Passage Level Evidence for Effective Document Level Retrieval
Ghulam Sarwar
, Colm O’Riordan
and John Newell
Department of Information Technology, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland
Document Retrieval, Passage-based Document Retrieval, Passage Similarity Functions.
Several researchers have considered the use of passages within documents as useful units of representation as
individual passages may capture accurately the topic of discourse in a document. In this work, each document
is indexed as a series of unique passages. We explore and analyse a number of similarity measures which take
into account the similarity at passage level with the aim of improving the quality of the answer set. We define
a number of such passage level approaches and compare their performance. Mean average precision (MAP)
and precision at k documents (P@k) are used as measures of the quality of the approaches. The results show
that for the different test collections, the rank of a passage is a useful measure, and when used separately or in
conjunction with the document score can give better results as compared to other passage or document level
similarity approaches.
Information Retrieval (IR) deals with the organiza-
tion, representation, and the retrieval of information
from a large set of text documents. The retrieval
of relevant information from large collections is
a difficult problem; search queries and documents
are typically expressed in natural language which
introduces many problems such as ambiguity caused
by the presence of synonyms and abbreviations,
and issues arising from the vocabulary difference
problem which occurs when the user expresses their
information need with terms different to those used to
express the same concept in the document collection.
Several models have been shown to be very
effective in ranking documents in terms of their
relevance to a user’s query. The user formulates the
query by expressing their information need in natural
language. Approaches include different mathemat-
ical frameworks (vector space model, probabilistic
models) to represent documents and queries and
to formulate a comparison approach. The BM25
weighting scheme (Robertson et al., 2009) derived
within a probabilistic framework is a well-known
effective one in estimating the relevance of a docu-
ment to a query. The main goal of an IR system is
to estimate the relevance of a document to a query;
this notion of ‘relevance’ is often interpreted as
measuring the level of similarity between a document
to a query.
In IR, the traditional approaches consider the doc-
ument as a single entity. However, some researchers
choose to split the document into a separate passages
given the intuition that a highly relevant passage
may exist in a larger document which itself will be
considered as non relevant. If a passage is indexed as
an individual pseudo-document, the number of docu-
ments stored and indexed will increase significantly
and in a result, it will effect the speed and cost of
retrieval (Roberts and Gaizauskas, 2004). However,
one may now retrieve relevant passages that occur
in documents deemed not very relevant. Moreover,
if the document returned as relevant is too long, it
can be difficult for the users to find the appropriate
relevant passages in the document. In other words,
returning a large relevant document, while useful,
still, puts an onus on the user to find the relevant
passages. Therefore, we opt for the passage level
retrieval approach to finding the relevant passage and
aim to use that to improve the document ranking. The
intuition behind our approach is that by identifying
very relevant passages in a document we can better
estimate the relevance of the overall document.
One can imagine the passages themselves as
documents at indexing time. The division of these
Sarwar G., O’Riordan C. and Newell J.
Passage Level Evidence for Effective Document Level Retrieval.
DOI: 10.5220/0006502800830090
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KDIR 2017), pages 83-90
ISBN: 978-989-758-271-4
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
passages can be done in a number of ways. For exam-
ple, either via some textual identifier e.g. paragraph
markings (< p >), new line feed (/n) etc. or it can be
defined by a number of words. A passage could be a
sentence, a number of sentences or a paragraph itself.
The passages can be considered as discrete passages
with no intersection or can be viewed as overlapping
In this paper we introduce different similarity
functions that were used to generate new document
rankings by computing the passage similarity and
using this score (or its combination with document
level similarity score) as a means to rank the overall
The main focus of our work is to see how
effectively the passage level evidence affected the
document retrieval. Factors such as different means
to define passage boundaries are not of huge concern
to us as present.
We have used the WebAp (Web Answer Passage)
test collection which is obtained from the 2004 TREC
Terabyte Track Gov2 collection and the Ohsumed
test collection (Hersh et al., 1994) which comprises
titles and/or abstracts from 270 Medline reference
medical journals. The results show that different
similarity functions behave differently across the two
test collections.
The paper outline is as follows: section 2 presents
a brief overview of the previous work in passage level
retrieval. Section 3 gives an overview of the method-
ology employed, outlining the details of different sim-
ilarity functions, the passage boundary approach, and
the evaluation measures adopted in the experiments.
