2015) thanks to their built-in self-organizing neural
network mechanisms (Parisia, 2015).
The future works include further studies on deep
architectures consisting of the associative spiking
neurons and possible ways of complex inference
using various kinds of associations. The presented
model will be developed to represent and use
sequential patterns, ranges, clusters, and classes to
allow for deeper inference, mining, and appropriate
generalization during classification. The future
studies will strive to create a self-developing graph
structure to store and reinforce the gained conclusions
and build neural knowledge-based cognitive systems.
However, this paper is not a complete solution for
solving all difficulties and inefficiencies of databases,
but it has shown how neurons and DASNG networks
could help to solve some of the problems mentioned
above, and make the computations on big data more
efficient in the future. The associative spiking
neurons used in the DASNG networks as well as
biological neurons do not calculate output values
directly but using time-based approaches and
frequencies of spikes. They represent and associate
various data combinations in many ways to recall
these associations in the future when the similar
ignition contexts will happen again. They can also
generalize about associated data, especially when
new input contexts are used. It is planned to construct
intelligent associative knowledge-based cognitive
systems on their basis in the future. Finally, deep
associative spiking neural models can be an
interesting alternative to databases not only to store
data but also to supply us with conclusions and enable
very fast access to various pieces of information that
can be drawn from the collected and associated data.
The presented neural networks can support the future
big data mining and knowledge exploration systems.
This work was supported by AGH and
a grant from the National Science Centre DEC-
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