Experimental Design of Metrics for Domain Usability
Michaela Ba
cíková, Lukáš Galko and Eva Hvizdová
Department of Computers and Informatics, Technical University of Košice, Letná 9, Slovakia
Domain Usability, User Experience, Usability, Domain Engineering, User Interface, Domain Modeling,
Domain Terminology.
Usability and user experience gain more and more attention each year. Many large software companies con-
sider it a priority. However, domain usability issues are still present in many common user interfaces. To
improve the situation, in this paper we present our design of domain usability metric. In order to design the
metrics, we performed an experiment with two surveys, one in a general domain and one in a specific domain
of gospel music. The results confirm our previous experimental results and indicate, that five aspects of do-
main usability are not equal, but have different effect on overall usability and user experience. The results
of the latter survey was used to design weights of domain usability aspects and these weights were used to
calculate the overall domain usability of a user interface. Given that we know the number of all components in
the analysed user interface, the designed metrics measures the domain usability in percentage. The designed
metrics can be used to formally measure the domain usability of user interfaces in manual or automatized tech-
niques and this way, we believe, improve the situation regarding interfaces that do not consider the domain
dictionary of their users.
Usability (Nielsen, 1993) and its evaluation is nowa-
days a common practice in a lot of large and success-
ful IT companies such as Apple, Amazon or Google.
A huge amount of effort is invested to satisfy cus-
tomers and to meet all their requirements, since the
success of software heavily depends on its users. The
goal is to deliver a great software with the highest
quality of user experience. If the product is pleasant
to use, satisfying and useful, the customer will always
use it with pleasure and (possibly) buy more products
from the company. As Philip Kotler
said, "The Best
Advertising Is Done By Satisfied Customers".
Still, from our experience, domain usability issues
are very common. Users get confused due to wrong
terminology, misspelling, term inconsistency and low
domain specificity. Furthermore, these usability fail-
ures limit their effectiveness and performance when
using the software. Even when the focus of medium
and small IT companies is on improving general us-
ability, the time and money requirements drives them
to fast development and, as a result, proper effort is
The founding father of the famous marketing manage-
ment theories: Decision Making Unit (DMU) and the Five
Product Levels.
not invested to get familiar with the work domain and
its users. Multiple researchers, e.g. Chilana et al.
(Chilana et al., 2010) and Lanthaler and Gütl (Lan-
thaler and Gütl, 2013), already recognized this issue.
To illustrate our definition (Ba
cíková and
Porubän, 2013; Ba
cíková and Porubän, 2014) we
introduced the concept of domain usability and
examples. Recently we designed multiple manual
domain usability evaluation techniques (Ba
et al., 2017) and suggested a domain usability metrics
design. However, in light of our recent experiments,
the design needed further research.
Note: Because of lack of space, we will not
present our domain usability definition in this paper.
However, for better understanding of the rest of this
paper, we strongly encourage the reader to familiar-
ize with the definition (Ba
cíková and Porubän, 2014).
1.1 Research Questions and Tasks
To our knowledge, no formal metrics exist for mea-
suring domain usability of existing user interfaces.
Thus the main goal of this paper is the design of
novel, formal domain usability metrics. The metrics
could be used in manual (Ba
cíková et al., 2017) or
automatized (Ba
cíková and Porubän, 2014) evalua-
BaÄ Ã kovà ˛a M., Galko L. and Hvizdovà ˛a E.
Experimental Design of Metrics for Domain Usability.
DOI: 10.5220/0006502501180125
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 118-125
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
tion of an existing user interface to represent formal
measurement of the target user interface’s domain us-
ability. Combining with our design of manual and
automatized evaluation techniques, we hope that our
metrics would aid developers and improve the situa-
tion related to domain usability of user interfaces.
In our recent research (Ba
cíková et al., 2017) we
tried to confirm or disprove the following hypothesis:
H: All domain usability aspects have equal im-
pact on the overall usability and user experi-
We performed two experimental usability tests in
the domain of gospel music with a mobile appli-
cation from the same domain. We focused on con-
sistency errors and language barriers. The results
were inconclusive, but suggested the invalidity of
the hypothesis H. Thus the following research
question was raised:
RQ1: Are the ve domain usability aspects equal?
