A Usage-based Data Extraction Framework for Cloud-based Application
An Human-Computer Interaction Approach
Manoj Kesavulu, Markus Helfert and Marija Bezbradica
Lero – Irish Software Research Organization,
School of Computing, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland
Usage Data, Data Extraction, Application Features, Functionality, Cloud, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), User
Features or functionalities provided by cloud-based applications are accessed by users through various inter-
faces such as web browser, mobile app, and command line interface. Yet for monitoring cloud-based appli-
cations, software developers and researchers have focused on web browsers. Software updates are provided
for such applications based on the data acquired from the cloud monitoring components but usage data of the
cloud application features are difficult to extract in a cloud environment as the usage data is spread across the
interfaces on the front-end and the back-end. In this paper, we focus on the usage of the cloud application
features from the user perspective and how to extract these data in a cloud environment. We define six criteria
for the user-level usage data, analyse the existing usage data extraction techniques and propose a usage data
extraction framework adhering to the defined criteria.
Software monitoring is a well-matured field where
applications post-deployment are monitored for their
usage data to understand how the applications are
used by end-users (Pachidi et al., 2014). The usage
data is generated after the applications are deployed
and being used in real-time by the end-users. This
usage data deems necessary for software developers
and architects to provide updates for the applications.
The majority of the research in the software monitor-
ing domain focus on collecting software operational
data, event logs, resource usage monitoring in order
to identify performance issues, errors and other us-
ability problems (Fabijan et al., 2015).
On the other hand, web usage mining field has
seen a lot of development (Gasparetti, 2016; Ghezzi
et al., 2014). However, many lessons can be learned
when compared to a cloud-based application, the
cloud application can also be accessed by a smart-
phone for example. Hence, usage data also lies in this
device and the methods and techniques for analysing
web usage by website visitors has significant differ-
ences, compared to how mobile applications are used
by the user to access the cloud-based applications.
The techniques that are used in web usage mining
(and other related domains) need to be revised if they
are intended for mining usage data in a cloud environ-
Cloud-based software applications deployed over
the Internet offer various advantages over traditional
software such as reduced time to benefit, scalability,
access through various interfaces and so on. One of
the main advantage of using cloud applications is the
option to an end-user to access the cloud application
using multiple devices (interfaces). So, it is critical
for any usage monitoring component to consider all
these interfaces as usage data sources. In this paper,
we focus on usage data extraction in Software-as-a-
Service (SaaS) layer of the cloud. We aim to create a
framework that can be used to extract the usage data
that is generated in the cloud system along with the
interfaces used by the end-user to access the cloud
system. This will help to understand the features that
are important for the user and critical to the system.
For example, the user might use a feature very rarely
but it might still be critical to him/her such as an on-
line bill payment feature where the user might use it
once a month but still is a critical feature for him/her.
This cannot be determined by analysing the frequency
of usage of the feature by the user. Analysing and un-
derstanding the usage data from the users perspective
can be used by the software developers and software
architects to determine how much development time,
Kesavulu M., Helfert M. and Bezbradica M.
A Usage-based Data Extraction Framework for Cloud-based Application - An Human-Computer Interaction Approach.
DOI: 10.5220/0006512700850092
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 85-92
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
development cost to allocate and spend for which fea-
tures of the cloud application before rolling out new
updates. As a part of our future work, we aim to
build the usage data extraction artefact and follow the
evaluation approach using Design Science Research
(Helfert et al., 2012).
The remainder of this paper has the following
structure: We provide background on SaaS develop-
ment lifecycle and usage data in the cloud in Section
2. In Section 3, we discuss the criteria that we have
identified and provide justification while analysing
the literature based on the criteria. In Section 4, we
propose the usage data extraction framework that ad-
heres to the criteria discussed in the previous section.
Then in Section 5, we provide the conclusion and
show direction for the future work.
2.1 SaaS Software Development
Traditional IT (Information Technology) aligns re-
sources according to the way the applications are de-
ployed within dedicated infrastructure and data stor-
age to fulfil business requirements. Cloud computing
has emerged as a computing paradigm with benefits
such as high scalability, reduced IT costs, on demand
self-service, pay-as-you-go price models, elasticity in
provision computing resources.
