Information Capture and Knowledge Sharing Systems in the Field of
Library and Information Science: The Case of MEDLIB-L in
Antonio Muñoz-Cañavate
, M. Rosario Fernández-Falero
and María Antonia Hurtado-Guapo
Department Information and Communication, University of Extremadura,
Plazuela Ibw Marwan s/n 06071 Badajoz, Spain
Computer Service, University of Extremadura, Avda. de Elvas s/n, 06071 Badajoz, Spain
Keywords: Social Media, Email, Distribution List, Discussion List, Alert Systems, Knowledge Management, Medicine.
Abstract: Professionals using the Internet have various tools with which to capture and share information. Email
discussion lists, despite their age, are still one of the main applications that telematic networks use for
information to be shared in the social media field. They have not lost their validity even though the arrival
of numerous applications associated with other types of social media, such as social networks,
microblogging networks, wikis, etc., was often thought to augur their demise. Also, the new culture of
Knowledge management, in which people share data, knowledge, and experiences, has, with its
technological bases, become an indispensable tool for human interaction. This paper presents the results of a
study applied to the medical sector which surveyed the MEDLIB-L discussion list users - specialists in
medical information. The primary aim was to determine the usefulness of the various tools they use (social
media, literature alert systems, syndication RSS, search engine alerts, new content trackers) to capture and
share information of interest and to serve as means of training and learning. A further aim was to determine
the quality and usefulness of the messages sent by the professionals of information management in medicine
to the list and the usefulness of its message archiving system.
The process of communication as the transmission
of signals and codes between an transmitter and a
receiver has undergone alterations throughout
history. Technological advances have transformed
the spatiotemporal concept of this process deriving
from the medium used to establish the transmission.
In the first place, the arrival of the telegraph and the
telephone changed the form of communication,
surpassing postal communication on paper,
multiplying the interactions between human beings
while reducing the space between them as physical
presence was no longer necessary. The telephone
allowed speed and efficiency that no other medium
had before.
Telematic networks, such as the Internet, have
probably had the greatest impact of all on
communication between people. The emergence of
various applications on these telematic networks,
such as e-mail and Web 2.0, have considerably
broadened the core of people who can be contacted
more quickly and economically. As a consequence
of e-mail, there arose electronic discussion lists
which represented a qualitative leap in this
communication process. Suddenly a person could
get into contact with thousands of people all over the
world and generate a dialogue with them in a that
had been impossible before. At the same time,
newsgroups appeared as another way of putting
people into contact who were located in very distant
places but were interested in the same subjects.
The arrival of the World Wide Web and of Web
2.0 making it easy for people to insert content into
Web platforms meant another radical change in
communication by means of technological media.
Social media, whose content is generated by their
users, have multiplied in the form of social
networks, blogs, microblogging platforms (such as
Twitter), wikis, etc. However, distribution lists, one
of the first social media and which seemed destined
to be obscured by this new Web 2.0 reality, have not
savate A., Fernà ˛andez-Falero M. and Hurtado-Guapo M.
Information Capture and Knowledge Sharing Systems in the Field of Library and Information Science: The Case of MEDLIB-L in Medicine.
DOI: 10.5220/0006506601810188
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KMIS 2017), pages 181-188
ISBN: 978-989-758-273-8
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
disappeared, and in many cases continue to remain
in full force.
1.1 Email Distribution Lists
Distribution lists are groups of e-mail users who use
in their work software that allows messages to be
sent so that all the subscribers to the list receive the
same message simultaneously (Merlo, 1999).
Discussion lists in particular have been operating for
several decades, but have rarely been studied. The
Scopus database has only sixty records with the
descriptor "discussion lists" in the title field. The
first studies date from the 1980s. They are related to
the technical and descriptive aspects of the system
(Deutsch, 1984; Kirstein, 1986). Later studies deal
with the informative potential of specific discussion
lists (Ste-Marie, 1998), and with their use as an
educational tool (Wen et al., 2000). Also interesting
are experiences in specific sectors such as the health
sector. Wakabayashi et al. (2000) published a paper
that highlighted the Japanese national transplant
system mailing list as a very suitable tool for
communication among medical professionals,
patients, and family members. Ramos, Rai-
Chaudhuri & Neill published a paper about a list for
Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia (2004).
The literature includes many studies dedicated to
analysing the content of the messages sent to the
lists (Waseleski, 2006; Tonta & Karabulut, 2010).
More recently, Pujar, Mahesh & Jayakanth
(2014) demonstrate with an Indian list how this
system is still fully valid for Library and Information
Science professionals.
