Longer searches look for information in the TPC-H
tables with the largest number of information
(Lineitem, Orders, Customer, Supplier). It is
understandable that the search time is longer when it
is necessary to look up information in the tables with
largest number of rows. We also verify that queries
with aggregations have the slowest execution time.
Based on the experimental results, it is possible to
verify that MemSQL stands out, with a 92%
improvement over VoltDB. As mentioned in section
3.1 in MemSQL, when a new search is received on
the system, it checks if there is already a hash code,
then it reuses the previously compiled code, passing
the parameters to the already compiled code,
significantly reducing the processing time. Due to this
distinct feature, the query execution time of
MemSQL queries are smaller compared to VoltDB.
In this way it was verified that the two NewSQL
engines are fast to present the results of the searches
but the MemSQL was able to surpass the VoltDB in
all the searches as we can verify in Figure 5. The
VoltDB being a system based on the memory, uses
the memory on the computer considerably, and
consequently led to longer execution times.
Today information is vital for organizations that have
multiple data sources and systems to store them.
However, there is a huge problem due to the massive
quantity of data inserted in the databases, that causes
poor query performance and worse data analysis.
These problems highlighted the advantage of
NewSQL databases by providing increased
throughput, and improved performance, solving also
storage problems. With this it is possible to solve the
current storage problems, but also fix some flaws that
exist in other database systems, that is why NewSQL
databases are designed to be scalable and support
large amounts of data and remain efficient.
During the evaluation of the tests, only Q19 was
not possible to execute. Therefore, it is possible to
verify that NewSQL systems use considerably the
primary memory to perform searches. To obtain good
performance it is necessary to have a computer with
good processing and storage capacity that contributes
to the better results of NewSQL databases.
We can conclude that MemSQL NewSQL engine
behaved better than the VoltDB for 1GB of data.
Moreover, MemSQL use standard SQL, without the
necessity of queries rewriting, while in VoltDB it is
necessary to rewrite the queries. For example,
VoltDB does not support the date type, but only the
timestamp date type.
As a future work, we intend to evaluate other
NewSQL database engines and comparing the
performance with traditional relational databases,
such as MySQL or PostgreSQL. We also intend to
increase the scale factor of TPC-H using a database
size of 10GB and more.
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