Table 11: Results for the individual classes in the 07 test set. Shown are the results for the baseline model and Image
/ Resolution
. Additionally the difference between the two methods are presented for a given class.
Model aero bike bird boat bottle bus car cat chair cow
Baseline (Dai et al., 2016) 80.53 84.59 79.89 71.52 67.54 87.22 87.59 87.98 65.15 87.11
Image Quality
80.57 85.45 81.02 72.51 68.69 88.00 87.38 89.13 67.27 86.57
Difference +0.04 +0.86 +1.13 +0.99 +1.15 +0.78 -0.21 +1.15 +2.12 -0.54
Model table dog horse mbike person plant sheep sofa train tv
Baseline (Dai et al., 2016) 73.66 88.61 87.83 83.21 79.87 54.60 84.07 80.03 83.60 77.17
Image Quality
72.21 88.75 87.04 84.15 80.17 53.97 83.56 80.11 86.62 78.64
Difference -1.45 +0.14 -0.79 +0.95 +0.30 -0.63 -0.51 +0.08 +3.02 +1.47
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