Cloud computing architecture defines three dis-
tinct services layers as shown in Figure 1:
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
User front end
Target: User/business
Provides: Applications
Target: Developer
Provides: Run time/middleware
Target: Administrator Provides: Compute power
Figure 1: Cloud Service Layers [Source: (Pallis, 2010)].
The three distinct layers of the cloud are as fol-
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) offers comput-
ing resources, both physical and virtual, for pro-
cessing and storage.
Platform as a Service (PaaS) offers development
environment for software developers to write their
applications on a particular platform without wor-
rying about the underlying hardware infrastruc-
Software as a Service (SaaS) offers software ap-
plications that can be accessed and used by the
The focus of our research is to understand what
features and functionalities are important to the end-
user by analyzing the end-user usage of the appli-
cations deployed in a cloud environment. We con-
sider SaaS layer of the cloud where the user uses
various interfaces to access the cloud-based applica-
tions. The widely-adopted definition for SaaS cloud
model is provided by National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) as The capability provided to
the consumer is to use the providers applications run-
ning on a cloud infrastructure. The applications are
accessible from various client devices through either
a thin client interface, such as a web browser (e.g.,
web-based email), or a program interface (Mell and
Grance, 2011). In other words, SaaS applications are
deployed on cloud infrastructure and are provided to
end-users as a service over the Internet, the end-users
can access these applications using various interfaces
such as web browsers, mobile applications and com-
mand line interfaces. These applications are often
monitored by Application Performance Monitoring
(APM) tools to understand how much of the under-
lying resources are used by the application, errors,
bugs, usability issues and to identify outdated services
where architectural refactoring can be applied while
migrations applications to the cloud (Kesavulu et al.,
2017). These data will be analysed by the applica-
tion developers to fix the errors and bugs, improve
the application and rollout updates. This constitutes
the software development cycle in a SaaS environ-
ment as shown in Figure 2. The software vendors
are also interested in their customer behaviour to un-
derstand how end-users use the application. For this
purpose, user behaviour knowledge is collected from
analysing the users interaction with the web-browser
while accessing the application in the form of click-
streams (Pachidi et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016).
Figure 2: SaaS Software Development Lifecycle.
2.2 Usage Data in Cloud
The rise of cloud computing and SaaS has eased
the process of monitoring application usage as the
applications are deployed on the cloud environ-
ment and provisioned to the end-user over the
Internet as services. The cloud provider (ven-
dor) provides APM tools (for example, Cloud-
Watch (http://aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/) in Ama-
zon Web Services) to monitor the status of the de-
ployed applications, the amount of resources used
by the applications based on the agreement between
cloud vendor and the application provider called Ser-
vice Level Agreement (SLA). The application de-
velopers can also use various third-party monitor-
ing tools such as New Relic (https://newrelic.com/),
Binadox (https://www.binadox.com/salesforce-saas-
monitoring/) and so on. But these tools mainly fo-
cus on monitoring application oriented usage such as
measuring the number of users logged-in to the ap-
plication, identifying rare logins, cloud resource us-
age, idle times, license types etc. Log files are anal-
ysed to derive models (Petruch et al., 2012). Under-
standing usage data of an application has various uses
such as to personalise the application according to the
end-users preferences (Yang et al., 2017), profiling
users for security (Al-Bayati et al., 2016), improve-
ment in marketing of software products (Bucklin and
Sismeiro, 2009) and to analyse the performance of the
application in the deployed environment for mainte-
nance purposes (Petruch et al., 2012; Zaidman, 2010).
From the literature exploration, we see that the
idea of monitoring user behaviour is to understand
how users interact with the application and this
is mainly done through analysing the clickstreams
(Pachidi et al., 2014; Wang et al., 2016; Banerjee and
Ghosh, 2001; Bucklin and Sismeiro, 2009). The au-
thors (Cito et al., 2015) provide a high-level taxon-
omy of types of operation data:
1. Monitoring data (Operational application meta-
data, Collected from state-of-the-art APM tools)
(a) Performance data service response times,
database query times
(b) Load data incoming request rate, server utiliza-
(c) Costs data hourly cloud virtual machine costs,
data transfer costs per 10,000 page views
(d) User behaviour data - clickstreams
2. Production data
(a) Data produced by SaaS application itself-
placed orders, customer information
Consideration of user behaviour data only through
clickstreams is mainly under the assumption that the
end-user has access to the SaaS application only
through a web-browser. Other interfaces such as mo-
bile apps and command line interfaces are also used to
access the application and these interfaces should be
considered as sources for the extraction of the usage
data from a cloud-based application.
