Hadoop-based Framework for Information Extraction from Social Text
Ferdaous Jenhani, Mohamed Salah Gouider and Lamjed Bensaid
Department of Computing, SMART Laboratory,
Institut Superieur de Gestion de Tunis, Universite de Tunis, Rue de la Liberte, Le Bardo, Tunisia
Hadoop, Social Data, Twitter, Information Extraction, Drug Abuse.
Social data analysis becomes a real business requirement regarding the frequent use of social media as a new
business strategy. However, their volume, velocity and variety are challenging their storage and processing. In
a previous contribution (Jenhani et al., 2016a, 2016b), we proposed an events extraction system in which we
focused only on data variety and we did not handle volume and velocity dimensions. So, our solution cannot
be considered a big data system.
In this work, we port previously proposed system to a parallel and distributed framework in order to reduce
the complexity of task and scale up to larger volumes of data continuously growing. We propose two loosely
coupled Hadoop clusters for entity recognition and events extraction. In experiments, we carried time test and
accuracy test to check the performance of the system on extracting drug abuse behavioral events from 1000000
tweets. Hadoop-based system achieves better performance compared to old system.
Nowadays, social media are becoming used for busi-
ness purposes which created a new source of informa-
tion rich with knowledge useful to make better deci-
sions in competitive environments. In the last recent
years their analysis becomes the interest of research
community, data scientists and industrials in order to
extract structured information mainly entities, rela-
tions and events from user-generated content. In (Jen-
hani et al., 2016a, 2016b), we combined natural lan-
guage processing, linguistic rules and machine learn-
ing techniques to extract meaningful, structured and
coherent information. However, we did not handle
data volume and velocity which are main challenges
of building big data solution. In fact, used technolo-
gies fail to store and process continuously growing
volumes of data, on one hand. On the other hand,
the proposed solution is complicated since it com-
bines many technologies so that cannot be straightfor-
ward applied to data generated in very high frequency
and bring real time results. In fact, rapidly ingest-
ing, storing, and processing big data requires a cost-
effective infrastructure that can scale with the amount
of data and the scope of analysis. Therefore, we port
the system to parallel programming model namely
Hadoop. Hadoop is the most pragmatic solution for
managing huge volume of data generated in high fre-
quency thanks to its parallel programming model and
distributed storage. Indeed, we propose a parallel and
distributed framework to implement information ex-
traction process and reduce the complexity of the task
thanks to Map Reduce paradigm and HDFS storage
in distributed clusters. We focus mainly on two in-
formation extraction tasks; named entity recognition
and events extraction. Regarding the complexity of
the handled tasks, we propose two loosely coupled
clusters; one for each. In order to check the perfor-
mance of the system, we carried out run time test by
comparing running time of the solution implemented
as standard java application and when implemented
in Hadoop framework. Data crawling and HDFS load
time test and accuracy test by measuring precision,
recall and F-measure. Running time and HDFS load
linearity face to data volume is not strange in a par-
allel and distributed system. However, how this af-
fects the accuracy is very important. The system is
tested on twitter data for extracting drug abuse behav-
ioral events and have shown improvement of accuracy
when the volume of data increases.
The paper is organized as follows; in section two
we investigate the various big data solutions for infor-
mation extraction from social media data. Hadoop,
the most famous and reputed big data technology used
in our system is presented in section three. The pro-
posed system is composed of two clusters namely the
named entity recognition cluster (NER-Hadoop Clus-
ter) and events extraction cluster (EE-Hadoop Clus-
Jenhani F., Salah Gouider M. and Bensaid L.
Hadoop-based Framework for Information Extraction from Social Text.
DOI: 10.5220/0006501402330237
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 233-237
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
ter) presented in section four. Implementation and test
details are discussed in section ve. Finally, we con-
clude in section six.
Social data are the most important big data type han-
dled and analyzed by data scientists regarding the rich
information they embed. However, they are complex
since they are unstructured, informal, conversational,
voluminous and generated in a very high frequency.
