a partial use case model, aiming at being explicit on
the enterprise-software alignment that in turn builds
upon the weaving of context-awareness and privacy
at the enterprise modeling level.
For this reason, we are not going to address in the
current paper the elaboration of use cases as well as
the further software specification reflected in
behavior+states modeling and classification.
Interested readers are referred to (Shishkov, 2005)
where this is considered and justified by means of a
case study.
In this paper, we have considered in general the
alignment between enterprise modeling and software
specification, fueled by the SDBC Approach. In
particular, we have addressed the challenge of
weaving context-awareness and privacy in the
enterprise models, such that context-awareness and
privacy are then reflected accordingly in the
specification of software. We have partially
demonstrated our way of modeling by means of a case
example featuring land border security. Hence, the
contribution of the paper is two-fold: (i) We have
contributed to the research concerning enterprise-
software alignment, by studying how particular
desired values (such as context-awareness and
privacy) can be methodologically reflected in the
specification of software. (ii) We have directed the
current research to the border security application
domain where context-awareness and privacy are of
great importance, especially if they could be reflected
in the functionalities of the (technical) systems
facilitating the border control. As future research, we
plan to consider a large-scale border security case
study assuming software development activities.
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