The user-level usage data in the context of this
paper is the usage data generated because of user
interaction with the SaaS application using which
we can determine which features are critical and
important for the end-user. Such data in the cloud is
spread across various interfaces such as Web browser,
mobile apps and command line interfaces on the
front-end and server and database on the back-end.
In order to classify the usage data, we refer the
work from (Pachidi et al., 2014) where the authors
classify the usage data in a web-based system into
six categories: (1) who is using the application; (2)
Where the application being hosted; (3) What the end
user does; (4) when the user performs the operation;
(5) how long it takes to complete the operation; (6)
other operation details such as errors, background
tasks and number of records loaded. We add another
category to this classification called user behaviour
that contains clickstreams (from web-browser), view
and focus (from mobile app) as a result of Human-
Computer Interaction (HCI) between the end-user
and the interfaces used to access the cloud-based
application. The reason we refer to this classification
is that SaaS applications are provisioned to the
end-user over the Web and the rationale to add the
new category (user behaviour) is because we focus
on the usage data from the user perspective and the
SaaS applications can be accessed through a mobile
application in addition to a web-browser. We provide
improved classification of the usage data as shown in
Table 1.
Some research is based on understanding user be-
haviour of smartphone users, where the users are
grouped based on their smartphone application us-
age behaviour (Zhao et al., 2016). The authors con-
sider the recently used apps in the users smartphones
and categorise the users into various types. But, the
usage data is collected from an external source that
is a Telecom company. These data is treated as bi-
ased and hence it is not reliable and not real-time.
Though the authors provide a comprehensive expla-
nation and detailed analysis steps on how the usage
Table 1: Usage Data Classification [Adapted from (Pachidi
et al., 2014)].
1) Who is using the application
a) User ID
b) IP address
2) Where the application is being hosted
a) Web server
b) Database
3) What the end user does
a) Application
b) Page
c) Method
d) Function
e) Button that is accessed
f) Action that is performed
4) When the user performs the operation
a) Date and time
b) Session ID
5) How long it takes to complete the operation
a) Duration
b) Query duration
6) Other operation details
a) Errors
b) Background tasks
c) Number of records loaded
7) User behaviour
a) Clickstream
b) View
c) Focus
data was analysed to determine the user behaviour,
since the usage data do not adhere to the criteria. It is
uncertain whether their method applies to wide range
of users globally. The authors in (Cito et al., 2015)
aim at integrating runtime monitoring data from pro-
duction deployments of the software into the devel-
opment tools to enable tighter feedback loops. The
authors call this notion as Feedback-Driven Develop-
ment (FDD). The authors argue that all the neces-
sary data required is readily available in a cloud en-
vironment through built-in cloud monitoring APIs or
through external APM solutions. Here, the authors
purely rely on built-in or external tools to collect the
data. But these tools consider only clickstreams for
analysing the user behaviour. Since the end-users ac-
cess the cloud applications through mobile apps and
command line interfaces in addition to a web-browser,
the usage data collected here may be treated as incom-
Considering the characteristics of the usage data
to be extracted from a cloud system to understand the
user behaviour, we propose six criteria for the usage
data as follows: (1) Real-time – the usage data should
be extracted while the user is interacting with the ap-
plication; (2) Up-to-date – the usage data should con-
tain the recent data; (3) Complete usage data that
is extracted should have no missing data; (4) Correct
the data extraction component should only collect
relevant data i.e., only that data should be extracted
that could represent the application features that are
critical for the user; (5) Available the usage data
should be available to extract by the usage data ex-
traction component; (6) Reliable – the data should be
obtained from a reliable source i.e., unbiased.
Now that we have identified the criteria, we aim
to analyse the existing usage data extraction and data
analysis techniques according to the criteria, data col-
lection procedure and the user interface(s) considered
to collect the usage data as shown in Table 2. Since
the usage data is spread across front-end and back-end
in a cloud environment and the front-end comprises of
multiple interfaces for an end-user to access the SaaS
application, we consider web-browser, mobile appli-
cations and command-line interfaces as the sources
of usage data on the client-side. For this analysis, we
started selecting the most recent papers on monitoring
SaaS application usage. Since the selected papers re-
fer to the older monitoring methods and techniques,
we reached a saturation point and consideration of
further older papers might not have yielded different
As a result of the analysis, we see that com-
pleteness of usage data is seldom considered crite-
ria and command line interface has been neglected
as a source of usage data in front-end. The majority
of the usage data extraction techniques and methods
consider web-browser or mobile applications individ-
ually but not together. Since the SaaS applications
can be used by the end-user through all the three in-
terfaces, they should be considered as the usage data
sources to understand the critical features of the ap-
plication from the end-users perspective.