Section 4 presents a brief explanation of the test col-
lections used in the experiments and the assumptions
made for them. Section 5 discusses different experi-
mental results obtained. Finally, section 6 provides a
summary of the main conclusions and outlines future
In previous research, passage level retrieval has
been studied in information retrieval from different
perspectives. For defining the passage boundaries,
several approaches have been used. Bounded pas-
sages, overlapping window size, text-tiling, usage
of language models and arbitrary passages (Callan,
1994; Hearst, 1997; Bendersky and Kurland, 2008b;
Kaszkiel and Zobel, 2001; Clarke et al., 2008)
are among the few main techniques. Window size
approaches consider the word count to separate the
passages from each other, irrespective of the written
structure of the document. Overlapping window
size is shown to be more effective and useful for
the document retrieval (Callan, 1994). Similarly, a
variant of the same approach was used by Croft (Liu
and Croft, 2002).
Jong (Jong et al., 2015) proposed an approach
which involved considering the score of passages
generated from an evaluation function to effectively
retrieve documents in a Question Answering system.
Their evaluation function calculates the proximity of
the different terms used in the query with different
passages and takes the maximum proximity score for
the document ranking.
Callan (Callan, 1994) demonstrated that ordering
documents based on the score of the best passage may
be up to 20% more effective than standard document
ranking. Similarly, for certain test collections, it
was concluded that combining the document score
with the best passage score gives improved results.
Buckley et al also use the combination of both scores
in a more complex manner, to generate scores for
ranking (Buckley et al., 1995). Moreover, Hearst et
al (Hearst and Plaunt, 1993) showed that instead of
only using the best passage with the maximum score,
adding other passages gives better overall ranking
as compare to the ad-hoc document ranking approach.
Salton (Salton et al., 1993) discussed another
idea to calculate the similarity of the passage to the
query. They re-ranked and filtered out the documents
that has a low passage score associated with it. They
included all the passages that have a higher score
than its overall document score, and then used these
scores to raise, or lower, the final document rank. In
this way, the document that has a lower score to the
document level score but a higher score at passage
level for certain passages, will get a better ranking
score in the end.
Different language modelling approaches at pas-
sage level and document level have been used in the
past to improve the document ranking (Liu and Croft,
2002; Lavrenko and Croft, 2001). A similar approach
has been used by Bendersky et al (Bendersky and
Kurland, 2008b), where they used the measure of the
document homogeneity and heterogeneity to combine
the document and passage similarity with the query
to retrieve the best documents. To use the passage
level evidence, their scoring method used the max-
imum query-similarity score that is assigned to any
passage in the document ranking. As for their pas-
sage based language model, they used the simple un-
igram based standard to estimate the probabilities at
passage and document level. Moreover, Krikon and
Kurland (Krikon et al., 2010; Bendersky and Kur-
land, 2008a) used a different language modeling ap-
proach where they tried to improve the initial rank-
ing of the documents by considering the centrality of
the documents and the passages by building their re-
spective graphs. The edges denote the inter-term sim-
ilarities and the centrality is computed using the page
rank approach. They reported that their approach per-
formed better than the normal maximum passage ap-
proach and some variation of interpolation score of
maximum passage score with document score.
In traditional adhoc IR, a ‘bag of words’ model is
adopted with no attention paid to word order or word
position within a document. Weights are typically
assigned to terms according to some heuristics,
probability calculations or language model.
In this work, we view every document as being
represented as passages or ‘pseudo-documents’ i.e.
= {p
, p
, . . . p
}. We attempt to better estimate
sim(d, q) by estimating sim(d
, q). Different simi-
larity functions are designed in a way that different
characteristics of the passage level results can be used
alone, or in combination with the document level re-
sults. We define sim(d
, q) as f (sim(p
, q), sim(d, q))
3.1 Similarity Functions
Following is a brief description of these similarity
functions in which different characteristics were
computed from the passage level evidence:
Max Passage: One way to compute the
, q) is to consider the similarity and ranking
of the passage that has the highest similarity score
to the query as a representative of the similarity of
the document.
, q) = max(sim(p
, q))
Sum of passages: It is similar to the max
passage approach, but instead of taking only the
top passage, the top k of the passages are taken
and their similarity scores are combined by adding
them together.
, q) =
, q)]
Combination of document and passage
similarity scores: In this case, the passage and
document scores are combined and then the re-
sults are re-ranked based on the new score.
, q) = α(max(sim(p
, q))) + β(sim(d, q))
Inverse of rank: Rather than using the doc-
ument or passage scores, the rank at which these
passages are returned can also be used to find
the similarity between the passages and the query.