Distribution lists can be of different types. Apart
from the so-called discussion lists which are
dedicated to encouraging subscriber participation,
there are also notification lists whose only objective
is to serve as a channel for the distribution of news
from some type of organism. Although they may
use the same software, their objectives are very
Lists may be open to anyone who wants to
participate or closed to certain people and/or groups.
They may also be moderated or un-moderated. In
the former case, there are moderators who read the
messages before they are distributed, thus endowing
the list with greater quality. In 1994, a survey was
conducted of several discussion lists, including the
moderated PACS-L (Public-Access Computer
Services) list which has since disappeared, and the
un-moderated ASIS-L (American Society for
Information Science) list. Although the respondents
indicated that both lists were satisfactory, the quality
of the messages and their usefulness in everyday
work was greater in the PACS-L moderated list than
in the ASIS-L (Castro & Muñoz-Cañavate, 1994).
In discussion lists, not all subscribers participate
in active discussions. Irvine-Smith (2010) pointed
out that many subscribers simply search the lists
with the general purpose of gathering information
that can be summarized as "keeping abreast of
current trends", specifically, to know what others'
thoughts and opinions are..
1.2 Knowledge Management
Knowledge management is a culture, possible in all
types of organizations, in which human resources
play a fundamental role. People can share
information, knowledge, and experiences to achieve
their objectives through interaction with their peers.
Knowledge management needs four components:
people, processes, organization, and tools (Cannon,
We find that knowledge management, as a
process for collecting and sharing intellectual
capital, whether tacit or explicit, among the staff of
an organization or between organizations to promote
their collaboration, needs tools that may
technological or non-technological. Information and
communication technologies are at the heart of
discussions on knowledge management. Indeed,
technological advances in this field facilitate the
exchange, diffusion, and integration of knowledge,
and allow information to be easily codified,
communicated, assimilated, and stored. Computer
and communication infrastructures allow the
exchange, integration, and creation of knowledge.
The technologies that support knowledge
management can be grouped into four main areas:
(a) content management; (b) collaboration tools; (c)
business information; and (d) databases and
The Internet has multiple tools and applications
that serve both to transfer knowledge and to preserve
Distribution lists are a good example of such
tools. They serve as a platform for people to
communicate, collaborate, and transfer knowledge
quickly, regardless of distance. They are also
sources that contain data, information, knowledge,
and experiences of all kinds, and the content can be
stored for later retrieval.
Lists can serve for learning, although, as noted
by Cavialem & Bruillard (2010) in a study of several
French lists managed by France's Ministry of
Education, for this to take place it requires a climate
of freedom without the rigidity of an official
institution behind the list.
The objectives of the present study were to
a) The current usefulness of discussion lists
with respect to other systems such as social
media, e-mail alert systems, search, that
allow professionals and researchers to
receive information useful for their
everyday work.
b) Subscribers' opinion on the usefulness of all
these types of systems, not just discussion
lists, for them to be able to share
knowledge with their peers.
c) The usefulness of ten bibliographic alert
d) The level of quality and utility of the
MEDLIB-L list for its users, and their use
of its message archive system.
To obtain the MEDLIB-L subscribers's opinions, a
questionnaire was prepared and distributed online
through the Google Drive platform. It was
distributed in the first half of May 2017. First the
list editor was informed of the intention to send the
questionnaire. After a message explaining the study
to all the subscribers with a link to the online
questionnaire, they were all sent two reminder
messages during the following week.
A Likert scale of 1 to 5 was used for all the items
of the questionnaire, with option 6 left for "do not
know" or "no response".
The questionnaire was divided into seven blocks,
as will be described below. In blocks two, three, and
four, the options 1 to 5 ranged from "Not at all
satisfied" to "Fully satisfied". In block five, they
ranged from "Poor" to "Very good", and in blocks
six and seven, from "Never" to "Very often".
3.1 Online Questionnaire
The online questionnaire was structured into seven
a) 1st block. Respondent's data (nationality and
b) 2nd block. Utility of the following electronic
media as means of receiving information of use for
everyday professional work. In this case, they were
asked to value their satisfaction with the following
systems for receiving information: distribution list,
Facebook groups or individuals on Facebook,
LinkedIn groups or individuals on LinkedIn,
Twitter, External lists of other Twitter users,
discussion groups (e.g.,,
syndication RSS, E-mail alerts of new items and
updates to websites, publications, repositories,
Search engine alerts (e.g. Google Alerts), New
content trackers (e.g., Copernic Tracker). The
options were from "Not at all satisfied" to "Fully
c) 3rd block. The above electronic media and
knowledge management. In this case, the
respondents were asked to value their satisfaction on
five questions related to knowledge management,
learning, and peer-to-peer contact using the
applications of the previous block. The choices
were from "Not at all satisfied" to "Fully satisfied".
d) 4th block. Utility of the following literature
alert systems for receiving information in everyday
professional work. The respondents were asked for
their satisfaction with the following bibliographic
alert systems for receiving information in their
everyday professional work: Google Scholar, Web
of Science, Scopus, Mendeley, PubMed, Journal
Tocs, F1000 Prime, Sparrho, and Research Gate.