In fact, by the increase of data volumes, data scientists
and researchers are convinced that natural language
processing is no longer possible on a single com-
puter whatever its memory size or processing speed.
Therefore, the use of big data technologies based on
distributed storage and parallel computing model is
the solution to reduce the complexity of the task and
achieve analysis goals. Hadoop is the most popular
distributed framework and commonly used big data
technology by scientists and industrials. It is used
in Trendminer system (Preotiuc-Pietro et al., 2012)
which is a real time system for social media text anal-
ysis based on Hadoop Map Reduce framework in or-
der to decrease the complexity of analyzing terabytes
of tweets, improve the performance of pre-processing
and extract structured information like named entities.
Trendminer without Hadoop processes only 0.51 mil-
lions of Tweets in one hour. However, with Hadoop,
it processes 7.6 million Tweets for the same period.
GeLo (Nesi et al., 2014) is a hybrid system for geo-
graphic information extraction from web pages com-
posed of web crawler, geographic information ex-
traction part and a geo-coding module. The crawler
of the system is based on Hadoop. Authors relied
on the use of distributed and parallel framework for
web information retrieval. Unlike KOSHIK frame-
work (Exner et al., 2014) which used Avro for web
documents serialization from web sources to HDFS.
Hadoop MapReduce engine is used to parallelize nat-
ural language processing, annotation and querying of
annotated data. NLP tasks including tokenization, pos
tagging and parsing are implemented in map reduce
jobs. Querying is achieved thanks to Hive and Pig ca-
pabilities. In (Prabhakar Benny et al., 2016), authors
proposed a system for entity resolution which heart is
map reduce functions. Connected to data stream col-
lector and after preprocessing, data is matched to a set
of existing rules. If entities match existing rules, the
rules are updated and new entities are stored in a data
base. If not, sets of blocks of entities are generated
and promoted to the map phase for similarity com-
putation and an average similarity is generated which
is the input of the reduce function in order to com-
pute a threshold value and make comparison. Tested
on Google and Amazon product bench mark data, the
system achieved 70% average accuracy. An emerging
research is about opinion mining and sentiment anal-
ysis in social data especially Twitter. In (Ramesh et
al., 2015, Ha et al., 2015) authors used Hadoop data
file system for social data storage. Sentiment com-
putation algorithms are divided between map reduce
functions to improve processing time and process the
large volume of social data thanks to parallel and dis-
tributed computing logic. In (Ha et al., 2015), authors
used four nodes for Hadoop cluster implementation.
Experiments showed a stable memory usage regard-
less the data size which is a maximum 2.5% and a
minimum 0.10%. As well as a stable CPU load espe-
cially for master node. The time processing for sen-
timent analysis increased linearly from 26s to 68s in
accordance with the scale of the data sets. Concern-
ing accuracy, sentiment analysis results using Hadoop
are close to results obtained with a manual process. In
(Sunil et al., 2014), contributors implemented a set of
functions for sentiment analysis in Twitter based on a
sentiword dictionary. The proposed solution achieved
an interesting accuracy average of 72% and impor-
tant time efficiency thanks to distributed processing
which reduced access time and response time eventu-
ally. Sarcasm is a type of sentiment expressing neg-
ative feelings using positive words. It is hard to de-
tect in textual data. In (Bharti et al., 2016) authors
proposed hadoop-based framework for sarcastic con-
tent detection in tweets using map reduce program-
ming model. Then a tweet is either, actual positive,
actual negative, sarcastic or neutral. Hadoop clus-
ter composed of ve nodes is implemented. The use
of hadoop showed an interesting decrease of prepro-
cessing and processing time. In (Dhamodaran et al.,
2015), Hadoop is used to build an automatic emer-
gency alert system by crawling tweets, storing them
in an HDFS and extracting disaster keywords as well
as location information using map reduce engine.
Hadoop is an open source project managed by Apache
software foundation and adopted by many organiza-
tions such as Google, Yahoo, Facebook and Amazon.
