I Don’t like Gaming, It Leads to a Pressure to Perform: Older Adults
Refused Gaming Elements in a Digital Home-based Physical Training
Programme in Two Qualitative Studies
Claudia Oppenauer-Meerskraut
, Johannes Kropf
, Anna Bösendorfer
, Matthias Gira
Mario Heller
, Kerstin Lampel
Andreas Kumpf
and Tanja Stamm
Institute for Outcomes Research, Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems,
Medical University Vienna, Spitalgasse 23, Vienna, Austria
Center for Health and Bioresources, AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Donau-City-Straße 1, Vienna, Austria
University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Vienna, Favoritenstraße 226, Vienna, Austria
St. Pölten University of Applied Sciences, Matthias Corvinus-Straße 15, St. Pölten, Austria
WPU GmbH, Föhrenweg 14, Baden, Austria
Keywords: Physical Activity, Older Adults, Kinect, Avatar, User Requirements, User Experience, Qualitative Methods.
Abstract: Background: Physical activity in older adults is an important protective factor for preventing morbidity and
mortality and increases well-being and independent living. Within the so-called “Train and Win” project, a
physical home training program with gamification elements based on the Microsoft Kinect sensor and an
avatar will be developed. Method: Two user studies using a qualitative approach were conducted in order to
guarantee a user-centered design: a focus group with 14 participants and a mock-up study with seven
participants. Results: Contrary to published literature and our expectations, a majority of participants (8/14;
57%) explicitly refused gamification elements, such as competitions between the participants or
motivational design inputs for process feedback. Thus, the training program should be related to the
physical training experiences of the participants which were mainly sports and be “realistic” in terms of the
presentation and interaction with the avatar. Both studies showed the necessity for an individually designed
training, including typical non-technology aspects of a physical training. Conclusion: The results stress the
importance of considering diverse attitudes, technology experiences and needs of older adults. For a high
user acceptance, the training has to be individually adapted and consider more traditional non-technology
training elements than gamification issues.
Physical activity is a major factor for enhancing
older adults’ health, functioning in daily life,
independence and cognition. (WHO, 2011). Older
adults who are regularly physically active have a
reduced risk of falling and live longer
independently at home (Bherer et al., 2013).
Nevertheless, aging related declines of physical
health, cognitive functionality and social
engagement can reduce the engagement in physical
and daily activities (Reuter, 2012).
Numerous programs to facilitate physical
activity in older age exist. However, they need to be
personalized and well-fitted to the needs of
individuals who use these programs. Digital
technologies offer innovative possibilities to deliver
well-fitted exercises at home, to ensure regular
training through motivation and to give feedback
tailored to the individual needs (van Diest et al.,
2013). A user-centered design approach ensures that
the expectations and needs of future users are met
already during the development of a new
technological product to ensure optimal acceptance
and applicability.
In this work, the user-centered design approach
for the creation of a virtual training system using
gamification elements is presented. Sardi et al.,
(2017) discuss the relevance of gamification in e-
Oppenauer-Meerskraut C., Kropf J., BÃ˝usendorfer A., Gira M., Heller M., Lampel K., Kumpf A. and Stamm T.
I Donâ
Zt like Gaming, It Leads to a Pressure to Perform: Older Adults Refused Gaming Elements in a Digital Home-based Physical Training Programme in Two Qualitative Studies.
DOI: 10.5220/0006516901780184
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA 2017), pages 178-184
ISBN: 978-989-758-267-7
2017 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
health and summarize the most significant
gamification elements which are a mix of game
mechanisms (e.g. points, badges, leader boards,
rewards) and game experience design elements (e.g.
countdown, storyline, discovery, quests and
challenges, levels) in non-game contexts
(McKeown, 2015). A mean of promoting
competitions is making tasks and outcomes visible
to other users (Park and Bae, 2014). All these
gamification strategies aim to increase long-term
engagement/motivation and make (physical)
activities more pleasant for the users.
