility of
the model also depends on whether the costs of imple-
menting and deploying it in a production environment
are justifiable, given the gains.
Understandable: This property implies that simply
finding a model that appears to be accurate is not satis-
factory: there should be a plausible (and testable) ex-
planation for why it works. In the absence of a satis-
factory explanation, the model remains conceptually
detached from the real world, and a good explanation
also helps considerably in determining the limits of
the applicability of the model. In fact, for many prac-
tical purposes we may substitute a description of the
circumstances under which the model can be success-
fully applied for a more in-depth understanding, thus
avoiding the much more difficult task of providing a
cause-and-effect explanation for the model. We can
therefore say that a model is understood by a software
expert if the expert has all the information it needs in
order to be able to apply the model autonomously.
We have now established an interpretation for
each of the ve properties of knowledge in KDD;
they are pragmatic interpretations, but this is justified,
given that KDD is an inherently pragmatic form of
discovery, concerning itself with practical value rather
than epistemological truth. Next, we proceed to ex-
amine the interdependencies among the four condi-
tions that patterns discovered in data must satisfy: va-
lidity, novelty, utility and understandability. Based on
these, we can observe that the most natural sequence
for evaluating the conditions is the following:
1. Novelty: As discussed above, the novelty of a pro-
posed KDD solution can be evaluated by compar-
ing its configuration data, algorithms and pa-
rameters – with those of previously tried solutions
to the same problem. Since this can be done be-
fore the solution is executed, novelty is the first
condition to be evaluated.
2. Validity: Evaluating the validity of the outcome
depends on being able to quantify the strength of
the supporting evidence. The required validation
scores are available once the solution has been ex-
ecuted, so validity is the second condition to be
3. Understandability: For the basic level of under-
standing defined above, details of the problem and
the solution are required. Additionally, informa-
tion regarding validation coverage is needed in
order to be able to determine constraints within
which the solution can be expected to produce
good results. Therefore understandability can be
evaluated once validity has been established.
4. Utility: The utility of a KDD solution depends on
whether its applicability and performance are ad-
equate for the purpose for which it is intended to
be used. Since this information is available only
after it has been established that all the other con-
ditions are satisfied, utility is the final condition to
be evaluated.
In the next section we transform this sequence into a
series of concrete tasks that a software KDD expert
needs to perform in order to satisfy the conditions.
To get started, we can divide the knowledge consol-
idation process into four major steps, corresponding
to the four conditions that a KDD result needs to sat-
isfy in order for the KDD effort to be considered a
success. The steps are:
1. Capture: identify the result to be consolidated and
prepare it for further processing
2. Verify: confirm that the result has sufficient sup-
port to be considered reliable
3. Delineate: identify constraints on the applicabil-
ity of the result
4. Integrate: deploy the result as a component of a
software system
Below, we look at each of these steps in turn to
achieve a more detailed description of what needs to
be done during each step and how the process ad-
vances from one step to the next.
Capture: The first step of the process is to prepare
the new KDD result for consolidation, or to capture
it in a format that allows it to be processed further.
Apart from converting the result into a suitable rep-
resentation, this involves supplementing it with meta-
data that will be required at later stages of consolida-
tion in order to be able to evaluate the knowledge con-
ditions. Immediately available as an outcome of the
knowledge discovery process are descriptions of the
problem and the solution, but at each subsequent pro-
cess step, additional metadata is generated from data
and metadata available at that point. Furthermore, a
knowledge base containing the accumulated body of
domain knowledge needs to be made accessible such
that supplementary information can be retrieved from
it when needed for decision-making.
Verify: In the previous section, we established that
for practical purposes, we can take the novelty of a
KDD result as implicitly guaranteed by the specifica-
tion of the problem and the solution. Therefore the
first condition that needs to be evaluated as part of the
consolidation process is the validity of the result; in
other words, the next process step is to verify the re-
sult. To do this autonomously, a software KDD expert
needs to make a number of decisions concerning the
selection of validation data and thresholds appropri-
ate for the situation, for which it needs to pull relevant
knowledge out of the domain knowledge base. New
metadata is then generated to describe the proceed-
ings of the verification step: the validation data, meth-
ods and parameters used and the results achieved.
Delineate: The next condition to be evaluated is un-
derstandability, which we defined above as the abil-
ity to know the circumstances under which a KDD
result is applicable. For a software KDD expert to
be able to make this decision, metadata is again re-
quired. Available at this point are the details of the
problem, the solution and the verification; the expert
needs to analyze these in order to delineate the subset
of all possible input vectors for which both the va-
lidity of the result and the strength of the supporting
evidence are high enough to justify treating the result
as reliable. To know what is high enough, the expert
needs to look up relevant information in the domain
knowledge base. New metadata is generated to de-
scribe constraints on the applicability of the result.