It is the framework that allows distributed processing
of large data sets across clusters of computers using
simple programming models which allow big prob-
lems to be broken down into smaller tasks so that
analysis could be easily, quickly and cost effectively.
Its hardware architecture is designed to scale up from
single server to thousands of machines, each offering
local computation and storage, able to detect failures,
and self-adjust to continue to operate without inter-
ruption and without data loss thanks to data replica-
tion technique. Hadoop has two main components
(White, 2011):
Hadoop Data File System-HDFS: It offers a dis-
tributed storage of data in files across clusters of
servers. It is a reliable, high-bandwidth, low-cost
data storage technique.
Map Reduce engine: a programming model com-
posed of two user defined functions for paral-
lel processing of data among a set of computers.
Hadoop performs its implementation in parallel
among distributed set of computers belonging to
the same cluster.
In this work, we cover two heavy information ex-
traction tasks namely named entity recognition and
events extraction. Therefore, we develop two loosely
coupled Hadoop clusters; named entity recognition
cluster (NER-Cluster hereafter) and events extraction
cluster (EE-Cluster hereafter) where the output of the
first is the input of the second as shown in figure 1 and
explained in subsequent sections:
Figure 1: Hadoop-based Information Extraction Frame-
Data collection is performed by a keyword-based
crawler developed at the heart of the system in order
to collect social data streams from API platforms and
load them into HDFS for analysis based on domain
4.1 NER-Hadoop Cluster
The NER cluster regroups data cleaning and named
entity extraction in its map and reduce functions. The
input data is load into HDFS and streamed to later
Figure 2: NER-Map Reduce Engine.
functions. In map function we implement data clean-
ing which includes removing redundancy, punctua-
tions, special characters, URLs and URIs in order to
get data ready for analysis. Linguistic processing is
implemented in the reduce function. We use Stanford
Core NLP (Manning et al., 2014), a natural language
processing tool for tokenization, Part of Speech-POS
tagging and common named entity recognition such
as date, location and person. However, to recognize
domain entities such as DRUGS, routes of intake-
ROI and effects-EFF, we extend NLP pipeline with a
new annotator based on domain dictionary (Jenhani
et al., 2016). Social text is plenty with colloquial
words, informal data and abbreviations. Therefore
we used fuzzy matching used to match words similar
for a given threshold to capture the maximum of cor-
rect named entities. In the implementation, we match
words which are 80% similar. In short, in the reduce
phase, the set of tweets are reduced to a set of enti-
ties (date, location, person, DRUG, ROI, PATIENT,
etc). The final step consists on parsing data in order
to identify all syntactic and grammatical relationships
between named entities.
4.2 EE-Hadoop Cluster
Events extraction consists on extracting complete,
meaningful and coherent information. It represents
the n-ary semantic relationship between entities. In
order to extract meaningful events with high preci-
sion, we proposed a hybrid approach combining lin-
guistic rules with machine learning technique namely
Figure 3: EE-Map Reduce Engine.
We implement this hybrid process in map reduce
engine which input is named entities extracted in the
first layer. In the map phase we match the set of
output entities and semantic predicates with lexico-
syntactic patterns. In fact, we give as input to map
functions a set of patterns prepared based on linguistc
grammar. In our drug abuse case study, we consider
drug abuse patterns (DA pattern) and adverse drug
reaction patterns (ADR Pattern). To each set of in-
put entities could correspond more than one pattern.
Therefore, in the reduce phase, final patterns will be
selected using a classification technique thanks to dis-
criminative features. In the context of our applica-
tion, features are named entities and triggers (take,
play, purchase, need, cause, etc), semantic relation-
ships (Abuser, Substance, Dose, unit, etc) and event
tags (Adverse Drug Reaction-ADR, Drug Abuse-DA,
NONE). We consider also the sentence length be-
cause social media data suffer from short messages
syntactically poor but meaningful. Indeed, a given
event may be expressed with one keyword in a sen-
tence full of colloquial meaningless words like ”mar-
ijuana, oh, good experience”. We use also window
of words mainly the word before subject (WBS) and
word after subject or before trigger (WBT). To choose
the best classification technique for this problem, we
compared a set of classification techniques and the
best suited for this task is Support Vector Machine
(SVM). We refer the reader to (Jenhani et al., 2016)
for more details.