Do they have the same effect on overall us-
ability and user experience?
Based on RQ1, the task of designing domain
usability metric further raises the next research
RQ2: How to design a domain usability metric,
given the hypothesis H proves to be invalid?
To address RQ1 and RQ2 and to fulfil the main
goal of this paper, we state the following research
tasks of this paper:
T1: Perform a survey with a sufficient number of
users to evaluate the effect of five domain us-
ability aspects on domain usability.
T2: Design a metric for formal evaluation of do-
main usability by using the results from the
performed survey.
In our previous research we proposed several tech-
niques for evaluating domain usability of existing user
interfaces (Ba
cíková et al., 2017). In many of them
we assume that all aspects of domain usability are
equally important and have the same effect on user
experience and usage. However this might not be
true. As showed the experiments with evaluating con-
sistency and language errors and barriers (Ba
et al., 2017), some aspects might be significantly
more or significantly less important for user perfor-
mance or user experience than others, which suggest
that hypothesis H might be disproved.
Suppose that the target user interface’s domain us-
ability would be measured formally. To achieve that,
we could count all components of the application that
contain any textual information. Then we would ana-
lyse all components for any domain usability issues.
Having the number of all application terms n and erro-
neous terms e, we could determine the percentage of
user interface’s correctness, while 100% would rep-
resent the highest domain usability and 0% would be
the lowest. Any component might have multiple do-
main usability issues at once (e.g. an unsuitable term
and and a typo). If this would be the case of all user
interface components, then the result would be lower
than zero, thus we have to limit the resulting value.
Given that each domain usability aspect has a differ-
ent weight, we would define the formula to measure
domain usability as follows:
max(0, 100 (1
)) (1)
where e can be calculated as follows:
e = w
+ w
+ w
+ w
+ w
Coefficients w
(x dc, ds, c, eb, l) would be
weights of particular domain usability aspects as fol-
- the number of domain content issues,
- the number of domain specificity issues,
- the number of consistency issues,
- the number of language errors and barriers,
- the number of world language issues,
The weights w
will be determined by a survey
with multiple users that rated domain usability aspects
in scale 1-5. Given that the results of the survey will
point to inequality of domain usability aspects (thus
hypothesis H will be disproved), the rating will be
used to calculate the above stated weights w
The goal of the survey was to validate whether some
domain usability aspects have a significantly stronger
effect on general usability and user experience than
others. At the same time we aimed to confirm the
results of our previous experiments.
In other words, in the survey we aimed to confirm
or disprove hypothesis H and the following new hy-
H1: The results will confirm our previous experi-
ments, i.e. that language errors and barriers
have no or small effect on domain usability.
H2: The results will confirm our previous experi-
ments, i.e. that consistency has a strong effect
on domain usability.
The survey was designed with the aim to determine
the weights of particular domain usability aspects us-
ing the rating of survey participants. It is harder to
design a survey in a specific domain, since for the sur-
vey to be valid, domain users or experts are needed.
Finding a sufficient number of domain users in a spe-
cific work domain is more problematic. Thus, to get
as many responses as possible, we used a general par-
ticipant sample. In order to ensure equality between
respondents, we tried to select such examples for the
questionnaire, which would be known to any user.
3.1 Questionnaire Design
The questionnaire is composed of two parts. The first
part contains 5 questions, in which the task of the par-
ticipants is to rate particular domain usability aspects
based on examples. Each of the 5 questions is aimed
at one domain usability aspect. Questions are in form
of visual examples - screenshots from different user
interfaces. Each example contains a particular do-
main usability issue (corresponding to the particular
domain usability aspect) and, to be sure the partici-
pant understands the issue, a supplementary explana-
tion is provided.