The options were from "Not at all satisfied" to
"Fully satisfied".
e) 5th block. Quality of the MEDLIB-L list
messages. They were asked to value the quality of
MEDLIB-L messages, from "Poor" to "Very good".
f) 6th block. Utility of the Medlib-L list's
messages for the respondent's everyday work. They
were asked to value the usefulness of the MEDLIB-
L messages for their everyday work, from "Never"
to "Very often".
g) 7th block. Utility of the MEDLIB-L archives
via the Web interface. They were asked to value the
use of the MEDLIB-L message archive system, from
"Never" to "Very often".
Nancy Start created the MEDLIB-L discussion list
in 1991. In August 1995, she transferred it to the
Medical Library Association (MLA). The list,
which had been housed at the University of Buffalo,
was transferred to the University of Vermont in
2007. Its purpose is to provide support and help to
the health information management community and
to the medical library sector (James, 2016).
It is an un-moderated list, meaning that all the
messages sent to this forum may be distributed to all
the subscribers. This may cause dysfunction in the
quality of the content (textual errors or irrelevant
messages). But communication is faster since there
are no intermediaries. Despite this, there are some
list rules and a policy that subscribers must comply
with. Indeed, the coordinators of the list may expel
a subscriber who does not comply. The norms are
available at
Schoch & Shooshan carried out a survey in
MEDLIB-L in 1997. They found that most
participants claimed to read at least 41% of the
messages, fewer than 20% claimed to read from
91% to 100% of them. Some respondents reported
feeling overwhelmed by the number of messages,
and considered that there was a need for a moderated
list (Schoch & Shooshan, 1997; James, 2016). This
is in line with the results of the study by Castro &
Muñoz-Cañavate (1994) on several moderated and
un-moderated lists.
The MEDLIB-L norms imply some principles
that allow a certain management of the content by
the subscribers themselves. For example, it is
expected that those who send a request for help to
the list in solving some problem should then publish
a summary of the responses they received.
The profile of MEDLIB-L subscribers is
primarily from English-speaking countries. And,
although the number of subscribers has declined by
18% from 1997 (with 2700 subscribers) to 2016
(with 1970 subscribers) which may be due in part to
the omnipresence of other social media such as
Facebook and Twitter, their activity is still clearly
present (James, 2016).
The survey received 52 responses, whose results will
be presented below following the same structure as
the seven blocks of the survey.
4.1 General Data of the Respondents
Regarding nationality, as is shown in Figure 1, the
majority are from the United States (77% of the
respondents), although there are users from other
countries such as United Kingdom, Canada, New
Zealand, Brazil, Belgium, Spain, and Morocco.
Figure 1: Nationality of respondents.
Regarding the respondents' professions, they
were mostly medical librarians (94.2%), although
3.8% were teachers, and 2% were of other
professions, such as information scientist.
4.2 Utility of the Electronic Media as
Means of Receiving Information
One of the main objectives was to determine the role
of discussion lists as a medium for the reception of
information in a professional environment in
comparison with other systems. The results are
presented in Table 1. They point to discussion lists
such as MEDLIB-L as being one of the most useful
media. It is obvious that the respondents were active
list users, since the questionnaire was sent out
through the mailing list itself.
Table 1: Means of receiving information of use in
everyday professional work.
1. Not at all
2. Not very
3. Moderately
4. Very
5. Fully
6. No response
or do not use
Distribution list
(email) (Ej. Medlib-l)
0.0% 3.8% 13.5
Facebook groups or
individuals on
11.5% 9.6% 17.3
3.8% 46.2%
LinkedIn groups or
individuals on
15.4% 11.5
7.7% 1.9% 44.2%
Twitter 0.0% 13.5
5.8% 5.8% 51.9%
External lists of other
Twitter users
1.9% 5.8% 7.7% 1.9% 5.8% 76.9%
Discussion groups
13.5% 1.9% 15.4
1.9% 7.7% 59.6%
Syndication (RSS) 9.6% 3.8% 19.2
7.7% 3.8% 55.8%
E-mail alerts of new
items and updates to
websites, publications,
1.9% 7.7% 19.2
Search engine alerts
(e.g., Google Alerts)
3.8% 3.8% 17.3
New content trackers
(e.g., Copernic
7.7% 1.9% 5.8% 0.0% 0.0% 84.6%
United States
No response
Thus, 96.5% of the users were satisfied with
discussion lists when the three options "Moderately
satisfied", "Very satisfied", and "Fully satisfied" are
added together.
