A Novel Short-term and Long-term User Modelling Technique for a
Research Paper Recommender System
Modhi Al Alshaikh, Gulden Uchyigit
and Roger Evans
School of Computing, Engineering and Mathematics, University of Brighton, Brighton, U.K.
Keywords: Recommender System, Personalization, User Profile, Research Papers, Short-term, Long-term.
Abstract: Modelling users’ interests accurately is an important aspect of recommender systems. However, this is a
challenge as users’ behaviour can vary in different domains. For example, users’ reading behaviour of research
papers follows a different pattern to users’ reading of online news articles. In the case of research papers, our
analysis of users’ reading behaviour shows that there are breaks in reading whereas the reading of news
articles is assumed to be more continuous. In this paper, we present a novel user modelling method for
representing short-term and long-term user’s interests in recommending research papers. The short-term
interests are modelled using a personalised dynamic sliding window which is able to adapt its size according
to the ratio of concepts per paper read by the user rather than purely time-based methods. Our long-term model
is based on selecting papers that represent user’s longer term interests to build his/her profile. Existing
methods for modelling user’s short-term and long-term interests do not adequately take into consideration
erratic reading behaviours over time that are exhibited in the research paper domain. We conducted
evaluations of our short-term and long-term models and compared them with the performance of three existing
methods. The evaluation results show that our models significantly outperform the existing short-term and
long-term methods.
A major challenge in recommender systems is the
modelling of dynamically evolving short-term and
long-term user’s interests. The short-term interests
represent the user’s most recent interests which are
more erratic, whereas the long-term interests are more
stable in comparison (Challam et al., 2007).
Recommender systems for research papers suffer
from a number of limitations; for example, fast
deviations in short-term interests may remain
undetected and stable long-term interests may not be
appropriately updated to reflect the user’s evolving
short-term and long-term interests. The importance of
this stems from the need to design automatically
adaptable user profiling techniques that should keep
track of multiple information that is needed by the
user. It is important to recommend right papers at the
right time. Therefore, there is a need for user profiling
models and techniques that automatically adapt to the
diverse and frequently changing users’ short-term and
long-term interests.
Existing short-term and long-term user modelling
techniques have been developed for domains such as
recommending web pages (Gao et al., 2013; Hawalah
and Fasli, 2015; Li et al., 2007) and news articles (Zeb
and Fasli, 2011; Agarwal and Singhal, 2014; Zeb and
Fasli, 2012), where a user reading behaviour is
different from the research paper domain. These
models depend on continuous time-based user
behaviour measured in days for the web pages
domain and in hours in the news domain. These
models also assume that users are continuously active
in their reading with no significant breaks.
In this paper, we present analysis of users’ reading
behaviour of research papers using the BibSonomy
dataset (Knowledge & Data Engineering Group,
2017). The BibSonomy dataset contains actual
records of users’ interests as posts for research papers.
We consider these posts as users’ reading records of
research papers. Our analysis shows that users are
actively reading during some days and inactive on
other days. Moreover, they may also be inactive for
several months. Furthermore, the users have different
reading behaviours from each other, and reading
behaviour for a user may change during a year.
Therefore, utilizing continuous time-based models
for building a user’s profile based on continuous