Integrate: The final condition to be evaluated is the
utility of the result, the ultimate objective being to in-
tegrate it into a software system capable of applying
it autonomously. For integration to be possible, the
result must be adequate for the task in every way: it
must not suffer from constraints that would make it
unsuitable, and its secondary quality characteristics
such as memory consumption and running time must
also be acceptable. Additional analysis and additional
domain knowledge are required in order to carry out
this final step; once the utility of the result has been
established, it can be deployed by the software expert
as a component of the system in which it is to be used.
Figure 1 illustrates the knowledge consolidation
process as outlined above. Each step of the process
follows a cycle: access the domain knowledge base
for information relevant to the task at hand, use the in-
formation to support analysis of the data and metadata
received as input, generate additional metadata based
on the outcome of the analysis, and deliver all of the
accumulated data and metadata as input to the next
process step. Processing metadata in various ways is
thus a defining aspect of what a software KDD expert
needs to be able to do; we shall cover this topic in
some more detail in the next section.
With the integration step successfully completed,
the new KDD result has been consolidated to such a
degree that a computer can use it as a solution to the
original problem without human supervision. Let us
now consider the other major part of the KDD pro-
cess that currently needs to be carried out by human
experts: setting up the KDD workflow. For a software
expert to be able to do this, it needs, firstly, to under-
stand how the KDD process works; this, as discussed
in Section 2, is the topic of some interesting research
concerning KDD ontologies. Secondly, it needs the
ability to do more advanced reasoning with domain
knowledge, enabling it to understand how to fill gaps
in established knowledge using KDD. Therefore, to
enable a software KDD expert to extend consolidated
knowledge, we need to make a transition from the
pragmatic knowledge we have been working with so
far to a more advanced, conceptual type of knowl-
edge. Regarding how such a transition can be made,
we can make the following observations:
1. Utility is a fundamentally pragmatic concept and
does not need to be given a conceptual intepreta-
tion. Therefore we can take the utility of a consol-
idated piece of knowledge as fully established.
2. Understandability can be interpreted as the abil-
ity to place a consolidated piece of knowledge in
its proper context by identifying semantic con-
nections between it and previously established
3. Validity can be interpreted as the presence of cor-
roborating established knowledge and the absence
of unresolved conflicts with established knowl-
edge; it can be evaluated once understandability
has been established.
4. Novelty can be interpreted as the consolidated
piece of knowledge representing a genuinely new
addition to established knowledge; it can be eval-
uated once understandability and validity have
been established.
In other words, the sequence in which the conditions
are processed is now reversed. At the end, the body
of established domain knowledge is updated with the
new addition, which thus becomes part of the back-
ground knowledge for future processes of knowledge
discovery and consolidation. Figure 2 illustrates this.
We now have a process model describing the tasks
that a software KDD expert needs to carry out in or-
der to consolidate a piece of knowledge. In the next
section, we adopt a different perspective and examine
the capacities that the software expert needs to have
in order to be able to perform those tasks.
Figure 1: The main steps of the knowledge consolidation process and the accumulation of metadata over the course of the
process. Additional knowledge is retrieved from the domain knowledge base at each step to enable the software KDD expert
to make the decisions required in order to proceed to the next step.
Figure 2: Knowledge consolidation and the transition from
pragmatic knowledge to conceptual knowledge. The accu-
mulated body of established domain knowledge represents
both the background knowledge for new KDD efforts and
the repository where the results of successful efforts are ul-
timately inserted.
As observed above, the tasks of the knowledge con-
solidation process all involve the generation and ma-
nipulation of various kinds of metadata in various
ways. We can therefore approach the required capaci-
ties of a software KDD expert from the perspective of
metadata processing. As a result, four crucial capaci-
ties are identified:
1. Representation: maintaining the metadata in a
suitable format
2. Annotation: generating metadata that conforms to
the format
3. Decision-making: evaluating the knowledge con-
ditions based on the metadata
4. Reasoning: processing the metadata on a seman-
tic level
The capacities are in ascending order of complexity,
with each capacity depending on all of the more basic
capacities below it. Thus the first capacity that needs
to be realized is representation, followed by annota-
tion, decision-making, and finally reasoning. Below,
each of these capacities is described in more detail.
