binary networks to judge whether these complex net-
works have the characteristics of small world net-
work, in order to find the hot issues in the field by
the small world network analysis. The experimen-
tal results through analyzing 437 papers from Web of
Science database over the period 1992 to 2011 show
the dynamic development of the research focuses in
recent 10 years.
In (Lipizzi et al., 2016), the authors have pre-
sented a methodology to assess moviegoers’ early re-
actions to movies’ premieres through the extraction of
analytics from Twitter conversations that take place in
the weekend in which a movie is released. They ap-
plied data mining techniques to a sample of 22 movies
to identify models able to predict box-office sales in
the first weekend. Their findings confirmed that the
importance of commonly used buzz-metrics is proba-
bly overstated, and the analysis of conversational dy-
namics can help to understand the interplay between
collectivegeneration and diffusion of content in social
networks as well as to obtain the insights on whether
information diffusion influences off-line behavior.
In (Zhang et al., 2016), the authors focused on the
NSF data and constructed a K-Means-based cluster-
ing methodology with high accuracy in a local K-
value interval, where an optimized K value would
be determined automatically. Then, they introduced
a similarity measure function for topic relationship
identification to explore the interaction among TRM
components quantitatively and predict possible future
trends. The experimental results are carried forward
to present the mechanisms that forecast prospective
developmentsusing Technology Road mapping, com-
bining qualitative and quantitative methodologies.
In our work, we propose the hypervolume-based se-
lection procedureto analyze the bibliometric network,
in order to detect the key structure and select the hot
research topics in a certain field. First, we give an
introduction to the basic notations and definitions of
the network. Then, we present the method of detect-
ing the community in the network. Afterwards, we
describe the main ingredients of hypervolume-based
selection algorithm.
3.1 Network Construction
Generally, given a simple undirected graph G =
(V,E), where V is the set of vertices and E is the set
of undirected edges. Suppose the vertices are divided
into two sets: one is composed of the literatures, and
another one is composed of the key words.
Then, these exists the edges between the literature
and the key word, if and only if the key word belongs
to the considered literature. Actually, there is no edge
among the literatures or the key words. That’s to say,
it is indeed a bipartite graph.
Figure 1: An example of the bibliometric network.
An example is illustrated in Fig. 1, which con-
sists of thousands of vertices and edges. In this fig-
ure, a green circle denotes one key word and a blue
circle denotes one literature. Usually, one literature
consists of hundreds of key words, which makes the
whole network very complicated. Therefore, it is very
difficult for the experts to recognize the hot research
topics from the network.
3.2 Community Detection
In order to clearly recognize the hot research topics
from the network, it is essential to detect the commu-
nity structure, which is one of the most relevant fea-
tures of the networks. In fact, the community struc-
ture plays an important role in understanding the in-
trinsic properties of networks.
One of the most popular quality functions is
the modularity proposed by Newman and Girvan in
(Newman and Girvan, 2004), which is based on the
idea that a random network is not expected to have a
community structure. Now, the modularity is widely
accepted by the scientific community. Suppose the
vertices are divided into the communities such that
vertex v belongs to community C denoted by C
, the
modularity is defined as follows (Newman and Gir-
van, 2004):