Recommendations are separated into two
differently directed blocks ̶ strength and endurance
development (table 4). This separation allows the
coach to emphasize on the various types of fitness
development using block periodization, that is
effective in advanced and elite athletes
(Verkoshansky, 1985; Issurin, 2010; DeWeese et al.,
2015, part 2).
In case of identifying below the average
components of the specific preparedness (for
example, poor explosive power, peak power and
strength endurance, etc) it is necessary to increase the
volume of exercise focused on stressed development
of appropriate qualities in the training process (in
micro- and mesocycles).
1. For individualization of short distance runners
specific physical training one should take into
account athlete’s innate features and power, speed
and strength endurance development levels.
2. Testing of advanced short distance runners with
the help of sport science technologies revealed that
similar level of short distance running results is
achieved through different athletes’ phycho-
physiological features and physical fitness level.
Thus, individual profile of specific preparedness
varies greatly.
3. The short distance runners tests under
consideration in the research allowed to identify the
weaknesses of the athletes and suggest adequate
corrections to the content of the training process.
4. The type of sprinter’s nervous system obtained
from Tapping test may be used to determine the load
distribution structure especially in high intensity
training session.
The work was supported by Act 211 Government of
the Russian Federation, contract № 02.A03.21.0006
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