After studying the example, the participants are
asked to mark their view of the importance of a par-
ticular aspect by a number from the 1-5 Likert scale
(Tomoko and Beglar, 2014) where 1 is the least im-
portant and 5 is the most important aspect. For unipo-
lar scale such as ours, 5 points are recommended
(Garland, 2011). At the same time, this amount pre-
serves the consistency with the number of domain us-
ability aspects.
We assumed, that in these 5 questions, multiple
aspects might seem equally important to some partic-
ipants. Thus we added a second part to the question-
naire, encouraging the participants to sort domain us-
ability aspects according to their importance with the
least important first, to let them think about the order
more from a retrospective view.
The questionnaire was designed using Google
The questionnaire can be found at:
3.2 Sample Selection
To ensure maximal coverage, we targeted the sam-
ple at the age between 14 and 44 years with at least
minimal experience with using mobile or web appli-
cations. According to statistics (The Statistics Portal,
2014), internet and web pages are used by 73.6% of
users in this age category.
3.3 Sample Description
The questionnaire was filled by 73 respondents of age
between 17-44 years (with average of 24). Google
Forms does not directly support sorting questions.
Therefore, the second part of the questionnaire was,
created by using ve questions with selection boxes
(one for each aspect). However, this type of form en-
ables to input multiple duplicate aspects into the form.
We excluded 4 responds with such duplicate answers
in the second part of the questionnaire, which left us
with 69 answers in overall.
3.4 Results
Ratings in the first questionnaire part were converted
into the 0-4 range by subtracting 1. Answers related
to aspects sorting were converted according to their
order (less important aspect = 0, most important as-
pect = 4).
Results of the questionnaire can be seen in tables
1 and 2. In both tables the sum of rating for each
aspect is noted in the third column and average rat-
ing in fourth column. Percentage ratio of gained and
maximal possible rating is noted in the last column in
both tables. The results are sorted according to the
percentage ratio.
Table 1: First part of the general survey (control group).
DU Aspect
Language barriers 252 3,65 91,30%
Consistency 213 3,09 77,17%
World language 196 2,84 71,01%
Domain content 194 2,81 70,29%
Domain specificity 173 2,51 62,68%
Table 2: Second part of the general survey (control group).
DU Aspect
Domain content 164 2,38 59,42%
Language barriers 159 2,30 57,61%
Consistency 138 2,00 50,00%
Domain specificity 118 1,71 42,75%
World language 111 1,61 40,22%
The results between the first part of the question-
naire are quite different to the second part. In the
first part of the questionnaire, the percentage ratio was
quite similar in case of consistency, world language
and domain content. In the second part, the rating
of all aspects are relatively similar. Moreover, the an-
swers of the respondents did not really match between
each other.
The numbers in Tab. 2 are significantly lower than
in Tab. 1, which we assumed was because the users
were forced to explicitly order the domain usability
aspects in the second questionnaire part. After look-
ing at the results closely, we found out that for many
participants, all aspects seemed highly important.
The results of this survey are quite different from
our previous experimentation. Since language errors
and barriers were previously shown to be less signif-
icant for the application’s usage, we were surprised
that it was rated so important by all participants. On
the other hand, consistency, which in our previous ex-
perimentation showed as strongly important to abide,
was behind language errors and barriers in both cases
with ratings slightly above average.
I.e., the results (surprisingly) indicate the confir-
mation of hypotheses H1 and H2. As for the hy-
pothesis H, we cannot confirm nor disprove it. Al-
though language barriers and errors have a signifi-
cantly higher rating in the first part of the question-
naire, the ratings in the second part are quite similar
for all aspects.
3.5 Discussion and Next Steps
We assume that there are two reasons for such results.
First, that our focus was on a general domain. In gen-
eral domains, the importance of domain usability as-
pects might not be so explicit as in specific domains,
where using a general term might cause unexpected
problems during usage.
The second reason is what we called "imagined
usage" or "imagined user experience". Despite that
we tried to design the examples as understandable as
possible and as general as possible, so that every par-
ticipant could have experience with the user interfaces
presented in the examples, the participants have not
actually used the presented applications. They had
to imagine the potential usage and based on that (not
based on a real experience), they tried to answer the
questionnaire. That might be the result that all do-
main usability aspects seemed the most important to
them and also for the disunity of answers.