In the present project, an occupational and
physical therapy-based training module for
prevention and facilitation of mobility and
flexibility for people at the age of 65 and older is
developed based on two qualitative user studies. An
Information-Communication-Technology (ICT)
based system with a Microsoft Kinect sensor is
installed at the user’s home using their own TV set,
showing a motivating avatar who gives feedback
and tips on general health awareness and health
literacy. In order to explore user requirements and
needs for the training program, two user studies
were conducted using a qualitative approach prior
to the development of the system.
Various studies have shown a correlation
between beginning age related limitations of
physical activity and mobility with multimorbidity.
An akinetic lifestyle has a negative impact on the
cardiovascular system (Wei, 1992), the
musculoskeletal system (Plaumann and Walter,
2008) and the respiration system (Heinhold and
Plesch, 2004). Tschannen and Gertsch
investigated the positive influence of active
mobility of older adults on self-esteem, identity and
independence, and further implications for social
inclusion and integration. Additionally, activity
reduces the risk for age related depression
(Gallaway et al., 2017).
A positive effect of exergames could be shown
in the past by van Diest et al., (2013). Larsen at al.
(2013) have performed a meta-study and could
derive a positive effect on balance, agility and
motivation by increased mobility in old age from 7
out of 8 considered studies. Nevertheless these
studies have also shown that systems currently
available on the market are not sufficient to ensure
large and sustainable effects on health.
To determine user requirements regarding the
physical training program, a qualitative approach
was used: (i) a focus group with 14 participants
discussing major needs and requirements for the
training and (ii) a mock-up study with seven
participants investigating design and understanding
of interface design ideas.
Participants of both studies were healthy older
adults from the age of 60 living independently at
home and interested in the participation of the
physical training program. Thus, results of our
studies presented here can only be interpreted with
regard to a motivated group of people willing to
increase physical activity levels. For an adequate
training participation, “healthy” was defined by the
following exclusion criteria: (i) Participants should
not take regularly medication which influences
balance or coordination in a way that it prevents
them from participating in the present study; (ii)
participants should have no other un-treated
psycho-neuro-motoric diseases; (iii) participants
should not have visual or hearing impairments
which could interfere with performing the training
program; (iv) participants should not have any
chronic diseases which are incompatible with
performing the training program and (v)
participants should not have any self-reported
problems with balance.
All participants were from the same rural region
in Austria and recruiting was supported by the
regional project partner “Mühlviertler Alm”.
The focus group study was the first qualitative sub-
study in the project investigating major user needs
and requirements for the physical training program.
A semi-structured interview guide dealing with the
topics leisure activities, sports, use of technologies,
use of technologies in the area of leisure and
mobility, expectations and needs for the training
program, expected benefit and reasons participation
in the project was used. An example question was:
“Please describe your experiences with home
training videos or home exercises.”
All participants were informed in detail about
the procedures of the study. They were asked to
sign an informed consent before the start of the
group discussion. The study was submitted to the
Ethical committee in Upper Austria.
3.1 Methodology Focus Group
In a first step, audio material from the focus group
was transcribed and amended with the notes of the
focus group moderator (CO) who was an expert for
user centred studies. Secondly, the transcribed
material was analysed with the comparative content
analysis method (Coenen et al., 2012). In this
method, data is organised in categories respecting
also frequency aspects of the qualitative data.
Categories were further splitted in main issues and
meaning units. A disadvantage of the focus group
methodology is that not all participants equally
responded to the same questions. Thus, results were
not representative for the whole discussion group
(Goodwin and Happell, 2009).
3.2 Focus Group Results
Overall, 14 (4 female, 10 male) older adults
participated. All but one participant were already
retired and mean age was 67.2 years (SD = +/-3.9).
3.2.1 Leisure Activities/Sports
In general, the focus group participants were active
in terms of leisure and sports activities. More than
half of the participants go cycling (8; 57%) and
hiking (7; 50%). Five participants (36%) go
routinely for a walk and four participants (29%)
conduct regular physical trainings with specific
YouTube videos at home. Further activities (each
activity was named by one person; 7%) were
swimming, dancing, skiing, tennis, cross trainer and
martial arts.
3.2.2 Motivation for Physical Activity
The participants’ reasons for physical activity were
quite broad and go beyond the straight definition of
physical activity. One male person said “You feel
better afterwards. Everything is much easier.”