In this section we present implementation details and
tests to check the performance of the proposed sys-
tem compared to previous implementation. The pro-
posed system consists of two parallel servers. In
each one we create 3 nodes using pseudo-distributed
paradigm. We use eclipse java development environ-
ment to which we import Hadoop library for map re-
duce job programming and HDFS construction. We
import also Twitter4j library to build a key-word
based crawler. In table 1 we summarize information
about social data collected from Twitter Streaming
API to run the proposed system:
Table 1: Data Sets Crawling Details.
Data Set NB Tweets Extraction period (days)
DS1 504000 30
DS2 300000 23
DS3 196000 12
TOTAL 1000000 65
For performance analysis, we carry out run time test,
data crawling and HDFS loading time test and accu-
racy test on the three data sets having different sizes
to see system performance on different data volumes.
5.1 Run Time Test
We compare run time of the system implemented as
a standard java program (SJP hereafter) with Hadoop
map reduce solution (HDP hereafter) as depicted in
table 2.
Table 2: Run Time Test (minutes).
NER Cluster EE Cluster All
DS1 125 100 148 102 127 95
DS2 101 89 136 93 113 85
DS3 83 67 106 77 93 69
For named entity recognition, running time is
decreased by about 25% using Hadoop. However,
events extraction is decreased by 45% where we ob-
serve clearly the efficiency of distributed and paral-
lel solutions for complex problems. Events extrac-
tion takes much time which is explained by the com-
plexity of treatment for a standard java program. In
fact, events extraction combines two heavy process-
ing methods; linguistic pattern matching and classi-
fication which is costing process and hard using tra-
ditional technologies especially when data volume is
large. Nevertheless, using Hadoop map reduce, the
process is much more simplified and processing time
is improved considerably. The processing time, when
all the system is implemented using Hadoop and data
is smoothly promoted between layers, is improved
compared to results obtained from each layer sepa-
5.2 Data Crawling and HDFS Load
Time Test
Data crawling and loading time test is an important
test to check the performance of Hadoop-based so-
lution. Table 3 shows this test carried on each data
set. We observe linear data loading in HDFS while
data crawling time is increasing. Thus, whatever data
volume, data load in HDFS is stable regarding its big
capacity to store larger volumes of data.
Table 3: data crawling and HDFS load time (seconds).
Crawling Time HDFS Load Time
DS1 2187 18
DS2 1452 16
DS3 925 12
5.3 Accuracy Test
Table 4 summarizes performance test results carried
out on Hadoop-based system with three data sets us-
Table 4: Precision, Recall and F-measure for Accuracy Test.
DA Events ADR Events
P% R% F% P% R% F%
DS1 93.3 93.3 93.3 98.1 97.8 97.8
DS2 91 90.4 90.4 97.1 96.8 96.8
DS3 84.7 83.3 83.9 96.6 95.6 95.8
Avg 89.7 89 89.2 97.3 96.7 96.8
ing SVM classifier to test accuracy of extracting drug
abuse events (DA) and adverse drug reactions (ADR).
We use three measures of accuracy; precision, re-
call and F-measure calculated based on the number of
positive instances, negative ones, false positives and
false negatives.
Social data generated in very high frequency require
real time analysis to make the quicker decision in
highly competitive environments. However, existing
technologies fail to process voluminous, unstructured
and dynamic data in real time and return required in-
formation for immediate decision making.
In this work, we adopt Hadoop, distributed frame-
work which offers a parallel programming model and
effective storage system in distributed clusters. Tested
on Twitter data for drug abuse events extraction,
Hadoop-based system achieved good performance re-
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