Based on the inconsistency of the results with our
previous experimentation we decided to modify the
survey by targeting at domain-specific users with the
experience with a domain-specific application con-
taining domain usability issues. At the same time,
performing the survey in a specific domain will en-
able us to compare the results with the first attempt.
The modified domain-specific survey was aimed at
the specific domain of gospel music. For the pur-
poses of the survey we developed a specific applica-
tion called Worshipper
designed for gospel singers
and musicians. All participants of the domain specific
survey come from the domain of gospel music and all
of them had a previous experience with this applica-
tion, thus we assumed that the answers will be more
relevant and the results will differ from the general
The comparison of both results will be performed
as an experiment, thus, from this point, we will
declare the sample of the general survey as the con-
trol group and the sample of the modified (domain
specific) survey will be the experimental group. We
will formulate the hypothesis of the experiment as
H3: Results of the general survey will be in corre-
spondence with the results of the domain spe-
cific survey.
We expect the hypothesis H3 to be disproved by the
4.1 Questionnaire Design
The domain-specific questionnaire was designed in
the same manner as its general variant. Only in this
case the particular pictures contain use cases focused
on specific parts of the domain application Worship-
4.2 Sample Selection
Target sample is a group of people of age between
15-44 years and average age of 23 years consisting of
singers or guitarists from the domain of gospel mu-
sic, who participated in previous experiments targeted
at domain usability issues. In these experiments,
the Worshipper application was used with manually
created domain usability errors in its user interface.
Since they "lived through the experience" of using a
faulty application with domain usability issues, the re-
sults will be more relevant than in the general survey.
4.3 Sample Description
The Worshipper questionnaire was filled by 26 gospel
singers and guitarists, who have been users of this ap-
plication. 11 of them participated in our previous ex-
perimentation with manual domain usability evalua-
tion methods (Ba
cíková et al., 2017), so they experi-
enced domain usability issues first-hand. To the rest
of the participants we explained the meaning of do-
main usability explicitly and let them use a version of
the Worshipper application with consistency issues.
By this we ensured that all participants were equally
experienced with domain usability issues in a domain-
specific application known to them. To ensure equal
knowledge of domain usability aspects to all partici-
pants, we shortly explained the idea to each of them.
4.4 Results Evaluation
The results of the second survey can be seen in Tab.
3 and 4. From the tables it is possible to see that
the results of the control and experimental sample are
clearly different by the order of the aspects, their av-
erage rating and percentage ratio, thus disproving the
hypothesis H3. We assume that for the same reason,
the results of both the first and second part of the do-
main specific questionnaire are more similar and pre-
serve almost the same order of aspects. Also, the an-
swers of the experimental group were more unite.
Language barriers and errors are on a significantly
lower position and in the second part of the question-
naire they have percentage ratio under average. Sum-
ming with the results of the first questionnaire part
(50%), the overall value is still below average, which
confirms hypothesis H1 for specific domains.
Consistency achieves a 10.58% above-average
significance, which confirms the hypothesis H2 for
specific domains.
The results of the domain-specific survey are, un-
like its general variant, in correspondence with our ex-
perimental results. The reason clearly is the domain-
specific application, participants’ first-hand contact
with it and "live" experience of domain usability is-
We can conclude that domain usability really has
a significant impact on usability and user experience.
All aspects significantly differ from each other, which
disproves the original hypothesis H.
Table 3: First part of the domain-specific questionnaire (ex-
perimental group).
DU Aspect
Domain content 85 3,27 81,73%
Domain specificity 79 3,04 75,96%
Consistency 70 2,69 67,31%
Language barriers 52 2,00 50,00%
World language 44 1,69 42,31%
Table 4: Second part of the domain-specific questionnaire
(experimental group).