Representation: As described above, each step of the
knowledge consolidation process generates additional
metadata, to be used in subsequent steps. To manage
all of this diverse accumulated metadata, a suitable
representation format and data structure is necessary;
when new metadata is generated, it is inserted into the
data structure, and when a step has been completed,
the entire data structure is passed on as input to the
next step. The format and structure need to be highly
flexible in order to be able to accommodate all the
different types of metadata generated over the course
of the process, including the semantic information re-
quired when making the transition from pragmatic to
conceptual knowledge.
Annotation: The capacity to represent metadata is a
crucial enabler for other capacities, but it is an entirely
passive capacity: it does not, in itself, allow a soft-
ware expert to perform any operations on metadata.
The annotation capacity is the most basic active ca-
pacity, enabling the software expert to write into the
metadata structure as well as read from it. In other
words, a software expert with this capacity can gener-
ate new metadata and format it according to the meta-
data representation format so that it can be inserted
into the metadata structure. However, the range of
tasks that the software expert can carry out with this
capacity alone is still very limited.
Decision-making: The annotation capacity gives a
software expert the ability to generate information
needed in the evaluation of the knowledge conditions,
but does not enable it to use this information with-
out being instructed by a human expert. With the
decision-making capacity, the software expert can au-
tonomously process the information in order to decide
whether the KDD result being consolidated is suffi-
ciently strong with respect to a given criterion. This
capacity is thus what enables the software expert to
apply the more basic representation and annotation
capacities in a coordinated manner to walk through
the steps of the knowledge consolidation process.
Reasoning: To work with conceptual knowledge, a
software expert needs analytic capabilities that en-
able it to process semantic information representing
the meaning of a KDD result with respect to the real
world. With the reasoning capacity, the software ex-
pert is able to identify semantic links between the re-
sult and relevant domain knowledge; furthermore, it
is able to analyze the implications of those links, al-
lowing it to perform the final consolidation tasks left
before the new KDD result can be inserted into the
domain knowledge base as a fully established item of
domain knowledge.
The question now is, what is required for us to be
able to implement these capacities, and to what extent
those requirements are already satisfied by existing
work. From the review of related work in Section 2,
we can see that there is already a considerable body of
potentially useful research on knowledge representa-
tion, addressing both representation of the KDD pro-
cess in general and representation of domain knowl-
edge specific to individual KDD efforts. A synthesis
of these should be enough to achieve at least a rea-
sonable approximation of the representation capacity
as envisioned here, although it is likely that some new
work will still be necessary in order to fully realize it.
From there, the leap to the annotation capacity would
be comparatively small, and this would already en-
able the software expert to provide decision support
for human KDD experts by generating additional in-
formation relevant to the decisions they need to make.
The decision-making capacity is a problem of a
different order, requiring a level of intelligence where,
instead of just generating information at the various
stages of knowledge discovery and consolidation, the
software expert is able to assess the significance of
the generated information with respect to objectives,
a crucial part of which is determining what the rele-
vant objectives are in the first place. Thus, whereas
a software expert with the annotation capacity would
be able to generate metadata to support the evaluation
of a given knowledge condition, but would leave the
actual evaluation to be done by a human expert, a soft-
ware expert with the decision-making capacity would
be able to determine and execute the appropriate tests
itself. Domain knowledge plays a critical part here,
whereas the annotation capacity does not depend on
external knowledge.
From decision-making to reasoning there is an-
other major leap, the distinction being that whereas
a software expert with the decision-making capacity
can look up knowledge in the domain knowledge base
and apply it while processing a KDD result, a soft-
ware expert with the reasoning capacity is able to an-
alyze the domain knowledge itself and evaluate the
properties of the KDD result being consolidated on a
conceptual or semantic level. In the broadest interpre-
tation, this includes the ability to reason about cause-
and-effect relationships in order to determine a satis-
factory explanation for the result; it may take decades
before artificial intelligence of this caliber is widely
available to KDD practitioners. In the next section,
we consider the question of what we may hope to ac-
complish in the meantime.
In its later stages, the knowledge consolidation pro-
cess proposed in this paper begins to touch the realm
of philosophy, and it is only fair to ask whether this
is really necessary. KDD is, after all, fundamentally
a data-driven form of discovery that concerns itself
with statistical probability rather than incontrovertible
truth. However, if we want an expert that has not just
autonomy but initiative the ability to decide what
would be the most relevant and interesting KDD ex-
periment to run next we need to step beyond the
basic premise of KDD and consider the significance
of KDD results in terms of more than just their quan-
tifiable instrumental value.
