Cybersecurity Ontology for Critical Infrastructures
Sandra Bergner and Ulrike Lechner
Fakultät für Informatik, Universität der Bundeswehr München, Germany
Keywords: Knowledge Engineering, Ontology Engineering, IT-Security, Critical Infrastructure.
Abstract: The number and frequency of hacker attacks on critical infrastructures like waterworks, government institu-
tions, airports increase. The Cybersecurity of critical infrastructure is a complex topic with. A plenthora of
requirements, measures from the BSI and the NIST as well as vulnerabilities that needs to be considered.
This paper describes the ontology for IT-Security of critical infrastructures that combines the aforemen-
tioned requirements to give critical infrastructures a kind of guideline or roadmap for security and safety
measures in order to preventively protect critical infrastructures of hacker attacks.
The BMBF research program ‘IT-Security for criti-
cal infrastructures’ has been initiated as part of
“Strategy 2020” of the German Government. Project
VeSiKi ‘Networked IT-Security of critical infra-
structures’ coordinates 13 research projects in the
cooperative research process in the ITS|KRITIS
initiative ( and (Bergner 2015a).
Project VeSiKi provides an ontology for IT- Se-
curity for critical infrastructures. The main goal of
this ontology for IT-Security of critical infrastruc-
ture is to define a well-structured knowledge base
for the topic itself and the 13 research projects of
ITS|KRITIS, which design IT-Security technologies
and which each have partners from various critical
infrastructure sectors.
The ontology from Fenz (Fenz and Ekelhart,
2009) is considered state-of-the-art and offers a
common basis with regard to IT-Security. However,
this ontology does not take critical infrastructures
into account. A second IT-Security ontology is the
one of Tsoumas (Tsoumas and Grizalis, 2006).
We build on the seminal ontology of Fenz (Fenz
and Ekelhart, 2009) as the basis Cybersecurity
knowledge base. We enhance the Fenz ontology
with knowledge from the Kaspersky Security list
(Kaspersky, 2016) which includes information of
current threats. We extend the Cybersecurity
knowledge base with concepts derived from re-
quirements from a critical infrastructure comitee like
from the Bundesamt für Sicherheit in der Infor-
mationstechnologie (BSI) (BSI, 2013), vulnerabili-
ties like from the National Vulnerability Database
(NIST, 2016). We use the Miniduke malware as
example for our models.
This paper introduces the ontology cybersecurity
of critical infrastructures in its current development
status. The ontology integrates subontologies in
form of terminological knowledge (TBox concepts)
to build up the models. In this paper we will intro-
duce only parts of our ontology and present only the
most relevant TBox concepts in detail.
Projects contribute assertational knowledge in
form of ABox instances according to the specified
TBox concepts. Thus, the subontologies (TBox and
ABox) together build up a common knowledge base
for the project teams of research institutions and
providers of critical infrastructures. Hence, the main
purpose is to establish an ontology which builds up
the common knowledge base for an underlying dy-
namic knowledge pool for IT-Security of critical
The ontology is modelled in TopBraid ME
Composer ( in the
modelling language OWL. The ontology has 95
classes and 1100 instances.
Four subontologies structure the common
knowledge base: IT-Security, Project, Critical Infra-
structure (CRITIS) and Compliance.
2.1 IT-Security Ontology
The IT-Security subontology covers the IT-Security
Bergner S. and Lechner U.
Cybersecurity Ontology for Critical Infrastructures.
DOI: 10.5220/0006510400800085
In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (KEOD 2017), pages 80-85
ISBN: 978-989-758-272-1
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
relevant aspects like threats, controls and vulnerabil-
ities. It is linked to the critical infrastructure (CRI-
TIS) subontology and consequently to the appropri-
ate assets of an organization.
2.1.1 IT-Security: TBox Concepts
The TBox concepts of the subontology IT-Security
are based on the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) NIST computer security hand-
book, NIST information security risk management
guide (Stonebumer, Gary et al., 2002), ISO 27001
(ISO, 2013), German IT Grundschutz Manual BSI,
2013). It extends the Fenz ontology.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the IT-Security
ontology TBox concepts. The TBoxes depicted in
grey come from the Fenz ontology and are enhanced
on the information from the Kaspersky web page
(Kaspersky, 2016) as well as links to the VeSiKi
projects which are TBoxes depicted in blue.
Figure 1: IT-Security Subontology TBox Concepts.
The IT-Security subontology is linked to the Critical
Infrastructure Ontology (CRITIS) subontology and
consequently to the assets of an organization.