DU Aspect
Domain content 66 2,54 63,46%
Consistency 63 2,42 60,58%
Domain specificity 57 2,19 54,81%
Language barriers 38 1,46 36,54%
World language 36 1,38 34,62%
4.5 Threads to Validity
Because of the lack of time and human resources
we were not able to find a sufficient number of par-
ticipants in the domain-specific survey. Meaning,
the sizes of control and experimental group were not
equal, which could affect the results.
In both surveys, we used only qualitative ap-
proaches along with questionnaires.
In most of the questions, respondents in the con-
trol group expressed their opinions hypothetically.
This means they only imagined how they would re-
act in case of the presented situation, which might be
slightly different from reality.
Because the domain specific survey confirmed the hy-
potheses formulated on previous experimental find-
ings and the answers were more consistent this time,
the results of this survey will be used to design the
metric of domain usability. By merging the first and
the second part of the domain specific questionnaire
we gained overall weights of the particular aspects
(summarized in Tab. 5).
When we substitute the weights w
(where x
dc, ds, c, eb, l) in the formula (2) as follows:
e = 2.9 n
+ 2.6 n
+ 2.6 n
+ 1.7 n
+ 1.54 l
then the formula (1) represents the metric of domain
Table 5: Overall ratings of the particular domain usability
aspects based on the domain-specific survey.
DU Aspect
Domain content 75,5 2,90 72,60%
Domain specificity 68 2,62 65,38%
Consistency 66,5 2,56 63,94%
Language barriers 45 1,73 43,27%
World language 40 1,54 38,46%
usability with the consideration of its aspects and with
the result in percentage.
The average weights have been rounded to one
decimal place considering that in this case, hun-
dredths are negligible, since they do not remarkably
change the overall result. The variables of domain
content n
, domain specificity n
, consistency n
language errors and barriers n
and world language
again represent the number of errors found in the
analysed user interface.
The sum of multiplies between weights and errors
is divided by the number of all components n. All
components can contain domain information such as
terms, icons or tooltip descriptions. One domain com-
ponent can have one or more domain usability issues
(e.g. language error in its description and also an inac-
curate description). The result is converted into per-
centage and in case of a negative number, the result
will be 0%.
To interpret the results, evaluators can follow Tab.
6 where we can see the interpretation of the results
achieved using the designed metric. The interpreta-
tion corresponds to the scale, in which the participants
rated the particular aspects.
Table 6: Interpretation of the ratings achieved via the pro-
posed domain usability metric.
Rating Interpretation
100 - 90% Excellent
90 - 80% Very good
80 - 70% Good
70 - 55% Satisfactory
less than 55% Insufficient
For a demonstration, we will use the Worshipper
application, which contains 63 graphical components.
We will use its older version that was created before
our first user testing, during which we discovered 5
domain usability issues. As can be seen in Fig. 1, the
issues were mainly connected with domain specificity
(iv), domain content (ii, iii) and consistency (i and iii),
as can be seen in Fig. 1. Errors of other aspects were
not discovered.
If we substitute the values of n
(where x
dc, ds, c, eb, l) in the formula (3),
e = 2.9 2 +2.6 1 +2.6 1 +1.7 0 + 1.5 0 = 11
and the resulting error rating e into the formula
= max(0, 100 (1
= max(0, 100 (1 0.1746)) = 82.5%
we will get the resulting domain usability rating
of the application as 82.5%, which according to the
Tab 6 can be interpreted as very good. At the same
time the result roughly corresponds with our previ-
ous results using System Usability Scale question-
naire (Brooke, 2013), which was 86,5%.
In our further research we will use the designed
metric in the DEAL tool (mentioned in the introduc-
tion) to automatically evaluate the domain usability
of user interfaces. DEAL is able to extract termi-
nology from an existing user interfaces and based on
that it is able to automatically discover issues of do-
main specificity, content, language barriers/errors and
world language. However, since consistency errors
are not possible to evaluate in an automatized manner,
in this case the analysis needs to be performed manu-
ally by using the technique of consistency inspection
cíková et al., 2017).
The following paragraphs summarize the state of the
art works directly referring to the aspects of domain
usability. Their terminology might differ from our
definition. According to our knowledge, there are no
metrics of domain usability similar to ours in the cur-
rent literature.
