Our contribution is a framework for customising
and configuring process model in digital content
technology domain in dynamic environment. The
production capability is based on reusable model as
core assets that configure the constraints of the
domain problems by non-technical domain user. At
runtime, we propose the model-based rule generation
for process models that use the variability models.
They capture the user requirement to process
automatically the rule generation and configuration of
the process model’s composition. Mass customisation
updates are possible through software Product Line
Engineering (SPLE), which provides a platform to
domain expert for designing and developing the
domain template (domain model and process model).
The paper is organised as follows. We compare
the related work Section 2. Section 3 is the motivation
of research paper. In Section 4, we discuss the overall
proposed approach, in which we discuss DSLs,
feature model, domain model and the rule. Section 5
introduces and describe the design of the framework
and its component and In Section 6, we evaluate the
overall approach in terms of usability The Section 7
concludes the paper reflecting the future work.
In this section, we review the present concept,
technologies and techniques that motivate us to
present the relevant problem under domain constraint
study. It includes a short description of automatic
code generation, language and applications based on
Model-driven principles.
Our research work uses the SPLE life cycle for
customising the feature based on the user requirement
and MDA framework that uses in generating the do-
main-specific rule of the customised domain model.
The domain expert performing on the high level
of abstraction, the machine works low level of
language (Gupta 2015). The code generation
technique accelerates the transformation process
between designing the application and its implement-
tation in terms of executable code (Prout, Atlee et al.
2012, Gurunule and Nashipudimath 2015). The code
generation is an approach for converting the high
level of design constructs into low level of executable
code constructs. The automatic code generation is
converting software design into executable code
without little bit intervention of programmer or
developer (Gurunule and Nashipudimath 2015). The
generation technique reduces the effort of the manual
writing of programming code, avoiding the manual
programming errors like syntactical (spelling
mistake) and programmatically semantical errors.
The web application development is description
of processes, techniques and selecting appropriate
models for web engineering. The web engineering
uses automatic web application methodologies such
as UWE (Koch, Knapp et al. 2008), WebML (Ceri,
Fraternali et al. 2000) and WebDSL (Groenewegen,
Hemel et al. 2008) approaches. The design and
development of Web applications and tools provide
mainly conceptual models (Ceri, Fraternali et al.
2002), focusing on content, navigation and presenta-
tion models (Linaje, Preciado et al. 2007, Moreno,
Meliá et al. 2008). Now , the model driven approach
for dynamic web application, based on MVC and
server is described by Distante et al. (Distante,
Pedone et al. 2007). However, these methods do not
consider as the user requirement of the variability mo-
del. To simplify our description, we have considered
the user requirement and according to the need of the
user, the user selects the feature and customises the
enterprise application in the dynamic environment.
Currently, there is no such type of methodology
or process of development for creating a rule-based
system in a web application (semantic). Dioufet et al.
(Diouf, Maabout et al. 2007, Musumbu, Diouf et al.
2010) propose a process which merges UML models
and OWL ontologies for business rule generation.
The solution for semantic web is ontologies, UML
and applying the MDA approach for generating or
extraction rules from high level of models. Although,
the proposed combination of UML and semantic
ontologies are for extracting the set of rules in target
rule engine, but they only generate the first level of
the abstraction of the rules.
We have proposed a classification of several
quality and governance constraints elsewhere (Pahl
and Mani 2014): authorisation, accountability,
workflow governance and quality. The domain-
specific rule language (DSRL) (Mani and Pahl 2015)
is a combination of rules and BPMN. Our approach
provides a framework architecture for generating the
domain-specific rule and configuring the generated
rule for process model customisation using the
variability model.
The enterprise needs to change and adapt
progressively the dynamic behaviour at runtime in
response to changing conditions, updating new
features in support of enterprise and business
applications and in the surrounding business process
models. Nowadays, the requirements for developing