The TBox-concepts Asset, Vulnerability, Control
and Threat build up the core concepts of the Cyber-
security subontology and are depicted in orange:
According to (ENISA, 2016) an Asset is de-
fined as follows: “Anything that has value to
the organization, its business operations and
their continuity, including Information re-
sources that support the organization's mis-
Each Asset concept (IT-Security: Asset ⊑T)
has an impact type(s), like
(1) Allows unauthorized disclosure of infor-
(2) Allows unauthorized modification,
(3) Allows disruption of service, etc. which
might be again the Target Impact Type of the
concept Threat.
The concept Security Attribute (e.g. confiden-
tiality, accountability, availability, integrity,
reliability, or safety) defines the required level
of the Asset and which Security Attribute
might be affected by a certain threat accord-
According to ENISA (ENISA, 2016), a vul-
nerability is defined as: „The existence of a
weakness, design, or implementation error that
can lead to an unexpected, undesirable event“.
The Vulnerability concept (IT-Security: Vul-
nerability ⊑T) defines a vulnerability on an
asset, which refers to an infrastructure. Each
individual of the Vulnerability concept can be
exploited by an individual of the concept
threat and can be mitigated by one or more in-
dividuals of the concept control. The severity
scale of the Vulnerability concept is specified
by the concept severity scale, which is defined
as low, medium or high.
A Threat is described as „Any circumstance of
event with the potential to adversely impact an
asset through unauthorized access, destruc-
tion, disclosure, modification of data, and/or
denial of service“ (ENISA, 2016). An individ-
ual of the concept Threat (IT-Security: Threat
⊑T) might exploit an individual of the con-
cept Vulnerability. The concept Threat Type
covers the name(s) of the Threat Type, e.g.
Trojan Horse, Spyware. The concept Threat
Status might either be active or inactive. The
concept Threat Discovery gives information of
the Threat Discovery Date. Each Threat has a
Threat First Known Sample. Thus this concept
covers the date of the threat first known sam-
ple. The concept Targeted Platforms covers
the name(s) of the Targeted Platforms, e.g.
Windows, Unix. To identify the relevance of a
threat, the concept Top Targeted Countries
covers the name(s) of the top targeted coun-
tries, e.g. Germany, Belgium. The concept
Purpose Function e.g. cyber espionage covers
the intention. The concept propagation way
covers the name(s) of the propagation way,
e.g. Social Engineering.
The concept Control (IT-Security: control
T) defines how to mitigate vulnerability. Each
control is specified by the concepts standard
control, e.g. “Update Acrobate Reader” which
is allocated to a control ID. The control ID in-
dicates the ID of the aforementioned standard
control “APSB13-7” and a committee. Further
information of the control is given by the con-
trol type which might be corrective or preven-
2.1.2 IT-Security: ABox Individuals
The following Figure 2 gives an example of the
individuals for the TBox concepts.
Figure 2: IT-Security Subontology ABox Individuals.
ABox individuals of the core TBox concepts As-
set, Threat, Vulnerability and Control are depicted in
orange. The blue TBox concepts are specific for
critical infrastructures and the grey TBox concepts
that are based on the Fenz ontology.
Threat: The Threat MiniDuke (Raiu, Costin et
al., 2013) threatens the Asset Company In-
Vulnerability: The Threat Miniduke exploits
the Vulnerability ID: CVE-2013-0640 (CVE,
2013) which refers to a gap in the Adobe Ac-
robat Reader.
Control: The Vulnerability is mitigated by the
Control: Security Update and Inform Admin.
Impact Type: The Asset Company Infor-
mation has the Impact Type: Allow Disruption
of Service, allows unauthorized modification
and allows unauthorized disclosure of infor-
mation, with potentially fatal consequences
with regard to critical infrastructures.
2.2 Project Ontology
Subontology Project covers a cross sectoral analysis
and classification of project information (for internal
use in our research cluster) and results like project
institution, competence, critical infrastructure and
2.2.1 Project: TBox Concepts
The Subontology Project covers concepts of the
research projects of the research programme
ITS[KRITIS and information like partners, contacts
and competences depicted in Figure 3. It links the
information from the projects to approach/best prac-
tices. This information is relevant for initiatives that
are part of the cooperative research process of
Figure 3: Project Subontology TBox Concepts.
2.3 CRITIS Ontology
2.3.1 CRITIS: TBox Concepts
The subontology CRITIS provides a framework
which enables the presentation of the critical infra-
structure. The subontology links the cross sectoral
classification of the projects with critical infrastruc-
ture relevant aspects as Asset, Organization and
Critical Infrastructure. Figure 4 depicts the concepts
of a critical infrastructure.
Figure 4: CRITIS Subontology TBox Concepts.
According to (Innern, 2009) a critical infra-
structure is defined as follows: “Critical Infra-
structures are organizations and facilities with
a great importance for the governmental
community. Acting bottlenecks in supply that
have a lasting effect, considerable disorgani-
zation of public security or other dramatic im-
pacts are consequences on their breakdown or
disturbance”. The concept critical infrastruc-
ture (CRITIS:critical infrastructure ⊑T) is
used to model an organization and facility
which is assigned to as Critical Infrastructure.