This can be calculated as follows:
, q) = (
#o f p
) |p
Weighted Inverse of Rank: Another way
to take the rank of these passages into account is
to take the sum of the inverse ranks and pay less
attention to lower ranks. Hence, the higher ranks
will impact more on the results as compare to the
lower values and will effect the overall ranking.
, q) =
, α > 1
3.2 Passage Boundaries
To run the experiments, all the documents and pas-
sages were first indexed in our IR system. We have
used Solr 5.2.1
as a baseline system which is a high
performance search server built using Apache Lucene
Core. In this system, a vector space model is adopted
with a weighting scheme based on the variation of tf-
idf and Boolean model (BM) (Lashkari et al., 2009)
is used.
We use two different test collections in the
experiments. The WebAP test collection contains
6399 document and 150 queries in its dataset. We
adopt overlapping windows for this collection and
decompose each document into passages of length
250 words. This results in the creation of 140,000
passages for the WebAP collection. The second
collection, the Ohsumed dataset, comprises 348,566
Medline abstracts as documents with 106 search
queries. Given the relatively small document lengths,
in defining passage boundaries, an overlapping
window size of 30 words is used for this collection
which creates a document set of passages of size 1.4
million pseudo-documents that gives 4-5 passages
per document. We choose the half overlapping, fixed
length window-size to index the documents, because
2 2 1/index.html
these passages are more suitable computationally,
convenient to use, and were proved to be very
effective for document retrieval(Callan, 1994; Liu
and Croft, 2002).
Figure 1: Architectural Diagram.
3.3 Evaluation
To evaluate the results and measure the quality of our
approach, mean average precision (MAP) and preci-
sion@k are used as the evaluation metrics. The MAP
value is used to give an overall view of the perfor-
mance of the system with different similarity func-
tions. Furthermore, precision@k was helpful in il-
lustrating the behavior of the system with respect to
correctly ranking relevant documents in the first k po-
In this section, we present a brief explanation of the
test collections we used, and also some detail of dif-
ferent parameters that we consider in our experiments.
Lastly we will describe the brief overview of the eval-
uation measures that we used in the experiments.
4.1 Test Collections
For our experiments we used the two different test
collections that are freely available to use for experi-
mental purposes.The following is a brief explanation
of both datasets.
4.1.1 WebAp
Web Answer Passage (WebAP) is a test collection,
which is obtained from the 2004 TREC Terabyte
Track Gov2 collection. The dataset contains 6399
documents and 150 query topics and relevance judg-
ment of top 50 documents per query topic. It is cre-
ated mainly for the purpose of evaluating passage
level retrieval results (Keikha et al., 2014) but has
been used in question answering (QA) task to retrieve
sentence level answers as well (Chen et al., 2015;
Yang et al., 2016). The query topic section contains
keyword based queries and the normal queries. We
generated the results against both types and here we
reported the performances that are based on the key-
word based queries. On average, these results per-
formed overall 2% better than the normal query ones
across all similarity functions. Annotation at passage
level (GOOD, FAIR, PERFECT etc.) is also included
in this test collection that can be used to differenti-
ate the different passages in term of their relevance
to the query. The annotators found 8027 relevant an-
swer passages to 82 TREC queries, which is 97 pas-
sages per query on average. From these annotated
passages, 43% of them are perfect answers, 44% are
excellent, 10% are good and the rest are fair answers.
We have saved these passage annotations while index-
ing them in the system, but, we have not used them in
our evaluation criteria. As the size of all the docu-
ments are fairly large compare to the other test collec-
tions we came across, therefore, we divided passages
using overlapping window based approach of size 250
The Ohsumed collection consists of titles and ab-
stracts from 270 Medline reference medical journals.
It contains 348,566 articles along with 106 search
queries. In total, there are 16,140 query-documents
pairs upon which the relevance judgments were made.
These relevance judgments are divided in three cate-
gories i.e. definitely relevant, possibly relevant, or not
relevant. For experiments and evaluation, all the doc-
uments that are judged here as either possibly or def-
initely relevant were considered as relevant. Further-
more, only the documents to which the abstracts are
available, were index and used for the retrieval task.
Therefore, the experiments were conducted on the re-
maining set of 233,445 documents from the Ohsumed
test collection. Also, to calculate the overall perfor-
mance we considered only those queries, which had
any relevant document(s) listed in the judgment file.
