relevant aspects like threats, controls and vulnerabil-
ities. It is linked to the critical infrastructure (CRI-
TIS) subontology and consequently to the appropri-
ate assets of an organization.
2.1.1 IT-Security: TBox Concepts
The TBox concepts of the subontology IT-Security
are based on the National Institute of Standards and
Technology (NIST) NIST computer security hand-
book, NIST information security risk management
guide (Stonebumer, Gary et al., 2002), ISO 27001
(ISO, 2013), German IT Grundschutz Manual BSI,
2013). It extends the Fenz ontology.
Figure 1 provides an overview of the IT-Security
ontology TBox concepts. The TBoxes depicted in
grey come from the Fenz ontology and are enhanced
on the information from the Kaspersky web page
(Kaspersky, 2016) as well as links to the VeSiKi
projects which are TBoxes depicted in blue.
Figure 1: IT-Security Subontology TBox Concepts.
The IT-Security subontology is linked to the Critical
Infrastructure Ontology (CRITIS) subontology and
consequently to the assets of an organization.
The TBox-concepts Asset, Vulnerability, Control
and Threat build up the core concepts of the Cyber-
security subontology and are depicted in orange:
According to (ENISA, 2016) an Asset is de-
fined as follows: “Anything that has value to
the organization, its business operations and
their continuity, including Information re-
sources that support the organization's mis-
Each Asset concept (IT-Security: Asset ⊑T)
has an impact type(s), like
(1) Allows unauthorized disclosure of infor-
(2) Allows unauthorized modification,
(3) Allows disruption of service, etc. which
might be again the Target Impact Type of the
concept Threat.
The concept Security Attribute (e.g. confiden-
tiality, accountability, availability, integrity,
reliability, or safety) defines the required level
of the Asset and which Security Attribute
might be affected by a certain threat accord-
According to ENISA (ENISA, 2016), a vul-
nerability is defined as: „The existence of a
weakness, design, or implementation error that
can lead to an unexpected, undesirable event“.
The Vulnerability concept (IT-Security: Vul-
nerability ⊑T) defines a vulnerability on an
asset, which refers to an infrastructure. Each
individual of the Vulnerability concept can be
exploited by an individual of the concept
threat and can be mitigated by one or more in-
dividuals of the concept control. The severity
scale of the Vulnerability concept is specified
by the concept severity scale, which is defined
as low, medium or high.
A Threat is described as „Any circumstance of
event with the potential to adversely impact an
asset through unauthorized access, destruc-
tion, disclosure, modification of data, and/or
denial of service“ (ENISA, 2016). An individ-
ual of the concept Threat (IT-Security: Threat
⊑T) might exploit an individual of the con-
cept Vulnerability. The concept Threat Type
covers the name(s) of the Threat Type, e.g.
Trojan Horse, Spyware. The concept Threat
Status might either be active or inactive. The
concept Threat Discovery gives information of
the Threat Discovery Date. Each Threat has a
Threat First Known Sample. Thus this concept
covers the date of the threat first known sam-
ple. The concept Targeted Platforms covers
the name(s) of the Targeted Platforms, e.g.
Windows, Unix. To identify the relevance of a
threat, the concept Top Targeted Countries
covers the name(s) of the top targeted coun-
tries, e.g. Germany, Belgium. The concept
Purpose Function e.g. cyber espionage covers
the intention. The concept propagation way
covers the name(s) of the propagation way,
e.g. Social Engineering.
The concept Control (IT-Security: control ⊑
T) defines how to mitigate vulnerability. Each
control is specified by the concepts standard
control, e.g. “Update Acrobate Reader” which
is allocated to a control ID. The control ID in-
dicates the ID of the aforementioned standard
control “APSB13-7” and a committee. Further
information of the control is given by the con-
trol type which might be corrective or preven-