In decreasing order, and with these three options
merged thus reflecting users' satisfaction with the
different tools, the other media are ranked as
follows: notification lists (e-mail alerts and news
from websites, journals, etc.) (86.5%); search engine
alerts (40.3%); Twitter (34.6%); Facebook (32.6%);
content syndication (30.7%); LinkedIn (28.8%);
discussion groups (25%); lists created on Twitter
(15.3%); and new content trackers (5.7%).
4.3 Electronic Media and Knowledge
As presented in the introduction of this paper,
Internet tools have made it possible to dynamize
knowledge management processes, with what this
means for knowledge transfer and learning. In
recent years, a number of studies have been
published that demonstrate the relationship between
employees' use of social media and their creativity
from adopting a knowledge management approach
(Hemsley & Mason, 2011; Bharati, Zhang &
Chaudhury, 2015; Sigala & Chalkiti, 2015).
The questionnaire included five explicit items
about the usefulness of the media included in the
previous section for decision-making in their
everyday work, capturing the experience of their
peers or transmitting their own, establishing contact
with peers to carry out joint projects, and training
and learning. The results are presented in Table 2,
and are described below.
Table 2: The above electronic media and knowledge
1. Not at all
2. Not very
3. Moderately
4. Very satisfied
5. Fully
6. No response
or do not use
Question 1 0.0% 5.8% 17.3% 44.2% 26.9% 5.8%
Question 2 0.0% 3.8% 9.6% 42.3% 36.5% 7.7%
Question 3 0.0% 7.7% 9.6% 40.4% 32.7% 9.6%
Question 4 9.6% 5.8% 17.3% 25.0% 7.7% 34.6%
Question 5 3.8% 9.6% 19.2% 36.5% 23.1% 7.7%
The questions were as follows:
- Question 1 "The above electronic media provide
me with the appropriate information for me to make
decisions in my everyday (professional or academic)
- Question 2 "The above electronic media allow me
to capture the experience of other colleagues".
- Question 3 “The above electronic media allow me
to pass on my experience to other colleagues”.
- Question 4 “The above electronic media, have
allowed me to make contact with other colleagues to
develop joint projects”.
- Question “The above electronic media, serve me
for day-by-day training and learning”.
This block of questions highlights the importance
that MEDLIB-L users give to the group of tools set
out in the questionnaire, most of them being social
media (distribution lists, social networks,
microblogging), and search and alert systems. The
sum of the options "Very satisfied" and "Fully
satisfied" confirms this: 71.1% of those surveyed
consider that these tools provide them with adequate
information for decision making; 78.8% said that
they allow them to capture the experience of their
peers; 73.1% state that they also allow them to
transmit their own experience to peers; and 59.6%
that they are useful for training and everyday
learning. Only the use of the tool to establish
contact with people oriented to developing joint
projects had a lower figure – 32.7%.
4.4 Literature Alert Systems
Regarding the bibliographic alerts that were
represented by ten different tools, the conclusion to
be drawn is that they are very little used except for
PubMed, a search system developed by the National
Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) in the
National Library of Medicine (NLM). It has access
to the bibliographic databases compiled by the
NLM. This exception is logical since it has a direct
thematic relation with the profile of MEDLIB-L
Table 3: Utility of alert systems for everyday professional
1. Not at all
2. Not very
3. Moderately
4. Very
5. Fully
6. No
or do not
Google Scholar
1.9% 0.0% 11.5% 15.4% 11.5% 59.6%
Web of Science
3.8% 1.9% 7.7% 0.0% 3.8% 82.7%
Scopus alerts 1.9% 0.0% 5.8% 1.9% 5.8% 84.6%
Mendeley alerts 1.9% 5.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 92.3%
PubMED alerts 0.0% 5.8% 5.8% 28.8% 25.0% 34.6%
Journal TOC alerts 3.8% 1.9% 13.5% 26.9% 13.5% 40.4%
F1000Prime alerts 1.9% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% 0.0% 96.2%
Sparrho alerts 1.9% 0.0% 1.9% 0.0% 0.0% 96.2%
Research Gate alerts 5,8% 3,8% 11,5% 15,4% 1,9% 61,5%
4.5 Quality of the MEDLIB-L
Regarding the quality of messages sent to this list,
although 30% of the users did not respond to this
question, it should be noted that more than 50%
chose options 4 and 5 which reflect satisfaction with
the messages. However, one would have to consider
whether the lack of moderation in this list, and
therefore the absence of filters to prevent certain
messages from being forwarded to all the
subscribers, may be the reason why the number of
respondents satisfied with the quality of the
messages is not higher. This finding is in line with
the study by Schoch & Shoosham (1997) of
MEDLIB-L and the aforementioned study by Castro
& Muñoz-Cañavate (1994).