The relation from the Critical Infrastructure to
its Assets is a core element of this ontology.
Each Critical Infrastructure belongs to a spe-
cific Branch which is assigned to a Sector. For
example the Branches electricity, mineral oil
and gas are assigned to the Sector energy.
The IT-Security subontology is linked to the
Critical Infrastructure Ontology (CRITIS) subontol-
ogy and consequently to the appropriate assets of a
2.3.2 CRITIS: ABox Individuals
Figure 5 provides examples of individuals for the
TBoxes introduced in Sect 2.3.1. The Critical Infra-
structure waterworks “SafeCity” is a short part of a
“SafeCity” scenario. The Branch is waterworks
which is Branch of the Critical Infrastructure “Safe-
City”. The waterworks “SafeCity” belongs to Asset
company information. The Branch waterworks be-
longs to the Sector Energy.
Figure 5: CRITIS Subontology ABox Individuals.
2.4 Compliance Ontology
The subontology Compliance covers norms and
standards, regulations and applicable laws as well as
2.4.1 Measures: TBox Concepts
In this paper, we introduce the subontology
Measures as a part of the compliance ontology. The
Measure subontology covers IT-Grundschutz Manu-
al and Project concepts.
The main TBox concept of the ontology Measures is
Measure, which is linked to the TBox concept Vul-
nerability via ‘mitigated by measure’. Each Measure
is linked to a Measure ID via ‘has measure ID’ and
this in turn refers to a Comitee via ‘refers to
Figure 6: Measures Subontology TBox Concepts.
The following concepts are derived from the IT-
Grundschutz Manual (BSI, 2013)
Components Category (CRITIS:Measure:IT-
Grundschutz Manual components categorie
T) is linked to a Components Category ID like
B1 Cross-Cutting Aspects, B2 Infrastructure,
B3 IT-Systems, B4 Networks and B5 Applica-
Components (CRITIS:Measure:IT-
Grundschutz Manual components ⊑T) is
linked to a Components ID belongs to a com-
ponents category, e.g. “Handling Security Inci-
dents” with the components ID “B 1.8” is
linked to the components category via “belongs
to” the components “Cross Cutting Aspects”.
Measure (CRITIS:Measure:IT-Grundschutz
Manual measure ⊑T) is linked to a Measure
ID and concerns to a component e.g. “Detec-
tion and Recording of Cyberattacks” concerns
to the component “Handling Security Inci-
dents”. Furthermore, a Measure is linked to a
vulnerability of the IT-Security ontology
(CRITIS:IT-Security vulnerability ⊑T) via
mitigated by vulnerability.
Additionally, our approach covers new measures
that are derived from the approaches of the projects
of the research programme ITS|KRITIS.
The Project subontology of (CRITIS:Project)
provides a framework which represents the ap-
proaches from the project partners:
The concept Approach (CRITIS:Project – Ap-
proach approach ⊑T) introduces the approach
from the project partner which is either classi-
fied in category as “New Approaches to assess
the IT-Security” or “New Approaches to in-
crease the IT-Security”.
The concept Approach is linked to the con-
cepts input a defined process and output. Fur-
thermore, links to references and publications
are defined. The concept approach is linked to
the concept Measures.
Another important concept in the subontology
Measures is the link to the Asset of the Critical In-
frastructure via ‘refers to asset’. Thus, in case a
Critical Infrastructure of the same or another Branch
has the same Asset. It might be interesting to be
informed of the Measure and consequently the ap-
propriate Vulnerability.
2.4.2 Measures: ABox Individuals
The following Figure 7 provides an example of the
individuals for the in 2.3.1 introduced concepts.
Figure 7: Measures Subontology ABox Individuals.
The Measure ‘Detecting and Recording of
Cyberattacks’ with the Measure ID 123 refers to the
comitee BSI. The Measure concerns to the compo-
nent ‘Handling Security Incidents’ with the Compo-
nent ID B 1.8, which belongs to the Components
Category ‘Cross Cutting Aspects’ with the Compo-
nents Category ID B 1. The Measure mitigates the
vulnerability CVE-2013-0640.
The Approach Anomaly Detection from one of
the ITS|KRITIS projects gives a further measure.
The Measure is classified in category ‘Recognise
and assess’ and the Asset in this case is the Compa-
ny Information.
First, this section provides a short overview of the
interplay of TBox concepts and, second, an example
of the interplay on ABox level in section 3.2.
3.1 TBox Concepts
The following Figure 8 shows the interplay of the
key concepts of the cybersecurity ontologies.
The cybersecurity ontology in this part of the
overall ontology includes the subontologies Project,
CRITIS, Measures (which is one part of the Compli-
ance ontology) and IT-Security.