Out of 106 queries in total, 97 of them were found
to have relevant document(s) associated with it. This
document collection is fairly large in terms document
size but shorter in terms of document length as com-
pare to the WebAP test collection. It does not include
any annotation at passage level.
Table 1: MAP(%) For WebAp and Ohsumed Collection at k=5 and k=10.
Similarity Functions MAP@5(WebAP) MAP@10(WebAP) MAP@5(Ohsumed) Map@10(Ohsumed)
Document Level(D) 9.52 18.60 2.97 4.75
Max Passage(SF1) 9.43 18.56 3.23 4.96
Sum of Passages(SF2) 9.42 18.54 3.19 4.99
Inverse of Rank(SF4) 9.42 18.56 3.27 4.89
Weighted Inverse of Rank(SF5) 9.43 18.58 3.20 4.98
D+SF1 9.53 18.65 3.01 4.90
D+SF2 9.53 18.67 2.82 4.74
D+SF4 9.54 18.66 2.88 4.80
D+SF5 9.55 18.67 2.80 4.60
4.2 Assumptions and Experimental
For our experiments we used Solr-5.2.1 which is built
on top of LUCENE
. Solr provided the functional-
ity of removing the stop-words at indexing time. As
shown in figure 1, we used that functionality to re-
move the stop words
from both collections. We have
seen that the ranking after removing the stop-words is
For different similarity measure functions, we used
different parameters. For sum of passages(SF2) and
inverse rank(SF4) function, we set the k value to be
equal to 5 and the results were normalized having re-
ceived the final score. Similarly, we gave twice the
boost to the passage level score as compared to the
document level score while combining the results to-
gether i.e α = 1, β = 2. Giving the higher boost to
passage level gives better performance to the inverse
ranking functions, whereas higher boost at document
level improved results for Max passage and Sum of
passage results.
4.3 Evaluation Measures
In IR, different evaluation measures are used to mea-
sure how well the system is performing to satisfy the
user’s need in returning the relevant documents to a
given query. In our case, to measure the quality and
performance of our approach, we used Mean Aver-
age Precision (MAP) and precision@k. MAP value is
used to give an overall performance overview of the
system and different similarity functions across both
test collections. On the other hand, precision@k was
helpful in illustrating the user’s experience and the
behavior of relevant documents returned in terms of
their ranking frequency with the different threshold
values. We evaluated the precision value for top 40
unique documents, both at passage level and at docu-
ment level.
In this section we present the experimental results
to show the performance of the different similarity
functions at passage level and document level for
both the WebAP and Ohsumed datasets.
In Figure 2(a) and 2(b), a bar chart is used to compare
the document-level score with the different similarity
functions of passage level scores for WebAP and
Ohsumed test collections.
Using the WebAP collection, the results show that
combining the document level score with passage
level score (SF3), gives an improvement in per-
formance. The best results were found when the
document level score was combined with the inverse
rank functions (SF4, SF5) of the passage level
ranking. The results show that, considering the rank
of the documents instead of the similarity score
gives better performance when document ranking is
combined with the passage level evidence. For the
sum of passages (SF2) approach, only the top 5 (i.e.
k=5) results were considered in calculating the query
similarity score.
In contrast to WebAP, for the Oushmed collection
the combination of document score with the max pas-
sage score performed better than the combination of
inverse passage rank with document score. However,
for functions not including the document level sim-
ilarity, inverse rank by alpha (SF5) performed bet-
ter than the other passage level similarity functions
and give approximately similar performance in com-
parison to document level. Furthermore, the sum of
passages (SF2) performed better here than the Max
passage (SF1) score. The best results were observed
for k=2. We have observed that the MAP values de-
crease as the k value increases, hence max passage
similarity function performs better than the sum of
passages function for WebAP test collection. How-
ever, in Ohsumed SF2 performed better than SF1 for
k = {2, 3,4}.
(a) WebAp Collection (b) Ohsumed Collection
Figure 2: Mean Average Precision for Different Similarity Functions.
We also used precision@k as a different evalu-
ation metric. The objective of this experiment was
to check how well the documents are returned at the
top k ranks at the document and passage level, and
to measure on average how many relevant documents
are returned at the different k values. Figure 3(a) and
figure 3(b) illustrate the calculated precision values
for WebAP test collection and the Ohsumed collec-
tion at document level as well as at passage level. At
passage level we used SF4 and SF5 to measure the
average precision for the WebAP and the Ohsumed,
as when we considered it separately (without in con-
junction with the document score), their performance
was better than SF1 and SF2.
