The original sense of the lexeme "rivalry" has a link-
translation to the lexeme "Rivalität" (from German
Wiktionary), one of the senses of which, in turn, has
a similar link to one of the senses of the Russian
lexeme "соперничество": LE
(rivalry) → LE
(The relationship between two or more rivals who
regularly compete with each other) → LD
(Rivalität) → LD
(das Verhältnis von
Rivalenzueinander) → LR
(соперничество) →
(ситуация, при которой кто-либо
стремится превзойти, победить кого-либо
другого в чём-либо). Thus, the correctness of the
reconstruction of the link is verified.
The experiments are based on Wiktionary dump
from 17.04.2017. The Russian version of Wiktionary
contained 569,120 dictionary entries (lexemes),
1,298,654 individual senses and 305,024 links of
type "sense-lexeme".
The algorithm for the reconstruction of links
with the usage of translingual links has been
implemented as follows. The candidates for links
were reconstructed (result of applying rules from
Sections 3.1-3.3). Links in the list of candidates
were checked for correctness (applying rules from
Sections 3.4-3.6). If none of the rules from previous
step were applied to the candidate, such link was not
included in the dictionary.
As a result of applying the rule from Section 3.1
we get 25,400 candidate links. The rule from Section
3.2 restored 23,851 links (when searching for
translations from English Wiktionary); the same rule
applied for translations from Russian Wiktionary
restored 18,023 links. The rule from 3.3 is also
symmetric. It was applied twice: searching for
translations from English Wiktionary allowed to
reconstruct 193 links, and similar search for Russian
Wiktionary allowed to restore 2,737 links. The result
of the usage of rules from Sections 3.1-3.3 is 69,309
potential links-transfers that were reconstructed
(excluding duplicated links).
Using rules from Sections 3.4-3.6 we verified the
correctness of reconstructed links from candidate
list. The rule from Section 3.4 allowed to confirm
the correctness of 4,448 links: 1,732 links using
translations of Russian articles (1,224 synonyms,
450 antonyms, 41 hyponyms and 17 hyperonims)
and 2,716 - using translations of English articles
(1,736 synonyms, 618 antonyms, 258 hyponyms and
104 hyperonims). The rule from point 3.5 confirmed
the validity of 737 links (501 synonyms, 187
antonyms, 15 hyponyms and 34 hyperonims). The
rule from Section 3.6 allowed to confirm the
correctness of 17,027 reconstructed links – 5,807
translations from Russian to English and 11,220
from English to Russian.
Consistent application of the rules from Sections
3.4-3.6 allowed to confirm the correctness of the
reconstruction of 16,664 links obtained in the
previous stage.
After applying the developed method, more than
16,000 links between the nodes of semantic senses
of Russian and English sections of Wiktionary were
reconstructed. These links allowed to create a
generalized ontology. Inter-semantic links expand
the connections of the sense with a set of synonyms
in synset (Miller, George, 1990), (Gross, and Miller,
1990), (Fellbaum, Christiane, 1990) for the lexeme.
As a result we can merge the English semantic node
of ontology with Russian semantic node. In the
implementation of presented approach we decided to
keep two semantic nodes separated, but we
connected them with a special type of the link called
For further research we plan to combine the
developed method with results of our previous
researches to reconstruct more sense-to-sense links.
Another direction of our further researches is
focused on study the ability to apply the information
from temporal content of articles in Wiktionary in
context of link reconstruction, namely the history of
article changes.
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