Current content-based recommender systems suffer
from overspecialization problem and they may not
have the ability to explore potential future interests.
Collaborative filtering approaches can solve this
problem; however the existing approaches may not be
able to locate successful similar users and result in
weak recommendations because of the high sparsity
problem in the research paper domain. In this paper,
we developed a novel collaborative filtering method
that does not depend on users’ rating. Our novel
method computes the similarity between users
according to the users’ profiles that are represented as
Dynamic Normalized Tree of Concepts using 2012
ACM CCS ontology. Then, a Community Centric
Tree of concepts (CCT) is generated and used to
recommend a set of papers. We performed offline
evaluations using the BibSonomy dataset. Different
values for the parameters in our model are tested to
find the optimal values. Then our model is compared
with two baselines: content-based DNTC and User-
based Collaborative filtering (UBCF). Our model
(with and without CCT) significantly outperforms the
two baselines. Our model with CCT has better result
than our model without CCT. In future work, we will
improve our model to be hybrid approach by
including content-based models that are able to detect
short-term and long-term user's interests.
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