For the WebAP, the results show that the document
level achieved better p@k in comparison to SF4, and
out of 40 documents, 33 of them are relevant in docu-
ment level and 31 of them are relevant at the passage
level when SF4 was used. On average, the precision
value for document level and passage level was 90%
and 86%. This indicates that the correct documents
for all queries are clustered together or are closely re-
lated to each other and therefore, most of them are
returned in top results, hence the high results.
For the Ohsumed collection, SF5 clearly out-
performed the document level results and gave
marginally better precision from the start to top 20 re-
sults (p@20) compared to the document level. How-
ever, for the higher values i.e. k>20 , the document
level and SF5 gave almost the similar performance.
Out of 40 documents approximately 9 are relevant in
document retrieval and 10 of them are relevant in pas-
sage retrieval by using the inverse rank by alpha func-
tion(SF5). The overall performance for the Ohsumed
collection is fairly low and this could be partially due
to the large size of the test collection, small document
length and the variation of relevant document infor-
mation in relevance judgment file. On average, pre-
cision value for the document level and passage level
was 24% and 25%.
Table 1 illustrates the mean average precision at
top 5 (MAP@5) and at top 10 (MAP@10) for both
test collections and as the results were discussed be-
fore, in the WebAP the combination of document
level with passage level scores with different similar-
ity functions give better results. The best results were
obtained when the document score is combined with
SF5. Whereas, for the Ohsumed, the functions that
do not involve combining passage level and document
level evidence gives better performance in both cases.
To get a better understanding on the statistical sig-
nificance of the differences shown in the Table 1 for
the test collections, we used the Student’s t-test on
paired samples for the top 50 MAP values with the
difference of 5 (i.e. top 5, top 10, top 15, till top
50 etc). For the WebAP, we compared the document
level results with the D+SF5 similarity function as it
gave an overall better performance on the top results.
The average MAP difference between both experi-
ments was 0.18 with the standard deviation of 0.09
and the calculated p-value was 0.00024. Therefore,
the performance shown by D+SF5 is statistically sig-
nificant as compared to the normal document level re-
sults. Similarly, we performed the same t-test on the
Ohsumed collection by comparing the document level
results with D+SF4 due to its advantage over the per-
formance on normal document level results. For the
Ohsumed, the average difference and standard devi-
ation were 0.07 and 0.13 with the p-value of 0.069.
Hence, for the Ohsumed, the results were not im-
proved very significantly.
It is also seen that the value of α and β effects the
overall results when the document level is combined
with the passage level evidence (SF3). For both col-
lections, giving the higher boost to passage level i.e.
α <= β, gave a better performance for the inverse
(a) WebAP Collection (b) Ohsumed Collection
Figure 3: Precision at K for Different Test Collections.
ranking functions, whereas a higher boost at docu-
ment level i.e. α > β improves the results for SF1
and SF2. We chose α = 1 and β = 2 for the results
shown in this paper because it gives an overall better
performance for all the passage level similarity func-
tions when combined with the document score.
In this paper our aim was to attempt to improve the
document ranking by exploring and analyzing dif-
ferent similarity measures which take into account
the similarity at passage level for all the documents.
We used two different test collections; WebAP and
Ohsumed, to measure the impact of a number of sim-
ilarity functions at document level. The results shows
that the rank of a passage is an effective measure and
produced better results as compared to the functions
that consider only the document score (i.e SF1, SF2).
Furthermore, when it is combined with the document
score, the performance was marginally improved for
the WebAp test collection. The combination of the
document score with the max passage score gave the
best results for the Ohsumed collection. However, the
improvements are minimal.
As per our results, it is shown that the passage level
evidence on its own is not sufficient to improve the
document ranking significantly for the selected test
collections. Therefore, in the future, we are aiming
to measure the impact of similarity functions listed in
this paper on a fairly large size test collections such as
TIPSTER, GOV2 and AQUAINT, in order to observe
a significant different, if any. Additionally, we are
aiming to explore different learning measures that we
can use to combine the most suitable parameters for
our interpolation equation i.e. α, β, score, rank etc.
and report any significant improvements. Similarly,
we are hoping to augment the passages with the dif-
ferent ontologies and words (entities, keywords, con-
cepts etc.) related to the main keywords used in the
query and the returned passages by using Wordnet or
other knowledge based tools to improve the perfor-
This work is supported by the Irish Research Council
Employment Based Programme.
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