Motivational reasons for being physically active
were self-perceived/self-reported increased well-
being (3; 21%), physical fitness (2; 14%),
improvement of sleep quality (1; 7%), maintenance
of body weight (1; 7%), need for movement (1;
7%), psycho-hygiene (1; 7%), knowledge about
positive effects of physical activity (1; 7%),
corporate feeling (1; 7%).
3.2.3 Technology Experiences
Some participants used technology for supporting
their physical activities. Only two persons (14%)
used a smartphone application with reminders and
monitoring of running/walking, one person (7%)
uses a step counter app and another person uses a
step counting wristband. Two persons use YouTube
videos for physical training at home, one person has
once used a game console together with
grandchildren for a physical activity game.
3.2.4 Expectations Training
Eight participants (57%) explicitly refused
gamification elements: five persons (36%) wish to
see their personal training score/training
development only. Three persons (21%) explicitly
emphasize that they do not want comparisons in or
between the training group and all other participants
of the focus group agreed. One male participant
I don’t like such networking processes within the
group because then a pressure to perform arises.”
One person stated that it would be ok if this
comparison would be anonymized. Further, a need
for assessment of pain during the training was
pointed out (2; 14%).
Regarding the expected benefit of the training
program, five older adults (36%) reported a holistic
health awareness meaning the program should
recommend health related issues for a healthy life
style as well. One female person said:
For me, it (the program) raises awareness that
physical activity is something important for us and
that we all can do something on our own to remain
our personal health and stabilize a given
Respectively once other statements were: fall
prevention, increase of mobility, increase of
balance, increase of coordination and physical
resilience, corporate team feeling and motivation to
For the training program two persons wish for
an individually adaptable training. Other
requirements for the training vary from person to
person: various exercises, feedback for
improvement, exercises should be chosen by
experts for physical training/physiotherapists,
exercises with bottom-up difficulty levels,
recommendations for exercises without program.
Concerning the interface design the
requirements differ between the participants. Ideas
for the appearance of the avatar or the design of the
main menu vary significantly between the
participants. There are also some participants who
would like to exercise with music.
In a second step, a mock up study was done in order
to evaluate attitudes and user experience of first
designs of the interface and elements of the training
program. Further, the mock-up study should reveal
deeper insights into motivational gaming aspects of
the training program presenting specific designs.
4.1 Methodology Mock up Study
Participants were a “sub-group” of the prior focus
group study and therefore, they were again
interested users of the training program recruited
from the rural region in Upper Austria. After
showing design elements and mock ups, we asked
open questions about their first impressions towards
these mock-up designs with regard to six different
domains: interface design, design and appearance of
the training (presentation of the training person),
appearance of the avatar, voice of the avatar,
motivation/gaming design and interaction/gestures.
4.2 Mock up Study Results
Seven participants (5 male, 2 female; mean age 65)
took part in this study. All participants perceived
the interface design to be clear. Readability and font
size were satisfying to all participants. Only one
male participant (14%) had further suggestions for
the design of the menu buttons since he did not like
the form of an arrow: he suggested a square form
For the presentation of one’s own person in the
training program preferences differed significantly.
We presented three different design forms with and
without the nature background.
Figure 1: Person’s presentation design A.
There were two preferences (29%) for design A
(Figure 1) and design B (Figure 2), respectively,
and three preferences (43%) for design C (Figure
Figure 2: Person’s presentation design B.
All participants had difficulties in correctly
interpreting the meaning of the colours of the
person’s presentation through all designs. Also the
different sizes of the bullets of the persons’
presentation in design A was not clear for the
participants. Through all designs there was no
overall preference for the neutral grey background
compared to the nature background.
Figure 3: Person’s presentation design C.
For the appearance of the avatar the participants
had very different views. We presented younger and
older avatars, as well as male and female ones. In
general, three participants (43%) preferred a
younger avatar (2:1/m:f) and four participants
(57%) preferred an older avatar (2:2/m:f).
Concerning the avatar’s voice, we presented
four different female and four different male voices
related to rate of speaking. There was no distinct
preference for a distinct voice but the participants
clearly preferred a slow pace.