To begin with the domain content aspect, there is
a lot of existing literature from different authors re-
ferring to this topic. Jacob Nielsen generally refers
to the topic of domain content using the concept
"textual content" of user interfaces. He stresses
the important feature that the system should ad-
dress the user’s mental model (Nosál and Porubän,
2015) (Porubän and Chodarev, 2015) of the domain
(Nielsen, 1993). Accordingly, Shneiderman (Shnei-
derman, 1984), Becker (Becker, 2004) and Kincaid
(Kincaid et al., 1975) (Kincaid and W.C., 1974) say
that the less complex the textual content is the more
usable the application will be. Complexity is related
to the aspect of domain content in ways of appropriate
terminology for target users.
Figure 1: Domain usability issues in the Worshipper application.
Kleshchev (Kleshchev, 2011), Artemieva
(Artemieva, 2011) and Gribova (Gribova, 2007),
whose works address to the importance of ontology
and domain dictionary of user interfaces, presented
a method for estimating a user interface usability
using its domain models. A general ontology is also
used as a core of semantic user interfaces, proposed
by Tilly and Porkoláb (Tilly and Porkoláb, 2010)
to solve the problem of ambiguous terminology of
user interfaces. Despite of user interfaces’s different
arrangement and appearance, domain dictionary must
remain the same.
In the experiment of Billman et al. (Billman et al.,
2011) usability of an old and new application was
compared. An improvement in NASA user’s perfor-
mance was shown in the new application that had used
domain-specific terminology.
Badashian et al. (Badashian et al., 2008) and
many of the above listed authors present the impor-
tance of designing user interfaces that match with the
real world and correspond to their domain of use.
Furthermore, Hilbert and Redmiles (Hilbert and Red-
miles, 2000) stress that even event sequences of ap-
plications should correspond with the real world pro-
cesses and domain dictionary.
In addition, consistency is another aspect that
many authors refer to. The importance of this fea-
ture is presented by Badashian et al. (Badashian
et al., 2008). Ivory and Hearst (Ivory and Hearst,
2001) analyse and compare multiple automatic us-
ability methods and tools. Mahajan and Shneiderman
(Mahajan and Shneiderman, 1997) designed a tool
called Sherlock that can check the consistency of user
interface terminology automatically. However, with
this tool it is not possible to check whether the same
functionality is described by the same term.
Aspects of world language, language barriers and
errors are studied by Becker (Becker, 2004), who
deals with user interfaces and their translations.
Authors Isohella and Nissila (Isohella and Nissila,
2015) address the appropriateness of user interface
terminology and its evaluation by the users. Accord-
ing to the authors, the more appropriate the informa-
tion system’s terminology is, the higher is its quality.
Chilana et al. (Chilana et al., 2010) stress that deeper
study of the target domain is needed to provide a suc-
cessful and usable product in difficult domains.
Formal languages (Kollár et al., 2013) (Tomášek,
2011) (Šimo
nák, 2012) (mainly domain-specific lan-
guages) are closely related to domain usability. Mul-
tiple authors identified the relation between the sys-
tem’s model (Porubän and Chodarev, 2015) to user
interface features (Nosál’ and Porubän, 2015) (Szabó
et al., 2012).
The number of works mentioned above indicates
the importance of domain usability and a need for do-
main usability metrics to be able to formally evaluate
user interfaces from this point of view.
In this paper we described our experimentation that
led to the design of a formal domain usability metric.
The experiment confirmed our previous experimenta-
tion, thus we believe that the metric can be used to
correctly measure domain usability of user interfaces.
Our further research includes the use of the de-
signed metric in our method for automatized domain
usability evaluation implemented by the DEAL tool
to formally measure the domain usability of automat-
ically analysed user interfaces.
Some areas of research are still open consider-
ing the designed metrics. One of them is to consider
the impact of the component positioning and domain
specificity on domain usability.
This work was supported by the KEGA grant no.
047TUKE-4/2016: Integrating software processes
into the teaching of programming
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mains with complicated structures. In Proceedings of
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