Figure 2: Quality of the messages of MEDLIB-L.
4.6 Utility of the MEDLIB-L Messages
The results and reflections from the previous section
can be applied to this block of the questionnaire
(Figure 3) concerning the usefulness of the
MEDLIB-L messages for everyday work. Thus,
while we understand that the existence of
moderation in discussion lists is likely to contribute
to an improvement in their quality and usefulness as
an information tool, MEDLIB-L is still clearly seen
as being useful.
Figure 3: Utility of the Medlib-L list's messages for the
respondent's everyday work.
4.7 Utility of the MEDLIB-L Archives
Most discussion list management software has
storage systems for the messages sent to the list,
sometimes accompanied by a search engine. These
tools convert the knowledge accumulated in the
messages into information of interest for the future,
not only for the immediate moment of their sending,
distribution, and reception. The survey result was
that 73% of the users use this system, thus
demonstrating its usefulness.
Figure 4: Utility of the MEDLIB-L archives.
The users surveyed were mostly US librarians.
Their opinion thus prevails over that of other
countries. With respect to the usefulness of the
various media for the reception of information,
discussion lists such as MEDLIB-L stand out as
being the most highly valued, although there may
have been a direct relationship of this result with the
channel through which the questionnaire was
distributed (the MEDLIB-L discussion list) because
all the respondents were direct users of this tool.
Quality of the messages of MEDLIB-L
Utility of the MEDLIB-L archives via the Web interface
Utility of the MEDLIB-L archives via the Web interface
The result is not without its relevance however,
since the massive arrival of the new Web 2.0 social
media was seen by many to augur the progressive
disappearance of discussion lists as a tool,
something which has not occurred. The social
media Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn are also
used, but their importance is less. The "search
engine alerts" (e.g., Google Alerts) are highly
valued, but the importance of "new content trackers"
such as Copernic Tracker is just residual.
With regard to the usefulness of this group of
social media (distribution lists, social networks,
microblogging, etc.) as technological tools that
favour knowledge management and learning, the
respondents were mostly satisfied with them. They
especially considered that these tools provide
adequate information for decision making, and allow
them to capture the experience of their peers and to
pass on their own experience. They also note these
tools' usefulness for training and everyday learning,
albeit to a lesser extent.
PubMed is the most used bibliographic alert tool,
which fits in with the thematic profile of the list's
subscribers professionals of information
management in the medical field.
Finally, the respondents approved of the quality
of the MEDLIB-L messages and their usefulness,
albeit at percentages which suggest that if MEDLIB-
L were a moderated list then the degree of
satisfaction would be greater. They make moderate
use of a tool which allows the knowledge generated
by the discussion list to be saved: its archive system.
Thus, distribution lists should not be contrasted
with other applications based on social networks.
Each is a different way of communicating and
interacting, but they all permit the transmission of
information and knowledge. They can all form
communities of practice, that is to say, groups
dedicated to sharing knowledge and the learning this
implies through the interaction among their
members. Wenger et al. (2002), in their paper
entitled Cultivating Communities of Practice,
defined different roles for the users of these
communities, from the figure of the coordinator to
the more active members and others who are
peripheral. Likewise, subscribers to discussion lists
acquire similar roles, from list administrator to the
more active users who ask, write, and respond, and
those who only read but can not do without a source
of knowledge such as that provided by the
distribution lists corresponding to a thematic area.
Such a list is in all cases a platform for collective
Distribution lists not only transmit formalized
and structured information from individuals or
institutions, but also non-formalized information,
simple comments, which can generate feedback with
the interaction of subscribers, and the result can be
stored as if it were a memory in the file system of
the software that manages the distribution list.
This paper aims to revindicate distribution lists
which seem to have been relegated as against the
new media corresponding to the so-called Web 2.0.
Indeed, due to their simplicity and ease of use, we
believe distribution lists will survive.
We appreciate the collaboration of all the MEDLIB-
L subscribers who responded to the questionnaire
sent to the list, and especially to the list's editor,
Richard James, for the assistance provided.
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