itemsets, “Support” shows the selection of the item is
done depending on its support,” Greedy” shows the
selection of the item is done in trial and error,” All”
shows the whole sensitive itemset in sensitive
transaction is deleted rather than deleting a victim.
Last column shows the year of the related research.
When we analyse the existing heuristic
sanitization algorithms we see that i) they use
different heuristics targeting to reduce the execution
time, distance, information loss while maintaining
minimum hiding failure, ii) there are few heuristic
based approaches that focus on sanitization under
multiple support thresholds.
In the case of applying itemset mining on the shared
data of organizations, each party needs to hide its
sensitive knowledge before extracting global
knowledge for mutual benefit. In this study we focus
on privacy preserving itemset hiding under multiple
support thresholds. Our algorithm (PGBS) utilizes
pseudo graph data structure that is used to store the
given transactional database to prevent multiple scans
of the given database and allow effective sanitization
process. We validate execution time and side effect
performances of our algorithm, Pseudo Graph Based
Sanitization (PGBS) in contrast to two recent
algorithms on 4 real databases varying number of
sensitive itemsets and sensitive thresholds.
Experimental results show that PGBS is competitive
in terms of execution time and distance especially on
dense datasets amongst the other algorithms. For
future work, we want to propose dynamic version of
our algorithm that is able to sanitize the updated
This work is partially supported by the Scientific and
Technological Research Council of Turkey
(TUBITAK) under ARDEB 3501 Project No:
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