customers who are in close distance to the sellers tend
to ask lots of questions and far more selective before
making transaction.
Just like the CRM construct, a good
communication is the key to build the trust
relationship. Online sellers expect a good outcome
from the electronic word-of-mouth on social media
platform that is built up from this trust relationship.
However, even though trust relationship has been
built, according to APJII (2016) report, only 70% of
internet users in Indonesia feel that online transaction
is safe. This also affects method of payment done by
Figure 5: Method of Payment.
Unlike many other developed countries where
most of users browse and buy from the online shop
directly, in Indonesia, 26.7% online buyers pay via
ATM and 14.2% of online buyers prefer to have them
by cash on delivery (CoD) method (APJII, 2016).
Hence, no wonder that the number of ATM payments
(45%) and CoD (36%) methods are also being
reflected in this survey as shown by Figure 5.
The results indicate that social CRM plays a
significant role in younger age market in Indonesia.
This study proposes three main constructs affecting
the successfulness of the social CRM implementation
namely Social Media construct, CRM construct, and
Customer construct. There are implications for the
finding. First, social media is really something that
cannot be left out by small businesses as their survival
kit. Social media has become a game changer in
Indonesia. It has proven that it is able to help gaining
CRM objectives to maintain long-term relationship.
To survive, small businesses should have good
communication and equipped with marketing
strategy to increase the number of followers on their
social media accounts. This study has some
limitations that can be addressed in to complete the
research. First, the number of study participants
businesses are still small and limited in Java Island
only. However, even though the number of internet
users outside Java are not as many as those in Java,
they are also potential market of online shop market
as their number is increasing fast (APJII, 2016).
Second, the constructs in the framework need to be
measured with more instruments e.g. revenues and
regulations. Finally, the research finding is collected
from small businesses that are already have at least
basic engagement with social media. A comparison to
other business entities that have not used social media
intensively can validate the results.
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