This section describes the proposed framework called
Usage Data Extraction Framework. It comprises dif-
ferent phases as shown in Figure 4: Data Understand-
ing, Data Classification, Data Sources Identification
and Data Collection. The phases that are connected
through the straight arrow are sequential, the dashed
arrow represents the dependencies or outputs in each
Data Understanding refers to understanding what
we need to know from the data we intend to extract
from the cloud system. The usage data analysis may
be useful for the analysis of user behaviour, appli-
Table 2: Usage Data Extraction Framework Analysis.
Usage Data Criteria
Data Collection Procedure
User interface
Web browser
(Pachidi et al., 2014) X X X Code Injection X
(Zhao et al., 2016) X X Manual (provided by a company) X
(Cito et al., 2015) X X X Cloud Monitoring Tools X
(Junco, 2013) X X X X X 3
Party software X X
(Sarkar et al., 2014) X X Internal Logging System
(Al-Bayati et al., 2016) X X Manual
(Xu et al., 2016) X X X X X Restful Interfaces
(Smit et al., 2013) X X X Existing cloud monitoring tools
(Yang et al., 2017) X X X Application Plugins X
(Ghezzi et al., 2014) X X X X URL Logging, REST X
(Yang et al., 2015) X X Manual (provided by a company) X
cation performance, software personalisation, recom-
mendation, software development and so on. It is im-
portant to understand and decide what do we make of
the usage data before continuing to the further phases.
Data Classification refers to grouping the usage
data as there exists various types of usage data and
of various formats in a cloud environment. In this
work, we classify the usage data into seven categories
in a SaaS environment as shown in Table 1 in the data
classification phase.
Data Sources Identification refers to the identifi-
cation of the usage data sources. In this paper, we
group the usage data sources into front-end and back-
end, we emphasise on considering multiple user in-
terfaces that end-users use to access the SaaS ap-
plications such as web browser, mobile applications
and command-line interface as front-end usage data
sources. Identifying these data sources is essential to
understand the types and formats of the usage data,
how the data is represented, stored and processed.
Data Collection refers to extraction of the usage
data according to the classified types and identified
formats. The usage data extracted should adhere to
the proposed criteria: the data should be collected dy-
namically, that is, the usage data should the extracted
while the user interacts with the SaaS application;
complete - the usage data should be extracted from all
the identified data sources; available the usage data
should be available at identified data sources; up-to-
date the usage data should have recent data from all
the identified data sources; reliable the data sources
and the data extraction techniques and mechanisms
should be reliable in nature and could be trusted, that
is, the data extraction techniques should not tamper or
manipulate the usage data during the extraction pro-
cess; correct the data extracted should be able to rep-
resent the purpose of the data as identified in the Data
Understanding phase.
Data Extraction
Figure 3: SaaS Usage Data Extraction.
The framework we propose to extract usage data
from a SaaS application considers web-browser, mo-
bile application and command-line interface as usage
data sources in front-end in addition to the back-end
sources as shown in Figure 3. Hence, satisfying the
completeness criteria; since the sources of the usage
data are the front-end and back-end of the SaaS ap-
plication, the usage data extracted are available and
reliable; the usage data is analysed to understand the
purpose for the extraction of the usage data in the data
understanding phase and classified according to var-
ious categories as shown in Table 1, the usage data
satisfies the correctness criteria. The data extraction
component will be designed and developed in such
Data Understanding
Data Classification
Data Source
Data Collection
What is the data for?