Since the Train and Win program should also
increase the motivation of the older adults to
exercise, the participants were asked about their
impressions about five different designs for
feedback presentation of the training course. No
participants could interpret the meaning of these
designs correctly: Nevertheless, three participants
(43%) preferred the landscape motivation design
(Figure 4) because of the clear meaning of a
progress in the training. Two participants (29%)
found the idea of activated individual music after a
successful training stage interesting.
Figure 4: Landscape Motivation.
Since the interaction of the users with the
system in this training program will be based on
gestures, we also presented four different
possibilities for use of the program and interface to
the participants. The gesture “Six Buttons” was
clearly preferred by the majority of the participants
(4; 57%). Here the users had six different menu
boxes which they could select with their left or right
hand and confirm by closing their fist.
In contrast to published literature (Brox et al., 2013;
Strand et al., 2014) and contrary to our
expectations, gamification elements were refused
by a majority of the participants in our study. The
low technology usage in our participants was
similar to some studies in literature: for example,
Charness and Boot (2016) reported about only 10%
of American older adults aged 65 and above who
use game consoles, such as Playstation or Nintendo
for example. According to De Schutter (2011),
older adults played PC-based casual games such as
puzzle games or digital versions of card/board
games, since these games do not demand for a high
cognitive effort of learning. As a consequence of
few experiences with game consoles and other
physical training related technologies, our
participants expected a traditional physical training
program related to their previous experiences
regarding sports. Hence, comparison of training
scores was also declined.
Further the high activity level of the participants
of the focus group has to be considered with regard
to the expectations for the training program as well
as the rural area they live in which facilitates
outdoor social group activities and might be another
aspect of explanation of the results of the discussion
group. The results of the focus group show the
diversity between older adults. Although all
participants are from the same region and very
similar in age, their attitudes, technology
experiences and needs for a training program differ
significantly and can only be addressed with a very
individual training program and well adapted user
interface design.
Individualization of design and exercises of the
training was relevant for all participants and was
already reported in similar studies (Skjæret et al.,
2016; Uzor and Baillie, 2014). Uzor and Baillie
(2014) also found a stimulating effect on
motivation, if training process and progress were
reported. The participants concluded that a physical
training program should also include various
aspects of a healthy lifestyle such as nutrition or
psycho-hygiene. Furthermore, there was a need for
a variety of exercises in order to keep motivation
Expectations concerning design of the
representation of the own person in the training and
appearance of the avatar varied a lot. Preferences
regarding a female or male trainer should be
respected for motivational reasons. Concerning the
person’s representation in the program a long-term
study could show whether these preferences consist
over time. A limitation of our studies was that the
participants could not experience the representation
during an active training session. Thus, it could also
be argued that imagination was impeded and the
passive observation of the figure was not reliable
enough. Furthermore, the presented user studies
have limitations regarding the small sample sizes
and the lack of geographical variation of the
The reported studies aimed to assess users’ needs
and requirements for a physical training program
based on the Microsoft Kinect and an Avatar acting
as a virtual trainer. Results of both studies show that
the participants have very different ideas about the
physical benefits of the exercises and expect
improvement of various health related issues such
as nutrition or psycho-hygiene. Since one of the
objectives of the Train and Win project is to address
and implement various health related aspects, these
expectations of the participants will be met.
Focus group results and mock up tests clearly
showed that the participants refused gamification
elements of the training program. Development of
the training program has to consider the very
traditional expectations of the participants towards
the training and neglect typical exergaming
elements such as competition between participants
or graphical rewards.
Both user studies showed that attitudes, needs
and technology experiences differ significantly
among the participants. Consequently, some aspects
of the training program, such as exercises, design or
representation of the own person have to be
individually adapted to ensure high user acceptance
and use of the program.
Based on the results of these two studies, the
technical system will be developed. Within the
planned project, 30 participants will actively use the
training program at home for eight weeks. Each
training session will last about 30 minutes. An
evaluation study is planned to measure the
outcomes of the training regarding physical activity
and well-being of the older adults.
This project was partly funded by the Austrian
Research Promotion Agency (FFG, grant number:
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