The Asset is the centre of the Cybersecurity on-
tology. The Asset ‘is Asset of’ a Critical Infrastruc-
ture, which refers to a branch belongs to a sector of
the subontology CRITIS.
Furthermore the Asset affects all of the afore-
mentioned subontologies: Project, CRITIS,
Measures and IT-Security.
The most important interplay build the TBox
concepts: The TBox concept Vulnerability is vulner-
ability on concept Asset. The Vulnerability on the
other hand is exploited by a Threat and a Vulnerabil-
ity is mitigated by a Measure.
As mentioned in the Chapter 2.4.2 the Measure
might either be linked to a Measure ID of a Commit-
tee or to a specific Approach from our project part-
Figure 8: Interplay of TBox Concepts.
3.2 ABox Individuals
The Figure 9 shows the interplay of TBox concepts
introduced in Chapter 3.1 with ABox individuals.
The example is again a scenario relevant for
Miniduke for the waterworks of the city “SafeCity”.
As mentioned in Chapter 3.1 the center of this
ontology is the Asset, which in this example is the
Company Information. The Asset is the asset of the
Critical Infrastructure waterworks, which belongs to
branch Energy Supply, which in turn is assigned to
the Sector energy.
Another important concept and consequently in-
dividual is the Vulnerability, which is a vulnerability
on the Asset. In this example the Vulnerability with
Figure 9: TBox Concepts and ABox Individuals.
the ID CVE-2013-0640 is used, which covers the
Vulnerability “of the Adobe Reader and Acrobat 9.x
before 9.5.4, 10.x before 10.1.6, and 11.x before
11.0.02 allow remote attackers to execute arbitrary
code or cause a denial of service” (CVE, 2013). This
Vulnerability is exploited by the Threat MiniDuke.
The Vulnerability might now be mitigated by the
Measure detection and recording Cyber Attacks. The
Measure has the Measure ID M. 6. 130 and comes
from the Comitee BSI.
What should be done now? The Control ‘Inform
Admin’ of the type control type preventive should
be executed. This control corresponds to the stand-
ard control ‘admin integrates filter’.
Thus, the waterworks is aware of the aforemen-
tioned vulnerability in the Acrobat Reader.
We have introduced the subontologies that are used
for the Cybersecurity ontology. Additionally, we
have introduced TBox concepts and ABox concepts
for the subontologies. Furthermore, we have intro-
duced the interplay of the Cybersecurity subontolo-
gies on both TBox level and ABox level.
In future we will work on ABox individuals with
the results from the research projects of ITS|KRITIS.
For this step we will define an interactive process
to interact with the research projects of ITS|KRITIS.
We will define a process to validate and release this
ontology with roles.
Furthermore, we investigate in intelligent Securi-
ty Level forms which might be based on (Bergner,
2015b) and (Bartelt et al., 2016). The ontology will
be integrated in the common project platform
We acknowledge the funding of VeSiKi by the
BMBF (FKZ:16KISO213) and the VeSiKi team
fruitful discussions.
Bartelt, C., Bergner, S., Bergner, K., Rausch, A., 2016.
Methodology for an Ontology-Driven Product Config-
uration Process. Ilmenau.
Bergner, S., 2015a. VeSiKi-Project: Ontologies for IT-
Security in Critical Infrastructures. Presentation at the
IC3K, Lissabon.
Bergner, S., 2015b. Towards Automated Integrity Con-
straints Modelling and Validation: A Survey and Ap-
proach. Presented at the KEOD, Lissabon.
ISO, 2013. ISO 27001.
CVE, 2013. Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures for
the Vulnerability: CVE-2013-0640.
ENISA, 2016. ENISA European Union Agency for Net-
work and Information Security.
Fenz, S., Ekelhart, A., 2009. Formalizing information
security knowledge, in: Proceedings of the 4th Interna-
tional Symposium on Information. Presented at the
ACM, ACM, Sydney, Australia, pp. 183–194.
Innern, B. des, 2009. Nationale Strategie zum Schutz
Kritischer Infrastrukturen (KRITIS-Strategie) 20.
BSI, 2013. IT-Grundschutz Catalogues.
Kaspersky, 2016. Kaspersky Security List.
NIST, 2016. National Vulnerability Database.
Raiu, Costin, Soumenkov, I., Baumgartner, K., Kamluk,
V., 2013. The MiniDuke Mystery: PDF 0-day Gov-
ernment Spy Assembler 0x29A Micro Backdoor.
Stonebumer, Gary, Goguen, Alice, Feringa, Alexis, 2002.
NIST information security risk management guide,
NIST Special Publication 800-30. NIST National Insti-
tute of Standards and Technology.
Tsoumas, B., Grizalis, D., 2006. Towards an Ontology-
based Security Management. IEEE, Austria, Vienna.