- User Behaviour
- Application Performance
- Software Personalization
- Recommendation
- Software Development
1) Who is using the
a) User ID
b) IP address
2) Where the application
being hosted
a) Web server
b) Database
1) Front-end
a) Web browser
b) Mobile App
c) CLI
2) Back-end
a) Server
b) Database
1) Complete
2) Availability
3) Dynamic
4) Up-to-date
5) Reliable
6) Correct
3) What the end user does
a) Application
b) Method
c) Function
d) Button that is accessed
e) Action that is performed
4) When the user
performs the operation
a) Date and time
b) Session ID
5) How long it takes to
complete the operation
a) Duration
b) Query duration
6) Other operation details
a) Errors
b) Background tasks
c) Number of records loaded
7) User behaviour
a) Clickstream
b) View
c) Focus
Figure 4: Usage Data Extraction framework.
a way that it extracts the usage data from the sources
while the user interacts with the SaaS application, sat-
isfying dynamic and up-to-date criteria.
4.1 Implementation Plan
In this section we present a possible implementa-
tion of the framework. A SaaS application compris-
ing a server and database at the back-end and web-
browser, smart-phone and command-line interface as
interfaces to access this application at the front-end
will be developed. Different types of users (U1, U2,
U3 and so on) are created with different responsibil-
ities. Various features (F1, F2, F3 and so on) of this
application will be identified and each type of user is
given access to use these features through the inter-
faces. According to the proposed framework, the first
phase is to understand the purpose of extraction of the
usage data. For the purpose of this project, we con-
sider user behaviour, application performance, soft-
ware personalization and software development. The
next phase is to classify the usage data into one of
the seven types as shown in Table 1, the classification
of the usage data depends on the purpose identified
in previous phase. Once the intended usage data to
extract are identified and classified, the next step is
to identify the data sources. A SaaS application can
be accessed by an end-user through interfaces such as
Web browser, Mobile App and Command-Line Inter-
face and the application is hosted on a Server with
the storage provided by a Database. These 5 entities
can be considered as the usage data sources. The final
phase is Data Collection phase, the extraction tech-
niques used should adhere to the usage data criteria
as discussed in Section 4.
4.2 Implications
The framework has many implications for different
stakeholders of a SaaS application. This framework
can be used by a software architect to design the us-
age data extraction or monitoring component for a
SaaS based application while designing the applica-
tion, the architect will first understand the intention
or purpose of the usage data that the extraction com-
ponent should extract. This understanding of the us-
age data will help in classifying the usage data types
and the formats followed by different components of
the cloud system. Using this classification, the archi-
tect can identify where the usage data resides in the
cloud system and then can decide what methods and
techniques should be used for the extraction.
Data analyst can use this framework to better un-
derstand the nature of the usage data, the source of
each data type, how the data is classified and ex-
tracted. Understanding the source of usage data and
its classification could ease the analysis process. The
software developer can use this usage data to under-
stand the critical application features for an end-user,
thereby prioritizing the features. This can improve the
development time and cost for providing updates for
the application.
The identified criteria for the usage data and the
proposed usage data extraction framework can help
researchers to consider and include all the interfaces
used to access the cloud-based applications as usage
data sources. This would lead to more replicable stud-
ies and results regarding development, instantiation
and evaluation of the usage data extraction artefacts.
In this paper, we identified criteria for the usage data
and analysed usage data extraction techniques accord-
ing to the identified criteria, extraction procedure, and
the considered user interfaces. We proposed usage
data extraction framework with four phases: Data Un-
derstanding; Data classification we provide an im-
proved usage data classification; Data Sources Identi-
fication we identified that it is essential to consider
mobile applications and command line interfaces as
usage data sources in addition to the web-browser and
Data collection. As a result of the criteria analysis, the
main contribution of the paper is a novel usage data
extraction framework as shown in Section 4 which
includes an improved usage data classification con-
sisting of multiple interfaces as usage data sources on
client-side for the purpose of usage data extraction,
this framework includes all the usage data sources on
the client-side such as web browser, mobile applica-
tion and command-line interface. Hence, satisfying
the complete criteria of a usage data extraction com-
Our future work aims (i) to consider further the
commercial usage data extraction solutions for analy-
sis of the identified criteria, (ii) evaluate the frame-
work using case studies, (iii) further improve the
framework to include the usage data storage and anal-
ysis procedure (iv) design and development of usage
data extraction artefact adhering to the proposed cri-
teria and framework.
This work was supported with the financial support
of the Science Foundation Ireland grant 13/RC/2094
and co-funded under the European Regional Develop-
ment Fund through the Southern & Eastern Regional
Operational Programme to Lero - the Irish Software
Research Centre (www.lero.ie)
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