Our knowledge consolidation process is defined
largely in terms of knowledge representation and
metadata transformations, and this idea can be ex-
tended to cover the knowledge discovery process as
well. The fundamental change implied here is that
semantic metadata should be a seamless part of the
KDD workflow from start to finish. The metadata en-
codes information about the data that enables the ex-
ecution of knowledge consolidation tasks, and every
KDD operator used to transform the data must also
transform the associated metadata in order to facilitate
the knowledge consolidation process. This, as dis-
cussed in the previous section, would already be use-
ful as a means of providing better decision support;
the main requirements are the abilities to represent
and generate the metadata, both of which are achiev-
able in the short term. In fact, currently existing scien-
tific workflow management systems already do some-
thing similar in that they generate provenance meta-
data to accompany experiment results; in (Esteves
et al., 2016), a methodology for automating metadata
generation in a more universal machine learning con-
text is proposed.
In the medium term, the major problem to be tack-
led is how to build up the domain knowledge base to
such a level that the software expert can make inde-
pendent decisions instead of just helping human ex-
perts make them. A part of this problem is designing
a suitable representation for the required KDD exper-
tise, but by far the biggest challenge is actually ob-
taining the expertise so that it can be converted into
the chosen representation and inserted into the knowl-
edge base. From past experience, it seems unlikely
that all this knowledge would be codified by hand; a
much more promising possibility is for the software
expert to learn it by observing the decisions made
by human experts. This is an artificial intelligence
problem, in the solution of which the concepts of
meta-mining (Nguyen et al., 2014) and meta-learning
(Lemke et al., 2015) are likely to prove relevant.
The impact of artificial intelligence technology on
the practice of KDD is inevitably limited by the hard-
ware requirements of running a powerful AI. The po-
tential for a real revolution lies in making the tech-
nology available to ordinary individuals using regu-
lar computers, possibly even mobile devices. If the
history of computing gives any indication of its fu-
ture, the power of today’s supercomputers will even-
tually be packaged in devices that are compact and
cheap enough to be available to ordinary consumers.
Even before that, however, there are at least two ways
in which they may begin using KDD for their own
purposes. One of these is off-the-shelf software de-
signed to operate in a narrowly defined application
domain with a restricted set of possible inputs and
outputs, sacrificing universal applicability for higher
utility under a constrained set of circumstances. An-
other possibility, and perhaps one with more interest-
ing implications, is that instead of the user hosting the
software expert on their local computer, they access it
as a service running on a remote host. The software
expert could then be of a more universal type, offering
the user a lot more freedom in determining what data
they wish to use and what kind of knowledge they are
interested in extracting from it.
We can thus measure the completeness of a soft-
ware KDD expert along a number of dimensions: how
many steps of the knowledge consolidation process
it can cover, how advanced its operational capacities
are, and how freely it can be deployed in different
application domains. A software expert that is com-
pletely functional with respect to all three dimensions
is a distant vision, but as we have already established,
a software expert can be useful without being com-
plete. Usefulness is, in fact, probably what will de-
termine the direction of future research and develop-
ment: the emphasis will be on improving those di-
mensions where advances of practical importance can
be achieved relatively quickly. Arguably the high-
est potential for the next major breakthrough lies in
developing a software expert capable of autonomous
decision-making in a domain such as the life sciences,
where there is already a substantial amount of codi-
fied domain knowledge available in the form of on-
tologies such as the SIO (Dumontier et al., 2014),
which is specifically intended by its authors to facili-
tate biomedical knowledge discovery.
In this paper, we discussed the concept of a software
KDD expert: a piece of software capable of perform-
ing tasks that, at present, can only be handled by a
human KDD expert. In this discussion, we focused
on the task of knowledge consolidation: evaluating
the result of the KDD process in order to confirm
that has all the properties that a piece of knowledge
is expected to have. By deconstructing the classical
definition of KDD and examining interdependencies
among its components, we derived a process model
for knowledge consolidation in KDD. Furthermore,
we discussed the specific capacities that a software
KDD expert needs to have in order to carry out the
tasks of the knowledge consolidation process, and re-
viewed the results of relevant research in order to see
how far away we are from having the technology that
would enable us to implement a software expert capa-
ble of executing at least one major knowledge consol-
idation task. We found that a software expert capable
of providing decision support for a human expert is
within reach, but a software expert capable of making
decisions without the supervision of a human expert
requires further advances in the fields of knowledge
representation and artificial intelligence. The problem
can be simplified by constraining the area of applica-
bility of the software expert, so the decision-making
capacity is likely to emerge first in a narrowly defined
application domain.
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